Forgotten Memories

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Forgotten Memories Page 6

by Candis Vargo

  He took his time, licking, and savoring every ounce of me there was. His tongue moving around on my swollen clit sent a shockwave of intense pleasure through my body. Thrusting my pelvis back and forth, wanting him to take all of me he can get, he slid his fingers inside of me. His other hands wrap around my leg as I slid them up so he could go deeper inside of me. His fingers moving slowly in and out, I thought to myself how could it possibly get any better than this?

  It didn’t take long until I felt the full force of my orgasm. He continued to lick at my clit and slide his fingers in and out, until it seemed too much for even him to handle. He brought himself back up and kissed me. It was the same sweet, yet fierce kiss I longed for.

  I felt the full length of his cock touch me, and I moaned some more. I didn’t have to look at it to realize it was going to hurt. As he looked me in the eyes he slowly slid himself inside of me. Once he was inside of me my eyes rolled in the back of my head. I let out a gasp was of complete and utter pleasure. With his lips against mine again he began slowly thrusting inside of me. Our breathing grew heavier with every thrust.

  The sound of him moaning as I ran my fingernails down his back brought on another orgasm. I never knew how many orgasms a woman could have. What started out as slow thrusts turned into deeper, longer ones in a perfect rhythmic motion. I grabbed his ass, pulling him into me as deep as he could go. There were sparks of pain, but the pleasure was far superior. As he started to kiss my neck I slowly slid my hands up his back wanting to touch every single part of his body I could. I ran my hands across every muscle like I was trying to memorize the curves of his body.

  Reaching down he grasped my breast with his hands, leaning in to gently suck on my nipples. Electricity shocked through my body and instantly I arched with pleasure for yet another orgasm, and moaned with complete satisfaction. The more he thrust, the louder I became. I thought about warning him how close I was to another orgasm, but oh God I couldn’t speak. As my muscles tightened around his cock, he kissed me a few more moments before he pulled his mouth away from mine. Looking me in the eyes, he let out a moan of his own as he came inside of me, I could feel the warmth of his orgasm bursting inside. When we finished, we just laid there with him still inside of me. He slid his fingers along my cheek, and kissed me so softly. I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him back.

  After a few more moments of kissing, we laid side by side. I thought nothing could be better than the love we just made, but again, he proved me wrong. Laying there embraced in his arms was just as magnificent as the sex. I didn’t feel guilty for what I did. I just wished I could lie here forever, in his arms.

  Waking to find his arms still around me, put me in the greatest mood ever. I couldn’t remember the last time I was this happy. I rolled over to give him a quick kiss before I got up and got dressed. As I kissed his forehead he woke up.

  “Good morning my love,” he said with a smile before his eyes were even open.

  I returned the smile. “Well good morning to you too studly.”

  “You’re not leaving are you?”

  “Unfortunately, I have to. Molly is probably going crazy out there, and my friend, Em, is probably missing me.”

  “I don’t hear Molly complaining, but your phone did go off a few times last night.”

  Quickly I grabbed my phone and looked at the missed calls. Em. Em. Roland. Em.

  “Yep, she tried calling. Several times.”

  I smiled and gave him another kiss, but this time on his lips. He watched as I got up and got dressed. Following my lead, he decided to throw on his jeans. Nothing but his jeans, showing his amazing tanned stomach down to the lines by his hips creating the perfect ‘V’ shape, leaving me wishing even harder that I could stay.

  “When will I see you again?” he asked.

  “What? You think you could keep me away?” I couldn’t get over that smile of his.

  “Would you like me to walk you back to the pond? After all, you were passed out when I carried you here last night.”

  “No, it’ll be fine. Once Molly goes somewhere once, she remembers the way. Thanks to her I never get lost.”

  Walking out onto the porch, I saw Molly standing next to it with chewing on an apple. Apparently Chace decided to leave her a few apples last night. They were her favorite treat. And I swear he was going to give her colic.

  “You ready girl?” I asked Molly.

  Looking back at Chace, I saw him standing in the doorway leaning on the frame.

  “Thank you again, for…everything.” I said, captivated by the sight of him. The way the sun reflected off of his tan skin and the way his muscles looked with his elbow leaning on the door frame.

  “No need to thank me,” he said, “I hope to see you soon, Karma.”

  “You will.”

  With a final parting kiss, I headed over to Molly and jumped on to her from the porch steps.

  “Let’s go home girl.”

  As I rode off, I looked back to see Chace, still standing in the doorway. Giving me that same beautiful smile, I warmed up inside and smiled back.

  After putting Molly into her stable, I walked inside the house through the kitchen door and I saw Father at his usual spot, the kitchen table.

  “I take it you had a late night?” Father asked me.

  “Yeah, well. Molly and I went to the pond and I guess we fell asleep.”

  “Emily and Roland called you. You might want to call them back. I’m sure you can guess that Em called several times,” he smiled.

  “Sounds like Em. I’ll call them after I shower. Thanks Father.”

