Love in the Clouds

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Love in the Clouds Page 2

by Sarah Hadley Brook

  “So what? Is this dinner and a show?” His normally husky voice sounded deeper.

  Heat coiled low in Rafael’s belly and he forced himself to look away. “Shut up and get in here.” Rafael rolled his eyes and ignored the way his heart sped up. Just friends. He wanted to throttle Caleb for planting the seed of hope in his mind.

  Dustin laughed and stepped inside, holding up a six-pack. “Want one?”

  “God, yes. Let me get changed and I’ll put the pizza into the oven.”

  “Don’t get dressed on my account,” Dustin teased, his gaze traveling down Rafael’s chest and stopping at his waist for a moment before shooting him a crooked grin.

  Rafael flipped him off and his friend’s laughter followed him down the hall and into the bedroom. He closed the door. His heart pounded so hard, like it would jump out of his chest. What the fuck was going on?

  Caleb’s comment had thrown Rafael for a loop, making him worry he’d been wearing his emotions on his sleeve. Shit, things could get bad quickly. Dustin’s flirtatious teasing had taken him aback. Had Dustin always been that way with him? Was Rafael just now noticing or possibly overthinking? He slumped onto his bed and scrubbed his hand over his face.

  He wasn’t even sure when he’d started looking at Dustin differently, but somehow his love for him had evolved from friendship to romantic and he had no idea how to deal with it. So he’d done the only thing he could—he’d shoved away his feelings and had focused on staying friends. Dustin had never shown a hint of interest in him, so Rafael wasn’t about to offer up his heart on a platter and not only be rejected, but also lose his best friend.

  Finally dressed, he ran his fingers through his short hair and checked his reflection. Gray sweats, faded blue T-shirt. Just like he’d worn any other time Dustin had visited. Nothing different about tonight.

  He found his friend in the kitchen, setting the timer. He flashed a smile at Rafael. “Hey, I put the pizza in.”

  Rafael grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and popped the tab. “Thanks. I was running behind.” He leaned against the counter and grinned. “So, how does it feel to be a pilot?”

  Dustin shook his head. “I can hardly believe it, Raf. I passed. I fucking did it. I’m still kind of…in awe, if that makes sense?”

  Rafael took a drink of his beer, his other hand braced on the counter. “I never doubted you would do it. Not for even a second, Dusty,” he said, his voice a little thick.

  “I know. You always told me I could do it. You’ve always been my biggest champion, Raf,” he said, his eyes darkening.

  Rafael shivered. The way Dustin stared at him set his blood on fire. Without a word, he crossed the small kitchen in four steps. Dustin stood about two inches shorter than his own six-one, and Rafael drew close enough so his friend had to tilt back his head to make eye contact. Strange, but Dustin didn’t try to move away. In fact, he didn’t even break eye contact.

  His gaze dropped to Dustin’s lips. They stood so close, it wouldn’t take anything to close that gap between their mouths. When Rafael realized what he was about to do, he snapped out of it, awkwardly patting Dustin’s shoulder and stepping back. “Yeah, maybe you should listen to me from now on, huh?”

  Dustin nodded, swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing. He took a swig from his can.

  “Want to put on a movie? Or just watch TV?” Rafael walked into the living area, trying to calm his runaway heart.

  He plopped into the recliner and flipped on the TV, trying to ignore the damn butterflies throwing a party in his gut. What the hell had just happened in there? Damn, he’d almost crossed the line. He blamed Caleb again.

  “Hey, so now that I’m a pilot, I’ve got a surprise for you,” Dustin announced. He took a seat on the brown leather sofa beneath a framed poster of Kauffman Stadium; Rafael was a huge Royals fan. He set his beer on the end table and braced his elbow on the sofa arm, leaning toward Rafael, a smile playing at his lips.

  Rafael arched an eyebrow. “A surprise? For me?”

  Dustin grinned. “Picture this—you and me flying up to Oshkosh, Wisconsin and spending the week at AirVenture.”

  For years, Dustin had talked about attending the convention, an annual event where aviation enthusiasts flew in from all across the country to watch air shows, view vintage planes, take workshops, and camp out next to their planes.

