Gold Digger’s Demise – The Club

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Gold Digger’s Demise – The Club Page 1

by Rebelman

  Gold Digger’s Demise – The Club

  Chapter 1

  Steve and Matt looked across the big conference table at each other patiently waiting. The flat screen TV that took up almost half the wall at the end of the boardroom hummed quietly while its blue screen tried to lull them to sleep.

  “Always late,” said Steve. He was Matt’s lawyer and friend of almost 15 years, and they both knew before arriving that Kimberly would be late. It was her way of controlling the situation.

  The blue screen flickered and then gave way to the image of an identical boardroom save the different people around the table.

  “Hello,” a man at the head of the table waved at us through cyberspace. “I’m Greg Lawrence, the lead counsel on this case. I will be representing Miss Cross in these proceedings.” He indicated a forty-something woman to his right, and she turned to face the screen.

  Kimberly Cross’ blue eyes seemed to pierce the screen, and Matt had to take a second to recover. She had been a turning point in his life, and now all the horrible things she had done flooded back to him in an instant. The feeling didn’t last though as he was a different person than he had been so many years ago.

  She sat comfortably in her chair, and Matt was surprised how the years had crept up on her. Gone was the youthful beauty of the past, replaced by a graceful, refined woman in her mid-forties. Her hair and clothes were immaculate, and she exuded an air of confidence. Kim’s eyes were a different story. Though a dazzling deep blue, he could see the same cold, calculating hardness of the person he had know so long ago.

  “I am Steve Frought,” his friend said, bringing him back to reality, “I will be representing Mr. Daniels.” Kimberly’s eyes flashed in recognition, and she sat up a bit straighter in her chair.

  “Steve,” she smiled, “So good to see you again.” Her lawyer did a surprised double take at the comment.

  “You know him?” Greg asked in a voice that denoted more than a professional relationship. Kimberly glanced back at him and then returned her gaze to the screen.

  “Oh yes,” she replied, “Steve and I were an item a long time ago.” The lawyer sat back in his chair, and his true feelings surfaced in his expression before quickly being quelled.

  “Well, ok. Let’s get down to business, shall we?” He opened a file and began to concentrate on his notes. “Ms. Cross is seeking her share of the hydraulic velocity fuse that was designed by Mr. Daniels. She feels that a settlement of half the total profit from this invention and a percentage of any future profits will be equitable.”

  “We would like to know what claim Miss Cross feels she has on this particular device,” Steve replied, “Especially since she and Mr. Daniels have been divorced for over 12 years.”

  “My client made several phone calls during the time the fuse was being developed,” the lawyer said, “And they discussed the project at that time.”

  It was a complete lie although Matt couldn’t tell if the counselor knew it or was just repeating Kimberly. The only phone calls she made to him after the divorce were to try to get him to pay the taxes on the house that she had received in the settlement. Matt had never talked to her, but he guessed she figured no one could prove it.

  “That’s interesting,” Steve mused, “She called Mr. Daniels, and they talked about the development of his design?”

  “That is correct,” the lawyer said straight-faced.

  “If you don’t mind Miss Cross, can you tell me what the part is actually called?”

  “It is the DFHVF246.” She rattled off the numbers as if she had rehearsed it.

  “No,” Steve corrected, “not the name it is called now. Tell me the name of the fuse the night before it was sent to patent. Matt changed it to the current name a few minutes before it was submitted.” Kimberly blanched and struggled to keep her composure. Her lawyer looked to her expectantly, and it was obvious he had thought she was filing a legitimate lawsuit.

  When she didn’t answer, he quickly turned back to the screen. “Give us a few minutes please.” He reached for the remote lying on the desk and pushed a button leaving the monitor a familiar blank blue.

  “He’s doing her,” Steve said flatly.

  “He doesn’t even know what she is yet,” Matt agreed. They chatted for a few minutes before the screen changed, and the two reappeared.

  “Mr. Daniels,” the lawyer started slowly as if he were dreading the next step. “We would like to make an offer in compromise for the amount of…”

  “No,” Matt interrupted him. The attorney seemed shocked, as did Kimberly.

  “But you haven’t heard our offer.”

  “I don’t need to,” Matt said, “You have it figured out by now so don’t bother. If she can’t even tell us the original name of the fuse, then there is no point in going any further.”

