A Brand New Ending

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A Brand New Ending Page 5

by Stephanie Rolls

  “Easy boy,” I hear her breathe into my mouth.

  Looking down, I catch a sight of her perfectly manicured regions, underwear obviously not a concern for her. Pushing my fingers between her lips, she moans with pleasure.

  “You like that?” I call out to her.

  “Don’t give me that shit,” she says, rolling her eyes. In one motion, I push two fingers inside of her forcefully, making her gasp.

  “Fuck!” she screams out.

  I smile widely, she rolls her eyes again in response. Her wetness and warmth encase my fingers as I slowly pump them in and out of her. Her hips are now bucking, her hands grabbing at the few things still on the desk.

  “Fuck me,” I hear her beg.

  “I thought women didn’t like to fuck pussies?” I tease, knowing it will piss her off.

  “Oh, fuck off…” She laughs and I pull my fingers out from inside her, now leaning over her body now so that our faces are parallel.

  “You know you want it,” I say just above a whisper.

  She gets a pouty look on her face and starts shaking her head. I take myself in my hand and push the tip between her lips, moving it back and forth on top of it.

  “How about now?” I ask coyly.

  She bites her bottom lip but doesn’t respond. I take my cock again and push just the tip inside her, her wetness more apparent. I don’t say anything, just cock an eyebrow.

  “Fine!” she finally screams. I just smile, waiting for her to say it. She rolls her eyes once again. “I want you to fuck me!” she screams at the top of her lungs, everyone in the bar probably hearing it.

  As soon as those words leave her lips, I push inside of her. Her arms come up around my neck and interlock behind me. Using my hand to hold onto her, I thrust, both of us moaning in unison. She feels incredible, the sensation almost too much to handle. We both fall silent, only the sounds of whimpers coming from her. As I continue to move, I reach down, hooking her around her back with my bad arm, lifting her midair, her legs now hooked around me again.

  We remain upright somehow, while she now bobs up and down on me. It feels beyond fucking incredible. It’s apparent that she knows what she is doing, which turns me on in a weird way. Her moves are fast and I know that my release is not far off. Setting her back down on the desk, I thrust with all my might, our kisses becoming more animalistic, both of us at our breaking points. Just after a few more seconds, she cries out, her body rigid, her hips lifting off the surface of the desk.

  I hold onto her hip bones, fighting back my urge until she is finished. Once she falls silent again, I thrust one more time before quickly removing myself from inside her and release into my hand. I bend over until I finish and the room falls silent. She shimmies off the desk and picks her top and pants off the floor.

  “There’s a janitor sink over there,” she says, pointing into the corner.

  Picking up my jeans from around my ankles with my wounded hand, I shuffle over to the sink to clean up. When I finish, I walk back to her.

  “Shit,” she says, looking down at the missing button on her jeans and proceeds to look for it on the floor. I just smile. Leaning over, I grab a safety pin from the floor, fish the fabric through of her jeans, and fasten it shut.

  “What are you? Fucking MacGyver?”

  I lean in to kiss her but she stops me by putting her hand on my chest.

  “I’ll call you, alright?” she says, before slipping out from under me, heading straight for the door, slamming it shut behind her.

  Sighing, I button up my jeans and grab my shirt and overcoat from the floor. Leaving the office, I take a gaze down the hallway - no one in sight. Slipping out the back door, I make it out of the alleyway and onto Market Street. My hand is now burning. There’s one more stop I need to make for the night.

  Shutting the door to the taxi, I arrive at the hospital. Walking through the automatic doors, the hospital is frenzied, typical for a Friday night. My hand is now aching like a son of a bitch and blood is seeping through the gauze. Hitting the button for the elevator with my elbow, I wait for it to recall back to the lobby floor. When I hear the doors open, I step inside, hitting the second floor button. When I reach the floor, things seem to be a little more relaxed than the previous. As I walk past the nurses’ station, a curly-haired women points to a door.

  “Thanks, Sue,” I whisper before heading in that direction.

