Sleepless in Manchester

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Sleepless in Manchester Page 6

by Woods, Karen

  “Hello,” she said.

  “Ay sleepy head, what are you still doing in bed?” She took a while to answer.

  “Orr I’m just a bit stressed that’s all.” Dalton could hear a door opening across the hallway, his voice was low. “Fallon, I’ll call you back soon, someone’s here and I’m on the office phone, got to go.” He didn’t wait for a reply; he slammed the receiver down and sat looking anxious.

  Lifting his head up, he could see the young girl from earlier entering his office. Fidgeting, he played with the small clear buttons on his shirt. The girl leant over his desk and smiled at him. “Hello Dalton, your father has told me all about you.”

  He smirked and sniggered. “All good, I hope?” She pulled a nearby chair up and sat facing him.

  “I’m Kirsty, I work in the office down the corridor,” her eyes shot to the door at the side of her.”

  Dalton nodded his head as he joked with her. “Oh don’t you worry; I’ve already been warned against you, your Dad’s the Director isn’t he?”

  Kirsty giggled, “Yeah, but what does that matter?” Dalton was lost for words and just sat speechless listening to her rambling. “It does my head in you know. Just because my father is the boss it doesn’t mean nobody can speak to me, I mean,” she paused. “I’m still human aren’t I?”

  Dalton was weighing her up and down, she was pretty, there was no denying it. Kirsty had strawberry blonde shoulder length hair and hazel brown eyes. Her tanned skin suggested she’d just come back from holiday. Dalton picked up a pen from the table and rolled it around in his fingers nervously. “So what do you do for fun around here then?”

  Kirsty held her head back and laughed. “We party, for God’s sake; we’re just like you, you know.”

  Dalton looked embarrassed. “I’m just asking that’s all. It’s my first day here and it all seems very quiet. It seems full of carrot- crunchers.”

  Kirsty looked at Dalton in more detail, she fancied him, it was written all over her face. Twiddling her hair in her fingers she leant over the table with her elbows resting on it, she dropped her head into her hands. “Meet me after work, and I’ll give you a tour on how us Londoners really live.”

  Dalton sat staring at her conker brown eyes, he seemed hypnotised by them and in a trance. His words were trapped in his mouth for a few seconds. “Yeah, okay then. You’re on.”

  Kirsty stood up; her long legs seemed to go on forever. Dalton had to shake himself to stop staring at her. “Right, I’ll see you later on,” she giggled. She left the office and Dalton just sat staring at his computer screen, he was hot and his cheeks were bright red. Taking a deep breath he bent his head over towards the door to make sure she was gone. He was alone again. Dipping his hand into his shirt he gripped the silver chain which he hung around his neck, he was twisting it around in his fingertips and seemed to be in deep thought.

  Reaching for the phone he dialled Fallon’s phone number again. After several rings she answered. Dalton’s voice was shaky and he kept stuttering. You could hear him explaining why he’d ended the call so suddenly minutes before. He tossed his legs onto the wooden desk and swung back into his chair. Gazing about the office he was telling Fallon all about his new workplace. “Are you alright Fallon, you seem quiet,” he quizzed. Once she told him she was he seemed to accept her explanation and carried on talking about his new life. He kept one thing away from her though, he never mentioned his new- found friend Kirsty. The teenagers spoke for at least half an hour and they were arranging Fallon’s first visit to London. Dalton told her that at the end of the month when he got his first pay cheque he would send her the cash to book her ticket to come to see him, she sounded pleased.


  Billy sat in the car with his partner in crime, Skid, at the side of him. They were crouched down in their seats out of sight. They eagerly watched the row of houses in front of them. Billy was chewing his fingernails as they watched Craig Jones’s house for any sign of life. The area was quiet and they were finding it hard to keep a low profile. Billy suddenly jabbed Skid in the ribs. “Bingo, there he is, the fucking wanker,” he was ready to open the door and run at him but Skid leant over quickly and dragged at his coat with an anxious look on his face.

