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by Will Brown

  “If you’re really interested in being with me, I need to know that you’re someone who won’t get caught up in what you think you can get from me, or what I have to offer. I mean I’m a millionaire And you’re moving on me as fast as my company is growing. I mean, where are we going with this? I need to know in order to get my head together.”

  Carlotta just smiled and leaned against his chest. “Well if I really have to answer that question, I’d have to say that I don’t want to be with you or need you because of your money. I’m doing quite well on my own, thank you. And if you hadn’t told me, I would have never known. I knew you were important after those folks coming over to speak with you. But, what I told you last night on the phone I meant. I was attracted to just you and besides; I know who I am and I don’t have regrets. I thought you figured all that out by now. I can never be another woman, but I can show you how a southern girl loves, if that’s good enough for you.”

  Confident in her response Trey nodded his head. “Okay, good answer. Well let’s just see what happens..." Laying on top of his chest the two of them fell asleep.

  When they got up, it was Sunday afternoon and it seemed as if a whole week had gone by in just 24 hours. Even after having a wonderful time, Carlotta still had last minute shopping to do for her trip to Jamaica with her friends Jessica and Amelia, so Trey took her home.

  On the way there, they agreed to contact one another after she returned from her trip. When his cell phone rang he was not willing to let it interrupt the time they shared, as he allowed it to go to voice mail.

  After dropping her off, he listened to the message;

  “Hey Trey, It’s me JJ. I heard from Q, this morning? He said your girl Carlotta is drop dead gorgeous and the flight up to Martha’s Vineyard for the party was outrageous. I wish I’d been there but of course I had to be at the club. There were three birthday parties going on all at the same time. I’m having Cleave perform tonight to warm things up. Sorry you won’t be here to see your favorite girl do her thing. I’ll talk to you later.”

  After listening to the message and returning home, there was a ring at the front gate. It was Octavia trying to find a way to get inside to seduce him once again.

  “Baby will you at least open the gate and let me in? I need to talk to you, Trey! I’m pregnant and this baby may be yours.”

  Immediately he buzzed her in and met her at the door.

  “Listen Octavia, I thought we agreed that it was over? I’m hearing your name all over town and how brothers are dogging you out, even you getting put out on the highway after arguments over having dinner at a cheap restaurant? That’s pitiful and now you want to come over here to tell me you’re pregnant? That’s bullshit. I think you better go down that list of yours. This is ridiculous. I can’t believe you put all this effort into coming over here to tell me some bullshit like this. You need to get your life together. Don’t do this to yourself. You’ve got a lot to offer someone if you make the necessary changes for the man out there waiting for you. You just have to let it happen instead of making it happen. It’s just not going to be me. I gave you everything and you blew it. Why don’t you just get back into your car and leave? It would better for the both of us.”

  She stood in the doorway just listening to him. However, her self-centered attitude was finally not working. He could see she was frustrated and not willing to believe a word he was saying.

  “Are you really serious? Can you look me in the eyes and tell me that you don’t want any more of my pussy?” she asked while attempting to force his hands between her legs.

  “Octavia it’s time for you to leave. This is not going anywhere and I’ve heard enough,” Trey responded, while pushing her away.

  “Okay Mr. Trey Edwards. Are you sure this is how you want it to end? If it is, trust me nigga, it’s going to get ugly. You will see me again,” she said, while walking back to her car to drive away.

  As he went back inside, all he could do was take a moment to sit down and try to regain his composure. He regretted even talking to her. He had to question why a woman would go to the extent of lying about being pregnant just to control him when they’d had everything and she just hadn’t realized it. But as the old saying goes, when it’s over, it’s over, and because of her own selfishness, Octavia had to go.

  Someone to Love

  In Tamara 'T-Bird' Robinson's family, she was the first to make it big in the music industry. Growing up in New Orleans and singing in church, her cousins gave her the nickname, T-Bird, because she had a phenomenal octave range when she sang. Her parents would take her to visit Desiree her first cousin and ask the two of them entertain the entire family.

  After her father accepted a job offer in New Jersey, they relocated. For T-Bird, it was the break she needed, but it wasn’t until she finished school and got her degree in music theory that her parents allowed her to pursue her dreams as a singer.

  It was an era where music was real and hip-hop was already establishing itself. However if you called yourself a singer it was skill or nothing at all. No digital enhancement just sheer gut.

  As for T-Bird, she earned her reputation. Her performances were stellar and afforded her the opportunity to get her first demo after grinding back ground vocals and meeting Shaun. He was a trendsetter when it came to managing new artist and groups. Immediately, their attraction to each other led them into five years of marriage. But bad habits and money changed their life. Shaun was a gambler and lost everything he and T-Bird built together because of his reckless behavior.

  Their love was so strong that no one could believe they were falling apart and preparing for divorce. But they were now bankrupt and T-Bird had to ask her closest friends for help. She needed money to complete her new album in order to get back on her feet. But even music couldn’t take away the pain and disappointment she felt seeing her marriage crumble because of Shaun.

