Filthy Lies_An Interracial Erotic Romance

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Filthy Lies_An Interracial Erotic Romance Page 5

by Kenya Wright

Mia continued to sip her coffee but didn’t touch her bagel. She’d placed it in her handbag.

  I parked the car and turned to her. Every time I was around her my body—my mind—was extremely aware of this woman. Her sweet scent. The sound of her soft breathing. The satin feel of her skin.

  Before saying anything, I studied Mia as she drank her coffee. She was my obsession. Her full lips curved around the cup. I knew I shouldn’t, but I studied the delicate line of her throat and its movement as she swallowed. And there was this wild, carnal urge to kiss all that exposed chocolate skin.

  I gripped the steering wheel harder. “Are you sure he’s cheating?”

  She lowered her voice. “I think so...but...even if he isn’t, I don’t want to be with him anymore. I’m sorry to tell you this. I know he’s your friend.”

  “It’s fine. I told you that I’m your friend too and this conversation stays here.” I leaned my head to the side. “Has he done anything else to you? Hurt you in any other way?”

  If he did, I’m going to break his neck.

  “No.” Her dark hair framed her face with skin so perfect I had to force myself to not to reach out and stroke it.

  “Has he ever put his hands on you?”

  “No. Nothing like that. He’s just gone a lot. Sometimes he says he’s with you. Sometimes he says he’s working, but either way, I never seem to believe him. I just don’t like how I feel with him.”

  He’s been telling her that we’ve been hanging out. Liar.

  I clenched my jaw. “Well, I can tell you for certain that I haven’t hung out with Tyson since the boat party on July fourth.”

  She widened her eyes in surprise.

  I shrugged. “We’ve been a bit distant with each other.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  It could be because I punched him in the face, or the fact that the same night he walked in on me holding you under the moonlight while you slept.

  Tyson hadn’t said anything when he walked in on Mia sleeping in my arms. I didn’t say anything either and I damn sure didn’t let her go. We just watched each other, almost daring the other to say something. That moment must’ve lasted for a full minute. Pissed, he spit on the deck and walked back to the cabins below.

  And I?

  I continued to hold Mia and watch her sleep. She felt too good in my arms. I was being selfish and stubborn that night. Probably even crazy. But I didn’t give a fuck.

  She’d clung to me, her sensual curves enticing and her breath intoxicating, even with the scent of rum. Fast asleep, she’d trusted me to be a good guy—not take advantage, not overstep on our relationship. Yet, I’d held her closer than she probably had intended, breathing in her perfumed fragrance and relishing in the feel of her body, soft and warm against mine.

  An intense yearning bulldozed through me in that moment, ramming and slamming through my system. Raw desire and longing so potent my cock went stiff and stayed that way the rest of the night.

  All I craved was to decorate every inch of her body with kisses. To stroke her naked skin. To have her writhe under me with pleasure. To hear her melody of moans and feel the heat of her smooth skin moving against me.

  I should’ve never held her that night. It made everything worse. I never got her out of my head after that day. Tyson and I never spoke again. And now Mia tells me that Tyson started cheating around then?

  That morning, even I knew I’d made a mistake by holding her.

  Mia had opened her eyes and realized she was in my arms—her boyfriend’s best friend’s arms. The top button of her blouse had come open as she’d snuggled against me. The curve of her breasts had spilled out over the cups of her pink bra and greeted my eyes. I’d hardened right there, imagining the taste of her. The feel of her soft skin against my lips. The way her sweet voice would soften even more when she writhed under my cock and moaned.

  She’d probably trusted me to be her noble knight, but when I was around her, all I’d been able to think about was her curves, that sweet voice, and how lovely and soft her skin had been on July 4th when I’d held her.

  An intense hunger had crashed into me that night, like a diesel truck, wrecking my gentlemanly side. Around Mia, I wasn’t a good man. Having her so close and with only a little fabric between us twisted my wicked thoughts into overdrive. I was human desire pulsing and pumping within the flesh, ready to rub my cock against her ass and make her scream my name.

