Opposites Attract

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Opposites Attract Page 5

by Lacey Wolfe

  She held onto him with a death grip. When his breathing picked up and he started to murmur into her ear, she knew he was almost there. She pumped her hips in an upward motion with force, and before she knew it, they were both calling out one another’s names as the pleasure tore through her.

  Randy broke the kiss to nuzzle his head into her collarbone. Francesca let her fingers dance up and down his spine as she gazed at the ceiling. Randall was an amazing lover. No one else had ever made her feel this alive. And even though he hadn’t been back in her life for too long, she knew she was falling in love with him again. Then again, maybe she never stopped loving him.

  Chapter 7

  Shit! They’d done it again. Randy raked his hands through his hair as he waited for Francesca to return. She’d gone to get two glasses of wine, but he wasn’t sure more alcohol was what he really needed.

  “Here you go,” she said as she handed him a glass.

  He glanced up at her as she stepped around him and took a seat on the couch. They both had their clothes back on, which was a good thing. Taking a sip of the wine, he waited for her to talk. After all, she was the one who invited him over.

  “That was a little unexpected,” she said with a sweetness in her tone.

  “Thought that’s why you asked me here.”

  She giggled. “A booty call…really? I don’t think so.”

  “So you actually have something you need to ask me?”


  Damn, usually when a woman called you late at night with some excuse they only wanted one thing. Or at least the women who called him did.

  “My brother is getting married in a few weeks, and I wanted to see if you might like to go with me.” She took a sip of her drink and then held the glass in her hand, slowly turning it so the red liquid swirled.

  Was she serious? “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No. I thought you might like to see my brother get married.”

  “Yes, but you and me…together.” It was music to his ears. Unfortunately, he knew they shouldn’t go down that road again. “I don’t think so. That would be taking whatever it is going on between us to something else.”

  Francesca set her glass on the coffee table, and he could see the fury in her face. She did not like to be rejected. Never had. “Obviously there is nothing between us. We are just two lonely people who needed the comfort of one another.”

  “Not me. I could have gone home with another woman tonight.” Why did he just say that?

  Francesca’s mouth fell open before she replied, “Really? Then why didn’t you?”

  Because I wanted you. “I wasn’t in the mood.”

  She laughed. “You’re a man. You’re always in the mood.”

  “That’s such a stereotype. We can control it.”

  “Oh really?” Francesca stood up and let her fingers slowly raise her top. Damn would he like to see it keep going, but he had to stop her.

  “It won’t work. We aren’t doing it again. Hell, this was supposed to be over. You got your car back.”

  She lowered her shirt back and crossed her arms. “For once, you’re right.”

  “I’m sure you can call some rich man to take you to the wedding. Don’t you have several in your back pocket?” He regretted it the moment the words left his mouth.

  “You know what? Just get the hell out of here. Don’t worry, I won’t be calling you again for anything,” she snapped.

  Randy thought about saying he was sorry and that he was out of line. He didn’t know what came over him when he was around her. He’d much rather be cuddled up with her on the couch watching a movie than fighting. But instead of responding, he just slipped his shoes on and headed toward her front door. He turned and looked back at her. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted.

  “Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out,” she said.

  He’d deserved it, but it didn’t make it hurt any less that she wanted him gone.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Francesca was still fuming. She thought a good workout would help, but it only made it worse. She’d forgotten her MP3 player at home, so all she was left to while on the elliptical were her thoughts. And of course, her mind was on Randall.

  It was silly to think he wanted anything more with her. She’d had a moment of weakness. Yes, Randall was the first and only love of her life, so far, but that didn’t mean he was the one. The world was full of men. One of them was meant to be hers. She just had to find him. But right now, she had to work on finding a date for the wedding.

  After she had showered and dressed, Francesca pulled her hair back into a wet bun. She had a full schedule today, and she needed to get home and get back to some clients. She’d left this place once not looking her best, she could do it again.

  “Francesca,” Jane called as Francesca was attempting to escape Hot Bods.

  She turned to see her friend. “Hey, Jane.”

  “Skylar, Amy, and I are getting lunch. Come with us.”

  “Oh, I look horrible. I can’t today.”

  Jane placed her hands on her hips. “I’ve gained thirty pounds. My legs are swollen, my face has broken out, and this beautiful shiny hair I hear about when pregnant, obviously didn’t agree with me. You look as beautiful as ever. Your tiny ass is going with us…got it?”

  Francesca laughed and glanced at her watch. She could probably squeeze an hour in for lunch with them. “If you’re going to put it that way... Tell me where and I’ll meet you there.”

  “The pizzeria one block down. I’m just waiting on Amy to arrive and then we’re heading that way.” Jane paused, looking over Francesca’s shoulder out the window, and then said, “Here she comes now.”

  Francesca turned to see Amy walking in. Her normally short hair was now touching her shoulders. She’d decided to grow it out for the wedding. Something about wanting an up-do. Either way, her future sister-in-law was going to be gorgeous.

  “Everyone ready?” Skylar asked as she walked around the corner. “After two kick boxing classes this morning, I’m starved.”

