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Church Page 1

by Michelle Hughes


  © 2017 Michelle Hughes / Tears of Crimson

  First Edition

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  Tears of Crimson Publishing

  27687 AL Hwy 22

  Verbena, AL 36091

  Tears of Crimson

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

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  Church/ Michelle Hughes. -- 1st ed.

  ISBN-13: 978-1546611172

  ISBN-10: 1546611177


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14



  About the Author


  “I have something to trade!” His voice sounded like a croaking frog because my hand was wrapped around his throat, squeezing. I tried to convince myself going to prison wasn’t worth the few minutes pleasure I’d take strangling the life out of him.

  “I want the fucking money, Deshawn, and your ass rotting in prison as a reminder of what happens to idiots who betray me.” Pushing him hard, I watched as he fell on his ass. Instead of standing up and showing some balls, he knelt there in his weakness, pissing me off even more. Outside of a traitor, I hated nothing more than weakness. I had the sudden urge to choke his whiny ass again.

  “I don’t have it.” The fucker lowered his eyes like some damn pussy. “I’ll get it. I promise. Until then, she will be my collateral.” He fumbled in his back pocket pulling out a wallet, then took a picture out, holding it up.

  Like I had trouble getting women in my bed. “You want to offer some whore as a guarantee?” My chuckle wasn’t laced with humor but incredulity. Not only was he a thief, but also stupid.

  “She’s a virgin and my best friend.” He sounded hesitant about making the offer and I didn’t know if he was a sincere or trying to make me fall for more bullshit.

  “Let me get this straight. You want to offer me some innocent to fill my bed until you pay me back?” What the hell was a virgin going to do for me in the bedroom? Deshawn was obviously desperate and the only reason he wasn’t sitting in jail was because my private investigator concluded he had accomplices, and he wasn’t giving them up. Walking over, I snatched the photo from his hand.

  The green-eyed, blonde haired beauty was something to look at. I could enjoy a tumble in the sheets with her, that’s for sure. Virgin? Doubtful. A woman that looked like her? No way had someone not tapped that gorgeous ass before. “What game are you playing at now? Who is this bitch?” I was pissed that the woman in the photo was something I wanted. What I wanted? I took!

  “Her name is Ashley, and she moved in with me a few months ago after finishing business school.” Deshawn was talking fast, and there was no doubt he was nervous. Embezzling two-hundred-thousand dollars from my company meant he could see up to twenty years in jail. “She’d do anything for me, I’m the only friend she has in New York.”

  “You’d hand over her virginity,” I sneered at the idea of the woman being pure, “to save your ass?” If it were true he was a colder sonofabitch than I was, but I doubted there was anything innocent about her.

  “It’s all I can offer. All I ask is you not hurt her.” Fucking unbelievable! He offers the woman up, if his words are true, as some virgin sacrifice and asks me not to hurt her?

  “You’re a real piece of work.” Looking him over like the piece of shit he was, I thought about what he was offering. My investigator wanted to bleed out the other people involved in the embezzlement, and I needed Deshawn in my back pocket not warning them off as he did that.

  “I’m not lying about her being a virgin.” I was stroking my chin and could only assume he saw I was thinking about his offer.

  “Here’s my deal. You take it or get ready for the handcuffs. Get off your fucking knees first, act like a man.” The wheels in my head were turning fast, and I hoped I didn’t live to regret this shit. “You said the woman finished business school, you get her in to interview with me. If I decide she’s worth fucking, I’ll consider this deal.”

  “I’ll make sure she shows up.” A few drops of sweat dotted his forehead and I wanted to punch him in the face for being so weak.

  “You don’t say shit to her about this or about the money you stole. If you do, the deal is off. You’ll pay every fucking dime back you stole from me, too, understand?” Let him think it was about the pussy, I knew the real reason I was letting this happen. I wanted him leading my man to the other’s involved. The minute I had that information, I was turning them all over to the police.

  “Promise me you won’t hurt her. Ashley’s a good girl. She doesn’t deserve this.” Now, he gave a damn about the girl? I wasn’t going to let him sleep easy at night.

  “I’ll do whatever I want to her. If she agrees to be my property, I’ll make her pay for your deeds.” He opened his mouth to argue, and I held my hand up, glaring. “Get the fuck out of here before I have you thrown in jail.” Deshawn looked like he wanted to argue, but turned away and walked out my office door.

  I looked down at the photograph of the woman and felt my cock harden. If she was his friend, as he claimed, then I’d find out what role she played in stealing from my company. She had better hope she pleased me, because I wasn’t known to be a kind lover on the best of days. I fucked hard and enjoyed a woman who liked it rough. The beauty staring back seemed all prim and proper. If she wasn’t the whore I thought her to be, I wanted to dirty her up.



