Tainted Rose

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Tainted Rose Page 27

by Yumoyori Wilson

  I froze, shocked at her sudden gesture.

  “Regardless of my husband’s future attempts to try and intimidate you, realize that I support your relationship with my son. Besides, Ryder’s too serious all the time. I wish he took more of my playful side. He’s going to get wrinkles if he keeps constantly having such a serious face,” she joked, but tightened her embrace.

  I hugged her back, allowing my tears to fall. “Thank you for raising such a wonderful man,” I whispered.

  “Thank you, Makoto for loving everything about my boy. I know he isn’t perfect and is dealing with his own demons, but his intentions are pure, and he’d do anything to make you happy.” She pulled away, a tear rolled down her cheek.

  “It’s not even seven in the morning and I’ve made my boyfriend’s mother cry. The horror.” I giggled.

  “You mean future mother-in-law, I hope.” She winked before laughing at my gawking expression. I suddenly remembered about the others.

  “Um...weird question, but how about if I end up loving more than one man?” My voice was small, filled with hesitation as I looked at the floor.

  “Oh sweetie, you mean the other boys? Don’t fret over such human-like morals. Maybe it’s because I’m more in tune with my spirit, but I don’t care about you having multiple mates. With the way Stryker and Azriel fight, I doubt those two would give you up, especially if Azriel has a liking for you. Add that with Elyion and Ryuu and I’d foresee a declaration of war,” she explained.

  “What about Kai?” I inquired, curious as to whether he’d react or not.

  “Kai would win by default if he participated. All he needs to do is pull out the list of favors those boys have collected and you’re his. My son would probably cheat and use his dark flames to revoke him. He has a competitive side to him which he gets from his Father. They both hate losing.”

  All these favors. I’d love to hear all the stories behind these apparent favors the boys owe him.

  She shook her head as she approached the oven, taking the oven gloves to pull out my chocolate muffins.

  “The timer hasn’t gone—” I began before the little white timer began to ring, shaking in place.

  She pressed the button, silencing the annoying sound before placing the muffin tray next to the others to cool; the steam rose as the sweet, chocolate scent sailed across the room; my nose involuntarily took a big whiff. Yum.

  “I used to cook for five never full shifters. A headache I tell you.”

  “Let me guess; Ryder and Daniel playing around, while Marcus laughed at everything, Elias the only one paying attention and Kai sitting in the corner drawing everything out.”

  “You know your knights well,” she complimented.

  “Your Majest—”

  “Please, call me Violet. Such titles are so overused here. Nice to have a change of pace from a young shifter. Everyone else is too afraid to act out. Makes life so boring,” she complained, sighing.

  “I could only imagine. You can call me Mako. Um...I have one more question.” I stood up to face her; my face grew serious.

  She raised an eyebrow, noticing my change in expression.

  “You can ask me anything. What would you like to know?” she encouraged.

  “Why does Ryder believe emotions are a weakness?” I questioned with a stern voice.

  Violet opened her mouth to answer when another voice interrupted.

  “Because a leader doesn’t need such a weakness as emotions bringing him down.”

  We both turned to the entrance way, a tall, bulky man entered the room.

  From the power leaking off his large, built structure to his dark purple eyes, I could guarantee that the older man before me was King Carter of Minato.

  He was six-seven, looking like a giant compared to my height. He had short, black hair combed fashionably to the side and his short, black beard had hints of grey. He only had a few wrinkles where his laugh lines were, appearing older than the queen, who didn’t look older than forty cycles. He wore a simple, black top and black pants, and no shoes as he approached us.

  He wasn’t sporting a simple, gold crown like I’d imagined, but I guessed with his overpowering aura, you’d be a complete fool if you couldn’t guess he was the King.

  “And you must be the shifter who caused that nuisance to pee all over my floor. I had to get the maids to scrub it before it dried, and the stench couldn’t be removed. I’ll admit, I’m impressed,” he commented reaching his wife’s side.

