Sleepless in Manchester

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Sleepless in Manchester Page 27

by Woods, Karen

  He knew she was right; there was no getting away from the fact that he’d cheated on her and broken her heart. “You’re right Fallon; I was a knob head. I’m not going to lie to you, but you were back here in Manchester, and I was lonely.” Fallon bolted up from her seat, so much had happened since they’d split up and she blamed him for the way her life had turned out. Her head was spinning, she was so mixed up. Checking the clock on the wall she turned to him. This was it, she was leaving.

  Dalton knew he only had minutes left to spare. “Fallon I love you. I don’t know if you feel the same way, but I’ll never stop. You’re on my mind constantly, it’s driving me mad,” he sank to his knees and held the bottom of her legs. Fallon looked strong; taking a deep breath she had her final say.

  “Dalton, it’s all in the past now and I don’t feel anything for you anymore. I’m getting married to John next week. You had your chance and you blew it. Just deal with it like I had to.”

  Fallon dragged her leg away from him and walked towards the door, he came running behind her. “Fallon, please.” Opening the front door she looked at him, he was taking the chain from around his neck. Holding his hand out in front of him, he broke down. “Take it Fallon; if you don’t want me anymore then I need to give it you back.” Her eyes fixed on the necklace; he still had it after all these years. She shook her head. The door slammed shut behind her.

  Maria came out of her room. She’d heard it all from behind her bedroom door. Dalton was lying in a ball crying on the floor. Gently she lifted him up, “Come on son, you need to let her go. At least you tried, come on let’s get you to bed.” Maria struggled to lift him. As she closed his bedroom door she wrapped her hands around her body, he was a mess for sure. How was he ever going to get over this? Fallon was his world. Walking into the kitchen she flicked the switch for the kettle. Sleep was the last thing on her mind, listening carefully she could still hear her son sobbing from his bedroom, he was a broken man.

  Fallon snuck into the house. Lesley was asleep on the sofa. Closing the door behind her softly she crept to her side. “Lesley, wake up. I need to talk to you, wake up,” she shook her body. Lesley was dead to the world and wasn’t waking up for love nor money. Fallon finally gave up trying and headed up to bed. As she passed her mother’s bedroom she could see her bedside light was still on. Popping her head inside she could see Beryl was still reading, she didn’t notice her. Fallon decided that she didn’t want to trouble her mother with her problems and went straight into her own room. Hands resting on the windowsill she stared outside at the moonlight. It was shining brighter than usual tonight and seemed to know her pain.

  “Mr Moon,” she whispered. “Why is my life so hard? Why has he come back to me after all this time? I’m getting married next week, and he’s trying to spoil the only bit of happiness I’ve ever had.” Her eyes looked like ice as the moonlight shone on them. From the corner of her eyes she could see her jewellery box. As if the moon was controlling her she lifted the lid slowly. There it was the necklace she’d once shared with Dalton. Slowly she lifted it up and looked at the name engraved on it. His name was as clear as ever. Looking up at the moonlight she smiled softly. “Is this who you think I should be with Mr Moon?” Holding the silver heart in her hand she kissed the name on it. Slowly, she walked to her bed and sat on the edge of it. Did she still love Dalton, or did she love John? Falling back onto the bed she dragged the covers over her body. Eyes flickering she gave one last look at the moonlight. Fallon fell asleep; in her hand she held the silver necklace.


  The household was up in arms the next morning. Bob was causing a scene in the other bedroom and you could hear Beryl screaming at him, she was holding nothing back. “You’re getting nowt from me you dirty thieving bastard. If you want to go and get pissed, do it with your own money.” Banging noises could be heard, and you could hear Beryl ranting. “Get your hands off me Bob. Fallon! Help me; he’s trying to kill me.”

  Fallon jumped from her bed and ran into her parents’ bedroom. Bob was stood over her mother and his clenched fist was ready to swing into her face. This wasn’t the first time he’d raised his hand to his wife. Fallon had witnessed some horrific scenes of domestic abuse over the years, but this was the first in a long time. Bob looked menacing. Fallon ran to his side and gripped his hands. “Dad! No! Leave her alone will you. For fucks sake, what’s going on?”

