Sleepless in Manchester

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Sleepless in Manchester Page 10

by Woods, Karen

  “Here you go, you two. Get to fucking London and go and see lover boy. I can’t stand watching your miserable faces anymore,” he flung twenty pound notes at his sister. There must have been at least four hundred pound there.

  Fallon jerked up and gathered the cash together from her chest. “What, really, do you mean it?”

  Billy nodded his head. “Yep, there’s enough there for you and Lesley to go and see Dalton.” She smiled as she looked at her best friend. Billy wasn’t chancing his sister going anywhere on her own anymore and he made sure Lesley was always by her side. Billy looked at Lesley a little bit longer than necessary. He gave her a cheeky wink and she blushed.

  “Fucking hell, I’m going to London,” Fallon screamed as she danced about the front room.

  Beryl came into view and stood looking at her daughter. “What’s up with you? You barmy bastard, sit down before you have a heart attack.”

  Fallon ran to her side and hugged her tightly. “Mam, I’m going to London, our Billy has just give me the money for the train fare.” Beryl hissed at her son. She wanted Fallon to move on with her life and forget all about Dalton in London, but the way it was looking there was no chance of that at the moment. Beryl plonked herself on the sofa looking deflated. Grabbing her cigs from the mantelpiece at the side of her she sat thinking for a minute.

  “Why are you going up to London? Save the money he’s given you and get the stuff you need for college. I mean, you start your nursing course in September and you’ll need to buy books and all that won’t you?”

  Lesley nearly choked as she spoke. “Beryl, we can get all the books we need from the library. This is a chance in a lifetime for me and Fallon, we can’t miss it can we?”

  Billy lit a cigarette as he sat on the floor near his mother’s feet. Grey smoke circled around his face as he chugged on his fag. Turning his head over his shoulder, he placed his hand on his mother’s knobbly knees. “Mam, our Fallon needs a break from round here, she’s had a hard time lately and it’s London she’s going to, not fucking Brazil. You need to get a grip and chill out.”

  Beryl pulled her cardigan around her body and rubbed at her arms, her blonde hairs were standing on end. “Well, I hope she knows what she’s doing. It’s a lot of money to waste on some fucking lad.”

  “Mam, just be happy for me will you. If it doesn’t work out, then you can say you were right, but until then just be happy for me.” Beryl struggled to raise a smile as Fallon kissed her on the cheek.

  Bending down to the floor she hugged her brother’s neck. “I love you so much our kid. I owe you my life.”

  Billy choked back the tears; you could see him swallowing hard. “I just want you to be happy again,” he replied. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out some more money and bunged it onto his mother’s lap. “Here, get some shopping in and go and treat yourself with what’s left.” He reached over and tugged at her tattered brown cardigan. “It’s about time you threw that mothball in the bin isn’t it,” he sniggered as Beryl went on the defensive.

  “This cardigan cost me a lot of money, it’s quality.” The room was filled with laughter as he continued with the banter with his mother.

  “Mam, you’ve had that cardigan since I was a kid. It should be in a fucking museum,” he joked.

  Fallon joined in the banter. “You had it on, on that photo of me and you in Blackpool, do you remember the one Billy?” He nodded his head as his shoulders shuddered. “I mean, I must have been about six years old when that photo was taken, so it is pretty old isn’t it Mam?”

  Beryl knew she was fighting a losing battle, “Oh fuck off you two. I like it and it’s comfy.”

  Fallon rolled about laughing. “Orr Mam, we’re only winding you up. Don’t be going on one now.”

  Beryl looked at them all and the corners of her mouth were rising, placing her hand over her mouth she tried not to smile. “Cheeky bastards,” she cursed under her breath.

  Fallon ran to the phone, her fingers were shaking as she entered the number she required. A ringing tone could be heard. Everyone’s eyes were on her and you could have heard a pin drop. “Dalton it’s me. Guess what, I’m coming to London to see you,” she screamed in a loud excited voice. She was running on the spot as she held the phone to her ear. “Did you hear me Dalton? I said I’m coming to London with Lesley?” Beryl was sat forward in her chair listening to the conversation eagerly. Billy and Lesley were smirking at each other, and she kept twiddling with her hair.