  Blowing a wisp of stray blonde hair from my face, I looked back in the mirror, not impressed. My hazel eyes are probably my best feature, but my face is a little too round. Makeup isn’t a huge thing for me, and I feel like I’m looking at a stranger since I bothered to put on some for this interview today. An interview that I wouldn’t be having if it wasn’t for my best friend.

  Deshawn had been good to me, giving me a place to stay until I got my feet up under me after graduating college. He kept me sane during finals, and even tried to help me come out of the shell I’d built up around myself. It was impossible to turn him down, but something was off about this job opportunity he’d gotten me.

  I never thought I could be friends with a guy, before Deshawn. He was the one man I never had to worry about putting the moves on me. He was flamboyantly gay, and the only friend I had in this city. The warnings about his boss were odd. Apparently, he was some billionaire with an ego problem.

  I was a transplant from Alabama, here to New York and it was a culture shock. I was still afraid to go out on my own at night here. It had
only been three months, though. Without Deshawn, I’d probably be huddling in a corner in this lavish penthouse he was allowing me to share. Not that being a hermit here was a hardship, his home was incredible. How he scored this place still confounded me. He’d only been out of school a year longer than me.

  “You know I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t need to, right?” He’d changed a lot from that outgoing man I’d spent three years in college with. He seemed overly stressed and always on edge about something he wouldn’t discuss. Anytime I asked, he blew off my concerns and said it was just work. Now he wanted to pull me into that scenario?

  “I love and trust you, so I know, but you seem so miserable there.” I didn’t understand what could be so bad about working for a multi-billion-dollar real estate company, but it had pulled the joy from my friend’s eyes. It was almost like this man was a stranger, and sometimes it frightened me. What would happen if Deshawn decided he didn’t want me in his life anymore? He was all I had!

  “It’s not all bad. Look around you! We’re living in paradise with every material thing you could dream up.” His half smile said something different than his words, almost like he wished he could give it all up.

  That was crazy, though. We’d become friends in college because we were in the same boat. Poor college students attending on grants without parental support. Both of us worked full time jobs and struggled while eating ramen noodles and peanut butter sandwiches to make a better life for ourselves. At least one of us was making it. I got to ride along on his coattails. We swore one day we’d be so rich that we could eat steak every night.

  “I agree. You’ve got the perfect life so why are you so unhappy?” I was one of the few people that defended Deshawn in school. Homosexuality still wasn’t accepted in Alabama, even if people wanted to say we were growing more open minded there.

  “I’m not unhappy, but there are things you have to give up living this way. Learning to cope would be a better description.” For a moment, he smiled and I felt like I had my best friend back. It was a fleeting moment, though. “Just remember that when you meet Mr. Church today.” Instantly that look of concern was back on his face.

  “You act like the man is going to lock me in a cage.” I laughed at the thought, thinking his boss must be one intense person for him to be this intimidated.

  “Probably nothing that severe.” That attempt at a reassuring smile he gave made me cringe. “Just be on your best behavior with him, and no matter what he says don’t take it to heart.”

  Now I was scared. I didn’t do well with the opposite sex, outside of Deshawn, and that was because I knew he didn’t see me like a normal man. The thought of sexual intimacy turned me off. Men were pigs and I didn’t need to be a mind-reader to know that. My whole life I’d seen how they looked at my breasts instead of meeting my eyes. I’d developed early and hated my body because of it.

  The other girls teased me mercilessly because I was a thirteen-year-old with adult-sized breasts. The boys made bets behind my back about who could feel me up. I learned to stick my nose in a book and ignore the world around me. Thankfully they stopped growing and I was a normal sized woman now, but that stigma never left me.

  “Don’t worry, Ashe,” Deshawn winked. “I’m sure the novelty of you being innocent won’t intrigue him long.” My eyes widened at his words, wondering what the crap that meant.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” I turned so he could zip up my dress, one he’d bought for me and now I wondered if it was to impress his boss. It was understated elegance for the office and white linen. I was more comfortable in jeans and T-shirts but knew I had to dress professionally.

  “Forget I said anything. I’m just worried you won’t appease him. Answer his questions, and let things go where they will. You’ll be fine. Now hurry up before you’re late. Church won’t tolerate tardiness.”

  “Fine, but we’re talking later tonight.” I glanced down at my ‘seen better days’ watch, and turned when he had me zipped up. I wasn’t sure my Mary-Janes coordinated well with the expensive dress, but I hated heels.

  Deshawn kissed my cheek, and I grinned at his wild business attire. Mr. Church couldn’t be all bad if he allowed Deshawn to wear matching makeup with his favorite fuchsia tie. “The driver should be out front, now move your ass, girlfriend.”

  That was the Deshawn I loved. Grabbing my purse, I followed him out the door, into the elevator and eventually out to the waiting Uber driver. A few positives about this interview was if I got the job, I could share a ride with him every day and I wouldn’t have to mooch any longer. He squeezed my hand and held it as we got stuck in the crazy New York traffic.