  Beryl scrambled to the other side of the room. Eyes all over, she clocked one of Billy’s old football trophies. Picking it up, she ran to the bed and jumped on it bouncing about. “Come on then, you come one foot near me and you’re getting this whacked over your head. You raging piss-pot. What is it ay? Haven’t you got any vodka left again? You’re always the same when you’re got the shakes.”

  Bob tried to run at his wife, but Lesley was in the room now and she was holding him back. After a struggle the girls got him out of the bedroom. Bob was screaming at the top of his lungs. “It’s your fault I drink, and now it’s happening to your daughter too. Let’s hope she makes the right choice though, because we all know you didn’t, don’t we Beryl.”

  Fallon pushed her father away from the bedroom. “What the fuck are you going on about Dad, what choice who made?”

  Bob pushed his daughter out of the way, for a split second she thought he was going to hit her. The sound of his feet running down the stairs could be heard. Lesley ran back into the bedroom to see if Beryl was all right. “Fuck me love, he’s off his head him. Are you alright? It’s a good job we heard you otherwise he would have kicked the living daylights out of you wouldn’t he?”

  Fallon stood on the landing thinking for a minute. Scratching her head she joined her mother and Lesley in the bedroom. “Mam, what the fuck is he going on about? What choices is he going on about?”

  Beryl rocked her body about on the bed. Bob had scared the living daylights out of her for sure. She was white in the face. Fallon shot a look at Lesley. “Go and get her fags from downstairs will you, they’re near the side of her chair.” Lesley left the room.

  Beryl’s bottom lip trembled. She made sure they were alone. “He’s going on about the man I loved years ago; remember I told you all about him, Malcolm Smith?”

  Fallon nodded her head. “How does he know about him, I thought you never told him?”

  Beryl raised her eyes to the ceiling. “Well, maybe years ago I might have mentioned him, but fuck me, why’s he bringing it up now?”

  Fallon gasped as she heard Lesley coming back up the stairs. “Well, why’s he saying like mother like daughter, what have I done?”

  Beryl never replied. Lesley marched into the bedroom and they all sat on the bed smoking. Fallon kept looking at Lesley; she needed to speak to her about last night. “Mam, you go and get a bath. We’ll go downstairs and make sure he’s gone. Do you want a brew?”

  Beryl stood up, her legs were shaking, she didn’t look right. Bob had hurt her badly and you could see the red marks on her arms where he’d gripped her. “Go on love, put me an extra sugar in it I need the energy.”

  The kettle came to a boil nearby. Lesley was in a mood and Fallon knew it was about Dalton. Taking the three cups into the front room she sat next to Lesley on the sofa. “I tried waking you up last night when I got in, but you were steaming drunk.”

  Lesley inhaled and her nostrils were flaring, she was pumping with rage. “Why the fuck did you even speak to that clown. After all these years he still thinks he can walk back into your life. You’re a dickhead you should have carted him. You owe him nothing.”

  Fallon knew she was right and tried to set the record straight. “I know you’re right but I just needed closure myself. Are you forgetting I’ve never had that from him?”

  Lesley reached over and picked her cup up from the table. Slurping at it slowly she replied. “I know love, just ignore me. Just the mention of that bastard’s name just makes my blood boil. What happened anyway?”

  Fallon brought her knees up to her ch
est and pulled her nightie over them, she looked pleased with herself. “I told him Lesley, don’t you worry. I told him straight it was over. I feel like a new woman this morning. I can move on with my life now.” Lesley looked at her and studied her face, she didn’t believe her. She could always tell when she was lying, she let her continue. “He was on the floor crying, telling me he’s never stopped loving me. I told him straight, he cheated on me and that’s it. I’m done with him.” Fallon carried on talking and at the end of the conversation she’d even convinced herself that she was over Dalton.

  The sound of the landline ringing could be heard. Lesley ran to it. “Oh, this will be Billy; he said he’d phone me today. He’ll go mad that Denva isn’t here to talk to him but what can I do?” Fallon played with her toes as she listened to Lesley on the phone to her brother. Her cheeks seemed to have colour in them today, she was glowing. Flicking the TV on she scrolled through the channels looking for something to watch. Beryl slowly trudged into the room looking upset. Usually she was a tough cookie but today she was crumbling. Fallon passed her mother the white cup as she sat down in her chair.

