Run Angel Run: A Steamy Dark Fantasy Romance (The Angels of David's Town Book 1)

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Run Angel Run: A Steamy Dark Fantasy Romance (The Angels of David's Town Book 1) Page 2

by Karen Van Der Poll

  “Thank you, my Lady.” Blue bowed respectfully. “I’m humbled by your presence,”

  “I love your braids,” Terah chuckled as she tugged on the plaits that fell over Blue’s shoulder. “Very Viking.” She ran her fingers over his trim golden beard. “Your father was incredibly proud of you, and as a warrior of our Benshax tribe, so are Shax and I.”

  Blue appeared to take Terah’s motherly fawning in his stride, and Danjal hoped he’d weather their news in the same manner. Blue, like his father, had a warm, loving nature. He couldn’t say the same for Noah, who barely acknowledged Danjal’s presence in the room. But such was the nature of their relationship since he’d been a small child.

  “Shall we sit beside the fire? There is more seating and I’m rather partial to the warmth,” Terah suggested to the men. “We do have a lot to get through after all.”

  Blue mouthed a silent “What the fuck?” towards Danjal as they headed for the fireside.

  Danjal made a fist and released his fingers mouthing “BOOM!”

  Blue’s eyes flared with curiosity and his mouth formed a wide curious O. However, Noah’s cutting look made them take their seats like chastised schoolboys. Once everyone was seated, Noah pulled a file from the inside of the leather jacket he’d just removed.

  “Both you boys need to see this.” He pushed it to the center of the coffee table.

  “You first,” Danjal motioned to Blue. He already had an idea of the contents of the file.

  “Rebecca Hunter.” Blue read aloud and raised a quizzical brow at Danjal, who shrugged. “Who is she, General?”

  Danjal noticed a vein bulge in his father’s temple and took momentary pleasure in the general’s discomfort. There was no love lost between them, and the idea the great Noah Bendagan needed to explain himself for once, was manna from heaven.

  “She is your sister, Bludon.” Noah’s Adam's apple bobbed.

  It was evident speaking those words didn’t come easy.

  “My what?” Blue did a double-take, blinking rapidly he looked back at the name on the file.

  “It was your father’s wish that you never know about her. He wanted her to lead a normal life out there amongst the humans.”

  “Whoa, right there, General!” Blue held up a hand, silencing Noah. “Let’s just back this up a moment.”

  Danjal bit back a grin at the shock flashing across his father’s face at having Blue silence him. But the man quickly swallowed it. Guilt was a humbling mistress.

  “It’s all in the file, Bludon.” Noah gestured at the folder. “Everything you need to know is there.”

  “So, you didn’t know about her?” Blue pressed for further information.

  Noah shuffled in his seat, drew in a deep breath. “I knew about her,” he admitted. “When you read the file, it will all make sense.”

  Bludon opened the folder to a series of photos and newspaper clippings tucked into a clear sleeve. He spread them about the table, studying each one.

  “But I know her,” he exclaimed, snapping his fingers. He turned to Danjal, screwing up his eyes as he dragged the memory from his brain. “Danjal, she’s the paramedic who realigned your shoulder on the Arrack Bridge.”

  “I’m sorry,” Danjal shrugged, acutely aware Terah watched him. “But I can’t pull a rabbit from an empty hat.”

  “We didn’t call her Rebecca though,” Blue tipped his head to the ceiling, tapping at his bottom lip as he thought. “We called her Reba.”

  “So, you remember meeting her?” Noah asked.

  “Of course I do.” Blue passed a photo to Danjal. “I wish Isiah had confided in me, especially since he was there. She was just a sweet human girl making gaga eyes at you Danjal.” Blue suddenly quietened. His gaze flew around the room looking at his expectant audience. Danjal noticed his jaw grow slack as realization hit home. “Christ no!” Blue cursed, pushing the photos away from him. “That girl on the bridge was human, I’d stake myself in the heart on that.”

  “You are correct, Bludon,” Noah agreed. “Isiah learned of her existence when she was a toddler. He brought her to the institution and had her behavior monitored. She passed every test put to her. We were both satisfied she’d taken after her human mother.”

