Being Chased

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Being Chased Page 19

by Harper Bentley

  "Thought you might be in a little pain." There was the crooked smile. Gah. He snorted at her when she raised an eyebrow at him. Even with her hair looking like a bird's nest, she was beautiful. He wanted to brush a piece of her hair out of her face, but knew he needed to keep his distance right now.

  "You're a life saver," she told him. Mm, a cherry-flavored Life Saver and don't I just want you in my mouth so I can suck on you. Whoa. Was she still drunk? That was so a drunken thought. Jeez.

  "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

  "I think Allen scheduled us to go deep-sea fishing."

  "What? Sweet! That's awesome! Oh, sorry," he apologized after he noticed how she flinched at his loud voice.

  "It's okay. It's my fault anyway. Well, mine, yours and stupid Hadley's." She cut her eyes at him.

  "Julia, I told you last night that I'm not inter-"

  "Good morning," Allen said, sticking his head in the door. "What's going on?" he asked, looking at them suspiciously.

  "Nothing. Chase just came in to see if I needed to go anywhere today. Why? What would you think was going on?" she asked, scowling at Allen.

  "Well, nothing. I just didn't expect to find Chase in here, is all."

  Chase stayed out of this one. Wasn't really anything to say, anyway.

  "We just finished making mad, passionate love, Allen. Can't you tell from how messy my hair is? But Chase sensed that you were coming, so he jumped up and got dressed in a split second because he's secretly The Flash." She rolled her eyes and Chase's face turned ten different shades of red.

  Allen cleared his throat. "Funny. You're more like your mother every day," he muttered, leaving her room.

  Julia snickered, looking at how red Chase had gotten. What a wuss. Oh, well, she may as well have fun with this since he wanted to be Mr. Clandestine about everything. "Was it as good for you as it was for me?" she asked, throwing the covers back, getting out of bed and walking by him to her bathroom. As she went past, she ran her hand across his butt, squeezing, making him jump. She snorted and shut the door. And then about died when she saw her reflection in the mirror. Her hair, of course, was a mess. That much she knew. What she hadn't realized was that her mascara was smudged under her eyes so badly she looked like a Goth raccoon. Annnnd her tank top was on backwards. Oh, nice. And Chase was still talking to her and had cared enough to come to her aid, all without dashing out of her room scared out of his wits? Hm. Interesting.

  Chase left Julia's room and went to the kitchen. He had to chuckle at her. She looked like shit but he still thought she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Oh, fuck. I really do have it bad for her. But, God, she was such a damned pistol. He never knew what was going to come out of her mouth or what she was going to do. And he loved that about her. Loved her spontaneity. Loved her smartass attitude. Hell, maybe he did love her. He didn't have much time to ponder this as he took in the spread in front of him. The caterers had prepared a huge breakfast that could feed twenty people. Allen had contracted them for the week and, boy, were they taking their job seriously. Chase grabbed up some pancakes, lots of bacon, scrambled eggs, and some fruit for now. He just might have to go back for seconds since it all looked so good. He took a seat at the dining table, taking a drink of his orange juice.

  "Nice, huh?" Allen asked as he came into the kitchen.

  "Yes, very."

  "So, I thought we could all go fishing today, but I've got a conference call later, so I guess it's just going to be you and Julia."

  "Oh, okay. It sounds like fun. I've never been."

  "You'll love it. Damn it, I wish I could go. Maybe next time. You'll have to catch something for me, too." Allen clapped Chase on the back and went back to his office.

  As Chase finished up his first plate, Julia came in, freshly showered. "Wow! Are they trying to feed an army here?"

  "Yeah, I know. Think I'm going in for seconds."

  "Go for it. I don't even think it'd make a dent."

  They sat at the table talking about the fishing, Julia telling Chase about how she'd gone years ago. She'd hooked something huge, but by the time anyone got there to help her, her line had snapped. Allen had told her it was probably a good thing because since they couldn't get to her fast enough, that even though she was strapped on to that pole thing, she was so little that the fish would've pulled her overboard if she'd tried to reel it in.

