Shiftr: Swipe Left For Love (Nash) BBW Wolf Shifter Romance (Hope Valley BBW Dating App Romance Book 10)

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Shiftr: Swipe Left For Love (Nash) BBW Wolf Shifter Romance (Hope Valley BBW Dating App Romance Book 10) Page 20

by Ariana Hawkes

“She’ll be fine. She’s just grown up being suspicious of strangers, as we all are. But she’ll come around in time.” She took Sawyer’s hand and led him inside. “Come and have a drink with us. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

  “We’ll leave you to it,” Harlow said, backing out of the door.

  “No –” Sawyer caught her hand. “Please stay. I want you here with me.”

  Cynthia made coffee and brought out a tray of cake, and suddenly, everyone was talking at once, trying to catch up on all the missing years.


  It was late by the time they left Cynthia’s place, parting with lots of hugs and emotion.

  “I guess you’re not leaving now?” Harlow said.

  “Nope. I think we can try to have one performance and see how it goes,” he said, flashing her a happy smile. “But my clan will be wondering where the hell I am. I said I’d be an hour and I’ve been almost five. I need to go back, tell them what’s happening and get everything in place again.” He gazed up at the darkening sky. “Everyone’s going to be delighted to know we’ve got to put the big top up again.”

  “I’ll walk dad home and help him with dinner. He’s not very self-sufficient.”

  “And then you’re coming back to my trailer.” It was a statement, not a question, and a thrill of desire ran right through her body.

  Harlow’s dad was very energized on the way home. She’d never seen him like that before.

  “It’s great to see you like this, dad,” she commented.

  “Oh, Harlow. I feel like a huge weight’s been lifted off my chest.”

  “And isn’t it a shame that all of this didn’t come out years ago, so the town didn’t have to live like the end of the world was upon us?”

  “You don’t understand what it was like when everything changed,” he muttered. “We all got so scared of changing anything, in case it made things worse.”

  “I guess.”

  She threw some pasta into the pan, giving him strict instructions to drain it after ten minutes, and left him some tomato sauce and grated cheese, then she ran out of the house, yearning to get back to Sawyer again.

  There was an empty space where the big top used to be, and a big bonfire, with everybody gathered around it. Sawyer was speaking to the clan, telling them the whole story and they were listening, fascinated. Harlow crept up beside him, and he slid along the beer crate he was sitting on, draping an arm around her waist.

  “We’re making plans,” he told her. “Will Cynthia tell the townsfolk about me?” She grinned.

  “Yup. And so will my dad. I guarantee that by tomorrow evening, everyone will know who you are.”

  “But will they come to the circus?” She gazed up at the stars, thinking of her people, and how rigid and set in their habits they were.

  “I think they’ll need a little encouragement. They’re not going to give up on their miserable ways overnight.”

  “Encouragement we can do,” Reziah said with a sly, feline smile. Sawyer clapped his hands together.

  “How about tomorrow we put the tent back up, then we go down to Mistletoe Hollow and offer a free sneak preview to everybody in the town?”

  “Yes. I think that might work,” Harlow said slowly. “I have an idea – I’ll meet you in the square at 5pm tomorrow. Just bring some candles and leave the rest to me.”

  When they’d done with their plans, they went back to talking about Sawyer and his family, and Harlow listened quietly, feeling privileged to be with him at such a significant moment in his life.

  It was lovely being by the fire with him, and with these people that she was already getting attached to. They were so easygoing and funny, always cracking jokes and telling stories. Even Vince was comical in his grumpiness. And they made her feel included, part of them. At the same time, she was itching to go back to Sawyer’s trailer and his bed. From the way he was touching her, he felt the same. His long, strong fingers kept sliding beneath her coat and caressing the soft flesh above the waistband of her pants, and from time to time, he kissed her just by her temples, or pushed his nose into her hair and sniffed deeply. And the whole evening, he kept his arm wrapped around her.

