Night Moves

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Night Moves Page 14

by Julie Kenner

  “It is only fair,” she said, a sexy smile playing at her mouth. “I mean, I’d hate to disappoint our adoring fans.”

  And then she moved even closer, and he held his breath, waiting for her touch.

  It didn’t come.

  Instead she pulled back, her brow furrowed and her hand on his shoulder. “Did you hear that?”

  “What?” He hadn’t heard a thing. But just as he was about to ask again, the pounding started up again.

  “Ella? Ella, are you awake?” a female voice called.

  Shane scowled. The last thing in the world he wanted was a third wheel. But as he got up to follow Ella to the door, he couldn’t help but notice that Ella looked just as irritated by the interruption.

  “Don’t go,” he whispered.

  “I have to,” she said. “It’s Marjorie. She might need help. I can’t just ignore her.”

  He nodded, then leaned back to let her pass. She called a quick greeting toward the door as she climbed back inside the apartment, then started pulling on her clothes. Still on the fire escape, Shane also got dressed.

  He took a last glance around. The area had been awash with sensuality mere moments before. Now it simply looked like a fire escape.

  He understood why Ella had pulled away. He even loved her for it, her kindhearted nature.

  But that didn’t change the fact that, for the moment at least, the magic had faded. And Shane could only stand there, hoping to hell they’d be able to get it back.


  ELLA’S ENTIRE BODY TINGLED, and for half a second she actually considered not answering the door. But it was Marjorie, and her neighbor was one of the most easily rattled women Ella had ever met. If Marjorie was at the door, chances were she was scared or had locked herself out or was otherwise experiencing some kind of crisis, real or perceived.


  “Coming, Marjorie. Just give me a sec.”

  She took a quick look behind her and saw Shane climbing through the window. He was dressed now, just as she was. And by all appearances everything was back to normal.

  Except, of course, it wasn’t normal at all.

  She took a deep breath, patted her hair and adjusted her clothes, then flipped the locks and pulled the door open.

  “Ella!” Marjorie said, rushing inside holding a squatty candle sporting a puny flame. Marjorie was twice Ella’s age, but you couldn’t tell it from the woman’s bounce and energy level. And scattered nature. She was a receptionist at a midtown law firm, and Ella had to wonder how she kept the job. The odds that she ever once got a phone message correct were slim to none.

  Marjorie shot a look toward Shane, and her eyebrows lifted dramatically. “Oh! I didn’t realize you were…busy.”

  Ella’s face heated, and she turned quickly, wondering if Shane had decided not to put his shirt back on after all. But no, he was fully dressed and standing by the table, a champagne flute in his hand.

  And, okay, yes, he did look completely sexy and hot, but that didn’t mean Marjorie needed to jump to conclusions. Even if the conclusions were correct.

  Marjorie leaned in closer. “I’m so happy for you two. I was wondering if you’d ever—”

  “Marjorie!” Ella hissed. “We’re just friends. He got stuck here during the blackout. We’ve been, um, hanging out.” And then, just so that her neighbor would be sure to believe her fabrication, she swept her arm out, indicating the small apartment. “You’re welcome to join us if you want.”

  A flicker crossed Shane’s face—disappointment? irritation?—but Ella ignored it. There wasn’t anything going on between them. Nothing except two friends doing a little male-female exploration. A clearing of the air between them. A shift in circumstances, certainly, but they were hardly pairing up for good. She already had her life planned out, and while Shane was in it, he wasn’t cast in the role of husband. He knew that. He’d even said as much. Well, sort of, anyway.

  “Oh, no, no,” Marjorie said. “I couldn’t. But you two have fun. I just came to borrow a flashlight. My candles are on their last legs, and I hate the thought of being in the pitch-black.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Ella said. “We couldn’t find them anywhere. Do you want to take a few candles?”