  Using my hip, I push open the door, seeing a hunched over mass behind the desk. He picks his head up, pushing the sliding glasses up onto his nose.

  “Evening, son,” he says, a smile on his face as he pulls himself away from his desk.

  “Don’t get up,” I say, ushering him to remain sitting.

  “Nonsense.” He waves, getting up anyways. He walks over to give me a hug.

  “Good to see you,” he says, releasing his arms from me, putting his hands on either side of my shoulders.

  “I just saw you two days ago.”

  He pats my shoulder before letting go.

  “So what can I do for you? You don’t come down to my office too much,” he states. I hold my gauzed hand up, giving him a small grin. He gets a concerned look on his face.

  “Are you alright?” he asks, taking my hand in his.

  “It burns like a motherfucker but yeah. I think there might be a piece of glass in there still.” I say. Walking over to a counter, he puts on a pair of rubber gloves.

  “Don’t use that language, Braeden,” he says softly before starting to unravel the gauze. “I thought someone who is in the medical field would wrap a wound better than this.”

  I laugh. “Let’s just say it wasn’t me.”

  When he gets all the gauze off, he tosses it in the trash.

  “Yeah, there are a few shards in there.” he says as he pokes around the open wound. “Sit,” he says pointing to the empty chair.

  I do so, sliding into one. He grabs a pair of forceps and begins picking out the pieces of glass, slowly. When he finishes it, he re-wraps it with fresh gauze.

  “Do I even want to ask how you got glass in your hand?” he asks.

  “Probably not,” I admit.

  He puts his tools away and walks back over to me, leaning against the edge of his desk. I look up at him.

  “So, how’s work been?” I ask him.

  “Extremely busy,” he sighs. “Something about winter time….”

  We both fall silent for a second. I get a chill, like the temperature in the room suddenly dropped.

  “I heard you were the attending physician for one of our new patients,” I say, trying to be nonchalant about bringing her up.

  His face gets serious. “Phoenix…yes.”

  My heart skips a beat, the feeling making me nervous. Just hearing her name affects me.

  “How is she doing?” he asks.

  I shrug.

  “She only came in a few hours before my shift ended and, let’s just say, it was less than pleasant.”

  “That’s only natural.”

  “I know,” I say, holding back what I really want to ask. We both fall silent again. My insides turning, wanting to know everything about her.

  “There is just something about her…” I say just above a whisper, so low that I hope my father doesn’t hear.

  “Braeden,” he says, making me snap my head up. “I know that she is just another patient but I must ask something of you.”

  I stare at him confused.

  “I fear that she is not the only one harming herself,” he says heartbreakingly.

  “Why makes you think that?” I ask, starved for information.

  “When she was admitted to this hospital, her mother and stepfather came to visit. Luckily, I happened to be in the room at the time. I observed them.”

  He pauses. I almost scream out for him to continue.

  “Phoenix was extremely distraught after the incident, like any human being would, but something about her changed rapidly when they walked in her room. She became rigid an
d the look on her face… I’ve seen it before. On victims of abuse. She was terrified,” he resumes.

  A wave of anger comes over me.

  “What can I do?” I ask.

  “I have a feeling that they may show up at the hospital, please just keep a watchful eye,” he answers.

  He looks at the clock on the wall.

  “Well, I need to get back to work,” he says, leaning his body off of the desk. He gives me another hug.

  “Love you, son,” he says.

  “Love you too, Dad,” I say as he pulls away.

  I walk out from around the chair, heading towards the door until I hear my father speak again.

  “Braeden?” he calls out.

  I turn around to face him again, my back to the office door.

  “Tread lightly with Phoenix, son,” he says. “Some people don’t want to be saved.”

  I don’t respond, but nod my head slightly before pushing the door open, heading back through the hospital and into the cold morning light.

  Chapter 11


  Forty eight hours. It’s seems like an eternity. I lay in my bed, the room completely black. Rain is snoring lightly, the sound somewhat of a comfort to me. To know that I am, for once, not alone.