  Even in the car right now, all I yearned to do was touch her lips.

  Tyson had been cheating since July 4th? How the hell was he not all over Mia?

  That day, it had taken all my strength to keep a good distance from her. When Mia had come out in that bikini, I couldn’t think. All I did was mumble for the first ten minutes. A war of yearning and insanity blazed within me. As she swam, her body glistened. Wet waves over slick, smooth skin. Somehow, I’d gained control. I’d kept my mouth closed, my hands to myself, and a few feet between us.

  Then the fireworks came, and Tyson left us alone. My battle of good intentions was lost when she drifted to sleep in my arms. I watched her slumber the rest of the night. I couldn’t move and was barely able to breathe.

  Later, when the first ray of sunlight illuminated in the sky and the ocean rippling around my yacht glimmered with color, I still held her.

  And it was everything—all color and sound and spectacle, with her in my arms. That moment was so beautiful. I couldn’t have imagined being anywhere else, with anyone else. All I could do was ache as I remembered that the moment was completely real.

  She wasn’t mine.

  A cool, salty breeze had blown through her hair. Seagulls squawked as they spread their wings and soared over the yacht, probably sniffing for food. It was in that moment Mia had woken up and gazed at me with desire blazing in her eyes.

  But was it desire, or had I imagined it all?

  So greedy for the taste of her, I had leaned down to kiss her and she’d froze with shock, leaned back, mumbled sorry, and rushed away.

  What the hell did I think was going to happen? Mia wasn’t like that. Not Miss Perfect at all, but she damn sure tried each day to do the right thing.

  One probably didn’t want to cut Mia off during rush hour. She had serious road rage. The person would get choked or worse. But overall, she gave Tyson and her relationship respect, keeping the boundaries clear between her and me.

  That small moment of cuddling on the fourth of July was the only time I’d really touched her. Other moments were full of cock-teasing short hugs and high-fives, nothing else.

  That July 4th was the best and worst day of the year. I’d gotten to touch her, and then I’d gotten to watch her walk away.

  Later, I docked the boat. Logan, Mia, and Ashley left together. I watched Mia and Logan walk away like lovers—hand in hand, Ashley followed behind, quiet and sad-looking. She must’ve drank too much. She’d been silent most of that weekend.

  In the car, Mia pushed me out of my thoughts. “I’m sorry to come to you with all of this. He is your friend.”

  I shook my head. “Anytime he’s said that he’s been with me, he was lying. After July 4th, the only times I’ve hung with Tyson is when we dit the Kingmaker watch party and your birthday. That’s it.”

  “But, I thought you two were close?” she asked.

  “We are.” I shrugged. “We’re just going through a weird thing.”

  She took off her seatbelt. “You know what? Let’s not talk about this anymore. It’s the Kingmaker’s release day. Who knows what Tyson’s doing? I’m ending it tonight anyway. It doesn’t matter.”

  “Tonight?” I was ashamed to admit it, but anticipation rose in my chest. “You’re really serious. Things are bad.”

  They’re finally breaking up. Good. Damn it. I’m a shitty friend. No wonder Tyson hasn’t been answering my phone calls. What type of friend lusts after his friend’s girl?

  “Yeah. Tonight,” she said. “I told him that I wanted to talk. I’m not even feeling th
e relationship anymore, if I’m honest. It doesn’t even matter if he cheated or not.”

  We both left the car and two emotions battled in my chest—anger and excitement. Fury raged inside of me because I didn’t like hearing that Tyson had lied and deceived her. If he was going to make a big deal about being with Mia, then he should’ve treated her right. But then, in the back of my mind, there was pure excitement.

  They’re finally breaking up.

  Chapter 4


  “Let’s forget about this.” She closed her car door and got to my side. “We have bigger things happening right now.”

  A smile spread across my face. The final book in the Kingmaker series was coming out today. I could deal with this Tyson crap later. Now, it was time to get my book. Something I’d been waiting on for years. The author had ended on a cliffhanger and spent his sweet time releasing the next book.