  Pulling up in front of the fifteen-story skyscraper I’m not sure if I’m intimidated, or impressed. Architecturally it’s stunning, but the steel and glass are imposing to someone who spent the last four years at an Alabama university and the other eighteen in a small isolated town a few hundred miles away. I can’t imagine working here.

  Deshawn paid off the driver, and wrapped his arm in mine leading us toward the huge entrance. The people all seem so serious as they enter, some yelling into cell phones, and others looking frayed, much how my best friend did lately. I was out of my league, and felt like everyone around me could feel it even though no one spared me a glance.

  We stopped at a huge desk spanning the full length of the room and Deshawn explained that I was meeting Church today for an interview and needed a pass. The well-manicured woman gave me a pitying look, and I bristled. She didn’t think I fit in here, either, obviously, and my self-confidence, which was already non-existent, dwindled to approaching panic.

  “Good luck.” Her saccharine-laced voice made me want to flip her the bird, but I’d been raised better than that. Forcing a wide smile back, I was glad Deshawn put his hand on my back to lead me off to the right where eight chrome layered elevators waited.

  “Never show fear, Ashe. These people will eat you up and spit you out if you do.” That old ‘fake it until you make it’ saying filled my mind, and I lifted my chin, proudly. Inside I was shaking like a leaf and wanting to run back to the sanctuary of Deshawn’s home. I wasn’t a coward. Even if I was, I’d never let anyone prove it. I’d made perfect grades in college, and had a business degree, I was the perfect intern for this job! Demanding myself to believe it, I hoped I exuded the confidence I didn’t feel.

  We rode up to the top floor, and I refused to acknowledge the nervous butterflies in my stomach. This was just a job, and if I didn’t get it? I’d find something else. Unfortunately, jobs in this city weren’t easy to come by, and even the temporary service hadn’t been able to give me many assignments. Deshawn asking me to come here as a favor was probably the best chance I had.

  I stepped out onto gleaming marble white floors. Everything looked so modern and clean, that I worried my shoes would scuff the tile. Another perfectly groomed woman sat behind a huge desk and looked up in aggravation as we approached until she saw Deshawn. A smile lit up her face, making her seem more personable.

  “Deshawn!” She walked around the desk, and quickly hugged him and gave me a somewhat less dazzling smile. “I’m so glad you’re here, he’s on a tirade today. The Kawamoto deal fell through due to some scandal.” Her voice lowered to a whisper and her eyes flicked back to the closed doors behind her nervously. Everyone seemed terrified of this man.

  “Should I reschedule Ashe’s interview?” He shot a frantic look from me to her and I felt my nervousness increase more.

  “No!” she screamed, then lowered her voice again. “He’ll fly off the handle if everything else doesn’t go along to plan today. I hope you warned her of his volatile mood swings.”

  “Is he dangerous?” Deshawn hadn’t mentioned anything of that nature, and I wasn’t sure I needed a job that bad. I couldn’t live off my best friend forever though. Still, I didn’t relish the idea of some temperamental psycho hurting me.

  “Not physically, mentally, he can drive you to the edge of madness
.” The woman stuck out a manicured hand, “I’m Gretchen Roberts, his Majesty’s secretary.” Her smile seemed more genuine until she turned back to the door with a grimace. “I’d better announce you.”

  She did that and the deep voice demanded that Gretchen send me in. Immediately a chill moved down my spine. Frozen to the spot, I wasn’t sure I could go through with this. “Deshawn?” My voice trembled and I hated the fear I felt.

  “You’ve got this. Imagine he’s Professor Bates.” The eccentric old man we’d had for English Lit had been a reincarnation of Hitler, all the students joked. Bouts of rage would erupt if his questions weren’t answered quickly enough, and he didn’t mind slamming his hand down on a table to enunciate his point. “Call me when it’s over.”

  I had no choice but to accept my fate as Gretchen walked over to one of the double doors, holding it open for me. Clutching my purse with one hand, I walked through and caught my breath at the enigmatic man sitting in front of dark lacquered desk. “I don’t have all day.” I wanted to run away from this beautiful man but my feet walked toward him and I stood waiting for him to invite me to sit.

  “Ashley Mulder,” I offered, holding out my hand when he didn’t speak. His cold blue eyes took in every inch of my body and left me feeling naked and vulnerable. Instinct told me to look away, but I lifted my chin and stared back.

  After a few seconds, I dropped my hand, wondering if he planned to stare all day. “That’s very rude, you know?” Crossing my arms over my breasts, I glared even though my knees were shaking. When he didn’t respond, I decided I’d had enough. Turning on my heel, I was ready to walk away, until his voice stopped me.

  “Have a seat, Miss Mulder.” His tone was half demand the other seduction and I’d never been more confused in my life because I did exactly what he asked like a trained puppy. “Deshawn gave an adequate description. Give me your background.”


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