The Secret Of Spruce Knoll: A Channeler Novel

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The Secret Of Spruce Knoll: A Channeler Novel Page 26

by McCorkle, Heather

  “This is a recorder that my granddaughter carried on her during the party,” Zolin announced.

  As he turned it up and pressed play, Virgil crossed his arms and tried to look disinterested. Everyone else listened intently, gasping and uttering shocked phrases at different points in the recording. When it ended and Zolin shut it off Camilia shoved her way through the Romanians and stormed to Virgil’s side.

  “Our son has had anger issues since his power came upon him. We’ve been dealing with them but had no idea they’d become this bad. Clearly, he was only trying to scare the girl. To consider this proof of guilt would be ludicrous!” she said, so furious she was struggling not to shout. Her energy crackled around her, stirring her hair and billowy blouse.

  It was obvious to Eren that Camilia’s anger was just covering her fear. She hoped the others could see it as well. Eren’s attention shifted to four figures that approached the turnabout. No one noticed them until they walked up the steps and down the aisle between the Romanian and Irish benches. Eren recognized Alin but the other three were strangers. They were Romanian, tall, dark haired, and built like guys who didn’t miss a day at the gym. One of them looked like he was around Zolin’s age, which was to say he looked forty five or so. A very healthy forty five.

  The moment the men stepped into the torchlight Virgil looked like he wanted to run. Camilia whimpered and took a step behind him.

  “It is proof enough for us!” boomed the elder Romanian stranger.

  Virgil’s legs began to shake visibly and his eyes grew so wide that Eren could see a white ring completely around them.

  “Brother, F-Father, don’t tell me this nonsense brings you all the way to America,” Virgil stammered.

  Clearly, he was trying to sound relaxed, but the stammer ruined it. Arguing broke out among the Romanian Societies. His eyes flicked nervously in their direction and his back straightened as he tried to put on an unconcerned air.

  “I introduce to you Alin and Stefan Moldovan, brother and father to Virgil Moldovan,” Zolin announced.

  “We should have come when the O’Reilly’s were murdered. Considering what you did in Romania, there was certainly a great amount of suspicion that you had something to do with it, especially when you ended up with their son. It is tragic that there was not enough evidence at the time,” Stefan snapped at Virgil.

  Stefan went on to explain to the gathered crowd about what had happened in Romania and why Virgil and Camilia had been exiled from their original Society. A stunned silence fell over the crowd.

  “Society members, friends, neighbors, my wife and I have lived among you for seventeen years. You know us. You know that we would not do these things that they are accusing us of. Who among you will attest to our good character?” Virgil asked with a light hearted smile that looked painful to maintain.

  Eren hoped it was painful. Part of her felt bad for taking joy in the way he was starting to squirm. But another part—the part that missed her parents terribly—thought it was well deserved. She held the necklace her mom had given her and drew strength from it.

  There was a lot of whispering but no one stood up. Not even the members of Virgil and Camilia’s own Society were willing to support them. Virgil’s smile wilted.

  “Will no one stand for us?” he asked.

  He started to name people and though they looked uncomfortable, no one stood.

  “People are tired of living in fear of you two,” someone shouted in a voice that sounded disguised.

  Others shouted in agreement and Virgil and Camilia started to look very concerned. Elisabeth edged her way farther into the shadows.

  “The Rectors shall convene,” Zolin announced.

  Virgil and Camilia’s eyes darted about, not at faces anymore, but at exits. Several people from each Society stood up to block the exits. Camilia clung to Virgil but as bad as his knees were shaking, he couldn’t have been much support.

  Zolin, Alin, Stefan, and the two Romanian men with them, all stepped back to the edge of the circle, bowing their heads low in respect. A couple stood up from each of the four bench groups and convened in the center of the circle with their backs to the audience. They spoke in hushed tones that Eren couldn’t make out. After several minutes they all turned and faced Virgil and Camilia. Again, it was the Tibetan couple who spoke.