  “So, I’ll see you tomorrow Dalton. We’re going down to the train station in a bit to see what time it leaves.” The conversation went on for a few more minutes, “Right okay then, see you soon. I love you,” Fallon said. Placing the receiver down, she stood thinking for a few seconds. Turning back around to her family she punched her fist into the air. “I’m going to London. I can’t believe it,” she dragged Lesley up from her chair. “Come on you, we’ve got loads to do,” she stood frozen for a minute as if she’s forgotten something. “What the hell am I going to wear?” she stressed.

  Lesley tried to calm her down; she placed her arm around her shoulders. “Stop panicking you stress head, we’ll sort it out. Come on, let’s go upstairs and start packing.” Lesley and Fallon left the front room; you could hear their footsteps bouncing up the stairs like a herd of elephants. Beryl held one ear to the door; once she knew her daughter was gone she pulled at her son’s shoulder with force.

  “What the fuck are you letting her go to London for? I want her to forget about that arse-hole, and you’re just making it harder for me.”

  Billy snarled and jumped up from the floor. “Stop being such a misery. You’ve seen her face lately, she hasn’t smiled for months. Fuck me, mother, I’m only trying to help her to get her back to normal.”

  Beryl reached for her cigs and, pulling one from the packet and lit it. Inhaling deeply she carried on speaking. “He’s fucking trouble. If this ends in tears, and it will no doubt. It will be all your fault. I hope you’re happy.”

  Billy rammed he’s two fingers into the air. “Fuck off, will you, just be happy for her. If it all goes pear-shaped, then at least she’ll know herself.” They sat in silence; you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife.

  Fallon and Lesley sat in the bedroom. Fallon’s head was hid away in the wardrobe searching through her clothing. “Fucking hell, I’ve got nothing to wear. It’s a load of shit in here. It’s not even good enough for a jumble sale, what the fuck am I going to do?” Fallon looked deflated and fell flat into the pile of old clothes in front of her. Lesley stood up and held a cunning look on her face.

  “Let’s get on Conran Street Market before it closes. We can have some clothes away.”

  Fallon lifted her head up and jumped to her feet, “Yeah, fuck it. Let’s get our shoplifting bag out.” They both got ready with speed and in minutes they were running down the stairs with pleased looks on their faces. Both girls had nicked before from the market stalls. Everyone in the area was the same; it was an easy place to steal from, and if you were ever desperate to earn a few quid that was the place to go.

  “Mam, we’re just going on the market. We won’t be long,” Fallon shouted into the living room. She dipped her head into the kitchen cupboard and dragged out a large bag, you could hear the cupboard door slamming shut.

  Lesley popped her head into the front room. “See you later Billy.” The girls were gone.

  The market was buzzing with shoppers; it was just how the girls liked it. Fallon headed straight over to the underwear stall. She was in desperate need of some new knickers. There was no way in this world she was going up to London in her tattered passion killers. Lesley was the one putting the swag into the bag and Fallon was the one keeping the stallholder busy. “Have you got this bra in a 34-D?” Fallon asked. The woman’s face looked weather- beaten as she started to check the labels on the pale yellow bras in the box at the side of her. Her fingers were covered in gold signet rings. You could hear the rustling noises
of Lesley shoving things into the bag at the side of her. Lesley coughed loudly and that was a sign that the goods were concealed. Fallon looked at the bra that the woman passed her and screwed her face up, she pretended to examine it further, “Erm no, it’s not what I’m looking for,” she lied. The stallholder tried to show her some other designs but she shook her head and walked away from the stall with haste.

  After about an hour on the market the girls had finished. They had all they needed for their trip to London. They both looked pleased with their swag and headed home. The Manchester weather was warm today and a gentle breeze tickled Fallon’s face as she walked home. Lesley was quiet for a change and she seemed to be in a world of her own, this was so unlike her. Usually she was gobby, and never came up for air. Fallon linked her friend’s arm and they both walked down Fernclough Road in Harpurhey.

  “You’re quiet today, are you okay?” Fallon asked. Lesley pulled her closer; she was chewing on her bottom lip and she looked anxious. She definitely had something on her mind.