  “No you fucking crank, not yet. Let’s wait until he gets on the path just over there,” he pointed his finger in the distance. “I can grab him from behind and you can park your car just at the side of him so we can drag the cunt inside the boot.” Billy gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles were turning white. He dropped his head slowly, and you could hear his frantic breathing. As if he realised time wasn’t on his side he suddenly jerked his head back up. “Let’s have him then, come on before he fucks off.” Billy turned the ignition on and sped off to a spot near the path where Craig was walking. As soon as the car pulled up Skid bailed out and ran to an overgrown hedge near the walkway. He squatted down ready for the ambush.

  Craig swung his right arm out at the side of him as he walked along the path. His head was dipped and he looked cold. His black baseball cap was hung just above his eyes. The youth was smoking a cigarette and a thick cloud of grey smoke was being blown from his mouth. Billy gripped the car door and pulled at the handle ready for his exit. He knew he’d have to be quick to get Craig into the boot before anyone clocked them. Skid was stood up and he was ramming his fist together, he could hear Craig coughing nearby. Like a lion hunting his prey he pounced on him dragging him onto the floor. Skid yanked Craig’s hood up over his head so he couldn’t see. He was screaming at the top of his voice, nobody heard him.

  Billy was out of the car in a flash and sprinted towards them like a madman. Spit was hanging from the corner of his mouth as he plunged his foot deep into the victim’s body. “Quick, get the prick into the boot,” Skid ranted. The two of them gripped his body and headed towards the vehicle. He was kicking and screaming as if his life depended on it. “Open the fucking boot,” Skid shrieked. The youth was strong and he knew it was only a matter of time before he would break free. Billy’s hands were trembling as he inserted the silver key into the lock. Once it was open he joined Skid and helped throw him into the car. The boot was shut and all you could hear were the chilling screams coming from inside.

  “Bastards, let me fucking out of here.”

  Billy and his wing-man jumped back inside the car. They looked white in the face. “Put some music on so we can’t hear that perverted cunt’s voice,” Billy stressed. Skid turned the silver button as fast as he could; his fingers were shaking as he fumbled with the car stereo. The tunes were pumping inside the car now and you could no longer hear the shrieking screams from the boot. Billy sped off. Skid was checking the area for any sign of witnesses. “Sorted Billy, no one saw fuck all. Let’s get this scum-bag to the mill and show him what this is all about.”

  Billy nodded, “No worries pal, we’re on our way.”

  The old mill in Harpurhey was deserted, not a living soul was about. Once the ignition was turned off, both the men hurried away from the car. The sound of their footsteps walking across the thick grey gravel echoed around them. A black raven was perched on a wall facing them and it seemed to be watching their every movement. Skid pulled out two cigarettes from his packet and passed one to Billy. “Here, get one of these down your neck to calm your nerves.” He was right; Billy was shaking from head to toe and he looked pale. Skid had sorted people out before in the past but nothing as big as this. Taking a long deep drag from his fag Billy seemed to be calming down. Both of them walked slowly over to a large wooden door not far from where they stood. Skid had been here earlier in the day and made sure they’d have no problems gaining entry. Billy nudged his shoulder against the large metal door, it was stuck at first and he had to use force to get inside. The place felt eerie; there was no light and the only sound was dripping water. Walking inside they scanned the area.

  Billy zipped his coat up; he felt cold and rubbed vigorously at his arms. Skid marched to a room to the left of them
. Holding his hands on the doorframe he turned his head back. “This room will do; let’s get the prick inside here.” Billy’s nostrils were wide, his eyes closed slowly, he looked menacing. Skid was about to walk back outside when Billy grabbed him back by the scruff of the neck. “Hold on, wait a minute. I’ve got some acid in the back of the car; I need to get that first.”

  Skid stood frozen, his eyes were wide open. “What the fuck are you going on about mate?” his hands were waving in front of his face.

  Billy blew his breath hard and snarled at him. “I’ve brought some acid. I’m going to scar the bastard for life, just like he’s scarred my sister.” Skid stood with his back held up against the wall, he didn’t know what to say. He’d been on jobs before with Billy but that was just banging a few people out, nothing like this. He dropped his head low and Billy could see he was having second thoughts. “Listen mate, this is my shit to deal with. If you want to get off, then there’s no problem with me.”

  Skid looked insulted; there was no way in this world he was bailing, he walked to his side and patted his flat palm on his shoulder. “No way pal, I’m in it with you. Let’s get that dickhead out of the car.”