  “We find the evidence combined with your own faulty defense and demeanor to be sufficient proof that you are guilty of the murders,” they announced.

  Crying out, Camilia fell to her knees, the snow covered-ground softening her fall, and clutched her head. Her husband did not move to help her up. Indifferent to their reaction, the Tibetan couple turned to Zolin.

  “What punishment is it you suggest?” they asked.

  “Servitude to the families of those they murdered. Fifty years to the O’Reilly family and fifty years to the Yaretz family,” Zolin said.

  Murmurs of satisfaction rumbled through those gathered, even the Romanians.

  “I support that suggestion,” Alin agreed.

  “As do I. But I further request that my grandson and granddaughter be given over to my custody and that Aiden O’Reilly remain in the Murphys’ custody,” Stefan Moldovan said.

  Beside her Eren heard Aiden draw in a sharp breath. She drew back from the telescope and grabbed his hand. Hope shined in his eyes and he was smiling. This outcome pleased him and she couldn’t agree more. Virgil and Camilia would pay for what they’d done and not only Aiden, but Luke and Elisabeth would also get a chance at a new life. It helped that this meant Luke would have to move to Romania.

  Eren held her breath as she put her eye back to the telescope.

  “This is insane! You can’t take my children from me!” Camilia cried.

  “You took one of mine from me!” Zolin spat, lunging in Camilia’s direction.

  Alin grabbed his arm and held him back, mumbling softly to him until he calmed down.

  “We were only doing what was best for the Societies. You must see that, Father! We descended from the great Hunters of old and they never failed to protect our kind. Camilia and I were just doing the same. The Irishman from Alin’s pack went against the old ways. The Donovan’s threatened to expose all of us by raising their child among normals! We only did what was best for the Societies,” Virgil yelled, his rage making much of his rant almost incoherent.

  Off to the right of Zolin and the gathered Romanians, Elisabeth was walking hesitantly from the shadows. Ignoring her kneeling mother and nearly hysterical father, she walked up to the man claiming to be her grandfather.

  “Grandfather?” she asked so softly Eren barely heard.

  He turned to her with such a look of love and regret that it hurt Eren’s heart to see it. It reminded her of her first meeting with her own grandfather.

  “Yes my dear. I’m your grandfather,” he said in a choked voice.

  “You’d really let Luke and I come live with you?” she asked

  “Absolutely,” he said.

  Not waiting for the Council’s decree, she flew into his arms and hugged him tight. Tears shone in his eyes. Virgil breathed heavily through clenched teeth as he watched, his knuckles turning white as his fists tightened.

  “How could you do this to your own son?” Virgil hissed through his teeth.

  “You stopped being my son when my Society banished you,” Stefan said in a sad, calm voice.

  The huddled Rectors separated and the Tibetan couple stepped forward. Reluctantly, Virgil turned toward them. Camilia was too distraught to move, though her sobs did quiet.

  “The Council of Rectors deems that to be an appropriate punishment. Custody of the Moldovan children shall be awarded to their grandfather, and custody of Aiden O’Reilly shall be rewarded to the Murphy’s,” they announced.

  A terrible keening sound, kind of like a dying bird, echoed through the circle and down the streets. It was coming from Camilia. The two Romanian men who had come with Alin stepped forward and took Virgil by the arms.
Two other Romanians stepped down from the benches and lifted Camilia to her feet.

  Fighting back a sob of relief, Eren turned away from the telescope and embraced Aiden. He hugged her so tight she had trouble drawing in a breath, but she didn’t mind. Finally, all of this was over. It was really, really over.

  Chapter 39

  By the time they made it down from the roof and started home, there was an inch of snow on the ground and it wasn’t stopping. They jogged back through town, not wanting to get caught by anyone who might leave the meeting early. Once they reached the forest they slowed to a walk.

