A Brand New Ending

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A Brand New Ending Page 18

by Stephanie Rolls

  “So, how are you feeling?” he asks me.

  “Good,” I lie. I’m scared shitless. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t believe me.

  “So, as you can imagine I had the same discussion with Braeden, even though it’s really none of his concern.”

  “I want Braeden to know everything, he’s important to me.”

  “I think I’m beginning to gather that,” he grins. “Now, I know that I have already mentioned that you are more than welcome to stay with me. But I want you to make that decision without the pressure of Braeden present.”

  I stand there silent for a few minutes, my mind racing in a million different directions.

  “Okay,” I say only above a whisper.

  Dr. Harris nods. “I know that this is a tough time in your life right now, Phoenix, but things will get better. I can promise you that.”

  I start to gnaw on my lip. “I don’t…have…anything,” I say nervously. “I can’t just live in your house and expect you to pay for everything.”

  “I was thinking that we could make a deal.” He laughs lightly.

  My heart begins to race.

  “The hospital can always use volunteers.”

  “Uh, I don’t have any hospital training,” I explain.

  His smile stays.

  “I know that. I was thinking you could help with visiting patients. Move around items, deliver flowers.”

  I smile.

  “You want me to be a candy stripper?” I ask.

  “I don’t think it’s been called that for quite some time, but essentially yes.”

  “OK,” I agree.

  “And, as we discussed before, I think it would be in your best interest for you to continue to seek therapy.”

  I nod. He claps his hands together.

  “And in return I will pay for anything you absolutely need. But anything more than that will have to get my easily persuaded son to buy.” He laughs.

  “I can get a job,” I explain.

  “Maybe someday Phoenix, but as of right now I want you to concentrate on getting things in your life in the order you want them in.”

  This overwhelming sensation to hug him flows through me but my muscles remain in their frozen state.

  “I have no words to express how deeply appreciative I am, Dr. Harris,” I utter.

  He continues to smile and shakes his head.

  “And that’s one more condition…” he says.

  I become confused.

  “I am forbidding you from calling me Dr. Harris in my household. From now on it will only be Neil.”

  I fly my hands up to my mouth.

  “Oh. Well…thank you, Neil.”

  “You’re very welcome, my child,” he responds.

  I slowly make my way out of his office and when I get the door closed I find myself leaning against it, letting out the breath I didn’t know I was holding in. I look up to see Braeden leaning over the counter talking to Chelsea, her hand on his shoulder, both of them laughing. I can’t help but watch them, it making me smile in return.

  A few moments later Braeden’s eyes find mine, his smile widening. He says something to Chelsea and then makes his way towards me. I can smell him instantly, the woody aroma taking me back to my father’s house. Home. When he reaches me he immediately runs his finger across my cheek and I don’t recoil, surprised at myself.

  “Are you OK?” he asks.

  “I’ve never been better. Thanks to you,” I say as I lean up on my tippy toes, placing a small kiss on his lips.

  Chapter 35


  When Phoenix’s lips hit mine a rush of pleasure runs through my body and I have to stop my hands from wanting to run themselves all over her. This is going to be a test of my patience. Moments later she pulls back and I inwardly whine. I can see the red spreading across her cheeks, and I am beginning to think she feels the same when we do this. Reaching down I interlock my fingers in hers.

  “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” I whisper close to her ear.

  She responds with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. We make our way out of the series of doorways and hallways. I’ve been in this hospital millions of times but I’ve never been in such a hurry to get the hell out of here. I can see the front door in sight and my heart starts to race. Freedom.

  As soon as that thought enters my mind I feel Phoenix stop dead in her tracks, a heavy anchor in the ground. I stop in front of her, my face finding hers. She looks terrified.

  Reaching up I brush my finger along her cheek.


  But not even my sentiment snaps her out of her comatose state. Her hand clenches onto mine tighter and I become surprised by her strength. Instinctively I follow her eyes and then I see it. Her demon.

  Just outside the hospital front door there are two police officers and Carl in handcuffs. I instantly become outraged that this piece of shit is still here, but a small part of me is happy that I get to see his miserable face as he is being shoved into the back of the cop car. I think I even find myself grinning ear to ear as I notice the obvious pain on his face, a large bandage wrapped around his head. But my mind switches back to Phoenix. I step in front of her, essentially protecting her from his harmful glare.

  “Phoenix,” I say sternly, her eyes finally looking back at me. “I want you to go back to my dad’s office and I want you to stay there until I come get you, do you understand?”

  She nods her head as I slowly release my fingers from hers. I watch her walk away until she is out of sight. Jingling the keys in my hand I veer off to the right and out the employee’s exit, finding my father’s car instantly.

  Hitting the unlock button on the fob I slide into the driver’s seat. I go to start the engine but instead I grasp the steering wheel, my mind overtaking my ability to move. I start to think how I could run him over with this beast of a car. My father has impeccable insurance. I wonder if he would fly up and over the hood or if his body would be mangled underneath.