  “I’ve got something to tell you, but you need to swear to me that you won’t say a word to anyone?”

  Fallon’s face creased at the sides and her eyes squinted together as the sunlight hit her eyes. “What, tell me now, what’s going on.”

  She stopped walking and looked at her friend for further information. Lesley was rubbing her hands together and covering her face. “I’ve kissed your Billy.”

  Fallon’s jaw dropped. “Fuck off, stop lying,” she shouted. Lesley grabbed her hand, but she pulled away from her in a strop. “I don’t believe you. When, where?”

  Lesley jumped up onto a nearby wall. “Come and sit here, while I fill you in,” she patted the red brick wall with her hand. “Promise me though that you won’t say anything to him, because he’ll go sick if he thinks I’m telling everyone.”

  Fallon sat next to her with a stern face; she took a while to get comfortable. “I promise, I won’t say anything to him. Now, come on then spill the beans.”

  Lesley took a deep breath and tapped her fingernail on her front tooth. “It all started a few weeks ago,” she sighed and looked embarrassed. “You know I’ve always fancied your Billy don’t you?” Lesley was waiting for her to reply, Fallon nodded eagerly. Lesley was always flirting with her brother in the past, but never in a million years did she think she was serious about him.

  Fallon spoke in a low voice. “Yeah, but I just thought you were,” she shook her head and mumbled. “Well I don’t know what I thought.” Lesley cradled her head in her hands.

  “I think I love him you know,” her eyes were closed and she was cringing awaiting her friend’s response. Fallon grabbed her hands away from her face.

  “Are you being serious or what?” Lesley couldn’t look her in the eyes as she spoke. Billy was twenty five and he should have been out of bounds to her, but she wanted him now more than ever. “Yeah, I do love him. He just makes me tingle every time I look at him.”

  Fallon burnt her eyes into her. “Have you had sex with him?” Lesley looked uncomfortable as she stuttered; she was playing with the cuff of her sleeve. “Yes,” she whispered.

  Fallon was gobsmacked and her mouth was open wide. “Fucking hell, no way have you. Where was I when all this was happening?”

  “In bed,” Lesley replied as she burst out laughing. “It just happened one night. We were just sat there talking and we ended up kissing. It all just went on from there, it was mad.”

  Fallon grabbed her hand. “So let me get this right, you and our Billy have been playing hide the sausage for weeks and you didn’t think about telling me?”

  Lesley jumped to her feet and swung the bag in her hand, she was in a strop. “Yeah, we have. I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about us either, because I love him. I didn’t tell you because, well... you had a lot on your plate and I didn’t want to stress you out.”

  Fallon looked blankly. Lesley hadn’t had much luck with men in the past and she knew she deserved some kind of happiness. “Well that’s shocked me that has,” Fallon smirked. “You, and our Billy. Fucking hell, I can’t believe it.”

  Lesley held a cocky look on her face. “Well you better get used to it, because he said he loves me too.” Fallon and Lesley continued walking home. Billy was a complete bullshitter where women were concerned and she just hoped he wasn’t having her best friend over. Fallon told her she wouldn’t breathe a word of what she’d just told her, even though she was bursting to tell her brother she knew all about his seedy little secret. The girls carried on walking. Every now and then Fallon burst out laughing. “You and Billy together, I still can’t believe it.”


  The girls were ready to get the train to London. Billy was driving them to the train station. They both stood in the front room holding their suitcases looking excited. Fallon had packed too much and she struggled as she tried to lift her suitcase up from the floor. “Right Mam, we’re going now.” Beryl pretended to watch the TV and ignored her. “Mam, I said we’re off.” Lesley went to get in the car with Billy; this was her last chance to have a little bit of slap and tickle with him before she left, she hurried off. Fallon stood for a minute and was just about to leave when her mother stood up from her chair.

  “Just be careful up down there love, don’t let fucking ‘Richie Rich’ think he holds all the cards. You’re just as good as him, just you remember that. Money isn’t everything.”

  Fallon dropped her suitcase on the floor and flung her hands around her. “I won’t Mam, I won’t.” They both shared a moment before Fallon left the house. Beryl stood with the grey net curtain in her hand and peeped at her daughter leaving the garden. A single tear fell onto her cheek and she quickly wiped it away before anyone could see it.