  The snow made everything seem bright as day, even with the thick trees blocking out most of the moonlight. But Eren wasn’t concentrating on their surroundings—none of them were—she was too busy thinking about the future. This was why they were taken so completely by surprise when Luke and his friends stepped out from behind the trees. Including Luke, there were four of them, and they had Eren, Fane, and Aiden surrounded. Eren recognized one of them, Claud she thought his name was. Considering how good a fighter Luke was, and that she was still recovering from her wounds, she didn’t like the odds one bit.

  Aiden slipped out of his shoes and took his shirt off, Fane did the same. Eren knew that meant they both thought they weren’t getting out of this without a pretty good fight, but she refused to believe that. The fighting and killing was supposed to be over, this was ridiculous.

  “Luke, it’s over. Don’t do this,” she said. It surprised her that her voice didn’t shake.

  “This isn’t over by a long shot. Indenturing my parents to your family won’t stop the battle that’s coming. Not if I kill the two of you,” Luke said.

  It felt like someone had dumped ice water down her spine. The chaotic way Luke’s power swirled around him and the flecks of red that dotted it made her believe he really would try to kill them.

  “Don’t do this Luke. You’re not a killer,” Eren said.

  “I’m that and so much more. You will pay for leading me on and your Irish boyfriend there is going to be too busy to help you,” Luke sneered.

  Teasing him, was that what this was all about? Eren doubted it. More likely it had to do with the fact that Luke wanted her and hated himself for it. It was kind of sad really. He was race phobic because of how his parents had raised him.

  Aiden went into a rage, but the two boys flanking him attacked before he could even lunge toward Luke. Eren heard the crackling of power collide beside her.

  “I owe you kid,” the boy circling Fane said.

  From the anger in his voice, Eren guessed he must be the one Fane had hurt. He hadn’t been much of a match for Fane before so Eren wasn’t too worried for him. As for her and Aiden, she had to admit, she was worried.

  “Luke don’t—” Eren was cut off as Luke launched a red stream of his power at her and struck her square in the chest with it.

  She felt that power slam into her and exit out the wounds on her back. Flailing backwards, she hit the frozen ground hard. A sharp, burning pain erupted all down her back and she knew her cuts had torn open. Ignoring the pain, she raised her hands up to protect her face as Luke threw punches at her. The movement made her back hurt worse and she faltered for just a moment. As she did Luke broke through her guard and hit her in the left side of her face so hard that she saw white spots.

  The punches stopped and she blinked rapidly to clear her vision. When she could see again she wished the punches hadn’t stopped because now Luke was trying to unzip his pants. Panic swelled up into her throat as she yelled at him to stop. As if from down a long tunnel, she heard Aiden screaming her name and cursing Luke in the same breath. The sound of his voice gave her strength.

  Focusing, she turned her panic into rage and called her power up, preparing to fight. She thrashed and tried to sit up. Luke grabbed both of her arms and forced her back to the ground, leaning low over her, which gave her the opportunity she needed. Allowing her rage to force her reluctance back, she shot forward and head-butted Luke. She let her power pour out through her upper body and forced it down his throat until it pushed his own power down into submission. The impact slammed him back and loosened his hold on her.

  He didn’t resist when she rolled him off her, in fact, he wasn’t moving. Despite all he had done to her and Aiden, she hadn’t wanted to kill him. She grabbed his hands and held him in case he tried to move as she watched his chest until she saw it rise and fall. The sounds of fighting around her quickly fell silent. Something warm was trickling down her back but she paid it no mind.

  Snow squeaked as it compressed beneath soft footfalls next to her head.

  “Let go, E, just let go,” Aiden said gently.

  Eren hadn’t realized she’d kept a hold of Luke’s hands. Dropping them as if they were on fire, she scrambled away from him. He groaned and rolled onto his side, his eyes fluttering. The defeated look on his face failed to make Eren feel any better, but knowing he was alive did. Her focus on him was broken when Aiden reached down and lifted her to her feet.

  “Your cuts have reopened,” he said.

  Putting a protective arm around her, he turned her sideways and shielded her partially from Luke. It was completely unnecessary. Luke wasn’t going to get up. He was too subdued.

