Wicked Payback

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Wicked Payback Page 19

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

“I mean you’d better get your horny forty-year-old ass upstairs unless you want that young stud to get tired of waiting and seek gratification elsewhere.” Jack shook his head and laughed. “And take your time because Meredith and I have lots of catching up to do.” He gave Meredith a squeeze.

  The grin still in place, Karyn flushed crimson. “Oh…well in that case,” she skipped to the door and opened it, “happy birthday to me!” With a wink, a giggle and a blown kiss she was gone.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I can’t believe we’re finally alone,” Jack said as soon as the door closed. “Thank God Karyn left when she did because if I had to wait any longer to get my hands on that sweet, delicious body of yours I would have thrown her out myself.” He leapt from the sofa, grasped Meredith’s ankles and yanked her into a reclining position, eliciting a surprised little yelp from her. And then Jack stood over her, arms akimbo, searing her with an intense, searching gaze.

  Meredith’s body reacted as it always had. Her heart rate picked up, her skin heated and her pussy drooled. She stared up into hazel eyes that gleamed with carnal intentions and licked her lips. She wanted Jack McKenna now more than she’d wanted anything in her life.

  A soft growl erupted from Jack’s throat as he scrutinized her from head to toe. “You’re so goddamned beautiful that it makes my insides ache,” he said, his voice raw and gruff with emotion. He shoved the coffee table out of the way with a swift kick and then dropped to the sofa, straddling Meredith with one knee on the cushions and one foot on the floor. Her head fell back as he slipped his hand under her back and drew her up, never taking his gaze from her eyes.

  A tiny sound broke from Meredith’s throat, part acceptance, part plea as her lips opened in anticipation. She gasped as he took fierce possession of her mouth, delving with his tongue. He tasted of unrestrained need and frustration and her heart broke for him at the same time that her nipples tightened beneath his hand.

  “Oh Jack…my darling Jack.” She stroked his face as their lips parted. “I’m so sorry for all the pain I’ve caused.”

  “Sweetheart,” Jack said in a strained tone tinged with a chuckle, “the only pain either of us needs to be concerned about at the moment is the throbbing ache in my cock. It’s so fucking hard it’s about ready to burst out of my jeans.”

  “Well then I think we need to do something about that, don’t you?” Meredith pulled herself up far enough so that she could get her hands on Jack’s crotch. With a bit of fumbling as Jack supported her back, she finally managed to unfasten his jeans and sink her hand in the opening, wrapping it around his grand cock through his shorts. “Oh yes,” she indulged in a throaty chuckle, “this is what I’ve been waiting for. The hope of feeling you inside of me again is what kept me going as I went through Hell and back.”

  Dropping Meredith unceremoniously to the sofa cushions, causing her to utter an oomph, Jack scrambled to his feet and jerked off his T-shirt. She moaned at the sight of his broad chest with its smattering of hair across his well-defined pecs. And when her gaze alighted on his ripped washboard stomach as he tossed the shirt aside, her cunt clenched. It had been so long…too long.

  He shucked off his shoes, socks and jeans in mere seconds and then, in the blink of an eye, off came his shorts. Meredith felt her pussy trickle as he stood before her splendidly naked and breathing hard.

  “Strip for me, Meredith.” His voice was just above a whisper. “Give me an eyeful of those full luscious curves I’ve been dreaming about before I batter your pussy with my poor tormented cock.”

  Eager to get to the main attraction, Meredith quickly complied, tugging her sweater over her head first and then fiddling with the snap and zipper on her jeans until she could wrench them off.

  “Come on, let’s have it.” Jack stretched out his hand, curling his fingers back and forth in invitation. “I want to see those gorgeous tits naked and bouncing.”

  Once on her knees, Meredith unclasped the front closure of her bra, liberating her breasts and immediately feeling her nipples crinkle under Jack’s appreciative gaze. That’s when she noticed the first trickle of juice down her thigh.

  “Mmm, yeah. Definitely the stuff of my dreams.” He closed the distance between them, cupping Meredith’s breasts with his big hands and burying his face between them. A moment later he began to suckle and Meredith took in a sharp breath.