  Lesley was sat in the front of the car and Fallon was in the back. She could see the love in Lesley’s eyes for her brother. Even the way she was speaking was different, she sounded posh. Billy turned the radio up and a ‘Take That’’ song played. Billy was singing along to it and he knew all the words. The girls looked at each other with surprise. Fallon shot her eyes to her brother and poked Lesley in her waist with a smirk on her face. The pop group was Billy’s guilty pleasure and he would never have admitted in a million years that he was a fan of the group. Fallon’s brother pretended to be a man’s man, and wanted to keep it that way.

  “So you two ladies, you’d better behave yourselves once you get to London. No drugs, no getting pissed, and keep your knickers on,” he raised his eyes at Fallon in the rear view mirror.

  She held her hand on the back of her brother’s seat. “Ay, we’re going for a good time, not a long time.”

  Billy chuckled and patted his hand on Lesley’s knee at the side of him. “You’re going to behave aren’t you love?” he looked over to her and smiled.

  Lesley nodded her head slowly. “You know me Billy; I’m as good as gold.”

  Piccadilly train station was busy with commuters. Fallon wanted to let the lovers have a few minutes together before they left. “I’m just gonna grab some cigs, I won’t be long,” she left the car. Looking over her shoulder as she ran off she could see the two of them kissing. Her heart melted and she couldn’t wait to be in the arms of the man she loved too.

  Fallon and Lesley stood looking at the timetables displayed around the train station. “Fucking hell, which platform should we be at?” Fallon hunched her shoulders and looked at her friend.

  “Don’t ask me, I’m as blank as you.” Lesley saw a customer care sign; she grabbed Fallon by the arm and dragged her towards it.

  “Come on, these will know inside here.” The sound of the intercom shouting out messages for the public could be heard. Fallon looked around and she could see people all suited and booted standing nearby. Even the suitcases they were holding looked expensive. Fallon dropped her eyes down to the brown tattered case she was holding. Wetting the end of her finger she tried to wipe away the patches of mud splattered all over it. Nobody had used it
in years and it looked like something from the Antiques Roadshow. Lesley stood in the customer care queue impatiently swinging her hips as she awaited her turn. After a few minutes she raced back to Fallon’s side.

  “Fuck me; it’s nearly ready to leave. We need to motor to platform five; we’re on the train to Euston.” Lesley wasted no time and dragged her suitcase behind her with her a firm grip. “Come on slug, we’re gonna miss it if you don’t move your bony arse.” Fallon followed her lead and they both ran to the train they required. Dragging their luggage onto the train they both looked stressed. Lesley was looking for somebody to show them where to sit, nobody was about. “Oh, fuck it, let’s park our arses here,” she chuckled. Fallon yanked her case away from the walkway. There was no way in this world she could lift it into the overhead storage space. Lesley sat near the window and rubbed her hands together with excitement. “Who’d of thought it ay, me and you on our way to the big city. I feel like royalty,” she held her hand to the side of her face and waved it slowly at the few passengers who were still boarding.

  “Ya knob head stop it,” Fallon laughed.

  “Nar, fuck off Fallon. As from now, me and you are gonna have a buzz. We’ve been like two pensioners these last few months. All we’re missing is a blue rinse each.”

  Fallon held her belly and sniggered. “You’re right Ethel; we’ve been like two coffin dodgers haven’t we.” The girls sat in their seats and after a few minutes the train started to move off. The sound of the engines seemed calming. Fallon closed her eyes and listened carefully. Lesley was bored already; she was fidgeting about in her seat and couldn’t get comfortable. Blowing warm breath on the window she drew a large love heart that nearly covered the full pane of glass. With her index finger she put both the girls’ names inside the heart with Dalton’s and Billy’s names next to theirs.

  “Orr I’m so excited to see Dalton. I hope he’s missed me like I’ve missed him.” Lesley nodded her head as she shoved the remains of a chocolate bar into her mouth. Fallon held her head to the side and sucked on her bottom lip, she was thinking aloud. “I bet he’s going to ask me to marry him you know. He’s dead romantic like that. I can just feel something inside my guts that he’s planning something special.”


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