  “This is over, Luke. She could have finished you and she didn’t. Get on with your new life and leave us alone. After what you tried, I will kill you if I ever see you again,” Aiden said.

  Luke rolled onto his side, his eyes searching for his companions. Eren followed his gaze. The two boys who had attacked Aiden lay on the ground moaning and clutching at wounds. It occurred to Eren that Aiden hadn’t channeled to fight them. Fane however, stood with his bare chest heaving, tatters of his shirt clinging to his wrists and pants. Eren gave him a look and he backed away from the boy and ran to her side.

  Luke sat up but he wouldn’t even look their way. His almost catatonic expression reminded Eren of how his father had looked when the judgment had been handed down. Part of her thought she should feel bad for him, but after what he had tried to do to her—twice—there was no way she could. Blood trickled from his nose but it was nothing compared to what Eren felt running down her back.

  “Let’s just go,” Eren said as she pressed her face to Aiden’s bare chest.

  “I mean it, Luke, leave us alone,” Aiden warned.

  Gently, he turned Eren and they walked away. Fane jogged along beside them. By Aiden’s swift pace it was obvious he was just as eager to leave this behind them as she was.


  It wasn’t like the movies where the swoon snuck up on ladies and gave them a chance to say something witty. One moment, Eren was walking beside Aiden, the next she was being carried in his arms. She saw the sky falling upon her in a million white pieces and then she was out again.

  The next time she opened her eyes it was to find Aiden at eye level, staring at her with a worried look on his face. She wanted to reassure him, but she couldn’t get her mouth to work. Before she could start to worry about why her eyes fluttered closed, and she sank down into darkness.

  She awoke lying stomach down on a soft surface in a warm room. A fire crackled nearby and she could hear a heart beating close to her left side. The press of three energy signatures was some distance away, probably in another room by the muffled feel of them. When she tried to lift her head pain shot down her back in four lines.

  “Aiden,” she called in a voice that she thought should have been much louder. At least she could speak now.

  There was no answer.

  “Fane,” she whispered in a desperate tone.

  There was movement on her left followed by the sound of an ottoman sliding across the hardwood floor. A hand came to rest on her arm, too small to be Aiden’s.

  “I’m right here. Try not to move, you lost a lot of blood, enough to kill a normal person. It would be best if you went back to sleep. Mother, Father, and Grandfather were pretty mad at us,” Fane whispered.

nbsp; Blood loss. That explained why she felt so dizzy.

  “Aiden?” she made his name a question.

  “Grandfather drove him home. Now go back to sleep,” he told her.

  Since the dizziness faded when she closed her eyes, it was hard not to comply with his request. Besides, they were all home safe, she could rest now.

  Chapter 40

  It seemed like only moments later when Fane grabbed her arm and shook her awake. She was still on her stomach and he was kneeling on the floor next to her. The color of the wall behind him and the feel of the bed beneath her meant sometime in the night someone had moved her from the couch to her bedroom. Moonlight lit the room and the house was quiet. It must be pretty late.

  As she blinked the sleepiness from her eyes Fane lifted a finger to his lips. Now that she got a good look at him she realized he looked worried. His eyes darted about and he was moving very carefully, being as quiet as possible. She listened hard, trying to hear what he had heard, but she couldn’t hear anything. The house was completely silent. Then she realized that was it, the house was too quiet.

  Fane stood and took a step in the direction of the half-opened door, his movements ninja-quiet. His clothes didn’t even rustle. The training in Romania must be a lot different.

  Meaning to follow, Eren struggled to sit up, the tangled blankets making it a challenge. It hurt, a lot. She’d never realized how much she used the muscles in her back and shoulders just to sit up. Except for bandages wrapped around the length of her torso like an unfinished mummy, she was mostly naked. Without turning back in her direction, Fane scooped a night shirt off the floor and tossed it in her lap. Getting it on took almost as much effort as sitting up had. Hopefully she and Fane were being over sensitive because if things came to another fight she would be useless.

  Why hadn’t they let Aiden heal her? They must have been really mad or she was just hurt that badly.


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