Sin and Magik

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Sin and Magik Page 23

by Sin

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Sure, just as long as you aren’t planning on draining me of all my blood, then be my guest.”

  He laughed softly and tried to take my pants off. I grabbed his wrists. “Excuse you.”

  Jovan looked up at me with a look that made me want to melt. The man may be delusional or simply trying to humor me, but there was no denying that he was gorgeous. It dawned on me that I tried to stop a beautiful man from removing my pants. I hadn’t had sex in well over a year. I’d thought that Maxim and I were going to, but I’d scared him away before we’d gotten the chance. I was plainly hard up, and Jovan seemed more than willing to give it up, so it seemed logical to let things progress. We could deal with the ‘Omnimorpheleon thing’ come morning.

  I pulled his wrists to me and in doing so brought his face closer to mine. I lifted my lips to touch his. He came close to kissing me, but stopped. “You would still have me kiss you even after I told you what I am?”

  I let my tongue run out along his lips. His mouth dropped down onto mine and my body reacted with shortened breaths. I let him pull my shirt and sweater off, and he helped me get his jacket and shirt off. He picked me up and looked down the hall of the cabin. “I would rather make love to you in a bed, but if you would prefer the dusty sofa then....”

  “No,” I said with a hint of laughter in my voice. “The master bedroom is at the end of the hall.”

  His lips met mine and he carried me back to my bedroom. I wasn’t sure how he navigated without watching where he went, and I didn’t care, just so long as we got there. Jovan laid me down on the bed, and set my bags down on the floor. “Are you planning on staying here forever?” he asked, plopping the heavier of my two bags down.

  “I had been thinking of staying for at least a week.”

  He unbuttoned his pants and slid them off. I put my hand up to stop him. “Wait a minute. You haven’t seen the whole show yet. You may not be interested once you’ve seen my leg.”

  His pants dropped away and he was suddenly nude in front of me. My eyes lingered over him. I’d never seen a man who wasn’t circumcised before. It was definitely different looking. I tried to move my eyes elsewhere, but I was drawn to that dark patch of black hair between his legs and the cock that lengthened by the second. I tried to sit up and go to him, but he shook his head.

  He moved closer and worked my pants off me slowly. He was extra gentle when he reached my mid-thigh. I knew that he saw my scars now, but his face held no shock or horror. My pants fell to the floor and Jovan moved back up my body slowly. His eyes met mine. “You are beautiful, Rayme.”

  “Yeah, right,” I said lightly.

  Jovan stopped above my bad knee and put his head down. He kissed along the edges of my scars. I wasn’t comfortable with him doing that and tried to pull away. He reached his hands under me and held my body in place. He kisses moved up my inner thigh and I closed my eyes and let him explore me with his tongue and fingers. He spread my legs further and let his tongue flicker over me. His cool tongue inched over my swollen clit and I let out a tiny moan.

  I reached out in an attempt to hold onto anything, but came up short. I did manage to find the sides of Jovan’s head and held onto him, careful not to dig my fingernails into his smooth skin. He drove a long finger into my tight channel and I cried out as my abdomen tightened. He sucked gently on my nub, encouraging more cream to flow freely from my body. I contracted on his fingers as my legs tightened and my body jerked with its orgasm.

  He pulled away from me slowly, smiling up at me with a grin that said he was far from finished. His rose-colored tongue ran out and over his lips. “Mmm,” he said, softy.

  He moved up me slowly, kissing the curves of my side as he went. When he pulled my nipple into his mouth I pushed my body against his and winced as pain radiated through my leg. He let my nipple slide slowly down his lip and he smiled. “I can take the pain away, if you let me.”

  “What, is it an Omnimorpheleon-vampire thing?” I asked, jokingly.

  “Yes, muuuwwwhahahaha … let me suck your blood and be mine for all eternity,” he said in a deadpan B-movie voice. He laughed as he moved his body over mine. The tip of his cock pressed against my entrance and it took everything in me not to scream at him to enter me. “Say, yes, and I’ll make it go away.”