  I shake my head as I scare myself with my own thoughts. Putting the car in reverse I back out of the spot slowly and round the corner of the hospital and I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding. The cops, the car and Carl are all gone. Good fucking riddance. Pulling up under the overhang I put the car in park and shut it off and head back inside for Phoenix. When I reach my father’s office again I see a large man standing in front of it, my father talking to him. I start to pick up my pace.

  “What’s going on?” I ask to both of them, wondering who will answer me first.

  “Just protocol,” the tall man says. He doesn’t have to even tell me he’s cop, I can just tell.

  “They had a few last questions to ask her before you two left.”

  I huff. “Yeah, speaking of leaving….why was that asshole still here? Wasn’t he supposed to have been gone days ago?”

  “I don’t think that’s any of your concern, son,” the cop responds.

  “Don’t fucking call me ‘son’,” I snap back at him.

  “Braeden,” I hear my father say but I don’t peel my eyes from the blockhead standing before me.

  A few seconds later the door opens, another cop exiting, Phoenix following behind him at a slowed distance. I push myself around them, grabbing her face in my hands.

  “Are you OK?” I ask her softly.

  She just nods her head but remains silent.

  “Are we done here?” I say harshly, not wanting her to suffer through another moment of this shit. The one that was interviewing Phoenix nods his head.

  “If we need anything else for her we have her contact information.”

  I can feel Phoenix tense up. With our hands still intertwined I pull on her, making her feet move.

  “I’ll see you both at the house,” I hear my father call out from behind us. I wave my free arm in the air silently telling him OK. We walk the same path to the front door again. She is moving slowly so I drop my hand from hers and instead slide my arm around her sh
oulder pulling her in close, silently telling her that I will protect her no matter what.

  “He’s not here anymore, Seraph,” I bend down and whisper into her ear. “He’s going to spend the rest of his miserable life behind bars. Paying for what he did.”

  She looks up at me and I give her my best reassuring smile. I get lost in the depth of her eyes, both now a mixture of terror and excitement.

  “He’s gone,” I repeat as I lean down, placing my lips against hers, thirsty again for that feeling. When it starts to become overbearing I pull back.

  “Let’s get you home,” I tell her.

  “Home,” she says softly. “I like the sound of that.”

  We make it to the front of the hospital and I reach down, opening the passenger door for her. Sliding myself into driver’s seat I start it up, pulling slowly out, the hospital getting smaller and smaller in the rear view mirror.

  Chapter 36


  Watching that hospital get smaller in the side mirror was one of the best visions of my life to date. For once I feel optimistic. When I saw Carl being ushered into the police car, I was terrified. I could feel his eyes boring into mine and it felt like every scar on my body had been immediately ignited. Fear flooded my mind again. What if he gets released? What if they don’t believe my testimony? What if he escapes?

  Before I had time to talk myself out of this nonsense, every muscle in me froze. I hated that he still had this effect on me. But just like always, Braeden was at my side, always so in tune with my emotions. When the police officer came into Neil’s office, I started to panic but I swore I heard Braeden’s voice telling me to calm down. I found myself zoning out through most of it, answering the man’s questions with short answers. When he asked questions about my mother’s whereabouts I remained silent. In truth, I didn’t care at the moment.


  I must have zoned out for most of the ride because a short time later, Braeden pulled the car into a steep driveway. I didn’t realize how nervous I was until I looked down, my hands white knuckled against the leather of the seat. I found myself frozen again. Before I realize it, Braeden is on my side of the car, his hand held out for me to take.

  “Phoenix?” he states, noticing my zombie state.

  I look up at him and I find myself staring in his eyes and I swear they are even a deeper green than usual.

  “Are you ready?” he asks.

  I nod my head. Braeden leans down and into the car, his long arm reaches around my torso and unhooks my seatbelt, his upper body hovering over mine. All I can do it stare at his muscular arm wrapped around me, the way his shirt clings to his upper back. Once its unhooked he leans back up and then takes my hand, lifting me out of the chair with ease. We walk together, hand-in-hand, out of the garage. The door shuts automatically behind us.

  The house is all white and I see that there is a large porch on the back, adorned with multiple rocking chairs. A thought of Braeden and I sitting hand in hand in them invades my mind. I can’t help but smile. Braeden slides the keys into the lock in the side door, pushing it open and ushering us inside. I scan the rooms as I walk through each of them. The house is minimalistic without a lot of clutter but it’s warm and inviting. Much like Neil and Braeden. When we reach the living room, Braeden stops. I can tell that he is a little bit on edge at the moment but he’s trying to hide it.

  “So…this is home. Well, my old home,” he says as he scans the room.

  “It’s really nice, Braeden.”

  “Yeah…it is,” he responds, his voice flat.

  I get the sense there is something he’s not explaining but I choose not to push it. Moments later I hear a car door slam and jump instinctively, a small squeal escaping my lips. Braeden squeezes my hand.

  “It’s just my dad, Seraph,” he assures.

  I hang my head a little.


  I feel his finger slide out under my chin, making me look at him.

