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by Rosh Senior


  By Rosh Senior

  The trailer

  The universe is being revolutionized. Human civilization has always new shapes by various kinds of monstrous characters for a decade. Less than fear perhaps we did not stop here. In 2036, when we chose machines as our guides, we thought that they obey our orders. The thing did not happen, as we think about them. Slowly robotic leaders began to control us. They tortured us. They killed our people. They killed my father in 2067 and raped my mother. In 2096 they announced third world war. As a reporter, I began to look for the secret behind their sudden fight announcement. Most people thought Machines are utilizing us because of the natural oil mool be used to win the speed of missiles against citizens of the moon.

  Machine broke the galaxy bond. They won the violence in the first world Diotis more than ten times.

  And the critical situation made to save the world on a mission for us. We some people chose rebel against robotic leaders and their armies. We built Companies-3071, an underground scientific experimental home to train us and to make us fighters.

  So we could save the world from cruel machines and their armies? What we have during the mission? We have to make our trip to Second World Hovlef? We have to fight for foreigners? You can repeat to explore about the past, but not on its transactions, why not? Does it affect the human knowledge or something else? Only we know, and you should learn not to do wrong any more.

  Chapter -1

  The man and the machine

  Years before did we know the machines? I have heard we have something else. The story was not like this, as we see now. We had a purely human civilization. We had a relationship with nature. We loved each other. But when days changed we started to lose everything, even our reality. Basically, we have forgotten what we are. We invented robots. We just wanted to do these things. The question did not come to our sense that do they do a good job for society? Why did we choose them? Gods did not allow us to make them a part of life; we have to pay attention to words of the creators.

  Science makes possible. We say that the world of fantasy. We can identify others. We can meet them. We can be their friends. This rivalry may not have a choice for us. So we should go to them. We have to invent some artificial things for them to use. It may take days, years, and yet we are not afraid. Nervousness can kill our strength. We will ignore this.

  Slowly we came to a second stage. Now we could do this. We lived the technologies. It gave us hope. We did not stop. We wanted to use the brain more than before. We wanted to build human like a human. First, some of us did not like the idea. They thought it is a joke. They did not agree. But we did not stay longer with us in the old days. Therefore we built androids. We built spaceships. We found thousands of planets like Earth. We gave loans to formulas that helped us to draw maps before deleting. Strange reflections captured us.

  You can say that we went against the gods, deliberately. We are destroying nature. We pollute the environment. We could not understand our error is harming to the generation. Our childish is a distraction for the future.

  Later, our plans infected us negatively. Evolution did not support us and created many dangers. It amazes us that we evolved from monkeys and the same process is not handling to lift us now. It seemed hungry. As a result, it sent us other ills. It spread poison in our atmosphere, made us sick and solution less. They ate our heart, lungs and neurons. They paralyzed our senses.

  Friends became terminators for us. Is machine as a civilization only for the universe? They wanted to make their own mechanical family as we selected them our country leaders. They had to step back; we did not permanently out of use. They did not correspond to obey our orders. They destroyed the democratic that our ancestors wrote and represented something different on mechanisms.

  They made distance between man and justice. They fitted us to the three mechanical laws.

  Law No. 1: The world is only for machines and if people want to live on the planet, they cannot matter.

  Law No. 2: The machines are new creators of the universe; People will accept the fact. They cannot disagree on the matter.

  Law No. 3: Man cannot make any political group against the ruling party. They cannot vote. They must respect robot leaders.

  We saw differences. We had nothing but realize. They forced us to cry. They increased the torture to double. They told us to ask for freedom, but they did not give. We put our feet in the ocean of the fight.

  And then they sent us to fight aliens. They did not tell us why they do this. They did not answer us when we asked what you get from the crude behavior. They showed us a hell zone. They made us victims of terrors. They warned us to surrender children. They tried machinery of course by the composition of the human DNA and software to deliver things.

  They were very secret. They had different kinds of things as our thoughts and told us to admire them.


