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Church Page 5

by Michelle Hughes

  She looked even sexier with her hair all mussed and the flush of passion coloring her cheeks. “You shouldn’t have done that.” I knew she was embarrassed but I felt she needed a reminder of why she was here.

  “I will please your sweet little pussy whenever I choose. Unless you want to go to work with all that cream running down your legs, I’d advise you get that cute ass out of bed.” Turning away, I walked to the bathroom, not waiting to see if she followed or not.

  Eventually she’d learn I always did what I wanted. She’d dragged the sheet around her and met me in the bathroom and I shook my head. “Sweetheart there’s nothing you have that I haven’t already seen.” Snatching the sheet, I tossed it in the laundry hamper and turned her toward the shower. I couldn’t resist landing a small smack on the heart-shaped ass. It really was beautiful.

  She turned her head to glare at me, but started the water. I waited until she was underneath the hot steam to join her and her eyes widened incredulously. “Can’t I at least shower on my own?” I loved her pissed off. It was like an angry kitten showing her claws.

  “What you do in your own room, is all you.” She attempted to step out of the shower and I pushed against the stall. “You’re already here. Now, let’s clean you up.”

  I was getting hard again and I swore my cock had an instant radar for her. I bathed her with more gentleness than my hands wanted to allow and took a few advantages with those delicious breasts until I’d turned her on. I wanted to fuck her more than anything else. I slid my hand slid down to her pussy and my finger slid in and she cried out. That ended all that.

  “Shit. Sorry.” I turned away and washed off quickly needing to get away from the temptation that was all Ashley.



  I was sore to the point where even washing made me grimace. I’d lied to myself about not being afraid after having sex, now I was more worried than before. He destroyed my innocence without care and I never wanted to feel that sensation again. I knew it had to get better with time, or no woman would ever have sex, but I didn’t want to put that work in.

  There was no way I could go through that again. I should have left last night. If I could have walked, I probably would have. I don’t have a tolerance for pain, never have, maybe that’s why it hurt so bad. Finishing my shower, I grabbed a towel off the rack and thankfully Sebastian wasn’t in the room. I walked back to my room, correction the one he was allowing me to use.

  I had only one thought on my mind, getting far away from Sebastian Church. I pulled out a dress from my suitcase and my underclothes, dressing quickly. Deshawn could use someone else to pay off his debt, I’d done more than I should have already. The thought of his betrayal ripped a hole in my heart, and I had nothing left. It didn’t matter. I’d learned to live once before and I’d figure out how to do it again. This city, and the people in it could kiss my white ass. New York was everything the people back home made it out to be!

  Packing my suitcase up, I lifted it and walked out of the room, ready to go back where I belonged. Raising my chin, I kept going down the ruby carpeted staircase that looked like something out of Gone with the Wind. There was no gentleman waiting to sweep me off my feet at the bottom of it, though. I stopped when I heard raised voices.

  “He’s going to continue robbing you blind, until you put his ass behind bars, Sebastian. What were you thinking letting him trade off some girl for a debt?” The woman’s voice was shrewd and I shivered. Just her tone reminded me so much of Church’s attitude that I wanted to avoid meeting her.

  “Are you upset that he didn’t offer her to you instead?” Sebastian’s chuckle and choice of words made me want to slap the crap out of him again. “I’ve got things under control.”

  “I’ve stood by your side for a long time, and I’m not abandoning you now. Seriously, though, some virgin ass is worth letting him steal from you?” I was leaving, if Deshawn was who they were talking about, which my instincts told me they were, I wasn’t his bargaining chip any longer.

  “He won’t be using me again.” Deshawn or Church for that matter. Walking in on them, my eyes moved to the redhead who looked polished and poised, both things I knew I’d never be.

  “She’s little more than a child.” The woman looked me over a little too carefully and I took a step back. She seemed to find that amusing as she smirked.

  “Trisha DuPoint, Ashley Mulder.” Sebastian glanced to the suitcase I was holding. “Going somewhere, sweetheart?’