  “Get that down your neck; it will make you feel better.”

  Beryl reached for the cup and you could see her hands were shaking. She was quiet today and just sat staring out of the window, her eyes held so much sadness. You could hear Lesley laughing her head off as she listened to Billy speaking on the other end of the line. She was sat on the sofa with her legs dangling over the arm of the chair. She really did love Billy; you could see it in her eyes. Fallon sat deep in thought; she had a lot on her mind. She’d hardly slept a wink all night. The handle on the backdoor started moving. Beryl sat upright in her chair, she thought it was her husband returning back for round two, she was relieved when she saw it was John.

  “Morning piss-heads,” John joked. “Did you have a good night?”

  Fallon looked sheepish and smiled softly. “Yeah, it was alright. I feel as rough as a bear’s arse though.”

  John sat next to her and pecked her on the cheek, his lips were cold. Staring at her a bit longer than necessary he looked anxious. “So where did you end up, did you go to the Ritz like you said you was?”

  “Yeah, it was a good night, well what I can remember of it.”

  Lesley said goodbye to Billy on the phone and turned to face John, she could tell by Fallon’s face she was going under and tried to bail her out. “She was leathered John, falling all over the place she was telling me how much she loved you,” she lied.

  John blushed. “Orr was you babes? Come here and give me a cuddle.”

  Fallon sunk her head onto his body; she could hear his heart beating. With his girlfriend still lay on his chest he shot his eyes to Beryl. “Morning Mrs Grumpy arse, what’s up with your face this morning?” Fallon poked him in his waist and stared at him. Beryl stood up from her chair, her legs were wobbling. John could see she was going to fall over and jumped up with haste. “Just sit down a minute. You don’t look well Beryl, are you feeling alright?” Her body melted to the floor and her eyes closed. Fallon was in a panic and started to run around the room like a headless chicken. John kept calm; he was a doctor and knew exactly what to do. Slowly he lifted her onto her feet, she was still unsteady. Her eyes opened slowly and she was aware of where she was. John made her sit with her head between her legs.

  Once she was fully conscious he took her hand and guided her upstairs to bed shouting, “Fallon, do your Mam a drink.” She was crying at his side and her bosom was rising. “What’s up with her John? Is she going to be okay?” John didn’t reply and he was on his way up the stairs. Once he got her to the top he guided her into her bedroom, her lip seemed to have dropped on one side of her face. Once she was on the bed he carried out some emergency tests. Beryl had had a stroke, he was sure of it.

  Quickly dialling the emergency services, he requested an ambulance. Lesley was at the door, “Are you alright Beryl, you scared the shit out of us all. Fucking hell; I thought you’d snuffed it.” Lesley looked at John, and her face dropped.

  “John, what’s wrong with her face?” she moved to the side of the bed, she was anxious as she looked closer.

  “I think she’s had a stroke. I’ve phoned an ambulance, it’s on its way.” Lesley froze and it took a while to register what he’d said. Sitting on the edge of the bed she held Beryl’s hand. Her fingertips felt cold. As she looked at them in more detail she could see the purple veins sticking from them as if they were ready to burst. Sirens could be heard; John had a look of relief on his face. Beryl wasn’t a well woman. Lesley ran down the stairs with speed to let the medical team in. Fallon was hysterical.


  May the ninth was finally here - the day Fallon planned to marry John. Beryl was still struggling to speak but she was trying her best to be understood. The stroke had left her in a bad way. The doctors had advised her to stop smoking, but there she was dressed in her wedding outfit with a fag hanging out from the corner of her mouth. She never listened. Bob hadn’t been home all night and Fallon knew she would have to find someone else to give her away. Her uncle Mike had stepped in at the last minute and saved the day. Fallon kept sobbing and told Lesley that the whole wedding day was cursed. Her mother had had a stroke, her father was nowhere to be seen, what else was she supposed to think?