  Looking at the photo Blue laughed. “See Danjal, that’s you kissing her. This photo was plastered across the front page of every newspaper in the country.”

  Danjal squinted at the picture, and his heart lurched in his chest. Fuck, he’d had his tongue in her mouth. Curse the bastard who’d put a bullet in his brain and taken his memories. At least now he knew he must have had her in his bed, which might explain his body’s reaction to seeing her picture. What he found alarming was his reaction, he’d screwed many women over the years and none of them bothered him like she did.

  “That was some lip-lock,” Blue wiggled his brows teasingly at Danjal.

  “Indeed, it looked like it was,” Terah added.

  Danjal felt his face flame at the knowing glint in her eyes.

  Noah however did not share their amusement; Danjal saw his mouth form a thin line of disapproval as he cleared his throat.

  “There have been a few reported cases in our history of offspring between humans and angels who take on the traits of their mothers. Though it’s rare, Rebecca proved to be that one in a million.”

  “If it was Isiah’s wish that she be kept secret, why reveal her identity to us now?” Blue asked.

  “Because we are faced with a dilemma.” Noah shuffled in his seat, his discomfort evident. He wasn’t a man accustomed to explaining himself.

  “Several dilemmas,” Shax interjected.

  “Indeed,” Noah agreed. “Please,” he waved his hand, giving Shax the floor. “Tell them what brought you to David's Town tonight.”

  “Isiah and several other emissaries were searching for the souls of five of our dead brothers,” Shax said. “Now we fear Isiah may have fallen prey to the creature he hunted, himself.”

  “What!” Blue exclaimed, “What are you talking about?” he looked from Shax to Noah. “Who has my father’s soul?”

  “We don’t know,” Terah replied, her voice gentle. “We have searched between the realms ever since his death but have found nothing.”

  “So, we fear it may be captive here on the Earthly plane.” Shax continued.

  “The bastard!” Blue grated.

  Danjal clamped his hand around Blue’s white-knuckled fist. “We will find the culprit, Blue,” he vowed softly. “And we will make him pay.”

  Blue’s chin jutted forward, and his lips pulled tight. “I want to gouge out his eyes and rip out his heart!” He slammed a hand against his chest as he made the vow. “And then I’ll piss down his wretched throat for what he did to my father!”

  “There will be a queue wanting to join you, Bludon,” Noah assured him.

  “Now what of the daughter, Noah?” Shax asked, “Please enlighten us of your plans regarding her?”

  “I received a message from Isiah the morning of his death,” Noah said, “and he mentioned unearthing something we’d find intriguing about her.”

  “She’s displayed Nephilim traits?” Danjal felt his heart sink.

  “No, Isiah was clear about that. He wanted to gather more information before he shared it with me though.”

  “So, you have no idea what it’s about?” Danjal asked.

  Noah shook his head. “Though after his death I did put our watchers in the area on her. It’s been three weeks, and they have nothing out of the ordinary to report.”

  “Do we need to bring her to the intuition for further testing?” Danjal asked. Either that, or he’d have to fly to Africa to see her for himself. He had to know what the bloody hell was up with his reaction to her. Perhaps he just needed to shag her a few times and work it out of his system. Terah raised a brow at him and he lowered his eyes.

  WTF! Was she a mind reader too?

  A smug smile played at Noah’s lips. “As we speak, Rebecca is on a plan
e bound for London. She departed South Africa several hours ago.”

  “Did Isiah organize that?” Blue’s voice took on a higher pitch. His excitement at the possibility of meeting his sister was palpable. “Is she coming to David's Town?”

  “Definitely not.” Noah was emphatic. “She is heading here on her own accord. She took six weeks’ leave from her job. Her itinerary includes a week stay in London and then she’s off to Paris, Spain and Italy to name a few destinations.”

  Danjal’s chest constricted, and adrenaline pulsed into his bloodstream. He met Blue’s sparkling eyes and felt ashamed of his prior thoughts of fucking his sister. He knew Isiah wouldn’t be happy knowing he’d screwed his daughter either.

  “I’ll set up a team to monitor her whilst she’s in London,” he told Noah.

  “And you will keep me in the loop at all times,” Noah added.