  “Oh, sweetie, no. I couldn’t take your candles. You need them. I’ll just go see if Mr. Kramer upstairs has any.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Ella said. “It’s the middle of the night. He’s probably sound asleep. We can spare a few.”

  “I just wouldn’t feel right, dear. I should probably just blow out my candle and go to bed anyway. It’s just that the city is never this quiet. I tried to sleep, but it gives me the willies. And sitting up in the dark…well, I’m not sure I can.”

  Ella drew a breath, not looking at Shane as she said, “If you’re nervous, you really can stay here with us.” She hoped Marjorie would say no, but she had to make the offer. She wouldn’t feel right otherwise.

  Behind her she could hear Shane moving around, probably furious with her. Furious and hurt. Well, they could talk about all this tomorrow, after Marjorie was gone and they had clearer heads.

  And frankly, as much as she’d been enjoying the evening’s turn of events—understatement of the century—the fact remained that they were probably better off with a chaperone.

  “Oh, dear. I don’t want to put you out. Are you sure—”

  “Found them!”

  Ella whirled around to find Shane on his hands and knees, backing away from the chest of drawers, a flashlight clutched in each hand and one tucked in under his chin.

  “Ella said she was certain she had flashlights,” he said. “I guess we just missed these.” He passed them to Marjorie with a chivalrous flourish. “These should keep you in light through the rest of the night.”

  “Oh, you two, this really is wonderful. And you’re sure you don’t mind? Do you have a flashlight?”

  “I had several,” Ella said, wondering where on earth Shane had found the wayward flashlights.

  “Only found three,” he said. “Is that enough?”

  “I’m sure,” Marjorie said. “Don’t you worry about me. I think I’ll pull out the telescope I inherited from my father. Not much use for it in the city, but tonight’s so clear. I’ve never tried it out before, so it should be fun.” She flashed Ella a motherly smile, coupled with the tiniest gleam in her eye. “I guess it’s just a night for new things all around.”

  Ella swallowed, her cheeks instantly flaming. Fortunately it was dark by the door, and she doubted that Marjorie saw. “Well, have fun,” Ella said.

  “Absolutely. You, too.”

  “We will,” said Shane, and then he was ushering Marjorie out the door with just a bit more speed than good manners required.

  He shut the door, set all three locks, then turned to her.

  “Sorry,” she said. “She’s been a dear to me ever since I moved in. I had to help her out, invite her in.”

  “I know,” he said. “I like Marjorie, too. And she adores you.” The social niceties taken care of, he shifted gears, his expression changing from one appropriate for the general public to the heated face of a man interested in only one very private thing. “So,” he said, “where were we?”

  For half a second she considered protesting. Marjorie’s interruption was the perfect time to insert some distance and common sense. But despite the splash of cold water that had been Marjorie’s knock, Ella still wasn’t quite free of the spell Shane had cast. In other words, damn her, she still wanted him.

  She knew in her head that she shouldn’t, but she’d had that argument with herself earlier and she didn’t see any reason to rehash. They’d already crossed the line from purely platonic to…something else. In the harsh light of day, they’d have to figure out how they were going to approach their friendship after he’d slipped his hands into her panties. But they were grown, mature people. They’d work it out. And that was a problem best solved during the daytime.

  Now, in the
velvety darkness, working out their friendship wasn’t her prime concern. Feeling Shane inside her, that was all she wanted.

  And so she drew in a breath, snaked her arm around his neck and pressed her lips to his. The kiss was long and deep, and when she pulled back, she saw the expression of heated desire in his beautiful eyes.

  “I think we were somewhere about here,” she whispered.

  “I think you’re right,” he said, then pulled her close for another kiss.

  When they broke apart, he pushed away with a devious grin. “So what do you want to do now? Maybe play some checkers? Maybe a nice game of chess? Or how about a rousing game of Go Fish?”

  She nipped at his shoulder, then slid her hand down his pants, cupping his cock through the thin material of his briefs. “I’ll go fish,” she said. “Oh, and look, I think I’ve caught something.”