  “She says you discussed it with her and she offered advice,” he said feebly, “That means she was instrumental in helping with the development…”

  “No it doesn’t,” Steve broke in, “It just means she is a liar and doesn’t have a clue. The reason she can’t tell us the name before the final change is because she never talked to anyone about it. She won’t be able to find it anywhere either since the only copy of the original documents is in my office where they have been the day the patent paperwork was submitted.”

  “In your office?” Kimberly’s attorney was completely frustrated now. “You can’t act as his attorney in this case if you can be called as a witness!”

  “I know,” Steve replied calmly, “But it doesn’t matter since there is no case. Of course if you decide to pursue this frivolous lawsuit, my client is prepared to countersue.”

  Greg's face tightened as he processed what was happening and tried to think of an angle to make this work. He had obviously been lied to, and now he appeared to be looking for a way out.

  “Do something idiot!” Kimberly shrieked at him suddenly. The outburst caught her lawyer completely off guard, and he looked up to see Steve and Matt smiling at him. Flushing red in embarrassment, the anger began to seep into his voice.

  “I need to speak with my client,” he snapped.

  “Take all the time you need,” Matt piped up. “We’re done. See you around Kimmy.” Her face darkened at being called the name she despised. Before she could say anything more, Matt hit the power button on the remote, killing the feed.

  Steve was rolling with laughter so hard it was contagious, and Matt ended up joining in. “The look on her face was perfect!” he said when he had calmed down enough to talk.

  “She won’t quit,” Matt told him as they caught their breath and got up to leave the boardroom.

  “I wonder how many guys she’s done this to,” Steve mused. Matt wondered that as well, and the thought stayed with him as they went to have a celebratory lunch.

  By the time Matt made it to the gym that evening, he had made a decision. He would try to find out just how many men Kim had taken advantage of.

  “Hey you,” Denise said as he increased the speed of the treadmill. They had met a few months earlier, and it seemed their cardio schedule was about the same so every few days they would end up talking as we ran.

  “Hey yourself,” Matt said over the noise of the treadmill as it picked up speed. She quickly jumped onto the machine next to him and within a few seconds was matching his pace.

  Denise had moved to the town months ago, but Matt got the feeling that he was the only person she had met so far. She was about his age and in good shape from the time she put in at the gym. Her smile was infectious, she was easy to get along with, and it appeared they had a lot in common.

  They had gone on a few dates since then, dinner or a movie, but
nothing serious. If their schedules hadn’t been so hectic, he felt they would see more of each other. The two chatted about their day for a few minutes while warming up and then increased the speed until they were too breathless to talk. By the time they reached the thirty minute mark, Matt was beginning to suck air and he was glad when she started punching buttons on the treadmill to slow down. It took a few more minutes to catch their breath to be able to talk again.

  “I have the evening off,” she said suddenly while looking hopeful that he would take the hint.

  “Really? Maybe we should get dinner together.” She smiled brightly and nodded. They agreed on a time, and he headed home to clean up. Matt checked the computer as soon as he got out of the shower and on a whim decided to do a quick search for private investigators.

  There were hundreds listed, so he sent an email to Steve asking if he could recommend anyone and a few seconds later my phone rang.

  “What do you need a PI for?” he demanded as if Matt had withheld critical information.

  “I want to see what Kim has been up to,” Matt told him, “We may not have been the only ones she screwed over.” There was a long pause before Steve answered.

  “Actually, I have been thinking the same thing, so I already found someone to check her out. We may find something we can use in case she tries to come at you again,” he said, “I’ll go in half with you on this since I think it may be worthwhile to find some dirt that will make her squirm.”

  “Vindictive much?” Matt laughed. There was no love lost between Steve and Kim. It seemed her reappearance had quite an effect on him.

  “I just have the feeling she has been screwing over people for a long time,” he replied, “If there are a few more guys out there she fucked over, maybe we can figure out a way to keep her from doing it again.”

  They had been thinking along the same lines, and Matt was glad he wasn’t the only one that held a grudge. He would have been happy to let it go if she hadn’t tried to steal part of his company. He hung up with Steve and began concentrating on his upcoming date with Denise.


  Matt knocked on the door of the apartment and waited for Denise to answer. The complex was new and very nice. The smell of fresh paint was still in the air competing with the aroma of the flowers in the well manicured beds beside the building. The door opened and Denise smiled at him.

  She was wearing a black dress that hugged her curves and accented her full breasts. The bottom of the fabric came to just above the knees and wrapped around her thighs in way that showed the work she had put in at the gym. Matt was in awe and moved to her as she greeted him through the doorway.