  “One minute,” Billy stressed, “Like I said, let me get the shit out of the car first.”

  Skid stood alone. Once Billy was out of sight he dragged his hands through his hair. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he whispered under his breath.

  Billy marched towards the car; his eyes were all over the place checking he was still alone. He could hear banging from the boot of the car. Slamming his rounded fist onto the door he chuckled. “Don’t worry lad, you’ll be out of there soon enough.” The noise stopped for a minute and Billy rummaged about on the back seat of the car. Gripping a steel can from the seat he ran back inside the mill with haste. He was bouncing about as he faced Skid. “Right, let’s get the wanker in here. If he starts chatting shit, hit him over the head with this.” Billy reached to the side of the door and located a large tube of silver scaffolding. Passing it to Skid he smiled. “This kid is about to find out what us big boys are all about.” Skid nodded his head. “Let’s have it then. Come on I’m more than ready for this fucking Nesbit.”

  The two men walked back outside the mill with their hoods pulled up over their heads. The black raven was still sat on the wall watching them. It started squawking letting the world know what it could see. Billy bent down and picked up a small stone to throw at it, it was freaking him out. The men positioned themselves for the next step. Once the boot was open Craig seemed to be more than ready for them, his legs were all over the place trying to break free. Skid saw his moment and whacked him across the front of his head with the scaffolding bar. He wasn’t fighting anymore. The victim fell back inside the boot like a lead weight, he was out cold.

  “Grab his legs Skid,” Billy said in a panicking voice.

  “Hold on, give me a fucking chance, I can’t get to him.” The two men hoisted Craig from the car, their faces were strained and sweat was running down their temples.

  “Fuck me, this cunt weighs a ton,” Skid stammered.

  The men flung Craig’s lifeless body to the floor. As he crashed to the cold grey concrete, the smashing sound of his head pounding on the cold floor could be heard.

  Billy was struggling to breathe; he was out of breath and bent over with his hands resting on his knees. “Fucking hell, I’ll have to quit the fags me, I’m breathing like a fucking pensioner.”

  Skid was the same and he was gasping for air too. Groaning noises came from behind them. The two men twisted their heads over their shoulders and shot their eyes to the where Craig lay, he was coming round.

  “Quick,” Billy shouted. They sprinted to his side and positioned themselves over his body. Skid was pulling his black leather belt from his jeans. He quickly looped it around the victim’s neck. With a hard tug you could see the buckle squeezing against the pink flesh. “That will keep the wanker still for a minute,” he growled. Billy paced around the body, he was shaking his head and dragging at his clothes, he looked anxious. Craig’s eyes were opening slowly. His left eyelid was drooping over his cheeks and he was struggling to see.

  Billy bent to his knees and went nose to nose with his victim. “You dirty twat, did you think you could rape my sister and nobody would ever find out?” Billy dropped his head back and head butted him with force, you could hear the thumping blow. Blood surged from Craig’s lips; thick red claret was pumping down his chin. Skid was watching with terror in his eyes as he listened to Billy continue. “You’re gonna pay for what you’ve done, nobody,” he grabbed the teenager by his cheeks and gritted his teeth together. “And I mean nobody, fucks with my family.” Billy spat into his face.

  Skid held the belt tighter; you could see the strain in his hands. A deep purple vein was pumping out of the side of his neck as he gritted his teeth together. Craig was turning blue; he was choking. “What are we doing with him now Billy,” Skid asked. Billy walked over to the corner of the room, he was checking over his shoulder all the time.

  Returning back with the sulphuric acid held in his hands he looked menacing. “Strip him down; get the bastard’s clothes off.” His voice echoed throughout the walls. “I need you to hold him then. Fucking hell, hurry up I can’t do this on my own.” Skid’s face was blood red as he started to rip the youth’s clothes from his body. Craig was falling in and out of consciousness; he was weak and unable to fight back. As his clothes were dragged from his body he let out a scream like a wounded animal.

  Craig Jones was naked, his lips were purple and he was shaking rapidly with his knees held up to his chest. Billy yanked the lid from the acid with his fingers and stood for a minute without any movement. “Fucking do it!” Skid screamed at the top of his voice. Billy took a deep breath and stood hovering over Craig.