  Knowing that I won’t be getting any actual sleep for some time, I get up out of my bed, put on a pair of slippers and pull open our bedroom door, the soft glow from the hallway light illuminating my face.

  “Be safe.” I hear Rain say. I just smile, knowing better than to think I could get out of here undetected.

  “I’m just going for a walk, be back soon,” I whisper back.

  Shutting the door slowly behind me, I look in both directions, a pair of unfamiliar eyes looking back at me. An older woman with grey hair gives me a small smile from behind the nurse’s counter, clearly my disturbance deterring her from her work. I give one in return and head toward the day room. I finally have time to observe my surroundings for the first time since I’ve been here by myself.

  As I saunter down the hallway, I keep close to the wall, my right shoulder scraping across it as though it is there to support me. There are security cameras everywhere, observing every angle of the floor. I’m shocked I hadn’t noticed them before. A feeling of panic sets in. I wouldn’t be able to hide even if I wanted to.

  I walk faster down the hallway when a door to my right flies open, my body slamming into something hard. I fall backwards, my butt hitting the cold tile floor. Looking up, I see a figure standing over me. Something makes me shift my eyes from the figure above and into the room it just exited. It’s dark, but some light is shining into it, my eyes meeting the face of another young women wrapped up in a blanket on her bed. The look on her face is something I am familiar with. Fear. Terror. Just as I get a good look at her, the door slams shut. My eyes shift from the room back up to him. Rain’s words enter my mind. The Devil.

  I go to scramble to my feet, a feeling in my gut telling me to get away from him but I am frozen in place. He just continues to stare down at me, his eyes following down the length of my body. Before I can scramble to my feet, I feel a pair of hands helping me up. I get up on my feet, my eyes boring into him. Once I am vertical again, he quickly steps out and around us. As he walks away, he pulls his ID tag on over his head, running his fingers through his hair as he rounds the corner and out of sight. I look over to see who it was that helped me up and I am met with a pair of soft eyes. Standing beside me is a young boy, who I am guessing is around sixteen years old. He gives me a soft smile and I notice that he is still holding onto my arm, making me feel slightly panicked.

  “Are you OK?” he asks softly.

  I nod, swallowing the lump in my throat. I instinctively pull my arm away from him, even though his touch is nothing but gentle.

  “I’m Liam,” he says, still continuing to smile.

  “Phoenix,” I say, giving him a small awkward wave.

  Neither of us speaks for a second.

  “Thanks for helping me up,” I say, realizing how rude I am being.

  “You’re very welcome,” he says as he folds his arms behind his back.

  I gnaw on my bottom lip while we stand in the hallway together, not knowing what to say next. I’m not used to these social situations.

  “I was just about to go get myself a cookie, would you like to join me?” he asks softly.

  “Sure,” I squeak out.

  He starts to walk down the hallway again and I follow behind him quietly. When we reach the patients’ kitchen, Liam reaches in, grabbing a container. He pulls out two cookies, putting each of them on a small napkin. Turning around, he hands one to me and then heads out. He walks into the day area and sits down on one of the couches. I follow, setting myself on the one directly across from him. I can feel myself becoming fidgety, my elbows resting on my knees. I hesitantly look at my cookie. Liam is already almost done with his. He looks up, realizing I am staring at him. He laughs lightly.

  “These are my favorite. Just about the best thing in this place.” He smiles. “Braeden always makes sure we have plenty of them on hand.”

  I widen my eyes, my heart races just hearing his name. I look down at my cookie, my fingers picking at the corner of the napkin.

  “So, you know Braeden?” I ask, trying to not sound over eager.

  “Yeah, he has been really good to me since I’ve been here. Kinda think of him as a big brother,” he says, smiling. I gnaw on my lip some.

  “If you don’t mind me asking, how long has that been?”

  “Three years.”

  I just look at him, his face blank.

  “Isn’t that hard? Don’t you miss your family?” I ask. He shakes his head.