  “I’m ready,” she said as Matt approached. He was still feeling confident after the meeting with his ex, and he had a sudden urge to kiss Denise. In the past, he would have been polite and let the feeling pass, but today he felt different.

  Matt stepped up directly in front of her and without hesitation kissed her full on the lips. She seemed surprised, but in a split second, she returned the kiss and they stood in the doorway with her arms around his neck. She pulled him backwards into the room and kicked at the door with one foot without releasing him. The latch clicked shut, and she suddenly broke the kiss.

  “Wait here,” she smiled and quickly vanished into a room off the hallway behind her. He stood just inside the room without moving and took in his surroundings. The new furniture and expensive-looking art around the large living room was an indication of her success in the real estate business. He didn’t know if she had decorated or hired someone, but the room was tasteful and elegant.

  “Matt.” He glanced down the hallway to find Denise beckoning him. She was still dressed the same way with the exception of her hair. Where before it had been pulled tightly back and pinned, it was now loose and flowing. He moved to her quickly, and they met at the bedroom door and kissed again, more feverishly this time.

  She pulled away, taking his hand and leading him towards the bed. She stopped at the foot of it and began unbuttoning his shirt. He reached out to pull at her dress, but she gently pushed his hand away.

  “Let me,” she said seductively as she leaned in and kissed him on the neck while pushing the shirt off his shoulders. He complied as she kissed her way down his body, stopping for a moment longer at his crotch and then continued downward until she was kneeling at his feet. She undid his shoe laces, and he lifted one foot and then the other as she undressed him one article of clothing at a time.

  When he was completely naked, she stayed kneeling in front of him and eye level with his now hard cock. She leaned forward and tentatively licked the head before smiling up at him. Without loosing eye contact, she pushed forward, and his cock disappeared into her mouth. She closed her eyes and began to work in earnest back and forth, building momentum as he groaned and swayed above her.

  After a few minutes, she stood to face him and wrapped her arms around his nude body. She pulled him close and nuzzled her head into his shoulder, simply holding him for a long moment as his hard member jutted out against her thigh. She released him and took a small step back.

  “Now do me,” she said.

  Matt moved forward and tried to decide where to begin. He wanted to rip her clothes off and slam her onto the bed, but it was obvious she wanted him to take his time. She lifted one foot off the floor to let him know what she wanted, and he knelt down to take her foot in his hand. The high-heeled shoe was new and shiny and he couldn’t resist a quick kiss to the polished toe. He slid the strap off the back of her heel and then moved to the other foot. Before long, all her clothes were in a heap on the floor next to his.

  He could smell the light scent of her perfume and feel her soft breasts against his chest as he pushed insistently against her while they kissed. Eventually, the backs of Denise’s legs bumped against the bed, and they broke their embrace just long enough to fall onto the mattress. Matt moved to kiss her neck as she settled onto her back and, with his right hand, began to explore her body.

  He moved his lips across her throat, peppering her with soft kisses as his hands caressed her flat stomach. He was rewarded with a moan as he caught a nipple in his mouth and sucked at it gently. He found the top of her mound with his hand and then the small button that caused her to move and gyrate her hips when he flicked his finger across it.

  A few more strokes and her legs were spread wide, and her breathing was rapid and shallow. He sucked a bit harder at the now stiff nipple before rolling onto her and aligning his cock. He pushed forward and slid in easily as she wrapped her legs around his back to spur him on. Matt tried to start slowly and build momentum, but the excitement was too much and within seconds he was thrusting full force as fast as he could.

  Denise pulled at his back with one hand, and the fingers of the other tangled in his hair as she cooed and moaned. She squeezed tightly with her legs and ground against him as he pounded her hard and fast. With her head back and panting heavily, she felt the first wave of climax reach her, and her body tensed rigidly before shuddering in orgasm.

  Pushed over the edge by her movements, Matt quickly followed. He slammed into her and held his groin against hers, fully inside and connected as he came. The intensity was incredible and he actually felt lightheaded from his release.

  They stayed in that position as the sensations began to wane, and he slid off and lay beside her. He could see her breathing was returning to normal although her nipples were still erect and there were goose bumps on her body. He lay close to her and ran his hand along her stomach feeling her tight muscles just below the soft skin. She caught his hand in hers and rolled onto her side, pulling him against her back in the process.

  “This was the best dinner date I’ve had in a while,” she mused. Matt chuckled, cupped her breast in his hand, and squeezed it playfully.

  “Maybe we can do it again sometime,” he laughed. She giggled and put her hand over his pressing it firmly onto her.


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