The Forbidden Trilogy

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The Forbidden Trilogy Page 1

by Kimberly Kinrade


  (Special Omnibus Edition)


  Kimberly Kinrade

  THE FORBIDDEN TRILOGY Copyright © 2012 Kimberly Kinrade

  Cover Art Copyright © 2012 Sarah Melville

  FORBIDDEN MIND Copyright © 2011 Kimberly Kinrade

  Cover Art Copyright © 2011 Sarah Melville

  FORBIDDEN FIRE Copyright © 2012 Kimberly Kinrade

  Cover Art Copyright © 2012 Sarah Melville

  FORBIDDEN LIFE Copyright © 2012 Kimberly Kinrade

  Cover Art Copyright © 2012 Sarah Melville


  Story Consulting by Dmytry Karpov

  Edited by Lane Diamond and John Allen


  Thanks so much to Lane Diamond and John Allen for doing such an amazing job editing this series, and to Mallory Rock for her proofreading, and Dmytry Karpov for his work as my story consultant. Also to Sarah Melville for such awesome cover designs for this series.

  eBook License Notes:

  You may not use, reproduce or transmit in any manner, any part of this book without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations used in critical articles and reviews, or in accordance with federal Fair Use laws. All rights are reserved.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only; it may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please return to your eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination, or the author has used them fictitiously.


  For Jan.

  Thank you for your continued support in all of my pursuits and for always believing in me.