  As he nibbled on one nipple and then the other, Jack groaned low in his throat, the vibrating sound thrilling her clear to her toes. He pushed her back against the cushioned arm of the sofa and the delectable, rigid feel of him brushed against her belly, making her writhe in anticipation. Jack’s hand slid beneath the elastic of her panties and he coaxed them down over her hips. Suddenly, he tore the scrap of satin and lace from her body.

  “I can’t wait another minute, Meredith. I need you, baby. I need you right now more than I’ve needed anything in my life.”

  “Yes. Now, Jack. Do it to me now.” She opened her thighs and he positioned himself over her. Her every cell tingled with expectation as his cock nestled in her thatch of curls, ready to part her pussy lips. And then he stopped as if frozen. Bracing herself on her elbows, Meredith popped her head up and chuckled. “What’s the matter? Do you see something down there I should know about?” He was silent for so long she frowned. Shit. Maybe Dev had pulled some nasty trick and turned her pussy green or something. “Um…Jack?”

  Jack gazed at her solemnly. “I went for a test shortly after you disappeared, Meredith,” he said finally. “I’m clean. No disease. Nothing.”

  “Oh.” She nodded with understanding. “Okay, that’s good. Now go ahead and get back to work.” Motioning to his immobile cock, Meredith smiled. She itched with an almost frantic need to feel him where he belonged—stuffed high and hard inside her. And if he didn’t scratch that need soon she’d scream.

  “And,” Jack continued, “I need you to know that I haven’t been with anyone since you left.” And then his lip quirked into a sly smile. “So there won’t be any need for cognac.”

  “Cognac?” Meredith gazed at him uncertainly and Jack simply nodded with a knowing smile. And then images of their night at the hotel—when she’d sterilized his cock against any bimbo germs—flashed across her mind and the realization hit her. “Oh!” She cringed, remembering Jack’s reaction to the sting of the alcohol as she poured it over his cock. And then, as much as she didn’t want to, she laughed. “Oh, Jack, I am so sorry about that. Really.”

  He pinned her hard against the sofa cushions and without warning, thrust himself into her, hard and unforgiving. After his satisfied growl blended with Meredith’s shocked gasp, he said, “No you’re not.” And then he plunged into her again.

  “Ooh,” Meredith breathed, “if this is your way of punishing me then, please, discipline away.” She hiked her hips and thrust against him as Jack pushed into her again. Needing to feel him even closer, harder, she locked her ankles behind his back and moaned with unbridled pleasure as his fingers sank into her ass cheeks and his stiff cock pummeled her cunt. They bucked, clawed and pumped wildly against each other. Meredith could tell that she was in for the orgasm of her life.

  “Ah, Meredith, you feel so damned good—so juicy and so tight. I’m not going to be able to hold out much longer.” Jack shifted their positions so that each pistoning motion of his cock abraded her clit.

  “Yes… Just like that, Jack.”

  As Meredith trembled with the first vibrations of an imminent climax Jack said, “This is something else that taunted my dreams while you were missing. The sweet memory of watching myself slide in and out of your pretty little pussy. You have no idea how I’ve missed that, baby.” His gaze glued on their joined flesh, he slammed into her with a fury that took her somewhere beyond all reason. It felt as if he had marked her—had boldly taken ownership of her body and she exulted in the primal sensation.

  Digging her nails into his shoulders Meredith moaned. She knew at that moment that what Annie said wa
s true—she and Jack were indeed soulmates, destined to be lovers for all eternity. She relished in the magnificent sensation of being sublimely fucked and then she screamed as her pussy clenched around him and she spiraled into a rip-roaring orgasm. Then it was Jack’s turn to yell as the last of his control shattered and he went over the edge, joining her in carnal bliss.

  Loud, boisterous and utterly unstinting in their passionate cries, they slumped into a boneless, exhausted heap. Replete and content.

  “I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven,” Jack murmured against Meredith’s throat. He started to lift his weight from her but Meredith clasped her arms around him, holding Jack in place.

  “Not just yet. I want to feel the weight of you on top of me for a little while longer. I’ve missed that so much.”

  Jack raised himself a bit on his elbows and looked down at Meredith. “Have I told you lately that I love you? I mean really and truly love you?” He deposited a path of soft kisses from her forehead to her chin.