  Chase laughed then told her a childhood fishing story of his own about when he and his brothers had found a pond and caught like ten fish apiece, bringing them home for their mom to cook. When their dad had seen the fish he'd had to laugh telling them they were carp and not good to eat, that carp were bottom feeders that ate the waste of other fish. Chase said he'd cried because he'd only wanted to surprise his dad, who’d been on a rare leave. He laughed and Julia's heart melted a little at his being so sensitive. How cute was he?

  Julia then asked him if he minded too much if she didn’t go fishing because she really needed to work, but that he should go ahead, he'd have a blast. She confided in him that she'd gotten hold of her boss, despite Allen's admonitions, and was going to work from her room. She needed to finish the account she was working on because it was wrong if she didn't.

  Chase respected her work ethic, which made her that much more attractive to him. "I'll keep my mouth shut about it... for a price." He grinned wickedly at her. She'd gotten bold with him by grabbing his ass, so why couldn't he do the same and have a little fun with her?

  It was her turn to blush. "Uh, and what would that price be?" Was it getting hot in there?

  "I'll have to show you later," he said, winking at her as he got up to get another piece of bacon.

  Wow. And wow. He was just too damn hot. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Murphy." She smirked at him.

  "Wouldn't think of it, Cooke." He smirked right back at her. He leaned against the counter looking at her still sitting at the table.

  "And what might I be doing in paying this price?"

  "Oh, I've got a couple of things in mind. You screaming my name while I eat your pussy tops the list since you're wondering." She choked on her orange juice and his crooked smile made another appearance. Had he just said that? Out loud? The look in his eyes told her he had, so intense... full of want, hunger even. For her. Dang.

  She licked her lips, biting down on the bottom one, looking back at him, wanting him that very second. She wondered if the caterers would mind so much their shoving the food off the table and getting down to business.

  Allen walked in just then telling them that if they were going fishing, they'd better get down to Montauk or they'd miss the boat. Chase left the room, sharing one last loaded look with her, one that was full of promise, and went to get some things so he could leave.

  Julia let out a breath. Holy shit. He knew just what to do to get her all worked up. Jeez, Julia, goner much?

  She took her plate to the counter then chatted with Allen for a bit before heading to her room. There she called her supervisor to let him know she'd be working today, and made arrangements with him to fax data back and forth so she could stay on schedule with everything. He told her that Allen's secretary had called to have her account faxed over so Allen's financial manager could work on it. Julia rolled her eyes, telling him that she'd take care of it.


  Around two o'clock that afternoon, Jack and his parents showed up. Allen had talked to Franklin earlier in the week telling him his plans to be in the Hamptons, so he and his wife Janice decided to join him. Jack had driven up just for the evening, following his parents, and would be leaving later that night.

  "Knock, knock," Jack said, sticking his head into Julia's room.

  She squealed in surprise that he was there, getting up from the desk and giving him a big hug. "It's just like old times! If only Nick and Paul were here, it would be!"

  "Yeah, we could all try popping your bra straps and running from you when you tried punching us." Jack cracked up.

; "That was so embarrassing. I hated you guys that summer," Julia said laughing. "So, what brings you here?"

  "Dad knew you guys would be here, so he and Mom thought they'd get away for a bit, too. Plus, they haven't been to the house here in a few months, so Mom wanted to check on it. I'm just staying for dinner, but come into town with me now. I need to hit Saks and then Ralph Lauren for some summer stuff."

  "Okay! I need to look at some new sandals anyway." She grabbed her purse and they were out the door, driving in Jack's Porsche convertible with the top down. Thank God she'd worn her hair in a ponytail or it would've been a repeat of this morning's 'do by the time they got there.

  In the meantime, Chase was having the time of his life. He'd caught several tuna, striped bass and cod. But the best part was when he'd caught a twelve-foot long Mako shark, which took him nearly an hour to reel in. The guide took his picture with the shark and told him that when they got back, they'd have it prepared so he could take it with him to eat later.