  At last, he stood up, yawned and said goodnight to everyone. Harlow felt like she was walking on air on the way back to the trailer. This morning, she’d thought she was never going to see him again. But now, he was hers, for the next couple of weeks at least.

  She loved the way he was sometimes rough, and other times gentle with her. Tonight, he was all tenderness, undressing her slowly, praising every inch of her body, kissing and licking her to a sweet, dreamy climax, before wrapping her in his arms and entering her. He felt so right inside her. As if his big, thick cock was made for her, his muscles fitting perfectly against her curves. And, once they were exhausted, he loved to fall asleep with her in his arms – unlike every other guy she’d been with, who’d roll off to the other side of the bed, as if they thought it was un-masculine to snuggle. Sawyer was all-male. So big and strong that he didn’t need to brag about it. and he made her feel so feminine and protected.

  The following day, the clan was up early to put the big top up again. Harlow didn’t have to work, so she stayed to help them. She was amazed at how fast they were making progress, in perfect harmony with each other, everyone knowing exactly what they needed to do to construct the vast structure. She stayed with Sawyer, taking his orders, her hands deft at tightening the bolts and screws.

  “Nice work, Harlow,” he said, passing her a cold soda as they paused for a break.

  “I kind of like being your assistant,” she said.

  “Maybe you could make it a long-term arrangement.” His blue eyes sparkled as his gaze roved over her body. “Or, even better, maybe you’ve got a talent people would pay to watch?”

  “I used to do fire poi. At least, until my set got broken.”

  “Are you good?”

  “Maybe I’ll show you some time.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Is he inviting me to join the circus? she wondered, as she got back to work. She wanted to be his mate, more than anything. This morning had been as perfect as the day before, waking up together, so warm and safe and snuggly, knowing that he’d kept watch over her as she was sleeping. Then having breakfast together, full of excitement for the day ahead. She imagined living every day like that, and the thought made her glow inside.


  Around mid-afternoon, the big top was up again, restored to its former glory, its red, green and silver lights beaming into the darkening sky. Harlow went back to Windy Hollow, and the clan agreed to meet her by the Christmas tree in the square in two hours’ time.

  Sawyer watched her go with a rush of affection. The last 24 hours had been a whirlwind – admitting defeat and telling the clan that they weren’t going to do the festive season in Windy Hollow, then finding his mom and his sister. And in the middle of that – Harlow. His feelings for her had been strong since they’d first kissed, but he was used to things in his life not being permanent. Always on the move, always saying goodbye. So he’d done his best not to get too attached to her. But yesterday, as they’d said goodbye for what they thought would be the last time, it was different. It had hurt so much that it was almost a physical pain – a punch in the solar plexus. That was why he came back to bring her the bags of lights – he had to see her one last time.

  And now, everything had changed. He was part of Windy Hollow, and there was no way he was going to let her slip away from him. He didn’t know how it was going to work, with him being a nomad, and her having to take care of her father – but he was going to do whatever it took to capture her heart.

  With the work finished, he gathered everyone together, ran through the plans, and told them to meet him by the Christmas tree in Windy Hollow in an hour’s time. Then he sent them all off to take a nap while he ran down into the town to spend some time with his mom.

  When Harlow arrived home, her dad nearly knocked her ou
t cold by asking if she could show him how to make beef stew.

  “Because, when you’re off, living someplace with your mate, I’ll need to be able to cook my own food.”

  “Are you okay, dad?” she said. Previous attempts to get him to fend for himself had failed, with him protesting that he was too old to learn, and that it wasn’t a man’s job. But now he took to it energetically, following her instructions without complaint and asking relevant questions.

  “I think I could make this all by myself, you know,” he said, as they put the stew in the oven.

  “I think so too,” she said, and they smiled at each other – not something that had happened very often in the past.

  At 5pm, an announcement came booming from the speakers at the campground:

  “Roll up, roll up! Tonight, the one-and-only, world-famous, Moonrise Wonderland Christmas Circus is beginning its festive extravaganza! And tonight, for your eyes only, we’re presenting a special sneak preview, free of charge! Come and see what our wonderful world of fantastically talented shifters has to offer you!”