  “Don’t ever apologize,” he explains. “Especially for something that is so far fucking out of your control.”

  “OK,” I say softly, still wishing for a day where I won’t jump at every single noise.

  A few seconds later, I hear keys being jingled and the front door being pushed open. Dr. Harris approaches us with a smile, which instantly warms me.

  “You two doing OK?” he asks.

  “As good as can be expected I guess,” Braeden answers sternly. “How’d you get home?”

  “I took a cab,” he explains.

  A twinge of guilt flows through me. Always putting others out.

  “I’m sorry,” I blurt out.

  Braeden shoots me a look. I mutter another “I’m sorry” before I even have time to catch it.

  “You gotta make her stop apologizing for everything while she’s here,” Braeden says, a curvaceous smile coming across his lips. He looks over at me and winks.

  “Well, I’m starving,” Dr. Harris says while looking at Braeden. “Why don’t you go make us something while I show Phoenix her room.”

  Braeden starts to object but the silent look his dad gives him shuts him right up. He lets go of my hand and gives me a smile, then heads into the kitchen. I look back up at Dr. Harris.

  “If you wanna follow me,” he says before turning around and heads up the stairs.

  As I ascend them I can feel my heart racing, everything so foreign. When we reach the top there are three rooms, two of them are closed shut. We walk down the hall, Dr. Harris remains silent until we reach the only open door. He clears his throat before speaking.

  “So, this will be your room,” he explains letting me enter first.

  My eyes well up with tears instantly. The room is absolutely gorgeous. It’s small but it feels inviting. In the direct middle is a queen-sized bed, the comforter adorned with pink flowers.

  “I hope you like pink.” He smiles.

  The rest of the furniture is a simple painted white, making the room seem vibrant. I stand facing away from him, trying to talk my body into getting a god damn hold on its emotions.

  “I know that it’s not much right now but I figured you could make it more personable,” I hear him say. “I had Chelsea pick some things up and they are all in your closet.”

  I finally spin around the face him.

  “I don’t even know where to start to thank you,” I choke out. “It’s a thousand times better already.”

  “Well, that makes me happy,” he responds. “But, just remember, we have a deal.” I nod. “I know that this is not very conventional. But I want you to feel safe here. My room is downstairs, far enough away for your own privacy but close enough in case you need me for anything.”

  “Thank you Dr. Harr…Neil,” I say as I catch myself.

  We then both hear a collective banging of drawers and plates and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Maybe we should go help him,” I suggest.

  Neil nods and we both start to make it back down the hallway, my eyes falling upon the two closed doors as we pass them. When we make it back to the kitchen, it looks like a tornado went off.

  “Do you know you don’t have shit to eat in this place?” Braeden says, to what I am assuming is his father. Neil grins and looks down at me.

  “I guess I’ll have to go shopping huh?” he smiles.

  I just smile in return. On the table is a large salad and a few sandwiches. Impressive. We all sit down at the table and eat in silence, my stomach thanking me for the nutrients. It may be only a salad and half a sandwich but it’s a thousand times better than the food served at the hospital. After a few minutes I hear a phone ring, Neil sighs as he pulls it from his pocket.

  “Dr. Harris,” he answers.

  I can hear murmurs on the other end but try my hardest not to eavesdrop. He hangs up, taking another big bite of his food before standing up. He walks over to a pad of paper and starts scribbling something down. He rips the piece off and hands it to me.

  “I have to hea
d back into work for a while, here are the hospital’s numbers, I am always reachable,” he explains.

  “OK,” I respond, getting a huge feeling of déjà vu.

  “I shouldn’t be too late,” he explains. “But if I am, I want you to set the alarm if you become worried.”

  “Thank you, Neil,” I explain, feeling as though the words are so inadequate.

  “It’s my pleasure, Phoenix.” He smiles before taking another bite from his standing position. He turns to face Braeden.

  “Make sure you show her how to set it and remember that you have class in the morning. Professor Waleton has been nice enough to let you make up what you have missed because of the circumstances…”

  Braeden just nods and, like a whirlwind, he is gone again. The room falls awkwardly silent again and I start shoving forkfuls of food into my mouth, realizing that I am alone with Braeden. No one else around. No nurses to pop in at any moment. I can tell even Braeden is still a little on edge.

  “This is really good,” I finally say, my mouth still a little full.

  It makes Braeden smile. “Thanks.”

  Things fall silent again for a moment. Why does this feel so weird?

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Braeden asks, the question throwing me off guard.

  “Of course,” I answer sort on confused. Maybe he’s changed his mind about me. “Do you not want me to stay here?” I ask, my nerves becoming uneasy.

  “Well, as much as I would love for you to be with me always, I know this is what’s best for you.”

  “Maybe we can have a sleepover sometime,” I suggest, feeling the burn in my cheeks as soon as the words leave my mouth.

  Braeden smiles wide, making my look down at my plate. “I’d like that.”

  I finish up my plate and get up from the table, picking up the rest of the dirty plates on the way. Braeden immediately stands up and I have to hold back a flinch.


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