  “Mulligan has to be alive,” I said.

  “He better be.”

  I checked my watch.

  7:30am. Fuck. I hope we’re still early.

  We left the parking garage, headed up the ramp, and then walked toward the bookstore.

  “I hope we’re the first ones,” Mia said.

  “Me too.”

  When we rounded the corner, my stomach twisted. A massive line of people stood outside. Most wore Kingmaker stuff.

  “Okay.” I worked on a plan. “I love kids, but we’re knocking some of them out the way. This isn’t even a young adult book.”

  She giggled and then shrugged. “Exactly.”

  “And half of these people only are into Kingmaker because of the TV show.”

  “Yes. They haven’t been around for years.”

  “We deserve this.”


  “We won’t leave without a book.”

  She nodded. “We just need to jump the line...and not get arrested for bothering people’s kids.”

  “Don’t worry. I have bail money.”

  She grinned. “You’re such a bad influence.”

  “Sometimes being bad is the only way to have fun.”

  “I bet it’s a lot of fun being bad with you.” She widened her eyes as if shocked she’d said it and then cleared her throat. “I mean—”

  “I like what you said the first time.”

  “Anyway.” She strolled on my side, those lovely breasts bouncing in the halter top. “What are your plans tonight?”

  “Besides reading?”

  “We both know you’ll finish that book before the afternoon.”

  We got behind a group of little boys. Ahead of them were at least twenty more people munching on donuts and croissants, probably from the bakery right across the street who always opened early on a Kingmaker release day.

  “So, what are you doing?” she asked again.

  “Nothing really.”

  “No date this evening?”

  “Not really.”

  She eyed me. “Come on. You’re my bestie.”

  I hated that word on her tongue but didn’t say anything.

  She nudged my arm. “Spill it. Do you have a date or not?”

  “I wouldn’t call it a date. It’s more like an adult meet up.”

  “To do what? Have sex?”

  “Pretty much.”

  She smirked. “Wait a minute. You’re just meeting up with some chick to have sex with her?”

  “It’s an arrangement. She’s a nice girl. I made it clear from the beginning that I didn’t want anything.”

  Mia raised her perfectly arched eyebrows. “Why not?”

  “I haven’t found the one to make me want more.”


  I looked away. “Not really.”

  “So, she comes to your condo and—”

  “No. No one comes to my place. We meet at a hotel.”

  “But you have dinner and—?”

  “No.” I smiled. “I’m not a romantic when it comes to just a sexual relationship. When we agree to what it is, that’s what it is.”

  “Just sex?”

  “Yes. Just sex.” I shrugged. “That’s my night. That’s my plan. Read the Kingmaker. Have sex. And then go home and head to bed.”

  I loved the way she blinked when I mentioned sex. I wondered what popped into her head. There was a second when she licked her lips as if she was thinking about me naked.

  “And what will you be doing?” I asked. “You think Tyson is cheating, and you’re breaking up with him. How are you going to handle it?”

  “It would be rude to do it over the phone. I’m disgusted by him, but I can give him a few hours to move out and pick up his things. That should keep everything peaceful.”

  “Are you sure you’re telling him tonight?” I asked.


  “Do you want me there?”

  “No. It should be fine.”

  A kid placed his hat by our feet and then began beatboxing with his lips. Intrigued, we paused our conversation and watched him as he jumped into a dance, moving with his rhythm. People began to clap as he jumped and jerked around like a snake. After two minutes, he bowed.

  I dug into my pants and asked the kid, “How old are you? You’re out here early.”

  “Twelve. My favorite book comes out today. I’ve got to make some money.” He stared at my wallet as I pulled it out.

  “Where’s your parents?” Mia handed him two dollars.

  The boy glanced over his shoulders as if his mother or father was stomping down the road after him. “My mom’s asleep. She told me we could buy it, when she gets paid, but I had to get the Kingmaker before it sold out.”