  With Isiah dead, Danjal would have to report to him, and the idea of his arse being ridden by Noah riled him in a thousand different ways.

  “Of course, General.”

  “It’s time we returned to Empyrean,” Terah announced, interrupting the mounting tension in the air. “Our bodies are not meant for this Earthly realm anymore.” She shivered rubbing her slender arms. “Please keep us posted.” She hugged Noah, kissing both his cheeks. “One of our emissaries will be in touch soon.”

  “We shall continue to search the other dimensions for this soul collector,” Shax said. “All our sons deserve to experience the peace of Empyrean.” He then took Terah’s hand and their bodies faded from sight as they made their way home.

  “All the information you require about Rebecca you will find on the flash drive taped to the inside of that folder.” Noah glanced at his watch. “I will be out of reach for the next forty-eight hours, so you’re on your own for now.” His gaze stayed on Danjal, his unspoken message clear. Don’t fuck this up!

  The air in Danjal’s bedroom was thick with the musky scent of sex. Ordinarily, his cock would have stood to attention, keen to plunder the wanton pussy. But now he watched dispassionately as Jada writhed among his bedclothes, moaning softly as she pleased herself.

  Her black hair cascaded in an inky waterfall over the side of the bed. The tips teasing the wooden floor beneath, as her hand worked between her ivory thighs. Her fingers slid over the slick flesh of her bare glistening lips. She moaned loudly as her other hand kneaded her breast, her red lacquered nails biting deep into the rounded flesh.

  “You took so long I started without you,” she said, her voice husky with desire. “But I held off coming, so we can finish together.”

  “I’m afraid you will have to go it alone.” Danjal scratched distractedly at the stubble on his jaw.

  “What?” Jada flipped to her stomach. Rising on all fours, she eyed him, resembling a cat ready to pounce on its prey.

  “Duty calls.” Danjal walked past her, pulling his shirt from his body, and dropping it on the floor. He needed a shower, the colder the better. His thoughts were always clearest when he stood beneath a torrent of icy water. “Please see yourself out when you’re done.” He stepped into the bathroom, catching his reflection in the large mirror above the basin.

  When you roll on the floor with dogs, you will get fleas.

  Terah’s words gnawed at him and he grimaced, bracing his arms on the cold porcelain sink. Violet eyes glowered back at him from a pale, unshaven face. The mauve bruises beneath, told a story of sleepless nights and unspoken pain.

  He hated sleep. It trapped him in that place where his mind lost control of his slumbering body. The place where terror lurked, waiting for its moment to hover above him. To torment him with his last images of Isiah, his mouth a cavernous gaping hole, frozen in a bloodcurdling scream none of his kin heard. He’d been crucified; the cross turned upside down. When Danjal found him, flies and their maggots had already infested his rotting body, the stench making Danjal gag. Something he still hated himself for. Isiah had deserved more from him.

  Jada appeared behind him; her nakedness irritated him. He wanted her gone, his desire for mindless sex long since passed.

  “Don’t send me away.” She wound her arms around his waist, molding her nakedness into his back. “I’ve missed you,” she whispered, pressing kisses along his spine.

  “Those crazy things we used to do.” Her nails dug into his flanks. “Let’s fuck Danjal,” she urged, her voice raspy with hunger as she dragged her tongue across the twisted skin of the scars on his shoulder blades.

  Danjal recoiled. He turned abruptly, grabbed her wrists, and pinned them to her sides.

  “Don’t ever do that again!” His fingers dug into her flesh as he thrust her roughly from him. “You know I hate them being touched.”

  Jada wrenched herself free. “You and your fucking untouchable scars.” She screwed up her eyes. “Boo fucking hoo. You’re nothing but a joke, Danjal!” Jada jeered, shoving at him. “Shaiton was the successor to the last commander, not you. Have you asked yourself why this is, Danjal? Why they dragged you back here from the Tenebrae seekers after all these years?”

  Danjal’s nostrils flared, and his teeth bared. “Get the fuck out!” he snarled, clenching his fists till the veins popped in his corded forearms. “If you want to live another second Jada, you will get out and stay out.”