  After her 29th birthday, her album was complete. She became excited about life again when she had her first interview with WBBS in the city. It was prime-time at the radio station and the staff was out of control while dancing to the music in the studio. During her interview, they played the first world premiere release entitled, “Can’t Wait Another Minute.” DJ Lock Down announced the album would be available in stores that day and that T-Bird would also be signing autographs at the Music Mansion in the uptown area of the city. The studio felt like one big party with the staff members all hanging out as she talked on the air. The listeners were ecstatic about the songs up beat tempo and requested numerous replays.

  While replaying the song, DJ Lock Down kept the interview in high gear.

  “So T-Bird, tell us how you got started in the music industry and what was the driving force behind your successful career, new album, and your involvement in the foundation REACT?”

  T-Bird responded and explained how she’d started the foundation.

  “I’m thankful for my closet friends. They’re the ones responsible for helping me make a difference and helping me change so many lives in our community. It would have not been possible without them.”

  Callers began lighting up the phones lines, explaining how they had friends and family members who had benefited from the foundation’s training programs. Lives were being changed thanks to T-Bird and the foundation she’d established. DJ Lock Down played another song but this time it was one of her ballads entitled, “Lover-Lover” as she explained the inspiration behind the song.

  “I'm dedicating this song to a close friend Ronnie who was my writing partner. He was killed in a car accident and I miss him dearly. There was a special chemistry between us that made our writing style very unique. We actually started writing the song while recording another song for someone else who was putting together a demo package. So I dedicate this song to Ronnie and his wife Debbie for the love they shared together. It was a promise I had to keep for myself, in remembrance of him..." she had to pause a minute before continuing.

  "..Completing this song
was one of the most important things I’ve ever wanted to do in my career as a songwriter and singer.”

  D J Lock Down said he was really touched and empathized with T-Bird over the loss of her friend. He told her he admired her for her compassion and commitment. Then he asked.

  “So tell me, why does everyone call you T-Bird?”

  “It was my cousins back home in Louisiana who actually gave me that name because they use to say I sing like a bird,” she answered.

  DJ Lock Down had to agree. “Oh yes, you do have the gift.”

  The interview with DJ Lock Down was a smash. Before leaving, T-Bird announced that she was having a release party at The Tea Pot club and everyone was invited. DJ Lock Down would also be there hosting the music. DJ Lock Down closed the interview telling everyone not to miss the event because it was going to be crazy.

  T-Bird was excited as she left the studio. She made her way through the rush hour traffic going uptown to the Music Mansion to meet and greet all her friends and fans. JJ and Q were also there waiting to meet her, while Trey finished up on business meetings, as the crowd rushed in. However, he did call to wish her well.

  It was Thursday night at the club and everything was going as scheduled. The line was already a block long and growing, with everyone trying to get inside. JJ had spotlights revolving in front of the club with T-Bird's name illuminating the building. She was grateful for the support of her friends. Without them, she knew her album wouldn’t have been possible. Thanks to Shaun, all of her money was gone. Now she was regaining financial control and all the profits were coming directly to her because of writing and producing all the songs on the album. The album was sure to go double platinum and win her a few Grammies the way it was topping the charts. T-Bird was finally on top of her game.

  A&R representatives and artists in the industry from other major labels were making sure to be present to give her props. It was so crowded it was standing room only. When she arrived everyone was waiting at their usual VIP booth. JJ’s wife Vivian gave her a bouquet of roses and kissed her on the cheek, before whispering into her ear.

  “Congratulations T-Bird, I love you like a sister. Keep shinning girl.”

  JJ, Trey, and Q waited at the table waiting for her to kick things off and take the party to the dance floor. Everyone got the surprise of a lifetime when Shaun walked over. Even as poised as T-Bird was, Shaun was the last person she wanted to see. It was her night and nothing was going to get in the way of her having her time and celebration.

  Taking a deep breath she walked over to him. Struggling for words, he stood silent.

  “T-Bird, I just wanted to come and show you my support. I still believe in you. I’m so sorry for holding you back and gambling our money away and more importantly, I lost the best thing that has ever happened to me by messing up our marriage.” Shaun’s gambling habits were so bad that the casino managers knew him by name and would offer him all kinds of perks to lure him back to the tables again and again, just to keep him losing. He knew he’d blown everything that was important to him when T-Bird told him she wanted a divorce. Their marriage was just as much a business as her career. He’d been her manager yet he put it all on the line for selfish gain. There was no way Shaun could work that out as far as she was concerned. It was over.

  Regardless, he was still bold enough to ask her for another chance at managing her. He tried to reason with her and told her that he was still capable of taking care of her business affairs without letting anything else come between them. However, his plea did not move her at all. She simply kissed him on the cheek and told him to enjoy the party while she made her rounds around the club.

  As she walked away she thought, Shaun must have been out of his mind for coming to the club to ask for a chance at managing her again after all they’ve gone through. The anguish provoked tears that swell and fell from her eyes because of the love she still had for him.