  “Away from you and this insanity.” I dared him to try and stop me. I’d had enough of him and this place to last a lifetime. They could have their big apple. Giving him my harshest look I hoped it melted him where he stood.

  “Isn’t she adorable?” Trisha was a bitch, and I could see why Sebastian seemed friendly toward her. “You won’t be going anywhere until we find out what your role is in this embezzlement.” Her lips lifted in a small cold smile, and there was the same darkness in her gaze that I’d seen in his before.

  “My involvement is being sold as some personal whore by my best friend without telling me what the hell he’d done. I’m done with all this crap. Ya’ll can all go have an orgy together for all I care.” I’d worked hard not to give into the southern dialogue my state was known for, but it slipped out when I was angry.

  “Only if you join in. Trisha’s right, though. For all we know, you’ve been planning this with him from the beginning.” The smirk on his face made me so angry I walked over and slapped him as hard as my hand would let me.

  “I’m done with this. Asshole.” I didn’t like cursing. My granny had taught me that only people with limited education had to result to nasty words like that.

  “If you put your hands on him again, you’ll deal with me, little girl.” Trisha stepped between us and she looked even more menacing than Sebastian. “You can either help us figure out what his next move is, or rot in jail. I personally don’t care which you choose.”

  “The way I see it, you probably both deserve what you got.” I crossed my arms over my chest, refusing to let this woman bully me. I wanted to put this nightmare behind me and work on rebuilding my life. “You do what you need to do, I’m going home.”

  “I didn’t think you were the type of woman to bail on a friend.” Sebastian was a vision standing there in a suit and I hated that I was aware of him as a man after what he’d done.

  “A friend doesn’t turn you over to some jerk to pay off his debts.” I was still heartbroken over that ,but I refused to show any more emotion to this man who only cared about his needs.

  “If you’re determined to return home, I’ll take you. I have a plane standing by.” He turned from me and gave his attention to Trisha. “Hold things down while I’m gone.” The look that passed between them seemed to speak some secret message but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to get out of this place.

  “Fine. I didn’t want to pay for a plane ticket, anyway.” Mainly because the only thing I had now was my granny’s house and a few hundred dollars in the bank. I was going to have to sell her home to live.

  “Keep me updated.” She gave Sebastian a mocking grin before addressing me. “And you. Remember, he’s my best friend if you screw with him, you’ll deal with me. Have a nice flight.” I couldn’t even think of a comeback as she walked away in her designer heels not once looking back.

  “Shall we?” He motioned toward the door, and since leaving was my number one priority I walked toward it and took a deep breath when I was outside. “Did you think I was going to keep you locked away?” He chuckled deeply while walking to his limousine, and I didn’t want to admit I had worried he wouldn’t let me go. “That’s not my style.” The amusement on his face humiliated me.

  It was a stupid thought. The man was walking sex on a stick and I doubted I compared to the women who he was normally with. Not that I cared. He opened the back door for me and I slid into the warm leather seats. Of course, his ride was perfect as the rest of him. I’d ne
ver met a more cocky, condescending man in my life.

  He instructed his driver to take us to the airport, and I looked out the window ignoring him the best I could. “Alabama. Is there anything to do there besides watch football?” Why was he talking to me? We had nothing to say to each other. My southern hospitality wouldn’t let me ignore him.

  “How did you know that’s where I’m from?’ Turning to face him was a mistake, because the man dripped sex appeal. My mouth grew dry staring into those dark blue eyes.

  “I never leave things to chance, Miss Mulder. Besides the fact that you filled out an application, my investigator did a thorough background check. I must say I’m surprised that someone like you would allow herself to be pawned off.” The fact that his beautiful face wore a smirk made me want to claw his eyes out, considering he was the one that used me.

  “It must suck to be worried that every person you meet is out to get you.” Raising an eyebrow and giving him back a little taste of his medicine, I grinned with a false sweetness that would have made any Southern Belle proud.