  Julia and Jack spent the entire day shopping. He found several shirts and slacks to wear for when he played golf with clients. He worked for his father, who owned a medical supply company, and Jack was in charge of new accounts on the East Coast and had to schmooze potential clients a lot to ensure the company would get their business.

  Julia found a pair of Jimmy Choos that she couldn't live without and some Louboutins that had "Fuck me, hard" written all over them. While trying on the last pair, she snickered at Jack because the shoes obviously lived up to their reputation as he looked at them, tongue hanging out of his mouth. She wondered if Chase would respond the same. She told Jack she couldn't wait to wear the shoes out dancing, so he changed his mind about going back to the City that night and they decided to go out to a local dance club after dinner. On their way back to the beach house, they stopped at one of their favorite little ice cream shops.

  "So, how's everything going? You told me there was some little hottie you were into when we were at the benefit. How's that working out?" Julia asked him then licked her ice cream cone.

  "Well, she was really into my wallet more than she was me, so I had to cut her loose." He chuckled. "It's so hard to find a good woman these days. That being said, when are you gonna marry me, Julia?" He laughed at the look on her face. "I'm just kidding. I've seen how you look at that bodyguard of yours." Julia's face turned red and her eyes got great big. Shit! Was she that transparent?

  "I, uh, we, um," she stammered.

  "It's okay, Julia. What's the big deal?" Jack laughed, taking a bite of his sundae.

  "The big deal is it's been such a mess! Chase is scared to death his dad will find out and fire him. So, he went through this stupid 'I like you but I'm not willing to screw with my job for you' phase, which turned into 'Screw it, I don't care if I lose my job,' which went right into 'I can't screw it or you because it'd distract me from keeping you safe,' to 'I wanna screw you and forget about everything else,' which became 'I finally screwed you and now we're really screwed,' to where we are now which is 'I wanna screw your brains out; let's not screw this up.' Jack? Why's your face all screwed up like that?" She snorted. He'd been trying to follow along with all the "screwing" and he looked totally lost.

  "Argh! Stop screwing with my head!" he laughed. "Are you trying to tell me that you're sleeping with him?" he asked, puzzled.

  "That was kind of the gist of my entire diatribe just now."

  "So, are you in love with him?"

  She blushed.

  "Never mind." He chuckled.


  "I've seen women in love before, Julia. You're one of them. I think it's good. Yeah, it's a good thing. You deserve to be happy. And he seems like a pretty good guy."

  "Thanks, Jack. You're such a good friend. But please don't say anything to anyone, okay?"

  "Got it. Your secret's safe with me." And it was. Jack was anything if not loyal.

  Julia had called Allen on their way back and he'd told her to let Jack know that his parents were eating dinner with them and that Jack should plan on attending too. When they pulled up, he kissed her cheek, telling her he'd see her in a bit, and that he couldn’t wait to get to know the man who’d stolen her away from him which made her laugh as she got out of his car.

  Chase had gotten back thirty minutes earlier and now sat on the back deck drinking a beer. He'd brought in the prepared and packaged shark and Allen had told the caterers to serve it for dinner. Chase was pretty stoked about that, and he couldn't wait to tell Julia.

  As he relaxed in the deck chair, he saw some fancy little Porsche convertible pull up, realizing it was Julia and the Jack dude from the benefit. He felt his blood pressure skyrocket when Jack kissed her, which looked like a full-on kiss from where he sat. Hollywood was so looking for a whole lot of fist being introduced to his pretty face. Jesus. And Julia had just kissed him right back! What the fuck?

  Chase sat there for a few minutes wondering if he’d just seen what he thought he had. Yeah, he was pretty sure they’d kissed. He’d been suspicious of them before, but she’d denied it. Now he had cold, hard proof. At least he thought he did. Thing was, he and Julia hadn’t committed to each other, were still stuck in that “are we or are we not a couple” stage, and it nagged at him that his reluctance to make a damn decision when it came to her made him feel responsible for where they stood now, so how could he blame her for keeping her options open? And the thought of her even having options just pissed him off even more. He downed what was left of his beer and opened another. This shit with her would never have worked anyway, so just fuck it. Yeah, keep telling yourself that, idiot.