  “One more thing, there has been word of more activity from The Fallen. We’re afraid they might fight sooner than we had expected. It looks as though you won’t come to your full abilities before the war after all. We all want to be prepared for the moment they decide it’s time. Some of the Vamps even suggest we take the initiative to start it ourselves. So be prepared Karma, I don’t want you to get hurt during the War.”

  With that, I kissed him on the cheek and headed to my room so I could get a change of clothes to shower.

  Figuring I should call Roland back, I grabbed my phone. As much as I didn’t want to talk to him, I knew I had to if I was going to at least keep up with appearances. I dialed his number and listened to some rock song he had set for a ring back tone.

  “I saw you called,” I said when he answered.

  “I wanted to talk to you about last night. I don’t understand wha-“

  “Listen, just forget it okay? The wedding is going to be within two weeks. That’s all there is.”

  “No, I just wanted to ask what it was even abo-“

  He was cut off again, not by me this time, but by Em calling me on the other line.

  “Sorry Roland, Em is calling me and she is persistent. I’ll call you later.”

  I clicked off before he had a chance to say anything else.

  “Thanks for the save Em. I was just on the phone with Roland.”

  “Anytime. But that’s not what I called for. Where the hell have you been? I’ve tried calling you a gazillion times! You don’t ditch your best friend!”

  “Oh, I went to the pond. When I came home Molly was-”

  “You went there? To meet him?” The enthusiasm in her voice made my stomach turn.

  “No, not to meet him. I did end up seeing him though.”

  “And…” she pushed.

  “And, I don’t know. We talked.” I grabbed a simple sundress.

  “Seriously, that’s it? You talked. You don’t have anything good for me?”

  “Well I do have something.”

  “I knew it! I just knew it!”

  “I had another one of those incidents last night. You know, with the whole fire pit in my brain thing. You told me to tell you if it happened again. Well it did.” Grabbing flip-flops to wear with my dress, I headed to my bathroom.

  All of the enthusiasm drained from her voice. “Okay, I’ll talk with the c
oven to see if we can figure anything out. Like I said, it sounds like a spell or compulsion coming undone. But I really don’t see why anyone would have done that, let alone be able to do it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well for a spell, they’d have to have you right there. Same for compulsion, but you know that.” Only a vampire could compel someone. And they only way they would be able to do that, is if they are looking you dead in the eye.

  “I don’t know. I don’t get it either.”

  “Never the less, don’t worry. I’m all over it like shit on a shingle.”

  “Thanks Em.”

  “So did anything else happen?”

  “Now, that is none of your concern!”

  “What do you mean it’s none of my concern? Of course it is! Or am I not your BFF?”

  “You know you are. But I’m still not telling you.”

  “So something did happen! Ha! You better spill or I’ll find out!”

  “You wouldn’t?”

  “Hey, if it means safety for my BFF, I would. Now spill.”

  “You know, it’s not nice to peer into other peoples brains! Only help them figure out what’s going on with it!”

  “That’s what I’ll be doing. Not only with the coven, but to help you figure out what’s going on inside of your head. You know, with the whole Chace and Roland thing!”

  “Even without using magic you’re convincing. Fine, come over and I’ll tell you what you need to know. Just, stay out of my brain! Oh! I almost forgot, Father said that the Fallen are about to start the War, wait, you knew that didn’t you. Of course you did. Anyway, I’ll see you soon!”

  “Yup, something definitely happened! I’ll be over in a few minutes!” Her voice was filled with delight and anticipation before she hung up the phone. I really didn’t want Em to know too many details. She is my best friend, and I knew I could trust her with any secrets. But this one is kind of big. Maybe she could help me figure out what to do; after all, I loved Chace.

  Chapter 8

  I should have expected such things from Em. She was just like Molly, never the patient kind. Once she arrived at my house, she practically ran up to my bedroom. I was lucky I had enough time for my shower. After running into my room, she slammed the door shut and her jaw dropped.

  “Oh my God. You did it didn’t you?” she said, looking like a little kid on Christmas morning.

  “Did what?” As if I didn’t know what she meant, the delight on her face told me all I needed to know.

  “You had sex!” she said matter-of-factly.

  “You are not supposed to be doing that stuff! Em!”

  “You said I couldn’t peep into that brain of yours, you said nothing about looking at your aura! And let me tell you, you are lit up like a forest fire!”

  “Em! You’re such a fucking cheater!”

  “No, I am just good at finding my way around stuff. So tell me! What was it like? Wait, it wasn’t Roland, was it?”

  “My God! No, of course not!”

  “So tell me…”

  “Well obviously it was Chace, and yes it was amazing and electrifying. But let’s get to more important stuff. The brain thing…remember?”

  “Yeah. I remember.” Her tone suddenly dropped, revealing her disappointment in the change of subject.

  “Did you even talk to the coven? Because apparently, you couldn’t wait to get here and spy on my aura!”

  “Yes I did talk to them! I called them when I was on my way over.”

  We both started laughing. I just picture her driving as fast as she legally can down the road talking illegally on her cell phone. It wasn’t often she broke rules.

  “You rebel,” I snorted.