  “I’ll meet you ladies there,” Francesca said.

  The ride was short. Once inside the restaurant, they made their way to a booth. Francesca glanced around noticing the décor which gave her a sense of home. It was one of those places where a candle was lit on each table that had a red checkered table cloth on it. The menus were on the table behind the salt and pepper shakers. She’d been there before, but it wasn’t her usual type of place.

  When the waitress appeared, she seemed to know Skylar and Amy right away. This must be a place they visited regularly. There was a cozy feeling to the restaurant. Francesca could see coming here with a close group of friends to have a few good laughs.

  After they ordered drinks and decided on a pizza they would share, Francesca started to relax. The way Jane, Skylar, and Amy interacted with one another put her at ease. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to open up and just be friends.

  “I see you’ve gotten your car back. Does it feel nice to be driving it again?” Jane asked.

  “God, yeah. The beat-up truck didn’t have air conditioning.”

  “What’s the story there anyway? Adam and I were wondering. Are you and Randy rekindling an old flame?” Amy asked.

  “No,” Francesca answered.

  “You don’t sound very convincing,” Skylar chimed in.

  “I don’t really want to talk about him.”

  Amy nudged Francesca. “Oh, come on. You’re among friends, and we want the dish.”

  “There is nothing to dish.”

  “Yeah, right. Give us something. I’m getting beat up from the inside, and the only thing Ben and I are doing these days is cuddling.” Jane rubbed her belly.

  Francesca took a deep breath and said, “Okay, fine. We did it one last time for old times’ sake. But that’s it. It’s over.”

  “How was it?” Jane asked.

  “Just because you’re p
regnant doesn’t mean you can’t be with Ben. Geesh.” Francesca rolled her eyes.

  “That’s what got me in this situation.”

  “Yes, but you’re already pregnant. It’s not like he can knock you up right now.”

  “You never know.” Jane shrugged.

  They all laughed.

  “So, just one time?” Amy asked.

  Francesca nodded, looking away from everyone.

  “She’s lying,” Skylar said.

  Just as Francesca was about to argue, the pizza arrived. Thank God!

  Soon, they were stuffing their mouths and talking about how good the food was. Jane kept giving her looks throughout lunch that clearly said she wanted to know everything. Francesca would fill her in later, but she didn’t want everyone to know about her and Randall and the mess that had been created. Hopefully, however, they were really done.

  But for some reason, the thought of that left her feeling sad. Did she really just want things over? She knew the answer and it was no. She’d like to get to know him again and see if maybe it could work. But he’d laughed at her and made it clear the sex between them had meant nothing.

  And besides that, she’d never done the chasing. She was used to the man wanting her and doing everything he could to get her. She had no idea what to do if she had to pursue him. But she had a feeling that if she wanted to be with Randall again, she was going to have to show him that she wasn’t who he thought she was.

  Chapter 8

  A week had passed since Randy had last talked to or seen Francesca. He had hoped by now she’d be free from his mind, but instead each night she was the last thought he had before drifting off to sleep. And when he woke the next morning, she was the first thing that popped in his head. And this was after she’d haunted his dreams.

  But they were two different types of people, and he had to keep reminding himself of that. And tonight he had a date. A woman who was the complete opposite of Francesca. Dana had short, dark locks, and was on the sweet side. She was shy and quiet, unlike Francesca who was always up for an argument.

  Randy knew Dana wasn’t the one for him. But perhaps a few kisses could help him move on. Then again, maybe Dana was the one and he just wasn’t giving her a chance. Tonight was her chance. In fact, this evening could be the best damn night he’d ever had. Yes, he had to stay positive.

  Now, he had to shower and get ready for his date. He had seven o’clock reservations at one of those fancy restaurants. He’d never been one to want to pay twenty dollars for a steak but women liked those sorts of places. He preferred a burger and greasy fries from a drive-thru and watching a good action movie while wearing his favorite sweatpants on the couch. Randy chuckled, perhaps that was why his relationships never worked. Maybe one day he’d find a woman who wanted the same thing.

  * * * *

  The hostess led Francesca to the table she’d reserved. Taking her seat, she took a sip of the water already at the table and glanced around. Her dinner date should be arriving any moment. While she waited, she pulled out her folder with the designs she had come up with. She glanced through them quickly to make sure everything was there. This was a very important project for her on many different levels.

  After she looked through the entire binder, she closed it and waited. It didn’t take long for the handsome older man she’d been waiting on to arrive.

  “You look as lovely as ever, Francesca,” he said as he took his seat.

  She smiled. “Thanks, Ben, and you look…well, tired.”

  “Jane isn’t sleeping these days. She can’t get comfortable. All she does is toss and turn all night. Then, like clockwork, every two hours she is up and in the bathroom.”

  “Poor Jane.”

  “Oh yes, the pregnant lady gets all the sympathy.”

  “Well, she is the one doing all the work.”

  “And for that, I am thankful. I don’t think I could be doing what she is right now.”