  “I love you too, Jack. I always have and I always will.” She smoothed the hair from his eye and pulled his head down to kiss him.

  “I was such an ass, Meredith. I know I can’t erase all the hurt and anguish you suffered because of me in the past but I can promise you that you’ll never have to go through that again. Ever.”

  “We’ve both made mistakes,” Meredith whispered. “Some real doozies. Why don’t we try to forget what happened in the past and just start fresh from here?”

  “Not before I get some things off my chest. It’s important to me, Meredith.” He gazed at her questioningly and she nodded. Jack raised himself to a sitting position, bringing Meredith up with him. “While you were gone I had plenty of time to think about the way I’ve treated you—taking you for granted and tossing you aside like you were nothing more than day-old bread. I was cocky and selfish and an immature prick. In the back of my mind I guess I always figured you’d still be there to come back to after I’d had my fill of the latest bimbo. But then when you disappeared and I realized you might be gone from my life forever, something snapped.”

  “Oh, my poor Jack.” Resting her head on his shoulder, Meredith caressed his chest.

  “I don’t know how to explain it,” he continued, clasping her hand. “It was almost like I went through one of those near-death experiences you hear about. My life sort of flashed before my eyes and I saw clearly that the finest, happiest, most satisfying moments always involved you. Not my work, not money, not other women…you, Meredith.” He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her sweetly. “You are my life. You are my everything. Without you I have no soul…no reason for living.”

  Jack’s words moved her so greatly that she was at a loss for words. Tears streamed down her cheeks while a radiant awareness of pure love lodged at the center of her heart. With an unhurried intake of breath, she studied Jack’s features, finding something bright and untainted and wonderful there that she’d never seen before.

  “You’ve always had a way with words, Jack, but never quite like this.” She smiled warmly. “Believe me when I say that all I went through while I was away brought me to the same conclusions. I need you in my life, Jack. I want us to be together, always.”

  “You’ll never know how happy that makes me.” Jack captured her mouth in a kiss so concentrated with love and passion that Meredith felt the sensations shoot like liquid love straight to her soul. “I give you my word that there will never be anyone else. There will be no open relationships, no more infidelity. Period. Believe me?” He gave her a hopeful, expectant look.

  Contemplating his proclamation as she noted the concern etched across his features, Meredith nodded. “Yes. For the first time I do believe you, Jack.”

  “And I want you to know,” he continued, “that I love you just the way you are, all full and zaftig and curvy.” He cupped her heavy breasts, giving them a firm squeeze. It felt so good having his hands on her again. “You’re a strong, independent, curvaceous woman who exudes luscious femininity and I find that to be a major turn-on.” Jack licked her slowly from her throat to her temple. As her eyelids fluttered closed, Meredith failed to muffle her rising moan.

  “When I take my cock into my fist,” Jack said against her ear, “stroking my erection to completion, it’s your soft, yielding flesh that I’m thinking about. It’s your womanly body that I picture rippling and jiggling as I pound into you.” He laved her ear with his tongue and licked his way to her lips, seizing them in an evocative kiss.

  When their lips parted, a whimper escaped her throat and Meredith struggled to keep herself from melting on the spot. “But…you told me before that a man wants the woman who’s draped on his arm to be a svelte little thing,” she said cautiously. “Are you honestly saying that you don’t feel that way anymore?”

  “Exactly. That was the old Jack talking—the idiot who cared more about what everyone else thought than what he thought and felt himself. I’ve always been attracted to your shapely body, Meredith, you know that. And I was a jerk for trying to make you over into a carbon copy of those impossibly thin model-type women. I want a real woman, dammit, not a skin-covered skeleton. I want you just the way you are, Meredith.”

  His heartfelt words made her feel beautiful…attractive…appealing…sexy. Better than thin. And she’d longed for Jack to feel this way, to tell her this, for oh so many years. It was like a dream come true. Like Heaven. “Well that’s a good thing.” Meredith keept her tone light so she wouldn’t dissolve into hiccupping, messy, albeit happy sobs. “Because if I had to exist on a diet of little more than cigarettes, black coffee and lettuce leaves, with the occasional carrot stick for dessert, I’d be a hollow-eyed bitch on wheels.” Jack joined her in laughter. “Food, like love, must never be a joyless experience,” she added, stroking his jaw with her fingers.