  The novel was a popular hardback costing close to thirty dollars. The kid would be dancing all morning for it, and probably not get one by the end of the day.

  I grabbed two twenties. “Here. Go ahead and get in line. You did a good job. You deserve it and I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

  “Holy shit,” he shrieked.

  I frowned. “Hey, no cursing.”

  “Sorry.” He rushed off.

  “And then go home so you don’t get in trouble!” Mia called after him.

  The kid waved at her and rushed to the end, gripping his hat and the twenties in his hand.

  “That was nice,” Mia said. “You already bought my baking students books.”

  Mia did a free evening baking class at this church in a rough neighborhood. A lot of teens went. I didn’t like her in that area at night. After someone had broken into her car, I’d come along, pretending to want to learn about baking.

  Once, I’d worn a Kingmaker shirt to her class and discovered that most of the teens loved the books. It was obvious that I’d order the kids some books on release day. They’d been good for Mia, never giving her problems and watching out for her the few nights I couldn’t tag along.

  “No problem,” I said. “They’ve earned the books. Had I thought of it before, I would’ve ordered even more. It sucks they won’t get them until Wednesday.”

  “Trust me. No one’s complaining. Many of them wouldn’t have been able to afford to get them this month anyway. It was a nice thing to do.”

  “That’s me. Mr. Nice Guy.”

  “Yes, Mr. Nice Guy who wants no connection just sex.” She sighed. “I’ll be back in the dating game trying to avoid guys like you.”


  “Oh, I didn’t mean it that way. I like you, but I’m saying I would want more from a guy than meeting him in a hotel.”

  “You haven’t had sex with me. You’ll be surprised what you would take.”

  She eyed me and blushed. “You’re probably right.”

  Her phone rang before I could flirt a little more. She dug into her back and read the text message.

  “Bullshit,” she muttered.


  “Tyson says he has to work a double shift and won’t be able to talk this evening. He wants to talk tomorrow night. Fuck that. He’s stalling. Last time
he did this was when his aunt passed—”

  “His aunt?” I raised my eyebrows.

  “Have you met her?”

  “I didn’t know he had any aunts and I’ve known him for five years. In the past, I’ve been at his house a few times for Christmas and his grandmother’s birthday. It’s just them. His mother was an only child. He has no connection to his father’s side.”

  “Are you kidding me? He told me his aunt passed away a few weeks ago. It’s the whole reason why I let him stay with me. He was depressed and down on money and...God, I’m so stupid.”

  “No, don’t say that. You’re nice. You were trying to help someone you cared for.”

  “I was also getting played.”

  “We live, and we learn.”

  “And we let douchebags into our apartments, apparently.”

  The more I was hearing about Tyson, the more I was getting pissed. He’d been cheating and now he was using her for her place and lying? It didn’t sound like the guy I’d hung around with in college. We weren’t upstanding gentlemen when it came to dating women, but we didn’t lie and make up shit either. We didn’t use them for their apartments and walk over them. Back in the day, our female friends would say we were too truthful, letting the women know upfront what we wanted, how we wanted it, and what we just wouldn’t do.

  If he needed money or a place to live, he should’ve just came to me. He didn’t have to guilt Mia out and take her kindness for granted.

  “And...” Mia shook her head in pure embarrassment. “This is going to sound crazy. I don’t even know why I’m going to tell you this. I should tell my brother, but he would just tell me I was insane. Usually, I would’ve called Ashley about this, but she’s probably involved.”

  “I can’t believe he’s messing with Ashley. In fact, I don’t want to believe it.”

  “Me either.” Sighing, she pulled a notebook out of her bag. “Every morning and some nights, Tyson is always sneaking in the closet while I’m sleeping. A few times, I woke up to him doing something in there, but couldn’t figure out what.”

  I thought back to the old days and remembered something about him. “Tyson still writes it all down.”

  “What do you mean he still writes it all down?”

  “His sex-escapades. He used to do it in college. I told him he should’ve been an erotica writer.” I reached my hand out and she gave the notebook to me. “Have you read any of these?”


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