  “Or you can admit that it was the most entertaining showdown you’ve seen in rotations. I saw you struggling. Hiding from that annoying man, like a child. If it wasn’t for the presence of her uncle, you would have laughed your head off.” Violet smirked before leaning on her tiptoes to kiss her husband who didn’t hesitate to return the gesture, giving her a serene smile as they wished each other good morning.

  “He really loves her,” Midnight whispered, emerging in the back of my mind. He truly does love her. You can see it in his eyes and the way he smiles.

  Violet burst out laughing as the King blushed.

  “It seems that habit hasn’t left you,” Violet praised.

  “Uh...did I have it when I was younger?” I questioned, slightly embarrassed by my outspoken thought.

  “Yes. Not as frequent, but you did openly state once that one of the Royals was ugly and in desperate need of a shower to rid his yucky smell.”

  I groaned pinching my nose. Why me?

  The King cleared his throat, reminding me of my question.

  “Thanks for the compliment…I think. In regard to your previous statement, I disagree.” I looked towards him, standing my ground though his power gave me the urge to quiver in the corner.

  When I’d met Winterlya, I knew she was powerful, but she’d kept her aura on lockdown, only a glimpse of it leaked out when she’d cast the spell to awaken Midnight. But with the King, he didn’t just let his energy leak, he purposely boasted it in waves. I don’t know if he did it on purpose or not, but I was struggled to keep my body from shivering.

  He noticed my struggle, smiling before taking a step forward as a challenge – one I was ready to face even if it was a foolish act of defiance. I had spent too many cycles backing down; I made a vow to myself that I wouldn’t do that again, for anyone.

  I bit my lip standing my ground, Midnight edged closer to my mind as we both gazed up at him. His eyes widened for a brief moment before he smiled.

  “You aren’t an ordinary shifter are you, young one?”

  “Of course not. Ordinary is boring. I’m unique and one of a kind,” I boasted, confidently.

  A hearty, baritone laugh soared through the kitchen; my eyes widened, glancing at Violet who looked just as shocked by his sudden laughter.

  “I can see why my son has an interest in you. You’re still the spunky, outspoken child from all those cycles ago. You still remind me of Arthur; though, your defiant nature must be from Catherine.” He chuckled before giving me a light smile as his aura retreated.

  My tense shoulders relaxed, Midnight retreated from my mind. It was becoming stuffy with all this power.

  “I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Alexander Carter, King of Minato and Ryder’s father. It’s a pleasure to meet you…” He introduced himself before trailing off.

  “Makoto. Makoto Heart. Uh...my given name is Rosalina, but I like Mako better. The pleasure is all mine, your Majesty,” I said bowing.

  “Rise Makoto. Bowing is so over-rated,” he replied, rolling his eyes.

  “I told her that,” Violet commented.

  “I’m going to ban everyone in Heila from bowing. It really is bothersome,” I agreed before we all laughed.

  “What’s your opinion on emotions than, Makoto?” he proposed; his voice grew serious once more, but withheld his power.

  “I think emotions make individuals stronger. I don’t see it as a weakness. Sure, there are different levels of emotion and depending upon the situation, they could
be seen as a weakness. But, I don’t think that is enough for them to be considered a weakness altogether. It’s our emotions that drive us. It’s our emotions that motivate us to do good or battle evil. Or even to become evil. But, it’s those same emotions in some that give them the strength to get up and put on a crown and lead their people, who love them. It’s those same emotions that help a father teach a son how to become the best man he could possibly be. How to become a great ruler and follow in his footsteps, even if he has some really big shoes to fill. The Starlight gods gave us such feelings and those emotions to help us grow as individuals. I don’t think it should be frowned upon. To say that one man’s emotions shaped him to become evil and that is why emotions should be seen as a weakness, isn’t a valid reason. Or to say that one man’s emotions are what caused him to lose his life or the lives of others and that is why emotions should be seen as a weakness, isn’t a valid reason. Because then it would be the reason that someone could look at you and say that the love you feel for your wife, for your son, and for your people makes you a weak man. And that’s not what I see when I look at you. And it’s definitely not what I see when I look at your son. So, I disagree with your teachings and think your son would be a glorious king one day using the gift the Starlight gods have bestowed on him,” I lectured.