  “Wait. Are you going to rent a plane? Isn’t that kind of expensive?”

  “Yes, renting would be crazy. But that’s not what I’m doing.” His face broke out in a grin, his eyes crinkling. “Remember I told you I was looking for a plane?”


  “I sign the papers tomorrow on a 1976 Cessna Skyhawk!”

  Rafael was stunned. “Seriously?”

  “I found one in great condition and got a heck of a deal. Only one previous owner. Just needs a little work…okay, a lot of work…but I plan on doing most of the repairs myself. Want to go see it Saturday? It’s being delivered to the airport, where I’m renting a hanger as of today.”

  “Seriously?” he repeated.

  “Raf!” Dustin stood and clapped him on the shoulder. “Come on, man. You going to do this with me?”

  He wanted to answer, but the warmth of Dustin’s hand spread through him, making it hard to think. He hated that his body reacted so easily around his best friend. Made him feel like a damn teenager.

  “What’s wrong?” Dustin squeezed his shoulder before he finally let go. His eyes narrowed with concern. “Do you not want to do this? I thought you’d be excited.”

  Rafael shook his head, the fog finally lifting. “I’m sorry. I think I’m just…stunned. Not about you getting your license. I always knew you would. But you own a plane? Oh, my God, that’s fucking insane.” Laughter bubbled up. He stood and wrapped his arms around Dustin, hugging him close.

  “There’s my Raf,” Dustin murmured as he slipped his arms around Rafael’s waist and settled his head on Rafael’s shoulder.

  Hugging was nothing new between them, but this felt…different. Intense. The timer beeped, and they pulled apart, both chuckling a little awkwardly.

  Rafael headed into the kitchen to take the pizza out of the oven and pull himself together, thinking he’d bring things out to Dustin, but his friend ended up following him.

  While he cut the pizza into slices, Dustin moved easily around the kitchen, grabbing plates and napkins. Knowing Dustin was so at home gave Rafael a sense of satisfaction. Neither spoke until they’d resettled in the living room. They ate while debating what to watch, finally landing on Apollo 13, since they were both fans of anything to do with “space.”

  As the evening wore on, Rafael’s earlier awkwardness melted away until it once again felt like “best friends hanging out.”

  “So, how was it? Flying solo?” he asked as Dustin returned from the kitchen with another two cans of beer.

  “Better than I ever imagined. I thought I’d be nervous, but honestly, it was as easy as breathing. Like flying is a part of me now.” He handed a beer to Rafael and sat down. “It’s…well, I can’t describe it. You’ve got to come with me Saturday and see it, Raf. I can’t wait to take you up in my plane. And this summer…we have to go to Oshkosh.”

  Rafael smiled. How could he not go? “Sounds amazing.”

  Talk turned to the trip and Rafael nodded along, all the while his heart racing at the memory of that hug. I’d go anywhere with you, Dusty.

  Chapter 2


  His workshop was hotter than usual, sweat dripping down his back as he sanded the oak desk. Sawdust swirled around him, sticking to his damp skin and the lure of a shower beckoned. But he had a deadline and had never delivered one of his custom pieces late. Never. He prided himself on that.

  He used his arm to wipe the sweat from his brow and moved to the last side. He loved how the piece had turned out. Modern, clean lines, with mid-century-styled legs and a long drawer centered under the desktop. He planned to apply a dark stai
n the next morning. He’d set aside the morning to finish the desk and two coffee tables, then planned to spend the rest of the day at the airport.

  God, he couldn’t believe he was going to be the owner of his own Cessna. It was a dream come true. Yeah, it needed some TLC, but he could do that. Being his own boss and working from home definitely had its advantages—setting his own hours being his favorite.

  His body fairly thrummed from the excitement of getting his pilot’s license, purchasing his own plane, and planning his dream trip to Oshkosh, Wisconsin with his best friend.

  Flying there had been a dream of his since childhood. When he was eight, going up in the air with his Uncle Jim had lit a fire in him. When he was a teenager, he’d found the Experimental Aircraft Association, or EAA. Their annual convention was a fly-in at an airport in Oshkosh, and from that day on, it had been his goal to attend as a pilot.