  The silver, red and green lights danced across the sky like searchlights, and the energetic, festive circus music filled the air. Harlow’s pulse sped up.

  “Come on, dad!” she called. We’re gathering at the square right now!” They pulled their coats on and hurried out.

  The Christmas tree was still standing, festive and magical with its twinkling lights. And Sawyer was there waiting for them. As soon as he caught sight of her, he rushed over and wrapped her up in his arms.

  “I knew that wasn’t your voice!”

  “Nope. It was Flint’s dulcet tones. I went to see my mom.”

  “That’s great.”

  “It was. We talked so much. And I’m starting to remember things – just little things, like playing in the streets here when I was tiny. It was so amazing to spend time together.”

  “And Carly?”

  “Right here.” Her friend stepped out from behind the tree.

  “We’ve been getting acquainted,” Sawyer said, squeezing Carly’s shoulder, who flashed him a grin.

  “I’m so glad,” Harlow said, hiding her surprise at her friend’s transformation. Rebecca appeared too, her syrup-brown eyes glittering with excitement.

  Just then, there was a loud blast from a horn, and Vince appeared from nowhere, dancing and tripping up in his over-sized shoes, dressed in extremely baggy red and yellow striped pants, a shiny blue and yellow checkered top, and a rainbow-colored curly wig, with his clown make up freshly applied. He was followed by a leopard, and then a man in a black and white acrobat’s costume, and then a polar bear, and then Melina in a red corset and a harlequin skirt, followed by a lion. The line went on and on, circling all the way around the square, until all the circus had arrived, playing a joyful, chaotic assortment of festive songs on their drums and horns and accordions. Harlow caught sight of cabin windows opening and curious heads poking out. Then she reached into the bag she was carrying and brought out some candles.

  “Can you help me?”

  She handed a bunch to Sawyer, her dad and Carly, lighting them at the same time. Then they gave one to each member of the circus.

  “Okay, guys!” Sawyer called. “This poor town has been having a very hard time. It hasn’t celebrated any festivities at all for twenty years. Let’s go out, with light in our hearts, and bring Christmas to Windy Hollow!” A huge cheer went up, in a combination of shouts, roars, neighs and rumbles, and he and Harlow began to lead them through the town.

  They went through every street, knocking on the door of every house, telling each resident about Sawyer and how the circus had brought him back, and how the town didn’t need to live in the shadows anymore. Every house was given a candle, and asked to put it in their front window, to bring in the light, and by the time the joyous, noisy procession had snaked all around the town, the windows of all the houses were glowing with flickering yellow candlelight.

  “This is unbelievable,” Harlow said, as they gathered around the tree again. “I never, in a million years thought I’d see dingy, miserable Window Hollow looking like this.”

  “And this is just the start,” Sawyer said, squeezing her tight. “Now for all the fun of the circus!”

  The procession started up again, heading out of town and up to the camp ground.

  Flint got back on the loudspeaker, announcing to the town that the sneak peak was about to start. Sawyer guided Harlow and her dad, Rebecca, Carly and Cynthia to the entrance of the big top.

  “Go inside, grab the best seats in the house, and relax. The show is about to begin,” he said with a wink.

  “It’s a big place,” everyone murmured, as Harlow led them to the front row of seats. There was a strong smell of sawdust and the canvas walls flapped in the breeze.

  As soon as they were all sitting down, there was a drum roll, and Sawyer entered the ring. Harlow gasped at the sight of him in his ringmaster costume. He wore a red and gold tail coat, a black top hat, black pants, a gold vest and a red bow-tie, and he carried a long whip. He looked insanely sexy. Not least because he wasn’t wearing a shirt beneath his vest, and his bulging pecs were clearly visible.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, shifters and other animals,” he announced, with a deep bow. “Welcome to the greatest Christmas show on earth…”

  Harlow was entranced. This was a side of Sawyer she hadn’t yet seen. She knew laidback, good-natured Sawyer, serious clan leader Sawyer, caring, protective mate Sawyer, red-hot skillful lover Sawyer, and now here he was as a performer – so confident, assured and charismatic. It was very sexy. Three roaring lion shifters bounded into the ring, and he flicked his whip and held up flaming hoops for them to jump through. She watched spellbound as he moved, so strong and agile, his muscles rippling beneath his costume, his deep resonant voice directing the performance, and as the show progressed, she felt herself getting more and more aroused, a tingle in her clit becoming a deep, pulsing ache between her thighs.