  “I won’t have to go on a liquid diet and stay inside all day, will I? Oh, God, I won’t have the urge to change into a dog and lick my balls, will I? Not that you’d understand how that sounds gross. You are male after all.”

  His laughter engulfed me and made another orgasm sweep through my body. He thrust into my heated channel during the height of the orgasm and I suddenly felt like I was melting into him. The merging of our bodies sent me over the edge and I screamed out as he pushed into me. He was cautious around my leg, and this was still the best sex I’d ever had. A deep throaty laugh came from him as he kissed my lips. He pulled back from me and his jaw dropped open a little and I could see the strain in his face to maintain control. He slowed his movements, almost to a stop, and looked down at me.

  “Let me take your pain away, Rayme.”

  I nodded, and he pumped the length of himself into me so hard that it teetered on the verge of being painful. He kissed hard along my shoulder, stopping at the base of my neck, and applying pressure. I felt a sharp, white-hot pain and then nothing other than Jovan’s body thrusting into mine. I held onto his body, pulling on him as he continued to send shockwaves of pleasure throughout my body. My pussy was so damp from him bringing me to peak repeatedly that our bodies made wet slapping noises as we continued to merge.

  The temperature around us dropped dramatically. Jovan didn’t move away from my neck, he continued kissing it, sucking on it softly. His body stiffened and he pushed one final time into me and allowed himself to release what he’d been trying so desperately to hang onto. He moved his lips away from me and licked my collarbone softly.

  His mouth found mine and he kissed me hard. He tasted coppery--metallically. His body shook slightly as he finished. I wrapped my legs tightly around him and found that my knee no longer hurt.

  I looked up into Jovan’s blue eyes and smiled. He kissed my forehead gently and eased himself out of me. He moved his body next to mine on the bed and tried to wrap me in his arms. I propped myself up on an elbow and tipped my head to the side. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I do not have to do what?” he asked as he tried again to pull me close to him.

  “You don’t have to snuggle with me. I’m fine. I don’t need comforting.”

  He looked a little taken aback, but pulled me to him all the same. His body was warmer now, and he wrapped himself around me so that our bodies were pressed tight together. He was a good deal longer than I was, so my feet only came to his mid-calf. I moved my foot over his leg and was amazed at how good my knee felt.

  “How’d you do that? How’d you manage to make the pain go away?” I asked. He smiled at me and gave me a wink. “Oh, I get it. It’s an Omnimorpheleon thing, again.”

  He pulled my hand to his chest. “How did you do this?” he asked, putting my hand flat on his chest. His heart beat rapidly. “How did you manage unlock what no woman has before--my heart?”

  I laughed his comment off. He was a smooth talker. I’d bet he said that to all the girls. He ran his hand up my arm and into the back of my hair. He pulled on my hair tie and my hair fell loose. He pulled long handfuls of silky, black hair up into the air and let it cascade down slowly, over our bodies.

  “Why do you always wear your hair up? It is so long and so beautiful. You should let it down more often. I’m having a dinner party tomorrow night and I’d like you to wear it down for that. It will look lovely with the dress I have for you.”

  I pulled back from him. “You’re not serious are you? Come on, who are we kidding here. I’m not expecting to ever see you again. This was good … no, this was wonderful, but don’t play games with me. We’re both adults here. Let’s just
enjoy the night and take it for what it was, a one night stand.”

  Jovan tipped his head back and let out a long breath. “You are a very independent woman. I’m not sure if I like or dislike that about you. I did not come here tonight to pleasure myself for a night and leave. I came to spend time with you. You piqued my curiosity at first, but now it has turned into something more for me.”

  “Come on, Jovan, just stop. You wear Armani and drive around in foreign sports cars. I take cabs and work at a bar. We are polar opposites. The sex was good, really good, and I thank you for that, but that’s it.”

  “What if I refuse to accept this? I have never had a woman deny me before. How is that you are able to with ease? I can offer you the world, yet you choose not to accept it.”

  I rolled away from him and tried to get up. He seized hold of my waist and pulled me to him. He wasn’t so much spooning me as he was holding me captive to listen to him. I attempted to wiggle free, but he seemed to be exerting no effort, yet pinning my body so I could not move. “Jovan, stop it.”

