Sleepless in Manchester

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Sleepless in Manchester Page 13

by Woods, Karen

  Swigging the last bit of his drink, Dalton listened as the music changed. This was the last song of the night. He could see men grabbing the women for a final smooch. Lesley was now at the table, her hand ruffled his hair. “Go on, this is your shout for a dance.” Dalton stood up and he could see Lesley being led back to the dance floor by a tall man who’d been stalking her all night. He was good looking and in his early twenties. Dalton draped his arm around Fallon’s neck. “Can I have this dance?” She tried to smile but she was struggling. The two of them danced and as the tune kicked in they started kissing, a ‘Take that’ song, “A million love songs later” was playing. Lesley wasn’t far from them both and she was dancing with her new found friend, she was a right party animal.

  “I still love you,” Dalton whispered into Fallon’s ear.

  Her eyes filled up. “Do you really, because if all this is over, just let me know and I’ll move on with my life.” He hid his head away in the nape of her neck. The deceit was taking its toll on him. He thought he could just blag his way through these next few days, but he was finding it hard. Dalton liked both the girls, but Fallon was his old life and he knew more than anyone that long distance relationships never worked out, no matter how much people would like to think otherwise. Dalton was debating his next words, but he was saved when the music stopped and all the lights were switched on. Lesley ditched her dancing buddy. You could see he looked distraught as she left his side. The guy must have thought he was in for a quick knee- trembler outside the club; he couldn’t have got it more wrong. The dance meant nothing to Lesley and she’d only smooched with him out of boredom.

  The three of them stepped outside into the night air. It was three in the morning. Black taxis could be seen not far from where they stood and there was a queue forming as the clubbers started to head home. The noise of people talking and singing could be heard. Fallon was stood holding her hands between her legs. “I need a piss,” her eyes shot to the dark alleyway at the back of them. “Fuck it, I’m going in there,” she giggled at Lesley as she pointed in the distance. “Are you coming with me, or what?”

  “Nar, you go, I’ll keep watch.” The sound of her heels clicking along the pavement could be heard. Lesley watched her disappear into the shadows of the night, and moved in closer to Dalton.

  “Where’s Kirsty tonight, knob head?”

  His face dropped and he checked Fallon was out of sight before he spoke. “It’s not what it looks like Lesley.”

  “Go and fuck yourself, you lying scumbag. Don’t you worry, I’m not going to say owt,” she paused and made sure he was listening to every word she said. “You are.”

  “What do you mean by that?” he panicked.

  “You’re going to tell her, or I will.” He was marching about now and dragging his fingers through his hair.

  “I can’t do that, it would break her heart.”

  “I’ll break your fucking nose mate, never mind breaking her heart,” she snarled.

  Dalton knew he was fighting a losing battle. “I will, but please let me do it my way. Not now, not like this. I will do it when she goes back home.”

  Lesley nodded her head. “You’d better had. She’s my best friend and if she cries one more tear over you, you’ll have me to deal with. Do you hear me, ya wanker?”

  Dalton could see Fallon walking back towards them; she was wobbling all over the place. “I’m so pissed me. I need to go home.”

  Dalton looked at Lesley and slowly draped his arm over Fallon’s shoulder. “Come on then, let’s flag a cab.” Lesley was watching him like a hawk and he could feel her eyes burning into him. Sitting in the taxi there was an uneasy atmosphere, not that Fallon noticed because she was too drunk. Her head was stuck out of the window gasping for the cold night air. Lesley kept staring at Dalton but he was doing everything in his power to refrain from any eye contact with her.

  “Dirty cheating bastard,” Lesley whispered under her breath.

  The taxi pulled up outside Dalton’s house. After he paid the fare they all headed to the front door. Fallon was singing and Dalton had to cover her mouth up to stop her waking the neighbourhood up. Sliding his key into the door they all entered. Fallon was trying to kiss him and he had to fight her off. “Hang on will you, just let’s get inside first.”

