Gold Digger’s Demise – The Club

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Gold Digger’s Demise – The Club Page 6

by Rebelman

“Really?” he said as he threw his hands up in disgust, “That’s what you think would do it?” She turned red again and glanced back out the door to the waiting car.

  “How about a quick hand job?” she said hopefully. He simply stared and her shoulders slumped in defeat. “Ok, ok. I’ll blow you,” she said dejectedly, “But it’s got to be fast. My ride is waiting.”

  Jack was quick. He had his dick out in half a second, and she had barely wrapped her lips around it before he was shooting his load down her throat. He drew his cock out of her mouth and grasped the collar of her shirt to wipe it with. Then he took the ten dollar bill and rang up the transaction before handing her the bottle.

  “Best $3.23 blowjob I ever had,” he grinned. Kim’s eyes widened and he could tell the realization of what she had just done hit her. Chip had truly made her a cheap whore. She quickly made her way out to the car and got in without saying anything.

  “That looked like fun,” he said as he backed out of the parking space, “Jack seems to like you.” He smiled at her obvious discomfort and headed back to the house. He still didn’t see the car that was parked across the street.


  Tina had been following the two since Chip had picked up Kim in front of the insurance office. She liked this job, and Kim paid her well so it didn’t really bother her to fly in from Miami to work a few days. She was always reliable, and she always got the shots they needed. It had been tougher on this job since the house was closed up. Weird actually, since a few days earlier the curtains had been open at the house and she would have thought it was going to be an easy job.

  She liked it better when it was quick and easy but when she had arrived yesterday the curtains had be drawn and the blinds pulled too. She had tried to get pictures by finding a crack in the curtains, but even pressing her face against the window glass did not reveal an opening. Usually she could find some angle to get her shots, but not this time.

  It didn’t matter now. She had photos of them leaving with Kim dressed in only a t-shirt and high heels. A closeup of her face left no doubt in Tina’s mind about what had been going on inside the house, and the fact that her employer's hair was a mess was also a clue.

  “What kind of kinky bastard did you get mixed up with this time?” Tina wondered as she saw Kim get into the car at the liquor store. She clicked off a few more shots as the BMW backed away and then checked what she had so far. It was slim at the moment, but if she could add some more pics over the next few days they would have what they needed.

  Suddenly a large hand came in through the open window and grasped her collar. With a quick jerk she was bodily pulled from the car and into the street. She bounced to her feet, but the man was on her in an instant and a big arm wrapped around her throat from behind. She lashed out to gouge his eyes, but his head was just out of reach so she immediately kicked at his shin with her heel.

  It made contact and the man released her long enough to let her turn around to face him. He was a big guy, and he didn’t seem fazed that she had gotten away from him for the moment or that she was squared off and ready to fight. He actually looked amused.

  Standing in a classic karate stance she moved on her toes and lashed a kick at his head. He moved easily out of range and avoided the next two as well. Tina tried a roundhouse to get more distance, but he was ready for it and moved quickly up behind her as she threw it. Her back was to him and she was pushed off balance as her thigh contacted harmlessly with his. The massive arm was around her neck again, and this time, he squeezed tightly without hesitation.

  Tina flailed a few more seconds and tried to kick his shin again to no avail. He was not choking her, but cutting off the blood supply to her brain. She grabbed at him in a weak panic as she became dizzy, and then dropped into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 6

  Stout sat patiently in an old office chair and waited. The unconscious Tina Sims hung before him in the sparse office that had once been a factory of some kind. After knocking the woman out, he had injected her with a mild sedative to keep her sleeping while transporting her. He had just given her a stimulant that would kick in soon.

  He looked around the room to make sure there was no way that she could identify where she was. Jerry had found the building for them, and it was perfect. The old manufacturing facility was miles from the nearest town and no one had considered leasing or buying it for years. The large building was off the main roads and difficult to find even if a person were looking for it, which was probably the main reason it had never sold.

  Stout had cleared out an inner office for his hostage. The room was empty except the chair he was sitting in and a small table he had found. A tall single lamp with an extension cord that disappeared under the closed door was the only other thing occupying the room. He had set up a generator at the back of the building several hundred feet away and even when he strained to hear, there was no noise. Sitting in the shadows, he watched as Tina began to stir.

  She was breathing deeply and her head lolled from side to side. Her eyes flickered half open, and then she was looking around the room, trying to see where she was. The air was stale and musty from the years of neglect and the dust was thick in the room, so it had to appear to her that no one was there.