  “I will stop when you listen to what I have to say. I have been alive a long time and I have never fallen victim to a woman before, and I am not proud of the fact that you have indeed stolen my heart, but I will not stand idly by while tear it to pieces.” His breath was hot on my neck, and the entire time he scolded me I thought about touching him and being with him again. He pressed his body closer to mine and I could tell that he was just as ready for round two as I was. “I can sense your desire for me. I intrigue you.”

  “So does silly putty. What’s your point?”

  He slid himself between the backs of my legs and found my dripping wet channel. He pressed the head of his cock into me and kissed my ear. “Let me love you, let me take care of you.”

  “I don’t need a keeper,” I said, point blank.

  “What do you need then?”

  I pushed my hips back and his long cock slid deep within me. A moan escaped my throat, and I reached back and held onto to Jovan’s head and he eased himself the rest of the way into me. “This will do for now.”

  He licked the edge of my ear. “Hmm, yes, for now, but you need to understand that I’ll never leave you. You are stuck with me now.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Thanks,” I said, handing the cab driver his money. I turned and balanced three bags of groceries artfully. I set them down on the porch and fished my keys out of my pocket. I wanted to be inside before the threatening storm hit. I’d been eyeing the sky the entire way back from the market and was sure I’d end up wet.

  I picked up two of the bags and pushed the third one in with my foot. I made it in just as the phone rang. I set the bags down and ran to get the phone. “Hello?”

  “Hey girl, spill it. What’s going on? Did you get some?” Angie asked.

  I let out a small laugh. “Yeah, you could say that, and thanks for sending a man I barely know up here. I really appreciated that.”

  “That’s what I was calling about…. If you liked gift number one then you will love gift number....”

  There was a knock at the door. I turned to see Maxim standing there rubbing his hands together, he waved at me quickly and shrugged slightly. “Angie, what did you do?”

  “I was hoping that I timed my call right. I take it that my second gift to you just showed up. I hope he’s as yummy in bed as he looks like he could be.”

  “Bye, Angie.”

  I hung the phone up and went to the door. Maxim shifted slightly and looked a little nervous. “Sorry about the other night. I had to go take care of a few things. I came past yesterday morning, but you were gone. I stopped by the bar and Angie told me that you were up here. I thought I’d come up and surprise you. I hope that’s all right.”

  “You certainly are a surprise.”

  I glanced towards the back hallway and back at Maxim. I had to hand it to him, he had impeccable timing. Two days ago, I would have given anything to have him hunt me down, now I just wanted him to go. I looked back at him and forced a smile onto my face.

  “Can I come in?” He asked, looking past me. His eyes narrowed slightly. He turned and looked out at the black car still parked in front of the cabin. “I didn’t know that you drove an Aston Martin Vanquish.” He said, his jaw coming out slightly.

  “I don’t,” I said.

  He nodded slightly. “I see.”

  “Rayme?” I heard Jovan call my name and turned around slowly.

  Jovan leaned against the wall with a sheet wrapped around his lower half. He had it hung so low that it just barely covered his penis. “Maxim, I didn’t know that you were back in town. How nice to see you again,” he said, looking past me at Max.

  I turned around and looked at Max. His eyes narrowed and his face reddened. “You two know each other?” I asked.

  He looked at me with anger in his eyes. “I know him, although not as well as you do.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again. I thought that I scared you away.” Why I felt the need to justify myself to a stranger was beyond me. I did it all the same.

  “Is there a problem?” Jovan asked, moving forward.

  “No,” I said shaking my head.

  The already dreary sky turned darker, and thunder crackled around us. I jumped, but Maxim never flinched. He turned around on the porch and stormed off towards a silver Range Rover that was parked behind Jovan’s car. I ran out the door behind him. “Maxim, wait.”

  He spun around just as the rain began to pour. “I’m sorry that I showed up on your doorstep, unannounced. You were obviously busy.”