  Lesley pecked Fallon on the cheek, “I’m going to bed. I’m done in. See you in the morning.” Fallon tried to drag her back, but she pulled away. “No, you spend some time with Dalton. I’m sure he’s got loads to tell you about his new life.”

  Fallon turned her head to him and smiled. “I know, I know. Okay I’ll see you in the morning.” Lesley bounced up the stairs.

  Fallon and Dalton sat in the front room. Everywhere was spotless and nothing was out of place. Fallon drooped forward in her chair and her head was hanging between her legs nearly touching the floor, she was wrecked. “I wish this was our life,” she said raising her head up and removing strands of hair from her face. “I mean, what chance do we have, with me coming from where I do. I just know it’s not going to work.”

  Dalton should have used this opportunity to end the relationship, but he added fuel to the fire and reassured her they would always be together. “Fallon, I love you. I always will. Things might happen and sometimes things won’t be plain sailing, but from the bottom of my heart, you’re the one who will always hold my heart hostage.”

  Fallon looked at him in more detail. Dalton had heard those exact words in a film he’d been watching with Kirsty nights before and the bullshit was rolling from his tongue, there was no stopping him. Fallon’s eyes were closing, and he curled up beside her. Stroking the side of her face he watched her drift off to sleep. He lay staring at the ceiling for a few minutes. Once he knew she was fast asleep he slowly stretched over and grabbed his jacket. Finding his phone he pressed the power button on. Turning the sound off, he lay reading his messages. Kirsty had been texting him all night long. His fingers quickly typed a reply back. ‘Missed you too, see you on Monday,’ he added four kisses at the end of the message and pressed the send button. Looping her arms over his head, he turned to face Fallon. She looked peaceful as she slept. Puckering his lips together, he kissed her softly on the cheek. “Goodnight babes,” he whispered. The two of them lay entwined on the sofa as they slept.

  The following morning, Maria was appalled to discover her son and his girlfriend fast asleep on her new cream leather sofa. Coughing loudly, she tried to wake them up. Walking up to the silk curtains she dragged at them, forcing the sunlight inside. Dalton’s eyes screwed up as he lifted his hand over his eyes blocking out the sunlight. “Mother close them curtains, the light’s blinding me.”

  She sprinted to his side. “I’ll blind you lad if you don’t get your arse up from that sofa. Why didn’t you get into bed? Say you would have been sick on it or something.”

  Dalton yawned and stretched his hands over his head. “Mam, nobody was sick on it. Stop pecking my head and leave me alone.”

  Fallon lifted her head, her hair was stuck up all over the place and her mascara was smudged on her lower lids, she had panda eyes. “Morning Maria,” she said in a low voice.

  Dalton’s mother screwed her face up at her. “I’ve just bollocked him for sleeping on the sofa, you two should have got into bed instead of dossing here.”

  Fallon sank back down out of sight. This woman was hard work and she couldn’t stand another lecture from her. Dalton stood up and pulled Fallon to her feet by her arms, she was dizzy and took a few minutes to find her balance. “Come on let’s get off her precious couch. We’ll go and chill in my room.”

  Maria snarled at him. “Yes, like you should have done last night.” She was patting the sofa with a flat palm; her eyes searching for any signs of damage.

  The teenagers stomped up the stairs to bed. Fallon held the banister and dragged herself up the last few stairs, she was done in. Lesley was hovering on the landing looking the worse for wear. Stretching her arms above her head you
could see her lower stomach. Dalton’s eyes were all over the place and he couldn’t look at her. “Where are you two going?” Lesley asked.

  “I’m just getting my head down for a few hours. I’m as rough as a bears arse.” Dalton opened his bedroom door and slid inside whilst they were talking.

  Lesley snarled at Fallon. “Fuck staying in bed. We’re only here for a few days, let’s go and see London.” Fallon knew her friend was right, and stood twisting her body. It was obvious she wanted to spend time alone with Dalton and she was doing everything in her power to make Lesley back down. Her friend was having none of it and walked into the toilet, before she shut the door she spoke. “So hurry up and get ready, you’ve got an hour.”

