Nephilim Generations

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by Avell Kro

  Nephilim Generations


  Avell Kro

  The prequel novella to

  The Teenager’s Guide to Quantum Mechanics

  “This book will change how you think about everything!”

  Nephilim Generations

  Copyright © 2017 Avell Kro

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Once people start thinking for themselves,

  the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.

  It isn’t every day you get to save the world. And I bet you wouldn’t guess that three teenagers would be doing it. Or that our names are Curfew, Taffeta and Amphetamine.

  But before we get to that, what were we saving the world from? That, of course, is the question since time began. If you’re watching what’s going on around you, you’ll notice that questions like that are out of fashion these days. Perhaps they always were. There’s a reason for that, and we’ll be coming to it later.

  If you think multiple choice is real choice, try this little experiment. Go to one of those websites that offer cheap hotel deals, find a hotel you like the look of and then go direct to the hotel’s website and see if there isn’t a cheaper deal direct from their own website. This is just one small example. The point here is pulling off the trick of making you think you have a choice, when the real choice is off the radar. It’s all about misdirection. In some ways, the whole world is one big conjuring trick. The question is: who’s doing the conjuring?

  You must have heard of the Nephilim, or you wouldn’t have opened this book. But not everyone knows where the Nephilim came from, and that’s important, because they’re coming back. And don’t let anyone fool you into thinking they’re from outer space, because that’s not true. The real parents of the Nephilim are not from outer space, they’re from inner space. A world they are very keen for you to know as little about as possible.

  So what are we saving the world from? From evil. And where did evil come from? The answer is in this little book and the one that follows:

  The Teenager’s Guide to Quantum Mechanics.

  The Year 3014

  There are few of us left who still know about the time before. It is hard to explain to the others. I can speak the words, but they have little meaning to those who have not seen.

  In the time before, people lived for themselves alone, until there was nothing left to live for and the whole world was at war. They worshipped strength and power. They were so proud of their technology – especially their biotech.

  “We can eradicate disease and death,” they said. And they did, at least for some of the people. Except that when you are only living for yourself and you cannot die, your life becomes a living death. They never thought of that.

  It started benignly enough on the face of it. You would have had to be crazy, they argued, not to want to wipe out genetic defects before birth, to edit cancer genes out of a person’s DNA, to pre-empt Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s or Fragile X – the list seemed endless.

  But it did not end there – how could it? It was that civilization’s mind-set to think that even the most extreme abundance of everything imaginable would never be enough. The more they had, the greedier they became. Their very success became a curse. There had to be ways of making people stronger, smarter, more beautiful and more productive. So, they made a little tweak to the DNA here, another little edit there, even a little re-writing somewhere else, and before they knew it they had bred whole new castes of super-people – super-scientists, super-leaders, super-soldiers, super-strategists. There seemed to be nothing they couldn’t do. Only by then the light had gone out of the world, and nothing they did seemed to have any point any more. Now they had become practically immortal, they discovered that all they longed for was death. Except that now it eluded them.

  This was the fourth great fall in the history of mankind. There will be one more, far into the future. The first was in the Garden of Eden, where heaven and earth met, when mankind was tempted with knowledge that it could not control. Heaven and Earth were separated and Death came into the world. Then, men and women saw Death as a punishment. By the time of the fourth fall they were beginning to see that it had also been a mercy. Too late.

  The second fall was led by the Watchers, the heavenly beings who were green with envy at the destiny of man – to be both incarnate and immortal. They thought they knew better than God. The Watchers came down to Earth and bred the Nephilim to subvert the plan and become lords of the Earth. Most do not remember this today, now that the whole world is lit up from within, but then the Shining One, the Nachash, lied to people and pretended that his reflected heavenly light emanated from himself. Throughout all the ages, the seed of the Nachash, his spiritual children, have always loved all that glittered and sparkled, anything that reflected light. They loved fame, glory, reputation, status, respectability. They craved attention, power and luxury. This was always how they were recognized. They loved to dazzle and be conspicuous. The True Light, on the other hand, was always simple, humble and unaffected, shining for the benefit of others, and this is how his children still are today.

  The descendants of the Watchers, the Nephilim, were almost all destroyed by the Flood in the time of Noah. Many of those left over were destroyed by Joshua when the Israelites entered the Promised Land, much later.

  But then came the third fall in the history of mankind. This was led by the Nephilim king known to the Israelites as Gilgamesh, or Nimrod (‘The Rebel’). He was physically powerful, ruthless and amoral, like most of his kind, and once again led the people astray. The Nephilim had no conscience and no compassion. All they cared about was power and fame.