  “Being in here is better than being out there,” he says, looking out the closest window. “It’s obvious that my family doesn’t care about me. It’s been about two and a half years since they last visited me.”

  My heart aches for this boy. He is younger than me by a few years but he seems so much older. More mature.

  “So, what are you in here for?” he asks, eating the last part of his cookie.

  A cold sweat breaks out through my body. I hesitate to answer.

  “Don’t worry, Phoenix, I’ve heard it all. And I promise you that there are crazier people in here than you.”

  I chew on the inside of my lip.

  “I tried to kill myself,” I admit, an odd sensation of relief coming over me.

  He doesn’t ask any more questions about it. I slowly nibble on my cookie, the taste somewhat comforting. Something normal in this crazy place. Liam perks up, looking at something behind me. My heart begins to race as I slowly turn in my seat, my eyes finding an unfamiliar massive figure towering over me.

  “Hey, you two, did you save one for me?” his voice booms, the white of his teeth bright because he is smiling so hard.

  The figure moves out from behind me, walking around and takes a seat on the couch beside me. He looks at me, the smile still on his face.

  “You must be Phoenix.” He waves, almost like a small child would. “I’m Donovan.”

  I smile back at him.

  “Nice to meet you,” I say quietly.

  We all fall silent and I just keep my eyes on my cookie, pulling the chocolate chips off and eating them one by one. Donovan and Liam talk, and I sort of phase in and out, my stomach feeling like it’s been turned inside out. Then, suddenly, Donovan moves, his arms flailing up in the air in what I assume is part of the telling of an embellished story. My body reacts and I flinch, a whimper leaving my throat. I just look down at the floor, feeling the burn in my cheeks, completely embarrassed.

  “I’m so sorry, Phoenix,” he says, the tone of his voice apologetic. “I should know better than that.”

  “It’s OK,” I mutter.

  I keep staring at the ground, contemplating just getting up and heading back to my room.

  “Well, I gotta go finish my rounds. Your man Braeden decided to call in sick
,” he says to what I am assuming is Liam.

  I snap my head up.

  “Is he OK?” the words flowing out of me before I can stop them.

  I look out from under my hair; Donovan looks back over at me, the smile back on his face.

  “Yeah, he was just a little under the weather.”

  “Oh,” I respond.

  “Nice to meet you.” He nods, and goes to get up slowly from the couch. “Goodnight, Phoenix.”

  “Night,” I whisper.

  It’s just Liam and I again and I can hear the rain hitting the roof top, the melody it creates is quite calming. I hear Liam yawn, looking at the clock on the wall. He stands up from the couch, stretching out his body.

  “I am going to try to go back to bed,” he says. “I think the voices have all gone to sleep.”

  “OK.” I respond.

  “Do you want me to walk you back to your room?” he offers. I smile.

  “No thank you, I think I am going to stay out here a little longer.”

  “OK, night,” he says.

  “Good night, Liam, and thank you.”

  “Anytime,” he says before walking out.

  I am alone again. Usually this would scare me, never knowing what may lie ahead of me or what mood my stepfather would be in. It was always a convenient time for him, my mom was never home when he usually came home from the bar. But tonight is different and that makes me smile. In a place where I truly know no one, I feel the most at home.

  Chapter 12


  I lay awake in bed, it now obvious that I’m not going to get any sleep. I sincerely regret calling in sick, knowing that I will do nothing but stir all night. My body begs for sleep but it never comes. I turn to my side, watching the clock on the wall tick away.

  Sighing loudly, I throw the covers off of me and get up. Grabbing my uniform, I throw it on and head into the bathroom. I splash cold water on my face with my good hand, my other one still wrapped tight. I open my medicine cabinet, intending to grab my glasses, but then remember their fate. Phoenix. Like I could have even forgotten about her. Slamming the cabinet door shut, I grip the sides of the sink, anger and fury filling my body. She’s just a girl for Christ’s sake. How can everything remind you of her? I look up again at myself in the mirror, remembering what my father said. Some people don’t want to be saved.


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