  Taking Raf was the cherry on the sundae.

  They’d been friends since college, bonding in a way Dustin had never done with anyone else. Their friendship was the best relationship he’d ever had. He couldn’t wait to show Raf his plane the next day, knowing he’d be just as excited. Dustin hadn’t shown him any of the pictures of the plane on his phone because he wanted him to see it in person—he wanted Raf to feel the same thrill he’d felt when he’d first laid eyes on it. Raf’s opinion meant more to Dustin than anyone else’s. He hadn’t even considered asking anyone other than Raf to accompany him to the convention.

  A quick glance at his phone reminded him he didn’t have a lot of time to finish and get to the bank to sign the papers, then head to Jack’s. He put on some 90s music and focused on the task at hand.

  Soon, he made his way through the backyard, following the stone path to the door and walking into his kitchen. He’d purchased his home last year, the detached workshop being the immediate draw for him. The two-bedroom home was small, but it fit his needs. It wasn’t a new home, but the previous owners had remodeled the kitchen and living areas with beautiful hardwood flooring in a dark stain, new cabinetry with glass inserts, and a gorgeous marble countertop and matching island.

  He was slowly making the home his, painting the living room walls a dark teal, the kitchen walls a warm spice, and adding a teal backsplash, both colors drawn from the variety of shades in the marble.

  A carpenter by trade, he’d built his own farm-style planked kitchen table and chairs and a matching buffet that fit along the far wall. He hadn’t even started on the bedrooms, but he hoped to talk Raf into helping him paint them. Dustin knew his friend would do it for pizza. He could always count on Raf.

  He hopped into the shower, eager to get going, but his mind stayed on Raf. The way the man had looked in that towel yesterday had jarred Dustin. They’d seen each other in various stages of undress over the years and he’d always thought Raf good-looking, but they’d only ever been friends, never feeling the desire to cross that line.

  But yesterday, watching the droplets of water bead up and trail down Raf’s chest and arms had mesmerized Dustin. Gorgeous caramel-colored skin covered broad shoulders, muscular arms, and a flat belly. Dark hair swirled around hard pecs, meeting in the middle and traveling down the center to disappear into that towel. And just like that, Dustin had felt something more than friendship for Raf—something more like lust.

  But he hadn’t dated in months, so he chalked it up to needing to get laid. Maybe after hanging out at Jack’s, he’d hit a club in the next city over. But first on the agenda was the bank.

  He wasn’t sure what to expect when he pulled up to Bank of Rain Valley, but he was in and out in less than an hour, the owner of his very own plane. The process had been boring and technical, but in the end he wanted to shout for joy. He managed to keep himself under control…until he climbed into his SUV and gave a fist-bump into the air, letting out a loud “Woot”!

  The grin on his face never wavered as he made his way to the bar.

  When he entered Jack’s, he glanced around, quickly realizing his friends weren’t there. His brow furrowed in confusion. He’d seen Raf’s Silverado in the parking lot.

  Jack caught his eye near the bar and waved him over.

  “Hey, Dustin.” Jack clapped him on the shoulder. “Follow me. I put your group in the back room because there are so many of you tonight.”

  “Oh, great. I was wondering.” He followed Jack to the room generally reserved for private parties, although he couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen it used.

  Jack pushed open the swinging door, sweeping out his hand for Dustin to enter first.

  “Surprise!” a variety of voices sang out in chorus.

  He took a step back. So many of his friends were there, all standing and smiling at him. Matthew and his partner, Ian, who he hadn’t seen in weeks. Andrew, Peter, Sam, and Russell at the other end of the table. Caleb and Lucas near Raf. His gaze met Raf’s, who grinned at him, and Dustin ignored the way his belly flipped, and he smiled back. The small room managed to fit four square tables. A banner exclaiming Congratulations hung above a longer table against the far wall. A small buffet sat near the door.

  “What is all this?”

  Raf handed him a beer. “We’re all so proud of you for following your dream, Dusty. Congratulations on getting your pilot’s license.”