  DJ Lock Down started the party with a lineup of classic throw back hits. Q, Trey, and JJ watched as T-Bird danced the night away. The party was off the chain, as DJ Lock Down layered the music including T-Bird's new release, "Can’t Wait Another Minute." Everybody just went wild on the jam-packed dance floor until there was no more room.

  As T-Bird attempted to make her way back to the VIP booth, a journalist from a magazine stopped her to give her his card. He then asked her if she’d be available to do an interview and photo session that would be featured in the next edition the following month. Not even questioning him, she accepted and told him to call to arrange the details before taking her seat.

  Minutes later, a representative from BTT’s A&R team came over to the booth to see her.

  “T-Bird, I really enjoyed your new single. This is a great time for you and your album is hot! You released it at the right time. How can we get you on the program to do a world premier and a live interview?" the representative asked.”

  T-Bird was speechless as JJ stepped in to respond. “Just leave your information and we’ll have someone call you.”

  “Great, thanks." He said before vanishing into the crowd.

  Trey and Q just looked at her and smiled, while JJ shouted,

  “Well, this is some night! It’s what you wanted isn’t it? Now here it is, so buckle your seat belt and get ready for the ride baby!" He then handed her a glass of champagne.

  DJ Lock Down slowed the pace with T-Bird's ballad, "Lover Lover". T-Bird’s girlfriend, Debbie, came over to give her a hug for recording the song in tribute to her and her deceased husband Ronnie. They reminisced about all the times they all shared being in the studio. T-Bird gave Debbie a silver personalized copy of the song on a plaque.

  “You know how much I loved Ronnie,” she said. “This is the least that I could do.” Debbie gave her another hug while accepting the plaque as Trey took their picture together.

  “And Debbie don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get Ronnie’s share of the royalties from this song. Okay?”

  “T-Bird, I’m not worried about that, I just wanted to be here and give you my support. I’ve had a good life thanks to you and Ronnie, so I’m not going to stop living now."

  T-Bird closed her eyes and began to think back to when she’d recorded the song in the studio and started to sing along with the track.

  From the first moment

  We met

  My heart

  Was on fire.

  There’s no one else

  In this world

  Who can fill all

  My desires.

  I’m ready for you

  No one else will do.

  And I’m feeling you

  With every beat of my heart.

  I’m calling you

  Calling you

  Calling you baby

  Lover Lover take me in your arms

  Lover Lover I need your sweet touch

  You satisfy my every need

  I feel complete I can’t believe

  That you’re my lover lover lover”

  Vivian grabbed JJ by the hand. “May I have this dance?” she asked.

  “Sure why not.”

  For that moment, regardless of what had happened between her and her brother Gerald and the $50,000.00, the love they really had for each other mattered more. Furthermore, Vivian was not going to pass up the opportunity to hold JJ as close to her as possible on the dance floor.

  Suddenly, a crowd gathered across the room. Everyone couldn’t help walking over to see what was going on. It was Desiree, T-Bird's first cousin. She was the Chief Editor for The Mega Source Magazine and had just arrived from Atlanta with her entourage of staff members. There was a total of ten in her party.

  “Well, well, well, look at all the fresh peaches from Hot-Lanta, and gorgeous too," Q said to Trey. “I remember assisting her with a car the last time she was here. I set her up with one of my limos to do an interview with a client in the city.”

  Desiree and her girls became the focus of attention as she made her way over to
T-Bird, who screamed with excitement at seeing her.

  “Desiree! Girl, why didn’t you call me to say you were coming? I am shocked!"

  Desiree responded, “Now cuz, you know I wasn’t gonna miss this party. I had to make this trip to congratulate you and make my presence known.” She was referring to her interest in Q.

  “We have suites reserved at the hotel downtown and tomorrow we’ll be doing brunch. So do you think you can find a way to get Q to pencil me into his schedule and bring him along?”

  Once again Desiree was up to putting together her own agenda, although T-Bird wasn’t happy about it at all, still giving her a big hug. In the midst, her attention shifted to a member that was in Desiree’s entourage. There was an immediate connection as their eyes locked on each other. Without hesitation, she grabbed Desiree by both hands. “So who is that fine ass maple tree with his eyes on me, girl?”

  “Oh, him? That’s Darnell. He’s one of my journalists. I just hired him and decided to bring him along to experience the fruits of my labor. Yeah girl he’s single.”

  T-Bird asked, “Now are you implying that I need to know that he’s single, baby?”

  Desiree gave her a sarcastic look they both knew too well while putting her hands on her hips. “Well, let’s just say I thought I’d let you know that. Now is there something I need to know? After all, it’s over between you and Shaun isn’t it? Um hum. I knew bringing Darnell was a good idea. And him being the one to swell those big eyes of yours.”

  They both laughed as T-Bird made her way over to Darnell to introduce herself. “Welcome to the party.”

  “Thank you. I have to say it’s more than I expected. I’m glad that I was invited.” With a southern tone, he introduced himself. “My name is, Darnell White.”

  “Hello, Mr. Darnell White," she said. “Well obviously, you know who I am by now. I‘m T-Bird, Desiree’s cousin, and this is my party. So where are you from?” she asked.


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