  Stout continued to watch in silence from the shadows as his captive slowly took in her situation. She tugged at the ropes that held her upright and then tried to move her tied legs to no avail. As her vision cleared, she could see the ropes that held her arms actually went through the ceiling and were attached to something solid beyond her view. The ropes on her legs were tight, and she could see they were attached to D-rings anchored with recently installed concrete bolts.

  The big man shifted slightly in his chair as he watched her become more aware. She suddenly stopped struggling and looked down again, this time at her body. She was completely naked, and the look on her face as it dawned on her was priceless.

  “Welcome back Tina,” Stout said from the shadows. She strained to see who was there, but the light was blinding when she looked in his direction, purposefully so.

  “What the fuck do you want?” she snapped. There was obvious fear in her voice, and she was trying desperately to cover it.

  “Just some information,” Stout replied nonchalantly, “I want to know about your employer.”

  “Fuck you!” she spat angrily, “I ain’t telling you shit, you fucking pervert!” She struggled against her bonds again but they held firm.

  “Ok.” The chair creaked as Stout got up and stepped out of the shadows and into the light a few feet from where Tina hung spread eagle. He moved behind her and undid his pants to allow his cock to pop free. She couldn’t see what he was doing but she heard his zipper.

  “Oh, I get it now. You’re going to intimidate me with your little dick?” She taunted, “Good luck with that, I’m not going to…” Her words died in her mouth as she sucked air and tried to scream. Her ass was being stretched as he shoved something very large into it!

  At first, she though he had gotten part of his fist inside, but then realized both of his hands were on her shoulder. It had taken quite a bit of initial force, but he had managed to pop the head of his very large cock into her ass. She screamed loudly and then gasped for breath from the assault.

  “Holy fucking…” she cried as he pressed against her slowly, “Oh, oh, oh SHIT!” He pushed another inch inside and then stopped. Tina began to shudder in her bonds and waited for the inevitable, but it did not come. The cock was pulled out of her ass just as quickly as it had been shoved in, and she heard him zip up his pants.

  “I have a few things to do,” Stout told her, “But we can continue this conversation later.” Tina said nothing in response and waited to see what would happen next. She watched as he strode to the door and stepped outside for a few seconds. When he returned, there was a small plastic box in his hand. Stepping into the shadows he retrieved the table and set it in front of her.

  He placed the box on the table a
nd arranged it so a small opening faced her crotch. She looked at it curiously and then realized it was some type of air freshener dispenser. Tina had seen them in bathrooms and remembered hearing them go off ever so often to release a scent and keep a room from smelling stale. This room could definitely use one but she didn’t think that was the purpose of this device.

  Stout fiddle with a few dials on the back and suddenly a cold spray hit her pussy. It didn’t hurt, but the cold was shocking, and after a few seconds her pussy began to tingle.

  Leaning down, he grasped her clit and tugged at it. Already sensitive from the spray, and much to her dismay, Tina’s little bud quickly became erect. He took a small clamp with an attached bell and fastened it directly on the nub.

  She shuddered again and the little bell rang, sending shockwaves through her entire body. Tina was appalled by her reaction but rationalized it had something to do with the spray that Stout had dowsed her with. She tried to stay still but even the tiniest movement caused the bell to vibrate, and then it was a chain reaction. The movement wasn’t enough to give her a climax, but it would definitely keep her on edge for a long time. Her only hope was for the spray to wear off.

  She heard the sound of the spray immediately followed by the cold and then the tingle in her now wet pussy. She raised her head to find him looking directly in her eyes. He could see that she was contemplating her situation and how she could get out of it. He silently opened a bottle of water and offered her a drink, which she took without hesitation.

  She started to say something but thought better of it. Stout knew she was tough so there was no reason to stick around. He figured she would soften up in a few hours, and then it would be easier to get any information he wanted.

  He stepped out into the hall and closed the door before pulling his phone from a pocket. Stout stood next to the door as he dialed the number and waited for the answer on the other end of the line.

  “I’m going to need the plane,” he said clearly to the other person that picked up. He gave the details and then walked away sure that Tina had heard everything he said. It wasn’t the first time he had interrogated someone, and he knew how to size people up. Tina was tough and smart so it would take a while to break her. The next few hours she would resist, but eventually she would start to wonder where the plane would be going, what information he wanted, and most importantly, was it worth it to be loyal to the bitch she worked for.

  Stout figured Kim was just at underhanded with her employees as she was with the men in her life. It probably wouldn’t take much to turn Tina against her, but he didn’t have time to sit and chat just now. He would go to Tina’s apartment in Miami and find out for himself exactly who she was firsthand. The group couldn’t let Tina go at this point in the mission, and Stout liked to practice his interrogation techniques anyways.