  “Anyway, they said the same thing as me. Vamp and witch. But they also said something about a demon.”

  “What? A demon?” The thought of that made my stomach cringe.

  “Don’t worry, how many demons do we have around here? Seriously, The only thing I’d be worried about is a vamp. Think about it. Roland was out there with you that night, right? Well, do you think that maybe he had something to do with it? So you couldn’t see him? I’m not saying he, you know, killed her. Just that he didn’t want you to remember, or I don’t know, see who did? It just all sounds too strange to me. Rushing the wedding, the blackmail and possibly even compulsion. If it even is compulsion, no one knows. But that seems to be the best bet. You’re getting stronger because you’re almost nineteen, who’s to say your strength isn’t stronger than the compulsion that may have been used on you? I’m not trying to point fingers, but that seems the most logical.”

  “Yeah, I know. But why?” I seemed to be asking myself that a lot lately.

  “I don’t know. But with the War about to start, the coven really doesn’t have time to try and help right now. They’re all too busy strengthening themselves. They want to make sure we’re all ready.”

  “I understand,” I paused. “Maybe, if it is my abilities strengthening, I’ll be able to remember everything. What if it wasn’t Fathers sword that was used? I’d be able to remember. God I wish I could hurry up and get my full strength.”

  What I really wished I could do was remember everything from that night; somehow I knew if I remembered everything, none of this would be happening.

  “About that, the coven told me something. Something we hope might be able to help. There is this spell that could help ones full potential come out. They seem to think it might work for your abilities. They have been thinking about it for a while, just in case you didn’t come to before the War. They asked me if I would be willing to do it for you.”

  “Well, what did you say?” I looked at her anxiously.

  “I told them it would be up to you. I wouldn’t do it unless you wanted me to,” she shrugged.

  “Of course I want you to! Did they tell you how?”

  “The great world of technology my dear.” She waved her cell phone in the air. “I have all I need to know right here.”

  “Let’s get to it then! What do we need?” I was beginning to get impatient.

  “Just a couple of things, let’s see what I have here. If we need to we can go to my moms and get stuff.” Em’s mom was a member of the Coven, more like the member. Em’s mom was the Coven leader. That wasn’t something that could be passed down over generations; instead it was something that was earned. To be a Coven leader you had to prove yourself and your abilities. Coven leaders were people who usually didn’t care about anything other than magic. This is exactly what Em’s mom was like.

  I knew the pain of not having a mother anymore. Em’s pain was different. She had a mom but at the same time she didn’t. Her mom would prefer to gossip with the Coven all day and work on new spells and magic than spend time with her own daughter. Somehow I knew the pain of having a mother there that didn’t seem to care was worse than not having a mother at all. It didn’t help that her father was placed in a type of jail that was designed for witches and warlocks alike. It’s not like he could be sent to the average mundane prison and be expected to stay there. They were sent to a place far worse than that. One that has been enchanted by spells since, well since a place like that was needed. I don’t know where it is or what it looks like. And I sure don’t want to find out. She’s not sure why he’s there because her mom never talks about it. Whatever it was, well they don’t send you there for shoplifting, so it had to of been horrible.

  Em never showed that it bothered her. She was tough. She didn’t let anyone see how much it bothered her. I guess she really couldn’t because her mom was the leader. Em had to be strong for everyone in that Coven. They already planned on making her their leader when they thought she was old enough. I didn’t know how she felt about that since she was pretty much forced in the Coven anyway. They never let anyone join unless they were at least twenty-five. They had Em join when she was only sixteen.

  Em walked over to my bed and pulled her brown chest out from underneath it. She always ke
pt spare stuff at my house, when we were kids, we would always play around with our magic.

  “We seem to have all we need, good! Okay, go get a small mirror of some sort. I know you have plenty in the bathroom. Take one off of the wall if you need to, I’ll get ready while you do that.”

  I did as she said. I took my mirror off of the wall and headed back into my room. Its times like this I’m glad my bathroom is attached because Father would get suspicious. When I looked back in the room I saw Em using her chalk to draw her usual circle on my hardwood floor, but this time big enough for two.

  Oh shit, what did I get myself into? I thought.

  I’ve only ever watched her do magic, I’ve never partaken in them.

  After going around and lighting the nineteen purple and white candles laid out, she looked up at me. Her brows were raised, and her face was serious.

  “Don’t do that. I know what you’re thinking, and don’t. You can’t have any negative energy in here. You need to clear your mind. Now, come sit.” She demanded as she pointed to the center of the circle. Attempting to clear my mind, I walked into the circle still holding onto the mirror.

  “So, what do I do with this?” I waved the mirror in my hands.

  “You look at it. Concentrate on opening up your eyes and abilities.”

  “Sounds simple enough.” I said as I sat cross legged in the center of the circle.

  “Okay, stay right there and hold the mirror. Remember, no negative thoughts. Just, before I start, think about you and Mr. Stud last night.”

  Of course that managed to wash away everything I was thinking about. Now that I was smiling uncontrollably, she felt ready to continue.

  “Stay quiet and stay positive. Ready?” she asked.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”


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