  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1 – Sam

  Chapter 2 – Sam

  Chapter 3 – Drake

  Chapter 4 – Sam

  Chapter 5 – Drake

  Chapter 6 – Sam

  Chapter 7 – Sam

  Chapter 8 – Drake

  Chapter 9 – Sam

  Chapter 10 – Sam

  Chapter 11 – Drake

  Chapter 12 – Sam

  Chapter 13 – Sam

  Chapter 14 – Sam

  Chapter 15 – Sam

  Chapter 16 – Sam

  Chapter 17 – Sam

  Chapter 18 – Sam

  Chapter 19 – Sam

  Chapter 20 – Sam

  Chapter 21 – Sam

  Chapter 22 – Sam

  Chapter 23 – Sam

  Chapter 24 – Drake

  Chapter 25 – Sam


  Chapter 26 – Sam

  Chapter 27 – Drake

  Chapter 28 – Drake

  Chapter 29 – Sam

  Chapter 30 – Drake

  Chapter 31 – Sam

  Chapter 32 – Lucy

  Chapter 33 – Sam

  Chapter 34 – Lucy

  Chapter 35 – Sam

  Chapter 36 – Lucy

  Chapter 37 – Sam

  Chapter 38 – Lucy

  Chapter 39 – Drake

  Chapter 40 – Sam

  Chapter 41 – Lucy

  Chapter 42 – Sam

  Chapter 43 – Sam

  Chapter 44 – Lucy

  Chapter 45 – Mr. Black

  Chapter 46 – Lucy

  Chapter 47 – Sam

  Chapter 48 – Lucy

  Chapter 49 – Drake

  Chapter 50 – Lucy

  Chapter 51 – Sam

  Chapter 52 – Lucy

  Chapter 53 – Sam

  Chapter 54 – Lucy

  Chapter 55 – Sam

  Chapter 56 – Lucy

  Chapter 57 – Sam

  Chapter 58 – Lucy

  Chapter 59 – Mr. Black

  Chapter 60 – Sam

  Chapter 61 – Sam

  Chapter 62 – Drake


  Part One – A Deal with the Devil

  Chapter 63 – Lucy

  Chapter 64 – Steele

  Chapter 65 – Serena

  Chapter 66 – Steele

  Chapter 67 – Sam

  Chapter 68 – Lucy

  Chapter 69 – Drake

  Chapter 70 – Sam

  Chapter 71 – Drake

  Chapter 72 – Lucy

  Chapter 73 – Drake

  Chapter 74 – Sam

  Chapter 75 – Lucy

  Chapter 76 – Lucy

  Chapter 77 – Drake

  Chapter 78 – Lucy

  Chapter 79 – Sam

  Chapter 80 – Lucy

  Chapter 81 – Sam

  Chapter 82 – Drake

  Chapter 83 – Sam

  Chapter 84 – Drake

  Part Two – The Different Names of Love

  Chapter 85 – Lucy

  Chapter 86 – Lucy

  Chapter 87 – Sam

  Chapter 88 – Steele

  Chapter 89 – Lucy

  Chapter 90 – Drake

  Chapter 91 – Lucy

  Chapter 92 – Drake

  Chapter 93 – Lucy

  Chapter 94 – Lucy

  Chapter 95 – Sam

  Chapter 96 – Lucy

  Chapter 97 – Sam

  Chapter 98 – Drake

  Chapter 99 – Sam

  Chapter 100 – Lucy

  Chapter 101 – Lucy

  Chapter 102 – Serena

  Chapter 103 – Lucy

  Chapter 104 – Sam

  Chapter 105 – Lucy

  Chapter 106 – Drake

  Chapter 107 – Lucy

  Chapter 108 – Sam

  Part Three – What Lies Beyond

  Chapter 109 – Lucy

  Chapter 110 – Sam

  Chapter 111 – Man in Black

  Chapter 112 – Sam

  Chapter 113 – Lucy

  Chapter 114 – Sam

  Chapter 115 – Lucy

  Chapter 116 – Lucy

  Chapter 117 – Drake

  Chapter 118 – Lucy

  Chapter 119 – Steele

  Chapter 120 – Lucy

  Chapter 121 – Lucy

  Chapter 122 – Drake

  Chapter 123 – Lucy

  Chapter 124 – Drake

  Chapter 125 – Lucy

  Chapter 126 – Steele

  Chapter 127 – Lucy

  Chapter 128 – Drake

  Chapter 129 – Lucy

  Chapter 130 – Drake

  Chapter 131 – Steele

  Chapter 132 – Sam

  Chapter 133 – Lucy

  Chapter 134 – Drake

  Chapter 135 – Sam

  Chapter 136 – Lucy

  Chapter 137 – Sam

  Discussion Guide

  TOP SECRET: IPI Paranormal Profiles

  Tell Me No Secrets by Sam Smith and Drake Davis

  Question & Answers with Author Kimberly Kinrade

  The Forbidden Trilogy Playlist


  About the Author

  Also from Kimberly Kinrade

  Forbidden Mind

  (Book 1 of The Forbidden Trilogy)


  Kimberly Kinrade

  Chapter 1 – Sam

  One more stroke of red...
and done! My cramped fingers reluctantly released the paintbrush. After six hours of non-stop painting, no part of my body wanted to move, but all of it needed to. When in the zone, I never felt the strain of time—only after the project did it catch up to me, the aching muscles and burning pain in my hand, the serious need to pee.

  I darted for the bathroom attached to the art studio, but nearly tripped over my still-asleep legs when they failed to move as instructed. With a groan and a very full bladder, I lumbered in and relieved myself, then returned to my easel and stretched all of my angry muscles.

  A deep voice startled me out of my back stretch. "Wow, Sam, this has got to be your best work yet." Mr. Krevner, Mr. K for short, stood in a shadowed corner of the studio and stared at my painting.

  I'd never seen him so enraptured by any of my work. I'd never seen him speechless before, either, and that stroked my artistic ego as nothing else could. The 16x24 canvas oil painting that had stolen my social life for the past two months radiated an aliveness and color that I'd never been able to capture before.

  My art professor came forward, walking as though in a church and speaking in a hushed voice. "Where did you get the inspiration for this? The layers of texture and use of tone are extraordinary, and the juxtaposition of fluid brush strokes and harsh, jagged lines creates a dynamic movement to the piece, a conflict that has been missing in your other work. Extraordinary. What are you calling it?"