  Ryder had explained to me his gift – his ability to sense the emotions of others, especially the other knights. I knew it was difficult for him to sort through and control the emotions that filtered through him on a daily basis.

  I could tell that he struggled between controlling his own emotions and not allowing them to be affected by the others. But I didn’t care, I was here for him through the good and the bad and I would remain here for him for as long as the Starlight gods allowed.

  We stood there in silence; my words lingered in the air. I was tempted to fidget in place, but fought the urge, needing to make my point clear.

  I felt a pair of arms embrace me from behind, the intoxicating, rose scent greeted me as my back pressed against a firm, broad chest.

  I looked up, those bright, purple eyes gazed down at me; those devilish lips giving off a prideful smile.

  “I agree. Emotions can either push you to success or lead you to your downfall. It’s up to the individual to decide, the gods as their witnesses. I won’t think of such blessings as a hindrance anymore,” he whispered before his face lowered – his lips met mine as we kissed.

  He pulled away, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Sure, just make-out in front of your in-laws. You’re so good at first impressions,” Midnight praised, her dull, bored tone filled with sarcasm as my eyes widened, and my face burned.

  I looked back at the King who appeared stunned and the Queen whose shoulders shook as she suppressed another laugh.

  “I – um – dammit Ryder!” I cursed, turning in his embrace to slap his chest in embarrassment.

  He laughed, as I continued to hit his chest.

  “This isn’t funny! Stop laughing.”

  “Yes, it is, your face is beet red,” he continued.

  Violet’s laughter echoed as she lost the battle she had fought, joining in with the teasing.“Someone was lost in the spur of the moment.”

  “Ah! So embarrassing.” I placed my head against his chest. I attempted to hide as I prayed to the gods to suddenly disappear.

  “Definitely a breath of fresh air. Well, seeing all this food is making me hungry. Shall we set breakfast up?” Alexander announced with a satisfied smile.

  “OH! The egg soufflés should be ready! Ryder let go.” I pushed out of his embrace before I raced to the second oven, quickly slipping on the oven gloves as I opened it to retrieve the goodies.

  “Honey, Ryder. Why don’t you guys go set the table? Mako and I will finish up here.” She gestured grabbing her apron off the hook. Ryder eyed me, his eyes landing on the apron I wore – his apron.

  I huffed at the smug smile that formed on his face before he turned to face his father who’d been eyeing his wife.

  They both made their way out of the room, my ears perked up as I concentrated on their conversation.

  “I guess I’ve been a bit harsh on you. I’m glad you’ve met someone who loves you whole heartedly,” Alexander admitted; his voice low made it hard for me to pick up.

  “It’s fine Dad...as long as you stop with this absurd game of trying to find me a wife.” He pointed out.

  “I didn’t think it would gather such foolish, low ranking shifters. You’re my son and deserve better.”

  I wanted to continue listening, but didn’t want to intrude any longer till a hand slipped in mine and tugged me forward, Violet’s finger pressed against her lips, signalling me to be quiet.

  I nodded as we reached the doorway before peeking out to the dining room, Ryder and Alexander faced each other.

  “I...aren’t you disappointed?” Ryder whispered, his pained tone hurt my heart.

  “Disappointed? My only son has worked his butt off these past sixteen cycles to find the woman he loves with his fellow knights, while balancing your mission and all tasks I’ve given you thus far. You even brought that feisty woman, who is the perfect person to spice things up in the castle. I know you may assume that we have harsh feelings towards you due to Anya’s kidnapping...but that was out of your control Ryder. Your mother and I will always love you and be proud of the man you’ve become. I don’t want you looking down on your gift. I want you to realize it may sometimes be a weakness to you, but it can be your strength, just as Makoto emphasized. Understand?” He stood there with pride as he stared down at Ryder whose eyes became glossy, looking away before nodding.