  Fallon sighed as the door shut. Tiptoeing into the bedroom she could see Dalton’s body underneath the covers. Her face was anxious and she was debating her next move. Slowly she slid next to him in the bed, he was facing the wall. Her arm stretched across his stomach. “Ay, sleepy head, come on its time to get up. You’ve got to take us on a tour of London. I bet there’s loads to see.”

  Dalton was groaning, “Orr just leave me alone. We can go out after. I’m still drunk, me.” His eyes were wide open as he stared at the wall in front of him; he was lying through his front teeth. Fallon’s warm breath was on his back and she was tickling him slowly. “Dalton come on, Lesley will be on her own, it’s snidey.”

  He turned round to face her, gripping her slender face in his hands, he tried to get out of it. “Why don’t you two just go? I’ll make you something nice for tea,” he sat up and looked excited. “I can make your favourite, Spaghetti Bolognese. Remember when I made it for you last time, you loved it?”

  Fallon looked lost in his eyes, he was winning her over. She kissed his cheek. “Now you’re talking, are you going too sprinkle that cheese over it again, the one that smelt like sweaty socks?”

  He giggled. “Do you mean Parmesan?

  She smirked and nodded her head. “Yeah, that’s it.” Fallon had never tasted Spaghetti Bolognese until Dalton had made it for her. Her mother’s food usually consisted of egg, chips and beans, and every now and then if they were lucky, she might throw a sausage onto it. She’d told Beryl about the dish she’d tasted at Dalton’s house and tried to get her to make it but her mother had gone on one and told her if she wanted rich food she should go and live somewhere else. Beryl’s menu would never change. She was a woman of habit and chips and beans were the height of her culinary skills. Fallon kissed him and sighed. “I better get ready; Lesley will be waiting for me.”

  Dalton looked relieved and snuggled back down in the bed dragging the duvet over his shoulders. This was his last day with Fallon and he would be a happy man when she was back on that train to Manchester. It was all too much stress for him. The bedroom door opened, Maria was stood there in her cream silk housecoat and matching slippers. She looked like someone out of the TV show ‘Dynasty’.

  Raising her eyes she spoke to Fallon. “I’ve made breakfast if you’re coming downstairs?”

  Fallon looked to the floor and spoke. “Thanks’ I’m just going to get ready and I’ll be down in a minute.”

  Maria raised her voice and held the brass handle on the door. “That means you too Dalton, do you want any?” He pulled the duvet over his head and his drained voice could be heard.

  “Nar, I feel a bit Pat and Mick. I might have something later on.”

  Maria chuckled, “Listen to him, he’s only been in London two minutes and he’s picking up the lingo.”

  Fallon forced a false laugh out. “I know, he’s full of it isn’t he?”

  Maria was gone and Fallon sat in silence. Her eyes shot about the bedroom as her arms wrapped about her body. “Dalton,” she whispered. There was no reply. “Dalton, are you listening?” His groans could be heard.

  “Yeah, what’s up?”

  Fallon climbed over him and pushed her way to the small gap in front of his body. Once she was comfortable she stroked her finger down the side of his face. “Me and you are okay, aren’t we?”

  His eyes were closed and you could see he was pretending to be asleep. “Of course we are, why?”

  She used her fingers to prise his eyes open. “Look at me then,” she insisted. He opened his eyes wide and sighed, he was ready for snapping. “Why do I feel like we’re drifting apart?” His eyes closed again as he answered her.

  “I don’t know, it’s probably because of me moving away.”

  Fallon nearly choked, she was only after a bit of reassurance from him, but he was telling her she was right. “Is that how you feel too?”

  Dalton looped his arm over his head. His heart was pounding inside his chest, and he was getting ready to come clean. Clearing his throat he looked worried. “Fallon it’s going to be hard for us, there’s no denying that, but if you feel like you want to end it, then I’ll understand.” The bastard was trying to make her end it. He was watching her from the corner of his eye with a cunning look on his face.

  Fallon was gobsmacked and took a few seconds to find her thoughts. “I don’t want to end it, no. I just want us to be happy.”