  The hitch in my voice betrayed my nerves. "The Color of Thought. It represents how I 'see' the world, with the thoughts of everyone swirling around me, and the conflict I feel at having so many minds invade my own. I went with a more abstract style to capture the frenetic energy of my experiences. I know my work is usually more realistic, but...."

  Nothing in my art had ever been so personal. Maybe great art had to be ripped from a person's soul, before it could evoke emotion in others.

  "Do you think it's good enough for the International Art Contest?" I dipped into his thoughts, but he spoke exactly what was on his mind.

  His long fingers intertwined, and his thin, penciled-in eyebrows shot up and down in excitement. "Good enough? It's better than that. It's incredible! In two weeks, you'll be the winner of one of the most prestigious art contests in the world. It'll make your career and get you into Sarah Lawrence."

  I covered my painting with a piece of canvas, careful not to touch the wet paint, scrubbed my hands and brushes in the sink, and grabbed my book bag. "I haven't even gotten accepted yet."

  He walked me to the door. "You will. Don't worry about it. Your future is assured."

  I adjusted my backpack onto my shoulders. "I'm going to get something to eat. I'll come back later to talk about the contest details with you."

  When Mr. K smiled, his hawk nose and skeletal facial features transformed into something less reminiscent of Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas—his usual look. He was almost, for just a moment, handsome—though not my type at all. Way too old.

  "Enjoy your dinner, Sam." He walked back into the studio, his long scarecrow body swimming in his khakis and Grateful Dead t-shirt.

  The great clock above the Headmaster's building chimed four times. Where would Lucy and Luke be this fine Saturday? I cocked my head and listened for their mental signatures, but a blast of unwelcome thoughts barraged me.

  'Can't believe I have to study today.... Where is my sock...? Really need to get this fire under control.... Wish the weekend would last longer....'

  Our secret school for kids with para-powers only had about 500 students, grades seven to twelve, but that's still a lot of minds to wade through. Finally, Lucy's distinctive mental voice pierced through the rest.

  I stood on the southeast end of campus, where a cluster of classrooms made up the fine arts department. Each building on our campus looked like a small mansion that had transported itself from the Tudor period in England. The meticulous landscaping, complete with bushes trimmed into animal shapes, reinforced the illusion of a proper English estate. Only the high voltage fences surrounding the perimeter spoiled the effect.

  The winding cobblestone path led me west from the studio toward the phys ed building and training courtyard. Spring hadn't yet given way to summer, but today felt like a small victory over a long winter. I basked in the warmth of the sun as I looked for my best friends.

  I knew what I'd see upon arriving, and wasn't disappointed.

  A small crowd had formed around the outdoor training court, where layers of mats lay on the ground and my two favorite people stood center stage. Lucy had her much bigger and taller twin brother, Luke, in a chokehold, from which he struggled to remove himself. Students passed small wads of cash back and forth, clearly betting on the winner. When Luke flipped Lucy on her back and pinned her petite frame to the mat, those who had bet on Luke started cheering.

  They didn't know Lucy.

  And I wished I'd brought some cash.

  She scissored her legs around her brother's neck and flipped herself up so that she straddled his throat. Incredible! With another hip move, she knocked him down and pinned him for the count.

  Students cheered and exchanged money as she stood and offered her hand to him. He grudgingly accepted, and they pushed through the crowds, finally spotting me.

  Luke draped his long arm over my shoulder. His blue eyes twinkled even as he moaned and groaned in mock abuse. "Did you see what this pint-sized maniac did to me? Appalling."

  I laughed and tugged at Lucy's dark ponytail. "You sure showed him. Of course, you've been showing him up since kindergarten."

  Luke stuck his tongue out at me, and Lucy flashed her 100-watt smile. "Did you finish? Do I finally get to see this super-secret painting that has kept you in hermit mode for months?"

  My grin spread into a full-on face-cramping smile. "It's done! And it's... I can't even explain. It's the best thing I've ever painted!"