  After the Flood, the descendants of Noah were commanded to scatter over the Earth, populate it and multiply. The Earth had been purified of most of the Nephilim hybrids who had terrorized and tyrannized them, and now it was time for them to prosper and live in peace again as had always been intended.

  But no: Gilgamesh (Nimrod) seduced them with promises of fame and glory in his great city. He of the Nephilim would restore the greatness of humanity, mending the rift between Heaven and Earth by building a great tower to replace God’s holy mountain. All the people would have to do was worship the fallen Watchers, the fathers of the Nephilim, as their gods. Amazingly, the people were prepared to do this, and set about building bricks and creating the Tower of Babel.

  It soon became clear to the powers of Heaven that a dark world dictatorship with the Watchers at the helm threatened to hijack the destiny of mankind once again. So God gave the people exactly what they claimed to want. The people at Babel were divided up into seventy nations, each with its own language and its own ‘gods’ – the fallen Watchers – to rule over them. Their new ‘gods’ were cruel, lascivious and capricious as ever, but that was what the people had said they wanted. Thus the nations of the Earth were born and scattered over the known world. Only in their most distant memories did they carry the traces of a relationship with one God.

  The Watchers saw with amused consternation that God himself had taken as his own chosen people a nation that did not yet even exist – the nation of Israel, who would be the descendants of Abraham, living in the territory called Canaan at the time of the Tower of Babel. How hilarious, they thought.
A tiny, paltry little nation that does not even exist! But just to be on the safe side, they made sure that they settled as many of their Nephilim descendants on that territory as they could, so that when the Israelites eventually tried to move in, they would have their work cut out. How could a handful of puny humans, they thought, possibly defeat the might of the Nephilim?

  But there was more: the Watchers, in their determination to produce physically embodied descendants, were obsessed even then with genetics and bloodlines. What they could not have known was that Abraham’s descendants would comprise not his bodily, but his spiritual descendants – those who believed in the God of Israel. By the time they had worked it out, there were descendants of Abraham in every nation on Earth. Their wrath knew no bounds.

  They had persecuted and scattered the nation of Abraham, the Jews, to all corners of the Earth in order to sabotage their destiny. But the more they scattered them, the stronger they seemed to become. Then there was an unexpected development. Towards the end of the 19th century a movement started to move Jews back to their homeland. This was too much for the Watchers. It had to be stopped. Their answer to Zionism was Adolf Hitler, a man determined to exterminate all Jews if he could. It was his obsession. Although vaunted as a man of pure lifestyle, Hitler was in fact a hard drug addict, especially crystal meth. The Watchers have always used the science of drugs, pharmakeia, to deceive and control people. The result was the Holocaust - a time of unprecedented tragedy, suffering and genocide for the Jews. But something extraordinary happened as well. Before the rise of Adolf Hitler to power in Germany, the rate of emigration by Jews to Palestine worldwide was only a trickle – perhaps a few hundred a year. During the Nazi era of persecution these few hundreds became thousands and many thousands more. In one sense Hitler became the instrument of the very thing he was hell-bent on preventing: the restoration of Israel as a territorial nation.

  This did not, of course, mean that the Jewish nation in the new Israel had suddenly been transformed into images of spiritual perfection. In some cases quite the opposite. But the Watchers had once again set out to regain control and then lost it again. This pattern has repeated itself many times throughout human history.

  The fourth great fall came about rather more gradually, starting in the late 20th century. By then there had been great advances in genetics. The human genome had been mapped and the first animal clones had been bred. It was all looking very promising. Nanotechnology, which offered the tantalizing promise of self-regenerating body tissue, was also a newly emerging science. Then, in 2003, they found the tomb of Gilgamesh, the legendary King Nimrod of Babylon. The race was on.

  The Year 2017

  Taffeta made a couple of adjustments to Curfew’s bedding and then read his commentary on the Being’s unfolding plans:

  You’d think we would all have learned by now, wouldn’t you? But no: here we are again, in the third millennium, and the whole business of ‘improving’ humans is starting up all over again. Will they, will we, never learn? In the beginning, we have been told, God made Heaven and Earth. But what about before the beginning? What was there before? And can we even call it ‘before’? This is how the Being describes it:

  We couldn’t resist it. We came down to Earth to see for ourselves. And there it was, this Garden of Eden, this place where human beings were supposed to live in the body and the spirit at the same time. The place where Heaven and Earth met. It just wasn’t fair. We were restricted to the spirit realm, but we had to watch the humans. The Watchers, we were called. You can look it up in Enoch 1 and other books.