  “No more than it does to have your best friend hand your body over to pay off a debt.” His smirk deepened and I wanted to hit him again. He was the first man in my life that made me want to commit violence against him.

  “I plan on forgetting that, and you, the minute my feet step on home ground again.” Like most young women my age, I’d been trying to get out of my town from the time I was old enough to realize there was a bigger world out there. Now I swore to never leave that security again.

  “So, you’re going to live there, meet some man and give him a dozen babies? I don’t see you being happy in that lifestyle.” The thought of laying with any man again didn’t cross my mind.

  “I think I’ll become a cat lady. Animals are much nicer than humans.” The truth is I did want a houseful of kids, but I wasn’t planning on suffering through that torment again. “Sex isn’t worth it.”

  He tossed his head back and chuckled loudly. “What we did wasn’t sex, Ashley, it was barely even fucking.” My mouth flew open and I gasped at his crude response. Did he have no filter?

  “How many times do I have to tell you I don’t like that talk?” Sebastian was the rudest man I’d ever met, I would be happy to never see him again.

  “Admit the truth, it wasn’t all bad. You were purring when my tongue slid into your tight pussy. Given a little practice, I’d have you clawing my back in pleasure when I pound into you.” The jerk was laughing at me again. Of course, he thought he could make me enjoy that painful act, the man had no shame.

  “I’m not admitting anything. You hurt me, and any person with the sense God gave them, knows better than to play with fire a second time.” Insufferable, rude, arrogant beast. Did he have no remorse?

  I screamed when he flipped me over on my back, pulled up my dress, and lowered his head to my crotch, licking me right through my panties. “Get off me, you big oaf!” It didn’t help that my words ended on a moan because even with that thin material between us his tongue felt sinfully good.

  Instead of complying, he moved my panties over to the side and licked me bare, and my hips lifted to meet that hot wetness. Instead of smacking him in the head with my fists, I grabbed his hair and held him against me as he plunged in and out of my greedy sex, making me whimper in need.

  As I was right on the edge of falling apart, he lifted his mouth and replaced them with his fingers and entered me slowly with two of them. I was still a little sore but the friction felt deliciously good, and I gyrated my hips to meet the almost gentle push and pull.

  “Tell me you hate this and I’ll stop.” His mouth moved up to my ear and whispered the words as he slowly fingered me.

  “Sebastian.” I was so close and he stilled those long fingers inside, pressing deep. My natural response was to ride them and I tried, but he’d pinned my body in the confined space, making me immobile.

  “Say the words, Ashley. I can make you come or stop. Your choice.” He widened his fingers inside and I bit my lip hard, not wanting to ask for what we both wanted. The contracting of my muscles was trying desperately to pull him in deeper and it was sheer hell holding back when I knew what he could give me.

  “Please.” I hated that weakness, almost as much as I hated him.

  “Please what?” He kissed me, making me taste my flavor on him and like a woman possessed I no longer cared if he won this round. He pulled back meeting my eyes, still embedded deep in my sex.

  “Touch me,” I whispered the words, broken, and aching but I needed to feel that unbelievable pleasure I knew he could make me feel.

  “All you had to do was ask.” He curled his fingers inside me and I came hard over his hand. Whatever bundle of nerves my body possessed there was all it took to send me over the edge of paradise, screaming his name.

  The car came to a stop, and he quickly slid free, adjusting my clothes as he helped me sit up. I sat there in stunned silence, not knowing how I was supposed to feel after what he did. To say I didn’t enjoy it would be a lie, but it was wrong for him to take over my body that way. Wasn’t it? I was trembling at the aftermath of the release he’d given me and so confused that I couldn’t speak.

  “Don’t overthink things. Your body was meant to be pleasured.” Opening the door, he slid out and then extended that same hand he’d just used to bring my body to life.

  The wetness on those fingers spoke volumes about how easily he could manipulate me to his will. I don’t know why I took it and let him lead me outside. I can only say that my mind hadn’t come to terms with the need he brought to life in me. Standing out on the tarmac with him we walked over to his private jet. I grew more shocked by the moment. I pulled back on his hand, marveling at the beautiful craft.