  Beryl sat in her armchair wearing a lilac suit, she was constantly pulling at it, and she didn’t look comfy. Lesley floated into the room wearing her mint green bridesmaid dress. She looked elegant; it was only when you looked closer at her that you could see her slimline figure. Lesley didn’t wear sexy clothes anymore. She was always dressed in hoodies and tracksuit bottoms; she couldn’t see the point in dressing up these days. The only man she wanted to look sexy for was locked up.

  Fallon walked into the front room. Lesley’s jaw dropped, “Fuck me, you scrub up well don’t you? You look like one of them brides out of Hello magazine.” Lesley choked the tears back and her hand rested on her heart as she continued. “You look mint. Well, not mint, gorgeous, stunning, oh you know what I mean.”

  Fallon looked at her mother. Tears were streaming down her face. Fallon ran to her side. “Orr don’t cry Mam, you’ll have me at it too.” She waved her hand in front of her eyes and blew her breath. “Why are you crying? It’s a happy day. Come on, cheer up.”

  Beryl stared deep into her eyes and she struggled to get her words out. “Don’t do it. Don’t make the mistake I did. I know where your heart is and so do you. Follow it, and you won’t go wrong.”

  Fallon was gobsmacked.

  Mam, I love John, Don’t be saying things like that to me. It’s my wedding day, just be happy for me will ya?” Fallon marched away from her; steam was coming out of her ears, she was fuming. Lesley looked at her friend, and she felt the same way as Beryl but kept it to herself. There was no way she was getting the blame for breaking up a relationship, no way in this world. She was keeping schtum. Fallon walked into the kitchen. Grabbing the half bottle of Vodka from the side, she poured herself a large drink. Her heart was beating in her ears and she was stressed out. Tomorrow was her twenty-fifth birthday, this was no time to be having second thoughts. She was marrying John and that was the end of it.

  Lesley stood behind her, “Pour me one of them love, make it a big one too, I need it.” The sound of the drink being poured could be heard. Fallon passed one to Lesley in silence.

  The wedding cars pulled up outside the house. Beryl was escorted by Lesley to the car, her legs were weak and she could barely walk. Fallon’s uncle rubbed his hands together, “Not long now love, are you nervous?” Fallon tried to look happy but she was struggling, she never replied. Mike paced the living room floor; he was smoking like a trooper. “I thought our Bob would have turned up. He’s always been a selfish cunt, but I thought for you, his only daughter, he would have stepped up to the mark,” he rubbed her shoulder softly. Fallon kept opening her Ivory silken drawstring bag and looking inside it. Whateve
r was in there seemed important. Mike lifted the net curtain back from the window. “Right love, our car’s here. Are you ready?” He opened the door and waved at the driver.

  Fallon looked hot, quickly grabbing the last bit of Vodka left in her glass she necked it in one. “Right, here goes,” she mumbled under her breath. A few of the neighbours cheered as she stepped out of the garden, she smiled softly at them. Her dress was plain, but there was something about it that made it special. Sat in the back of the car, she waved her hand at the onlookers. Mike seemed more excited than her. Fallon sat cracking her fingers and her Uncle Mike told her straight to stop it; the noise was doing his head in. Corpus Christi church wasn’t far from where she lived. Her heart was beating rapidly; she started to take deep breaths.

  Maria stood near the church; hidden out of sight. She had to see with her own two eyes that Fallon was getting married. Dalton was leaving tomorrow and if there was any way she could stop him leaving she would do whatever it took. The white Rolls Royce car pulled up outside the church and Maria watched Fallon leave the car with her heart in her throat. “Don’t do it, don’t do it,” she whispered under her breath. Her fingers clenched the wall nearby and you could see her knuckles turning white. “I know you still love him, Fallon. Please turn back,” she whispered. Maria looked deflated as she watched Fallon being escorted inside the church by a man. Closing her eyes, her face creased up, the battle was over. She’d lost her son.

  Near the entrance of the church Bob was swaying about. His hands were holding a brick wall at the side of him. He was staggering, he looked rough. Bob tried walking forward, but he didn’t seem to be making any progress. You could see something sticking up inside his coat, he was hiding something. The passers-by stared at him and looked at him with disgust. Bob shouted abuse at them but he was rambling and they couldn’t understand a word he said.


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