  It was revenge, pure and simple. If we weren’t allowed to have physical bodies, then we would use the humans’ bodies for our own purposes and make our own children, the Nephilim, and then the humans would lose their dominion over the earth. They wouldn’t stand a chance against the Nephilim, with their greater strength. Our children would rule over their children. And because we had cut them off from God, they also lost their immortality. Death came into the world. Fair’s fair. That’s how we saw it. Up in the realm where I was created I was one of the beings around the throne of God. We were sure we knew better than God himself.

  So was all our doing, what you see in the world today. And people are so stupid, they really think they did it themselves. The key, before everything else, was to splinter their consciousness. To turn them so they would be facing the wrong way, away from the light. We deceived them into believing that they themselves were shining. It was the start of the age-old human obsession with everything that shines and glitters. More than this, it enabled us to turn them into mirror images of ourselves instead of being the images of God, which was what they were always meant to be. I could hardly believe it when they fell for it. It was genius in its simplicity. The idea was that these humans – destined to be immortal - would then completely forget who they were, where they had come from, and even why they were here. They would be no more than a seething, chaotic sea of puny little egos, buffeted around in time and space for a few decades before snuffing out like candle flames in a gust of wind. If we could achieve that, then we could do whatever we wanted with them.

  And we have. Just look around! Greed, squalor, corruption, cruelty, war, brutality, addiction, neglect – all these came from our brilliant plan of sabotage. These pathetic creatures, these men and women, these ‘immortal sparks’ in bodies of flesh and blood, were supposed to be raised higher than us in the orders of the universe? Over my dead, immortal body! If we could not reign supreme, then we would bring them low – lower than low even. We would bring them to their knees and make them crawl and grovel in their own dirt. And we would do it by dividing their minds and souls.

  How gullible they are, these humans! They think they are alone in the universe. We are invisible to them, now that they no longer see with their inner eye. They might have been sons and daughters of God, but instead they chose to be alone in the world, and mortal. And all we had to do was to make them doubt. And then to make them believe that if they turned and split themselves off from the source of life, they would not die. And so they turned, and now they die. Mission accomplished. Or almost.

  Among other things my name means Shining One. Direct light may blind: but reflected light can dazzle. I dazzled the Woman Eve in the presence of the Man Adam and wrenched their birth right from them. Just look at them now. On the brink of destruction…..

  “Shining One?” thought Taffeta. “Where have I heard that before?” Then she remembered. Curfew had told her about the word nachash. It could mean “Shining one”, a term used for describing spiritual beings. But depending on whether it was used as a verb, a noun or an adjective it could also mean “serpent” (the Serpent of the Garden of the Eden), or ‘Deceiver’. The Shining One was the being who had deceived mankind. She read on….

  The trouble with these humans is that even in their turned state you can never manage to suppress their true spiritual nature entirely. Even turned away from the light, their light never quite seems to go out. Some small part of them remains connected to the source. Napoleon Bonaparte himself, one of the great warlords of all time, recognized that the human spirit has something about it that can never be entirely quenched by destitution, injustice, war and devastation. He said that there were two powers in the world, the sword and the spirit. The spirit, he said, would always prevail over the sword. And he ought to know.

  The thing is, these humans have this way of behaving as if their disadvantages were advantages. If they stopped to think about it, which fortunately most of them don’t, they would realize that this says more about their true nature than anything else. Luckily for us, they’re too busy dealing with the day-to-day chaos and injustice that our agenda has unleashed on the world. Keeping their lives busy, hectic and confused has always been a cornerstone of our strategy. You can’t have people stopping for long enough to think and start asking awkward questions. Before you knew it, they would be asking things like “Why am I here?”, and that would never do. They w
ould start asking why people who have been crushed and broken seem somehow more human than others, not less, and often to have more energy and zest for life than those who have had life all their own way. How people who have been beaten and humiliated have more authority than people who merely hold office. How people who are humble seem to have immense power to move and inspire others. Think of Gandhi; think of Nelson Mandela; think of Vaclav Havel. If they stopped to think about these things, the only conclusion they could come to is that strength does not come from the ego at all, and that the ego is not in fact the self. Then they would have to ask themselves who or what the ‘self’ is.

  We had to put a stop to all that. So we did. We came up with status, hierarchies and careers. Starting, obviously, with religions. Once we got that right, everything else followed. And it is still following.

  At this point, Taff looked up, a little puzzled. What was he saying here? That religion was something different from God? How could that make sense? She found herself growing a little impatient now. She wished Curfew could wake up out of his drug-induced state and explain a few things to her. She texted her sister Fett, who was doing some shopping at Macy’s, to let her know that Curfew was comfortable, but still unconscious. In the meantime, she kept reading.

  The Ladder to Heaven or the Descent into Hell?


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