  “Don’t worry, Danjal, I’m leaving.” She traced a long nail under his chin as she backed away from him, spun on her heel and sauntered toward the door. She stopped, looked over her shoulder and threw one last poisoned dart. “Good luck finding your missing souls!”

  “What the fuck did you say?”

  He chased after her. She was nimble and possessed the gift of vampire speed, but he was an angel warrior and not without his own preternatural abilities. Jada raced through the open French doors that led to his private balcony. He found her perched naked on the wrought-iron railing. “Jada.” He advanced on her. “What do you know about the missing souls?”

  Jada threw back her head and laughed. “Oh dear, so serious Danjal,” she mocked.

  “Quit fucking with me, Jada.” He grabbed her wrist, his fingers sinking into her cold skin.

  She looked down at his hand and then back at him. He hated the amusement he saw dancing in her neon green eyes.

  “You know I never give anything away for free, Danjal Bendagan.” She licked her lips and tugged the bottom one between her teeth. “You know my currency, baby.” She wrinkled her nose. “Ten years is a long time between fucks when we used to be so good together.”

  “Those days are in the past, Jada.”

  “Bullshit!” She pulled her wrist free. “You love my venom as much as I love your angelic blood. You will come back to my bed, you always did.”

  “If you Lantern vampires are in any way responsible for the death of Isiah, I will slaughter every one of you and to hell with the agreement we signed with Prince Sebastian.”

  “I overheard your important late-night callers, my love. Isiah was well respected by the city’s vampire community, why ever would we harm him?”

  Fuck! Danjal seethed. That was information he didn’t want to get out on the city’s streets. He should never have invited her to his bed. “Best you keep your mouth shut about that information, Jada!”

  Her only response to his request was an evil cackle that set his teeth on edge before she leaped from the railing in an elaborate somersault and disappeared into the darkness.

  Ignoring the steaming mug beside him, Danjal flicked irritably from screen to screen on his tablet. Sophie, their cook, stood at the stove expertly flipping pancakes, chatting with Kathleen, the housekeeper, who stacked plates and cutlery. Accustomed to Danjal’s presence in the kitchen at this hour, they were oblivious to his troubled thoughts.

  Danjal glanced up, catching sight of the clock above the kitchen’s hearth. It was just gone six. His fingers drummed impatiently on the table’s edge. It was time for his team’s ritual breakfast meeting and debrief. Shaiton was first to ent
er the kitchen, and he took his seat beside Danjal.

  “What a cluster fuck.” He motioned to the picture of Reba Danjal had open on his tablet.

  Danjal’s shoulders drooped. “I never saw this coming.” He rubbed a weary hand over the back of his neck; he’d had no sleep since Jada left earlier.

  “Not from Isiah,” Shaiton agreed with a shake of his head.

  They both looked up as the rest of the warriors poured into the kitchen, chatting noisily amongst themselves.

  Jequon teased Sophie by stealing a rasher of bacon from her pan, while Phenix, Blue, and Cassian queued for the coffee pot.

  The women placed the food on the table and poured coffee all-around before discretely exiting, leaving the warriors to their meal. There was an air of expectancy from the men, but Danjal waited until the squabble over the last pancake and rasher of bacon was won before he spoke.

  “No doubt you are all aware that Shax and Terah graced us with a visit,” he announced amid acquiescent nods. “Troubling information has come to light regarding Isiah.” He paused, his measured gaze taking in each warrior at the table. “His soul did not reach the Empyrean realm, and Terah and the other sisters have been unable to locate it.”

  Stunned silence followed Danjal’s words as the warriors looked to each other and then they all burst into simultaneous speech. He let them chatter amongst themselves before he clapped his hands and silence fell like stones around them.

  “Now we can theorize over this all morning, but my money is on the creature that murdered him.” Danjal looked toward a redheaded warrior. “Rorex,” he addressed his techie, “search the archives. I want to know about every demon that keeps the soul of its kill.”

  “We will also step up our patrols, but it’s hard when you don’t know what you’re looking for,” Shaiton added. “So anything you find Rorex will be most helpful.”

  “The locals still slam doors in our faces,” Phenix, the youngest and most reserved team member said. “I’ve heard the witches and wolves are furious that the vampires are permitted to live here.”


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