  The waitress arrived and they ordered their meals. Francesca then handed the binder to Ben and waited to see what he thought. Ben was planning to send Jane away for a weekend of relaxation and when she returned, the nursery was going to be complete as a surprise. And Francesca was honored when he asked her to design it. So, this had to be perfect. And luckily, being good friends with Jane had helped her know just what she wanted.

  Ben closed the binder and laid it on the table.

  “Well?” she asked.

  “It’s wonderful. Jane is going to love it.”

  Francesca smiled. “I can’t wait to start shopping for it. That is your copy.” She pointed to the folder. “I’ve already shopped around and the prices are listed in the back. A few items could be bought at several places, and I listed them and the place that was the cheapest.”

  Ben held his hand up. “I don’t care what it costs. You should know that by now.”

  “Jane is very lucky to have you.”

  “No, I’m lucky to have her.”

  It made her so happy to see these two so happy. She’d set them up, but hadn’t known at the time that she was making a match made in heaven. Jane was getting out of a bad relationship and wanted to retaliate against the creep, to make him seethe with jealousy, so Francesca had set her up with Ben as a fake relationship. Only, it was never fake. They were destined to be with one another.

  “Have you gotten Toby trained yet?” Francesca had met the yellow lab a few times. Energetic didn’t even begin to describe Jane’s dog.

  “We’re getting there.”

  Ben continued to tell her about getting the dog out of bed with him and Jane. And how the dog was still sneaking up in the middle of the night. Francesca had never owned a pet—she had severe allergies—however, she enjoyed hearing stories about other people’s pets.

  * * * *

  Pushing the chair in for Dana, Randy glanced around the restaurant. It was a very nice steakhouse. The lights were dimly lit and music played at a quiet but intimate level, making it perfect for a romantic evening. The tables all had a candle on them, white table clothes, and dark hardwood chairs.

  Randy took a seat across from Dana, and she smiled at him. She was impressed, and for that, he was glad. The girl deserved a nice evening out. And so did he.

  Almost immediately, a waitress appeared to get their drink orders. He ordered a soda for now. He wasn’t sure alcohol was such a good idea. Dana ordered a tea.

  “This is a very nice place,” she said. “Have you been here before?”

  “No, it’s my first time.”

  “Maybe this will be one of the many firsts we will have together.”

  He quickly grabbed the water that sat in front of him and took a sip. It was never good when a woman talked about a future right away. Or at least for him it wasn’t.

  “How was work today?” she asked.

  “Pretty slow.”

  “Things were slow at the flower shop as well.”

  He nodded. First dates were always awkward, he reminded himself. As Dana continued to talk about her day, he did his best to pay attention. He was thankful when the server returned with their drinks and to see what they wanted to order for dinner. He let Dana go first and then he ordered a steak, baked potato, and grilled vegetables. He couldn’t believe the prices. It wasn’t like he couldn’t afford it, but normally he’d never pay that much for dinner.

  As they waited on their food, he looked around. A woman a few tables over with shoulder length blonde hair laughed, catching his attention.

  Was that?

  No, it couldn’t be Francesca. There was no way they’d be at the same place. But he had to know.

  “I’ll be right back, I need to wash up.” He excused himself.

  As he got closer to the woman, she spoke and he recognized her voice. It was Francesca, and she looked to be having a fabulous time with an older man, one he assumed was rich. And to think, she’d just asked him to be her date at some wedding. And she wanted to see if there was anything between them. She was n
ever going to change.

  He cleared his throat to get her attention. She spun around in her chair and looked back at him.

  “Randall. Wow, this is unexpected.”

  “It certainly is, isn’t it?” he said with irritation in his voice.

  “Randall, this is Ben. Ben, this is Randall.” She introduced them.

  “It’s Randy.”

  “Sorry, I keep forgetting.” Her smiled faded.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Ben put his hand out to shake.

  Randy didn’t take the man’s hand. The older gentleman put his hand down and then excused himself to go to the restroom.

  Francesca nodded at Ben as he left, letting him know she was fine. Once he was out of sight, she glared at Randy. “What’s your problem?” she asked.

  “You move on fast,” Randy snapped.


  “Your date. He’s just your type, huh? Rich and older. Aren’t you tired of being someone’s arm candy yet?”

  Her eyes widened and he could see the hurt. “He’s not my date. He’s a client.”

  “Do you think I’m stupid?” he said loudly.

  “Quiet down, you’re making a scene.” She reached across the table and grabbed a binder. “Take a look if you don’t believe me. I’m designing a nursery for him and my friend Jane. He’s surprising her.”

  Randy opened the binder and flipped through the pages looking at blueprints and nursery furniture. Oh fuck, had he made a fool of himself. He handed the folder back to her and didn’t know what to say. He raked his hand through his hair and wished he could take the scene back.

  “I’m sorry,” he finally said.

  She set the binder on the table, and just as she looked like she was about to speak, he heard a different female voice. “Is everything okay over here, honey?” An arm wrapped around his shoulder.

  Dana. Oh crap. Randy studied Francesca and he could see it was taking everything in her to control herself.


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