  Once the lions had leapt through fire and balanced on high podiums, and bounded and performed their hearts out, Sawyer announced the next act – an aerial show, and Melina and Reziah glided on the long ribbons that hung from the top of the tent. At the same time, Harlow saw some movement at the open entrance to the tent. A figure snuck through, and another one, scurrying to seats at the back of the room. They were followed by another and another. And when Harlow next tore her attention away from the jaw-dropping routine on stage, there were maybe 30 townspeople watching the show, wide-eyed.

  The horses went on next, Sawyer riding Eric, the pinto shifter, and then clowns performed a few minutes of their comical routine. Now the tent was a quarter full, and Sawyer came back on stage.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, shifters and children, thank you for attending this preview. I hope you enjoyed it. Tell your friends, family and enemies all about it, and please come to our opening night tomorrow!”

  There was a huge groan of disappointment, and Harlow grinned. They’d be back tomorrow, no doubt about it.

  “Maybe you could stay in your costume,” Harlow said, as she and Sawyer came back to his trailer later.

  “Yeah? You like this?” he said, his lips curling into a very dirty grin.

  “Uh huh.” She ran her hand over his bare neck and chest, as she’d been dying to all night, loving the fact that while everyone could see him on stage, she was the only one who got to touch him.

  “You know what would suit you?” he said, as he undressed her. “A showgirl costume. A little petticoat skirt and a corset would look incredible on your curves. Maybe with stockings and a garter belt.”

  “Hmm,” she said, non-committally, as she climbed astride him, naked and vulnerable, while he remained fully dressed, so sexy and powerful. She was so turned on, she didn’t need any foreplay, and she kissed him hard, as he unzipped his pants and thrust himself into her.


  The next day was Saturday, and Harlow couldn’t
have been more surprised as she entered the town with Sawyer. Someone was attaching a string of lights to the front of their house, and in another house, someone was hanging some tinsel in their windows.

  “Do you think we should put up some decorations?” her dad said.

  “Yes I do! Let’s go shopping.”

  “I can drive you,” Sawyer offered. “But we’ll have to take Vince’s big old rig.”

  “No, let’s take a look at dad’s truck.” They went into the garage and tried the engine of the old pick-up, which hadn’t been driven for several years. After Sawyer added some oil and gas and tinkered with it for a while, it sputtered to life.

  They drove to the nearest Supermart and stocked up on all the decorations they could get their hands on. Harlow cleared out her savings account, but she didn’t care. She was determined that the town was going to celebrate in style.

  When they got back, they decorated the house inside and out, even putting some light-up reindeer in the yard. Then they took what was left to Rebecca and Carly’s place, and to half a dozen other houses, stopping at intervals along the way.

  As darkness fell, and all the colored lights lit up the night sky, the town looked pretty. Like any other town, looking forward to the festive season, Harlow thought dreamily. The circus announcements began again, and right away, people began to leave their houses and head up to the camp ground. By the time Harlow arrived at the Circus, the big top was completely full. In fact, there weren’t enough seats for everyone, and the air was full of the sound of excited chatter. Harlow hung out by the entrance, her heart pounding with anticipation and excitement for Sawyer and his clan.

  The show was dazzling. They’d been keeping a lot back from the previous night, and there were so many acts and entertainments, in such an incredible variety. It was great to see the shifters she was getting to know as regular people, on stage, working as hard as they could to impress their audience. And the audience clapped, cheered, laughed and gasped all the way through, in complete fascination.


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