  Dalton gritted his teeth together and opened fire. This wasn’t going to be as easy as he first thought, he snapped. “Stop analysing everything then. Fuck me; it’s always the same with you. Why are you so insecure?” He could see she was on the verge of breaking down and dragged the covers back over his head. “Just go will you. I’m tired and agitated; we’ll speak later when you come back.”

  “Dalton, don’t speak to me like that. You’re talking to me like you don’t give a shit.” He bolted up from the bed and it was on the tip of his tongue to tell her the truth, but he just didn’t have the balls.

  “Go and get something to eat, my head’s pounding and I’m not in the mood for all this crap.” Fallon searched in her case for some clean clothes, she was throwing them all over the place in a mood.

  “I don’t even know why I came to see you. Perhaps my Mam is right; you are up your fucking own arse.” Tears fell down her cheek and she was snivelling. Dalton dragged his hands through his hair; shaking his head he tried his best to ignore her. The bedroom door slammed shut and she was gone.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he moaned under his breath. He punched his rounded fist into the pillow.

  The smell of toast lingered in the kitchen. As Fallon trudged into the kitchen she could see Lesley was tucking into a full English. Black pudding, mushrooms, tomatoes, bacon and egg, the plate had the lot.

  Maria was sipping her green tea and she made sure she told the girls that she was no longer eating or drinking unhealthy foods. Holding the cup out in front of her she held a serious face. “This Green tea is an antioxidant, I drink it every morning. I feel tons better than when I used to drink coffee. This gives me energy.” She shot her eyes at Brian who was sat at the table eating his breakfast. He was studying the racing form again.

  “Doesn’t it love?” He lifted his head up looking blank; he wasn’t sure what she’d asked him and just nodded his head. That seemed enough for her to back off. Taking the tea towel from the side, Maria pulled Fallon’s breakfast out from the oven. She placed it on the table and seemed proud of her menu. The sound of Fallon scraping her chair out on the marble floor could be heard. Once she was sat down she started to tuck in. She ate like she hadn’t been fed for years. The toast was piled high in the centre of the table and every time Fallon picked a piece up she could see Maria clocking her. She held back and only had two slices. Usually she would have had at least three rounds but the eyes of her boyfriend’s mother put an end to that. The radio playing in the background broke the silence. Maria stood to her feet and opened the patio doors that led to the back garden. A warm summer breeze filtered inside, and you could hear the birds chirping contentedly in the summer sun.

  “What are we doing today?” Maria asked Brian. The sound of his newspaper rustling could be heard. Lifting his eyes up, he hunched his shoulders.

  “The w
orld is your oyster my dear. Where do you want to go?” Brian was taking the piss out of his wife and Fallon and Lesley were finding it hard to control their laughter.

  “Shall we go to that Bistro bar in town for lunch then? You know the one I mean. That one opposite Harrods.” Brian nodded his head again and that was sufficient to please his wife.

  Maria kept looking out onto the lawn and spoke to the girls behind her. “Why don’t you two come out for lunch, you would love it?”

  Lesley giggled, “Lunch, don’t you mean dinner?” Maria swished her hair over her shoulder with one swift movement and turned back around. “That’s the common word for it. We say lunch, here in London.”

  “Well you can take the girls out of Manchester, but you can’t take the Manchester out of the girls. We call it dinner where I come from,” Lesley piped up.

  Dalton’s mother frowned and sighed. “Well, whatever you want to call it, do you want to come? My treat.” Fallon looked apprehensive, what was this bitch up to? She was being too nice and she was wary of her. Lesley heard the word ‘Free’ and couldn’t stop herself.

  “You’re on then, my Dad always told me that if it’s free, never refuse.”

  Fallon looked deflated, she darted her eyes at her best friend and screwed her face up. Lesley realised what she’d done and hunched her shoulders rolling her eyes back. Quickly checking the pine clock on the kitchen wall Maria started to make a move.

  “Come on then, let’s get ready. It’s nearly twelve o’clock.” They all left the kitchen with haste. Brian was still staring at his newspaper.


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