  It was too bad he had to leave, but there was a lot to do and he was getting paid to get information. He would have liked to been there when the tiny vibrator in the bell came on, but that wouldn’t be for another hour. The look on her face would be priceless.

  He reached the end of the building and stepped outside, making sure to lock the door behind him. The generator purred quietly and he hit the kill switch, plunging Tina into total darkness.

  Stout smiled. He loved the cloak and dagger bullshit.


  Sandra sat nervously in the private plane as she waited for David Johnson to arrive. The trip from Ohio had taken its toll on her physically and mentally. The bus ride had been bad enough but the only hotel she could afford was downright scary. She knew this would be her last chance to make her business idea work, and she was determined to see it through.

  She looked at her reflection in the window and ran her fingers through her brunette colored hair. Sandra had always looked younger than she was, and even now at twenty eight, she sometimes got carded at stores when she bought alcohol. Glancing about the cabin she saw caught the eye of the stewardess and motioned her over.

  “Any idea when he will arrive?” she smiled as if it was no big deal but her nervousness showed.

  “Shouldn’t be long,” the woman replied, “We have word to start preflight now. Do you want another drink?” Sandra politely declined since two was her limit, especially with a big deal on the line.

  Mr. Johnson had called her last week to discuss a possible joint venture with her line of lawn sprinklers. The sprinklers were different than anything on the market because when they popped up to water the lawn, the heads were shaped like little gophers. She had gotten the idea from watching an old movie that featured a gopher running loose on a golf course.

  She had made a few by hand and tried them in her yard with great response from the neighbors so she began working to manufacture them. Her ex-husband said it was a stupid idea, and she had almost begun to believe him. That was until she got the call from Mr. Johnson.

  The stewardess reappeared and moved to open the door of the plane. David Johnson stepped inside followed by a big man carrying what looked like a gym bag. Sandra stood up as David approached and stuck out her hand.

  “Mr. Johnson,” she tried to be very professional, “I am Sandra Day. I just wanted to thank you…” She stopped as David raised a hand.

  “It’s a long flight,” he smiled, “We have plenty of time to talk, but first, I need to catch up on a few things.” He stepped past her and disappeared through a door toward the back of the plane leaving her standing there awkwardly.

  “Gary Stout,” said the big man as he extended his hand toward her. She happily took it and smiled before they settled into their seats facing each other. The plane rumbled and then began to move slowly toward the runway.

  Stout and Sandra spoke for a few minutes about nothing in particular. The weather seemed to be a good topic, and Stout commented that it was predicted to be rather warm in Miami.

  “Miami?” Sandra asked. Stout nodded and was about to say something when David reappeared.

  “Sorry about that Sandra,” he smiled at her, “Pressing business I had to take care of. I hope Gary has been keeping you busy.”

  “Oh yes,” Sandra said happily, “He was telling me we are going to Miami.”

  “I’m sorry,” David feigned surprise, “I thought you received the itinerary. No matter, we’re here now and as you can see,” he gestured around the small plane, “You have my full attention.”

  Sandra took this as her queue and launched into her well-rehearsed sales pitch. She recited market outlooks, projected sales, and estimated costs, among many other facts and figures she thought would be important to an investor. The men listened patiently and intently, nodding occasionally, but never offering a comment or question. It was just as well, because Sandra was so nervous if she had to stop for a moment, she might have lost her nerve.

  “Any questions,” she finally asked. The men sat back in their chairs, and David smiled broadly. He called for the stewardess and asked her to bring drinks as he looked over the paperwork that Sandra had given him.

  “Very impressive, Ms. Day,” Johnson started, “I’ve looked over the numbers and I think you might have a winner here.” Sandra beamed with pride as she took the drink the stewardess offered.

  “In fact,” he continued, “You remind me of Ms. Polson.” He indicated the stewardess and a blank expression suddenly clouded Sandra’s face. “Ms. Polson came to me with an idea not so long ago and it has worked out quite well for her. Tell Sandra about it Nancy.” The stewardess turned to the younger woman and addressed her directly.

  “Three years ago, I came to Mr. Johnson for the startup funds for my business, Polson Aviation,” Nancy said. “The company buys private jets and leases them to companies for the tax benefits. We buy the planes used and refurbish them, including custom builds much like this one.” She looked to David, and he nodded for her to continue.

  “Since then, we have purchased seven private jets for a little more than $47 million. The company made over $17 million last year and w
ill do even better this year,” she was obviously proud of this accomplishment, and it showed in how enthusiastically she talked about it.

  “Don’t be coy,” David chided her good naturedly, “Tell her how much you made last year.”


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