  “You wanted to go home, right?” That familiar smirk made me follow him up the stairs and into a cabin so luxurious it took my breath away. This was nothing like the coach seat I’d flown in to get here.

  There was a full bar, leather couch with several matching chairs, and looked more like a mini-apartment than a plane. “How rich are you?” The question spilled from my mouth before I could think about how rude it was.

  “Money is immaterial.” He smiled at my fascination but then a cold distance entered his gaze. “Take a seat, and let me speak with the pilot.” The teasing Sebastian was gone and rudeness replaced that demeanor.

  For a girl from small-town Alabama this was like walking in a fairytale. His mansion had been impressive enough, but this? It was almost like Cinderella meeting the prince, except he was a jerk and I wasn’t sure I liked him very much. Reminding myself of that, I quickly took sat down on the couch.

  He came back in a few minutes later and I knew this was where we said goodbye. When he sat in the chair beside me, I could only stare at him wordlessly for a few minutes. “Buckle your seatbelt, wouldn’t want you getting jarred around on takeoff.” The smirk was back and I simply stared until I felt the movement of the plane.

  “You’re coming with me?” Rhetorical question since we were obviously taking off and he was sitting right there.

  “It gives us a few hours to talk.” I gripped the armrests of the chair as we lifted into the sky, and my stomach dropped out. I hated this part of flying and closed my eyes tight. “Relax, Ashley. It’s safer than driving in a car.” I wasn’t sure I believed him, but as the plane leveled out, I released my breath.

  “What could we possibly have to talk about?” I’d made it clear I wasn’t being played again. Sebastian and I were incompatible and we didn’t mix. I had to be careful with him because as much as I hated him, my body craved what he could do to it. Outside of the actual act. Even now, I was thinking about him touching me again.

  “I want you to help me stop Deshawn.” I opened my mouth to argue, and he held a hand up to stop me. “From the small amount of time I’ve spent with you, I know you’re a compassionate woman. I’m offering you the chance to set things right and keep him out of jail.”

  “Let me get this straight. You know he’s guilty but you want me to prove it, and then you’re going to let him go? Forgive me, if that doesn’t mesh with the person I think you are.” I had no illusions that Sebastian Church could be a very cruel man, he’d shown me that first hand.

  “You’d be right that I’m not forgiving, but I want you, and I need to put a stop to what he’s doing. The way I see it, I win both ways if you help.” The way his eyes roamed over my body, I knew that he wasn’t lying about wanting me. The reason for that I’d never understand.

  “I don’t think you’re hard-up for that.” I wasn’t saying sex because I didn’t feel comfortable with talking about it. “What is it you really want from me?”

  “Again, you’re right. I could pick up the phone and fuck anyone I know at will. You’re a challenge to me, and I find myself wanting to fuck you every way possible. I’m not a man who likes being denied.” He really was a jerk. I’d turned him down and hurt his enormous ego. I laughed without humor, shaking my head.

  “Do you really think I’d let you hurt me that way again?” I cared about Deshawn, even after he betrayed me, but being at Sebastian’s mercy that way? No, thank you.

  “You have my word that I will never be that careless again. I can make you crave my cock, Ashley. Give me that chance, and if I don’t? I’ll drop the charges on your friend and fire him instead of putting him in jail.”

  “He shouldn’t get away with what he’s done, but I don’t want him in jail, either.” Didn’t that make me a sucker? I tried to be a good woman. It hadn’t really turned out well for me.

  “Then you decide what his punishment will be.” The fact that he was willing to negotiate terms was shocking. He obviously had some huge control issue if a woman turning him down made him willing to do whatever it took to prove his worth. It was almost sad. Almost because I knew Sebastian would end up hurting me, even if it wasn’t physically. I wasn’t sure how to give myself to a man and not feel something for him eventually.


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