  He laughed and pulled her down on the couch with him, then started to kiss and tickle her at the same time. She squealed and kicked and giggled. “Stop! No fair! You know how ticklish I am.”

  “Eet is true,” he said. “I know all zee secrets of zee lady. Do as I ask or suffer zee punishment.”

  “You’re a freak. You know that, right?” But she was grinning broadly, thinking that she was actually having fun and fooling around at the same time. Not that sex with Tony wasn’t fun, but this was…silly and teasing and natural. But of course it would be. Shane was her friend. He knew her sense of humor.

  “Eet is time for me to pull out my chamber of torture,” he said.

  “The only thing you’re torturing is that accent.” She rolled off the couch, then watched as he pushed the coffee table aside and pulled the futon out into a full bed.

  She grabbed some sheets off the armoire and tossed them on top of the mattress, not bothering to tuck in the corners.

  “Lie down,” he said, then waggled his eyebrows like a cartoon villain. “Lie down naked.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “Just what exactly do you have in mind, buddy?”

  “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?”

  “Is this a surprise I’ll like?”

  “That’s my plan,” he said, his voice pitched low.

  She licked her lips, feeling more than a little nervous but turned on at the same time. The candles inside had burned down, but they still flickered, casting an orange glow over them and making shadows play across Shane’s gorgeous face.

  He leaned against the armoire, arms crossed in front of him, and watched as she undressed. Instinctively she turned away, giving him her back.

  “No way, El. I want to watch.”

  She closed her eyes, imagining each bit of clothing coming off, one by one, as Shane’s gaze caressed her. Yeah, she could do that.

  Slowly she turned around, then slipped out of the tank top once again. She gave it a little spin as it came off her right arm, then sent it flying. It landed on his head with aplomb, and she laughed. “Ba-dum, ching!”

  “Not bad,” he said. “Keep going.”

  She licked her lips, then untied her yoga pants, loosening the waist enough so that they fell around her ankles as she did a little shimmy. “I thought stripteases were your territory.”

  “I’m expanding your horizons,” he said. “Keep going. The view from my side of the room is fabulous and just keeps on getting better.”

  She turned and wriggled her butt as she eased out of her panties, tossing them at him, as well. She looked over her shoulder at him, wondering if he could tell that she was totally wet.

  “What do you want, El?” From the tone of his voice she knew he was aware just how hot she was.

  “Touch me,” she said. She moved toward him, but he held out a hand and shook his head, just slightly but enough to stop her in her tracks.

  “No. Get on the bed.”

  “Yeah? And where are you going to be?” she asked as she climbed onto the bed.

  “Right behind you,” he said. But she noticed that wasn’t quite right. First he went to her armoire and pulled down the hatbox she used to store all of her scarves. He opened it, pulled out four and waved them at her.

  “On your back, Ella,” he said. “And spread your arms and legs.”

  SHANE HELD HIS BREATH, wondering if she’d let him take it that far. If she’d really surrender to him so completely. If she’d really let herself be completely his.

  He toyed with the idea of just telling her that he wanted her, and not just tonight. Not just for sex. But no. He couldn’t lay it on the line until all the pieces were in place. If he confessed, she’d only deny her feelings.

  No, he needed to make sure her body was completely his before her mind got involved in the argument. That way, at least, he’d have a chance.

  He wasn’t there yet, but he was close. Bits of her shield were falling away, and she was forgetting why she fought so hard to stay with a man she didn’t truly love. He could take her the rest of the way. He knew it.

  He knew he could do it, because he’d already done it on the fire escape. He’d felt her give herself to him, and it had been a piece of heaven.

  Still, the specter of Tony hung over them. Ella was determined to be with the man even though she should by all rights and reason be with Shane.

  If he really believed that Ella loved Tony, he wouldn’t press the issue. But he didn’t believe it. She was his soul mate, and he was hers. Tony was a nice enough guy—well, actually, Shane thought he was an ass, but Ella liked him. Nice wasn’t what mattered. Love did. And Ella didn’t really love Tony.