  “I love your passion for food, Meredith. Watching you enjoy the hell out of a glass of fine champagne, a forkful of lobster, a chunk of praline cheesecake or a spoonful of rich chocolate mousse reminds me of the same gusto you’ve always brought to our lovemaking. Speaking of which…” His gaze dropped to his groin and the impressive erection there and Meredith’s eyes followed. When he raised his head again, Jack jiggled his eyebrows playfully.

  “Hmm.” Meredith folded her arms across her chest and smirked. “So, tell me…are you speaking about the gusto I bring to eating right now or are you referring to the gusto I bring to our lovemaking?”

  Jack broke into a wide grin. “Both. Definitely.”

  “That’s what I thought.” Meredith smiled and licked her lips as she slipped off the sofa and got to her knees on the floor. “As a woman who fully appreciates gustatory delights, I’ve always loved sinking my teeth into things of…substance.” She arched a brow and eyed Jack’s cock, murmuring a husky chuckle. “And what could be more substantial than your delicious cock?” After a few teasing flicks of her tongue she slowly licked up one side of his cock and down the other before taking him in her mouth and biting softly.

  “Oh yeah…I’m all for carnal gluttony,” Jack groaned as he threaded his fingers through her hair.

  After she’d spiraled her tongue around his notable girth her senses were suddenly assaulted with images of Alicia doing the same thing to her when she was in Ricky’s body. No, no, no, no, no. Stunned by the unwelcome intrusion, Meredith pulled back and Jack’s wet cock popped out of her mouth.

  “Aw, please tell me you’re not finished yet,” he pleaded with a chuckle.

  Meredith sat back on her heels, awestruck by the memories that flooded her brain. Memories that she really didn’t want to be thinking about right now.

  “Baby, is something wrong?”

  “No…just give me a minute,” Meredith said. One of the clearest memories that popped into her head was of the feeling of raw power that she had as Alicia sucked her…Ricky’s cock. As Ricky, Meredith wanted to dominate, to control, to possess. And she wanted Alicia to swallow her cum. And Alicia did—every
last drop. And Ricky loved it. Meredith frowned. She’d never done that for Jack. Sure, she’d given him plenty of blowjobs but she always let him pull out before he came in her mouth. The other memory at the forefront of her mind was the desire she, as Ricky, had to spank Alicia’s ass. She’d certainly never engaged in anything like that with Jack either. Except for the last time she saw him when she’d swatted Jack’s ass—hard. She rolled her eyes at the memory. Jack’s ass…she wondered if the indelible ink was still there. With a shudder she hoped that it wasn’t.

  “Meredith, honey, are you okay? We don’t have to do any more tonight if you need to rest or something. The last thing I want to do is to jeopardize your health after what you’ve been through.”

  Meredith sucked in a deep breath. “No, I’m fine. Healthy as a horse. Just suffering from a serious bout of brain overload, that’s all.” She laughed.


  She waved her hand in dismissal. “Nothing. Forget it.” She took Jack’s cock into her hands, mindlessly stroking it back to its former rigid state. His cock was longer and thicker than Ricky’s, and Ricky’s was damned impressive. She squeezed his shaft with one hand while she cupped his balls with the other, delighting in the way a groan rumbled up from somewhere deep within his chest.

  “Have you ever wanted to spank me, Jack?”

  Clearly taken aback, Jack laughed a little and shrugged. “Oh…several times come to mind, I guess.” He grinned. “Why?”

  Meredith got up and straddled Jack’s lap, facing him. As Jack watched, she grasped her nipples and played with them, pinching, tugging and rolling as she moaned her pleasure. It was something she’d never done in front of a man before but Jack had often told her he’d love to see her play with herself. She’d always been shy about touching herself in front of him—but things were different now. With all the wild and unearthly adventures she’d recently experienced, Meredith decided that it was high time for some changes in her real life. As she played with her breasts, the look of drooling amazement on Jack’s face told her she was definitely on the right track.


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