  Alexander stepped forward, ruffling Ryder’s hair before pulling him into a hug.

  “You will always be my son and bring joy and change to our realm. We will support you no matter what, so keep your head up high, my son. The Princess can always slap some sense into you if you need it,” he joked as he patted Ryder’s back.

  I hadn’t realized tears overflowed from my eyes and onto the floor as I watched the loving scene between a father and his son. Violet rubbed my back, pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to me. I glanced back at her, those purple orbs filled with tears as she smiled at me.

  “Thank you, Makoto,” she whispered, pulling me into a hug.

  I finally knew how it felt to be accepted by family; the warmth felt as inviting as the sunlight that guided me home.

  Thank you, Starlight gods, for allowing me to experience this moment. May their wounds heal, and they look forward to a better future, their trust lying within you. In stars, we trust.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I reluctantly pulled my eyes away from the page I sketched on, my hand urged me to finish the image of the brunette, blue-eyed shifter who was pinned down by the blonde girl, their lips just an inch apart.

  “Elyion will kill you if he realizes you ended up drawing that.”

  I smirked at my phoenix’s prediction. I didn’t need my gift to know the chaos that would unfold if Elyion got a glimpse of the image. I’m saving it for when he finally has the guts to confess to her and stops letting morals hinder him from love.

  Out of all of our tragic backstories, I sympathized with Elias and Elyion the most.

  I couldn’t imagine being altered into something completely opposite, having no choice but to bear such circumstances for the rest of your life. There was the slight possibility we would find a way to fix him – return him to his original gender, but the chances were so slim that even hoping for such a miracle would be considered a waste of thought.

  It was hard enough to love the same sex, but I bet he struggled with our growing attraction to Mako. Our feelings spilled into the knight bond every time she walked into the room, our bodies hummed with desire and minds craved her exotic voice.

  It only made it that much harder for the fairy shifter. I merely picked on him to keep his mind from the self-doubting spiral he continued to desc
end into when Elias took over.

  “Maybe the Princess can help him?”

  I nodded, my fingers twirled the thin tip pen, anything to distract the itch to continue drawing. I hope so. Out of all of us, he needs closure and salvation from his past.

  I wasn’t one to talk; my own nightmares continued to haunt me day by day. I was glad my hobby of drawing took so much time and concentration, not giving my mind enough time to dwell on the past.

  To be gifted with two skills – the ability of teleportation and foresight, yet I couldn’t stop those haunting events that occurred on that cold, Lunar day. It didn’t matter what path I took or event I altered, death was imminent. Yet, my conscious wouldn’t let go.


  I shook off the dread that clung to me, attempting to pull me down into the dark abyss within my darkened soul. I’m fine.

  I was about to return to my drawing when the entrance lock clicked, opening to reveal an exhausted angel shifter. He closed the door, dropped his bag next to our row of shoes, adding his to the line, before making his way to the living room.

  “You don’t need to train so hard, you know.” I pointed out, returning to my sketch.

  I understood his new determination to get stronger – the guilt of what happened during the exams pushed him to maximize his skills and endurance, but if he wasn’t careful, he’d reach his own magic limit and that wouldn’t benefit any of us.

  “I’ll take the next few days off, seeing as we’re going to be heading to Heila by next week, right?” he inquired, walking to the counter and filling the kettle with water. He pressed the button to begin the boiling process, reaching into the cupboard to retrieve a mug.

  “Yes. Everything is set down in Heila. The day before, I’ll teleport Winterlya and Karen there, just in case anything occurs. No one knows the date in which we’re arriving, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. The element of surprise would benefit us in this case,” I explained; my hand withdrew from the picture before twirling the pen again.


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