  “Please Billy, I’ve done fuck all wrong, it wasn’t me, please, I’ll do anything,” the victim pleaded.

  Billy chuckled and sucked on his bottom lip. Holding the tub out in front of him he sprinkled it all over Craig’s body. He was running around him making sure he covered him in the liquid. “Burn you dirty bastard, burn,” he cursed in a chilling voice. Screaming filled the room and there was the smell of burning skin. Craig looked like he was melting; his skin was rolling off his body. Billy flung the empty container at him and nodded his head. “You dirty cunt, you’re lucky I’ve not shoved my dick up your arse.”

  Skid could see Billy was thinking about his words, and grabbed him by the arm. “Come on pal; let’s get the fuck out of here. The jobs done, come on.” The sound of them running from the scene of the crime could be heard.

  Craig was in a frenzy, he was running around like a headless chicken. “Help me, somebody help me,” he screamed. Billy and Skid jumped into the car without speaking. Skid lit a cig up with shaking hands; he was white in the face. “Fuck me mate, I don’t think he’ll survive that. His skin was fucking on fire. Did you see the cunt?”

  Billy nodded his head and patted Skid’s knee slowly. “I hope he never sees living daylight again. If he does, I’ll fucking make sure I do him in proper next time.”

  Skid inhaled his cig deeply. Gazing out of the window he blew a laboured breath. “Dirty scumbag, he deserves to die for what he’s done to your Fallon. How did he ever think he would get away with it?” Billy didn’t reply but kept his eyes on the road. Music filled the car as the men drove along the main road heading home.

  “Jobs a good ‘un,” Billy hissed.


  Fallon sat on the edge of her bed. She looked vacant as she gazed through her bedroom window. The rain was pounding against it as if it was trying to get inside. Black clouds hung from the sky as if they understood Fallon’s problems. She could hear a commotion from downstairs, someone was shouting. Billy was home. Shivers ran down her spine and all the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Fallon held one hand to her neck and gripped her throat, she was struggling to breathe. Holding one ear to the door,
she seemed anxious. Rocking her body about, tears rolled down her cheeks, she knew something had happened. Covering her ears with her hands she tried to drown out the piercing voice of her brother’s ranting from downstairs. “Stop, stop,” she pleaded. She could hear someone coming up the stairs. Fallon flung herself onto the bed and dragged the quilt cover over her shoulders; she wanted to be invisible so no one would ever see her again. The bedroom door creaked open.

  Fallon was facing the wall and hoped whoever it was would leave her alone. Shallow breathing could be heard nearing her bed. Licking the tears that had fallen onto her lips she closed her eyes tightly, her mouth was moving about but no words were coming out. Fallon felt a hand on her waist.

  “Our kid, it’s me Billy.”

  She was shaking, she knew when she turned around she would have to face the reality of her life, she remained still, too scared to hear it. Billy stroked his sister’s head with a flat palm; he knew she was awake. Looking at the wall in front of him he closed his eyes and took a few seconds to get his head together.

  “It’s done Fallon; the bastard got what he deserved. I’m sure he won’t be around Manchester for much longer, that’s if he lives.” The blanket rustled.

  Fallon turned over and dug her head into her brother’s waist; she didn’t want him to see her face. “I can’t do this anymore Billy. My head’s up my arse. Where do I go from here? I feel dead inside.”

  Billy was choking back his emotions and bit hard onto his bottom lip. “No one will ever know Fallon. I know how hard this is for you, but somehow, some way, you’ll get through this.”

  She bolted up from the bed looking distressed. Dragging at her clothes she sobbed. “I feel broken inside. I’ve been in the bath six times already, but I still feel dirty inside. I can’t do this anymore, I want to die.”

  Billy stood up; his face was creased with emotion. He couldn’t cope with seeing his sister crying, he didn’t know what to do. Walking to the bedroom door he turned his head back and watched her melt onto the floor. At that moment in time he would have given anything in the world to fix her. “Mam, come up here,” he shouted towards the stairs. Fallon was in a foetal position on the floor; her hair was stuck to the side of her face. She was a wreck.


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