  They both grabbed my arms and pulled me back to the studio. "We want to see it now!" they said in unison.

  "But I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten all day." They ignored my pleas as we retraced my steps.

  As much as my rumbling stomach needed food, I was way more excited to share my work with my friends. I hadn't shown it to anyone while I worked, and being out of the loop never sat well with my feisty friends. Plus, they deserved to be a part of this after encouraging me for years to pursue my art more seriously. Lucy had actually used her very first bonus from an assignment to commission a portrait from me. How could I deny my first paying customer—especially since most of the students at the school now had my art hanging in their rooms, and I had a nice stash of cash in mine, thanks to her and Luke?


  The door to the studio hung open just a crack, and angry screams assaulted us as we approached. Luke and Lucy looked to me as if I knew what was going on.

  I shrugged my shoulders in the universal I've-got-no-freaking-idea way and crept to the door. I could have just slipped into their minds, but listening to people talk both out loud and mentally was hard to track and gave me a pretty big headache. At that moment, what they were saying, or rather screaming, to each other was more interesting.

  We didn't want to budge the door and draw attention to ourselves, so Luke pushed his head through. He bobbed in and out so quickly I almost missed it. Being able to walk through anything was mighty handy at times.

  I nudged him. "Well?"

  "Higgins and Mr. K. They both look pretty pissed."

  They sounded it too. I'd never heard Headmaster Higgins yell at any of the teachers, or students for that matter. He wasn't a pushover by any stretch, but he'd always been levelheaded—until today.

  Higgins shouted at Mr. K. "How could you enter her without permission from me? Do you realize what you've done? This could ruin the school and everything we're doing here."

  Was Higgins talking about me?

  Mr. K replied with the same volume and anger. I could imagine the vein over his left eye bulging. "You have no idea
how talented that girl is! She should be at the best art school in the world, not hidden here like a freak of nature. It's my job to make sure she has a future when she leaves this god-awful place, and I'm not letting you, or the people you work for, stand in my way. Or hers."

  They must have been talking about me, but it made no sense. Why didn't Higgins want me entering the contest, and why did Mr. K hate this place so much?

  "Don't you mean, the people we work for? They employ us both, and you'd do well to remember that, Mr. Krevner. Their reach extends beyond the gates of this school."

  I couldn't believe it. Was the headmaster actually threatening my art teacher? What was going on?

  "You will pull her from that competition and clean up the mess you've made, or your days here are numbered. Am I making myself clear?"

  Something crashed into a wall, and my friends and I jumped back in surprise.

  "Everything is very clear. You use her and her gifts, rent her and all these kids out to the highest bidder as spies. You make billions on these Rent-A-Kids, as they call themselves. And now you want to snuff her chance to shine doing what she truly loves? No. If you want to destroy her dreams, you can do it yourself. I'll have no part in it."

  Footsteps approached the door. I tripped back, grabbed Luke and Lucy, and the three of us ducked around the corner of the building. I peeked out just as Mr. K stormed from the studio, his face bright red and contorted in anger. Not his best look.

  Headmaster Higgins followed him out moments later. He adjusted his navy blue suit and plastered a calm mask over his face. His midnight black skin did not reveal his recent spike in blood pressure the same way that Mr. K's pasty complexion had, but the tight way he held his shoulders and the fists he made of his hands spoke to his anger.

  Tears stung my eyes, and I swiped at them with the back of a hand still stained with splashes of paint. If they pulled me from the contest, hundreds of hours of hard work would be wasted, and my future would get flushed down the toilet. That couldn't happen!

  When both men were gone, the three of us snuck into the studio and closed the door behind us. My enthusiasm had drained out of me like dirty bath water. I sniffled and wiped my traitorous eyes again.

  Lucy put her arm around me. "Cheer up, Chica. We'll figure this out, I promise. They can't keep you from this, not after all the hard work you've done. And you'll be leaving for New York soon. Luke and I will join you there, and we'll make all of our dreams come true, just watch!"


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