  His cheeks heated at Raf’s use of his nickname. Raf was the only one who called him Dusty. For some reason, hearing him say it in front of others made it seem intimate.

  “Thanks. This is amazing, everyone!”

  His friends surrounded him, all offering congratulations. As someone who usually didn’t mind being the center of attention, he was surprised at the overwhelming feelings. Raf must have noticed because he gently extricated him from the group and steered him to a table.

  “Thanks,” he whispered.

  Raf nodded. “Of course. Here, check out the cake. Jack’s sister made it.”

  When he took a look, he laughed. A plane-shaped cake—adorable, like a kid’s birthday party cake—sat in the middle of the table. But the coolest part was seeing his own face printed in the plane window. “Oh, my God! How did she do that?”

  Raf shrugged. “I guess you can print on frosting. She asked me for a pic of you, so I texted her one.”

  Dustin side-eyed him. “You have a pic of me in your phone?”

  Raf’s face turned bright red and he cleared his throat. “Whatever. Of course.”


  Caleb clapped him on his back, interrupting his thoughts.

  “So, you’re a pilot, huh? That’s so awesome. Follow your dream, man.”

  Caleb knew something about following a dream. He’d played for the Rain Valley Rabbits, a minor league baseball team, until an injury had forced him out of the game. He’d found another calling as an assistant coach at the high school. Dustin had a lot of respect for him.

  “Thanks. It felt surreal yesterday.”

  “So what’s the plan?”


  “I mean, what are you going to do with it? Fly for an airline?”

  Dustin chuckled. “God, no. And that would be a different license. Besides, I love building furniture. But I did just purchase a plane. A 1976 Cessna Skyhawk.”

  “Seriously? You bought a fucking plane?” Jack asked as he joined them.

  “It’s a four-seater, single-engine plane. Needs a little work, but I’ve rented a hangar at the airport and will be working on it. It’s being delivered tomorrow.”

  “You have any pics?”

  That question came from Lucas, Caleb’s partner. He glanced at the man, then Raf, and lied. He didn’t want anyone to see it before Raf. And he wasn’t going to analyze that at the moment either. “Not yet. But I’ll post some on Instagram tomorrow when it arrives.”

  Conversation continued as they sliced the cake and settled at the tables. Raf took a seat next to him and dug in. His best friend loved chocolate and Jack’s sister made a mean chocolate cake.

; “What time are we heading out tomorrow?”

  “I need to be there about eleven. But I was wondering, could we take your truck? I need to stop at Home Depot and pick up the new Craftsman Heavy Duty rolling toolbox I ordered.”

  “Ah, I get it. You love me for my truck.”

  Dustin laughed. “Yeah, that’s it.”

  “Of course. I’ll be at your house no later than eleven.”

  Dustin tried to focus on his cake, but he couldn’t shake what Raf had just said. Normally, they teased each other all the time. So why did Raf’s crack about loving him for his truck make Dustin feel off-kilter? He didn’t have time to dwell, though, as Lucas slid into the seat on the other side of him.

  “This plane gonna be able to fly?”

  “No. It’s going to sit in the hangar and never see the light of day. Of course it’s going to fly. The Cessna is a great plane and it just needs a little work. I’ve already got plans to take Raf on a trip this summer.”

  Lucas chuckled. “Eloping?”

  Dustin gaped at him as he glanced to make sure Raf hadn’t heard. “What?”

  His friend rolled his eyes. “Seriously? You guys are practically married. You’re joined at the hip.”

  “We’re…we’re best friends.” His eyebrows raised as he stared at Caleb.

  “You keep telling yourself that’s all you two are, Dustin.” He laughed and raised his glass. “To the new pilot.”

  Dustin raised his and they clinked glasses, but he couldn’t stop considering what Lucas had said. Why did the words send a thrill through him? He chugged his beer, then reached for the pitcher, pouring another and quickly downing it. When he started on another, he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Raf.

  “Slow down, Dusty. Big day tomorrow, remember?”

  Dustin set down the glass and it sloshed a little. Fuck. He was more than tipsy.

  Raf whispered into his ear, “We can leave your car here and I’ll run you home. It’s a celebration, so live a little, but don’t go overboard.”


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