  I reached up and touched his arm. Maxim jerked his arm back so fast that I lost my balance and slipped off the bottom step. My right leg twisted and I caught my knee on the corner of the stair. It felt as though someone had taken a sledgehammer to it. I fell onto my side and brought my knee to my chest. I gritted my teeth together and waited for the shooting pain to subside. Maxim seemed frozen for a minute.

  “Rayme,” Jovan said, appearing suddenly next to me. He picked me up in his arms, and his sheet fell away. The rain was almost horizontal and was hitting me in the face, stinging slightly and taking some of my focus from the pain in my leg.

  Maxim followed us onto the porch and reached his hand out towards Jovan. “Is she okay?”

  Jovan didn’t answer him as he carried me into the cabin. He put me down in the chair and rolled my wet pant leg up. He didn’t have to go far to see the problem. My ankle was swollen and I knew that my knee matched. I’d done too much to it in too short a time. I didn’t think that even Jovan could fix this. He looked up at me and tried to smile.

  “I’ve got a bottle of pain killers in my bag. Could you bring them to me?” I asked.

  He looked back at Maxim and then at me, and nodded. He rose slowly before me. I had forgotten that he was naked. My eyes went to Max. He just stood there glaring at Jovan. He looked down at me and made a move to me.

  “I’m fine,” I said, harsher than I had intended.

  “I’m sorry, Rayme.”

  “Goodbye, Max. It was nice to meet you.”

  I looked away from him, and hoped that he would take my hint and just leave. The screen door slammed and I looked back up. He was still standing there, shaking his head no. He looked back at me. “I’m not leaving yet.” He looked down the hall. “Do you know what he is?”

  “Sure, he’s an Omnimorpheleon.” I said, with as much laughter as I could muster considering my leg hurt.

  “And that doesn’t bother you?”

  “Could we continue this conversation after I take my pain killers, I’m not sure I can stand it otherwise.” I stood up and swallowed hard to keep from vomiting, the pain was so bad. “You’re just as crazy as he is.” I put my hands up and hobbled towards the front door. The more I moved, the better my leg felt. I glanced down, lifted my pant leg, and saw that the swelling was already beginning to go down.

  Jovan appeared behind me, wearing his dress sl
acks, and holding my bottle of pills. “You should really sit down.”

  Maxim looked over at him. “You bit her…claimed her.”

  “What?” I asked, feeling incredibly out of the loop.

  “You fucking claimed her.” Maxim said, storming towards Jovan.

  Jovan stood there smiling. “I told her that I could take the pain away, and I did.”

  “Was that before or after you fucked her?”

  “During, but I really don’t see how that’s any of your concern,” Jovan said with a smile on his face.

  Maxim spun around and looked at me. “How could you let him touch you? You know what he is. It doesn’t bother you that you slept with a shape shifting corpse?”

  I tried to speak, but was cut off by Jovan. “Does anyone else smell wet dog?”

  Maxim lunged at him and growled. My eyes widened as I watched fur cover Maxim’s arm. His fingers stretched out and long claws shot out of the ends of them. I screamed out for Jovan to be careful. Jovan turned and looked at me. His face was horribly twisted. His eyes were dark black and huge fangs showed when he opened his mouth.

  I turned and ran as fast as I could for the door. I hit it full force and took my time down the wet steps until I hit the ground. I took off in a full body run in the direction of the road. I was surprised that my knee didn’t just give right out on me. It seemed to be holding together well, a little too well, especially considering I’d just twisted the hell out of it.

  There was another flash of lighting and followed by thunder. I screamed out and turned, convinced that Mother Nature was after me as well. I ran to the end of the lane and saw the road up ahead. There were headlights coming down the road. I stepped out and the car slowed to a stop. The window came down. “I need help, there’s two … there’s two things fighting back there. I don’t think they’re....”

  “Human?” The voice asked. The figure in the passenger seat leaned out so I could see him. The weasel I’d come to loathe stared me in the eyes. “Nice to see you again Ray-mee.”

  I turned to run, but Dag was out of the car and had a hold of me before I could get more than a few steps away. He yanked me by my hair and spun me around. I brought my closed fist out and caught him in the gut. He loosened his grip on my hair, but didn’t let go. “Those things that were fighting didn’t happen to look like this, did they?”


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