  Julia went inside seeing the caterers working on dinner but neither Chase nor Allen was anywhere to be seen. She greeted the caterers then went to her room to put her shoes away and shower before dinner, after which she threw on some shorts and a t-shirt then walked into the living room but the guys were still gone. Hm. She was going to ask if any help was needed in the kitchen when she spied Chase sitting on the deck looking handsome as ever.

  "Hey! How'd the fishing go?" she asked with a big smile as she went outside.

  How could she act so innocent? "It was good. Interesting, to say the least. Guess it wasn't as interesting as your day, though. How'd your date with George Clooney go? I see you two still can't keep your hands off each other." He snorted out a sardonic chuckle and took a pull on his beer. This was definitely going to get ugly. She'd hurt him and he just didn’t have it in him to hold back.

  She frowned in confusion. "Why do you say that?"

  "I just saw you kissing." And if looks could kill, well, yeah.

  "He kissed me on the cheek, Chase. We're friends. That's it."

  "Looked like a whole lot more from where I’m sitting.” He eyed her as he took another drink. “How long have you been seeing him? He your standby or something? I suppose you're sleeping with him, too?" He sneered and brought the beer to his mouth again taking a long draw, narrowing his eyes at her.

  "No, I'm not sleeping with him! God, you're such an asshole!" She turned to go back inside, sick of being accused of something she hadn't done.

  "I might be an asshole, Princess, but at least I can keep it in my pants."

  She whipped around and glared at him. "Yeah, like you did with Emma? What really happened when you were with her, Chase? Because from the way you two acted that night, you can't tell me you didn't fuck her."

  He threw back his head and laughed. "Like I'd bang someone with her baggage! Although she was fuckhot.” He saw the hurt in Julia’s eyes for just a second before she covered it up quickly. Yeah, twist the knife in deeper, buddy boy. He needed to shut his mouth, but he couldn’t help himself. She’d hurt him and he was tired of being yanked around. “Go ahead and deflect your guilt off on me. If you're screwing pretty boy, it's none of my goddamned business; just make sure you leave me the fuck alone while you're at it or I might just have to call a spade a fucking spade."

  Clenching her fists at her
side, she hissed, "What are you saying? Are you calling me a slut?"

  "If the shoe fits, baby." He smirked at her and took another swig from his bottle, knowing he was being a prick but he couldn't keep from lashing out at her after what he’d just seen.

  "Fuck you!" She spun around and went inside and to her room, furious, slamming and locking the bedroom door. God, he was such a jackass! She fell on her bed and screamed into the pillow.

  Son of a bitch. Seemed this was where they always ended up. Good. Times. Chase sighed, clenching his jaw, mad at the entire fucking world but mostly at himself for acting like he was ten years old. Well, she was too good for him anyway. He knew that. He just didn’t want to believe it.

  Chapter 17

  Allen and his guests arrived a bit later, including Collin and his family along with Jack and who Chase assumed were his parents. Hadley had come in, but thankfully, left him alone. After he went to his room to wash up, he came out to see that everyone was seated.

  Hadley had grabbed Jack to sit by her, so the only place left for Chase to sit was by Julia. Fucking great. She looked like she'd been crying. And wasn't he just damn proud of himself. He sighed taking his seat next to her, and she shot him a look that said, "Mess with me and I'll cut you." Seeing that there were some sharp-ass knives on the table, he was so going to make damn sure to behave himself.

  Throughout dinner the air surrounding them was on fire. She was pissed. He was pissed. And bon appétit, motherfuckers.

  But everyone did enjoy the shark Chase had caught, complimenting him on making a fine catch. He couldn't even feel proud he was so angry.

  "So, Chase, what is it you do?" Franklin asked him.

  "I'm in law school right now. Second year."

  "Well, isn't that wonderful! What type of law?"


  "Oh, that line of law will definitely keep you honest, son."


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