  At least, that’s what Shane kept telling himself. Because if she didn’t love Tony, then Shane was rescuing her. If she did love Tony, then maybe he was a shit for trying to seduce her away from her boyfriend.

  It was a possibility he didn’t like to consider, so he didn’t. As a lawyer, he saw the end result and he went after it. And the end result here was Ella and their life together. And to Shane that was something worth fighting for.

  In front of him she’d climbed onto the bed, had spread her arms, but her legs were together, knees bent, her ankles back near her butt. A pretty picture to be sure, but not the one he wanted. Not raw enough, and he needed her raw.

  He made a rough motion with his hands. “Spread your legs, Ella. I want you to spread your legs.”

  He held his breath. Moment-of-truth time. And then, as she shifted, split open her thighs for him, his cock stiffened and his body fired. Oh, yes. She’d be his all right. She already was. She just didn’t realize it.

  “Close your eyes,” he insisted, and she did without question. For a second he felt a twinge of guilt. He was her best friend, and she trusted him, opening herself up to him in ways neither of them would have imagined even a few short days ago.

  He’d stacked the deck in his favor, no doubt about that. Did that make him a cheater or just a man in love?

  He wasn’t sure, but as he looked at Ella’s smooth body laid out before him like an offering, he decided it didn’t matter. Whatever motivations had brought them here were in the past now. Now it was just him and Ella.

  She started a little when he touched her foot, her teeth working her lower lip as he secured both ankles and her left wrist to the slatted frame of the futon bed. When he took her last free wrist, though, she whispered, “Shane…”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Shhh. Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” No hesitation. Just yes, and that one simple word sliced through his soul, red-hot and dangerous.

  He stepped back from the bed and looked at her, simply watching the way the light played over her body, turning him on. He was tempted just to stand there looking at her, lost in this moment when she belonged completely to him.

  A nice thought maybe, but one that wasn’t about to happen. No way was he going to look but not touch. He wanted this too badly, wanted her too badly. Even after losing himself in her less than an hour ago, he still hadn’t had his fill. He needed more. He needed to claim her.

lust poured through him. Lust and jealousy. How could she want Tony? She didn’t love him. He knew that. There was no way she could open herself up to Shane the way she did unless she loved him.

  He knew it. So why didn’t Ella?

  “Shane?” Her soft voice, so filled with need, drifted to him, and he shoved all thoughts of jealousy aside. This moment alone filled his mind. This moment, this woman and a bone-deep hunger.

  “I’m coming,” he said, his voice little more than a growl.

  He straddled her, his cock pressing against her soft belly. She gasped and arched up against him, as desperate for him as he was for her.

  But this time wasn’t about fast. This time was about slow. He wanted everything from her. And he started with her fingers, suckling each one in turn, drawing them into his mouth as he imagined her drawing him into her body.

  She made a little moaning sound, and he tilted his head. Her eyes, warm and dreamy, met his. “No, no,” he whispered, then slid off just long enough to take one more scarf and tie it gently over her eyes.

  “You’re all mine,” he whispered. “And right now you see and feel only what I tell you.”


  Ella’s mind was mush and not really up to forming complicated or poetic thoughts, but the one thing she knew for certain was that she liked this. Plain and simple. Liked having Shane take charge. Liked feeling special and cherished and the center of his universe.

  And yeah, she liked the way she felt totally turned on.

  Most of all she liked how relaxed she felt, even while every atom in her body hummed on the edge of desperation and wild abandon. She’d never, ever, done this with anyone else—let a man tie her up and blindfold her and have his way with her totally—and she couldn’t imagine doing it with anyone else. But this was Shane and, yeah, she trusted him.

  He wouldn’t take it too far or hurt her or embarrass her. Just the opposite, in fact. This was all about making her feel totally amazing.


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