  Halifax City

  World history would remember it today. I know I was there. I know that we gave them freedom. Some things we just had to do this if we do not want. Actually, we had errors. We believed in these machines. Intended Fifty years ago robots did effortlessly to our jobs. So we arranged parties for them. We wanted to bring prosperity to human civilization. We also saw we have to travel to other planets. So we tried to ignore the policy for a while. People also supported the choice. We entered the galaxy of the competition where we found to too far planets and stars. It worked like an addiction for us. We explored ancient societies in space and equipment kept open to maintain chances of us. They appreciated our obligations to impress us. They won greed in our people. They wanted we fully forget the earth. They planned something terrific for us.

  And for the first time in 2036 we changed political things for them. We started to nominate machines. We chose them as country leaders. We were excited.

  We had formed avoided.

  We celebrated their victories. We telecasted their interviews. They showed us a long and well-written manifesto.

  Robotic leaders promised us hope, wealth, happiness and joy. They told us to bring beauty of the world. They assured us to save if aliens of stars planned to attack the planet. But later it all began to change automatically. They betrayed us. In 2037 Chinese robot leader broke Galaxy bond to proof their right on the natural satellite moon. Before it they had discovered something precious. They could search the natural oil mool (available in the Moon), to win the speed of the rockets and spaceships. They needed this much, when they were in a way to make a different civilization in Dukasoi planet. They had us. They wanted our help, but we refused to be their servants. We stopped their work to promote. We did not repeat these mistakes.

  Then they tortured us. Knowingly they made violence everywhere. Soon they announced Third World War. We never gave up. We were strongly against it. A revolution was in the universe. This was for freedom and humans.

  Hi, I am a reporter at Halifax national news. My name is Jasomine Tasan. You cannot call me a hero because I'm not the one who saved the world, they are so many who supported the mission. I agree that our number was very less. And yet we had to show the courage.

  Machinery needed help of foreigners by their co planets to fight us. They thought to defeat us. They were dreaming of this. I will not say that their steps were technical. They were with forces and we just used the formulas.

  Okay, let me reveal the truth.

  The machines are now happy. Yes they can feel as we made them. We uploaded artificial hormones in their mechanical bodies.

  Mr. Tc-70 saw him for a while. He sat down beside the robot in a white couch. Then he picked up a small computer to Mr. RM-801 (a spy machine and Minister of the ruling party).

  "They trust us," Mr. Tc-70 said. "We should begin the first wo
rk for them."

  "Talk about the people?" Mr. RM-801 said.

  "Yes," Mr. Tc-70 answered.

  "They voted us it does not mean that we will work for them. We are nothing to do with it, suddenly for them! "Mr. RM-801 said.

  He closed the monitor and gave it back to him.

  "They will complain, sir," Mr. Tc-70 said. "You know that they are good clever. They can spread rumors about us in a few days. "

  "Do not you remember what we meant for them?" Mr. RM-801 said.

  "I do sir, but I thought we will do things in late. Still, I'm not so interested. I need more time, " Tc-70 said.

  "I think quite differently than you. The stupid person is employed for space because he does no more accept the earth a house, "Mr. RM-801 said and saw.

  "What we will do sir?" Mr. Tc-70 demanded.

  "You asked me a good question, thank you," Mr. RM-801 said. "We are preparing for war for them that they never want. We will break them. We will wipe out the human civilization.”

  "Good idea, then we can make a final journey to our destination planet where we will set up our own robotic society," Mr. Tc-70 said.

  "The goal is very difficult for us, Mr. Machine. We need to increase speed of spacecrafts to land on Agoric planet that is in another galaxy, 5,697.30 billion light years far from us, "Mr. RM-801 said.

  A mechanical diagram appeared when he was declared the pre-plan. It was a distance between the Earth and their target in the red color of the signal. He added a certain amount of spending and labor costs.

  "We have already arranged a solution to the problem, sir," Mr. Tc-70 said.

  "Yes, the natural oil mool can help us to achieve our mission. Therefore, we need a strong force against citizens of the moon. We will remove them from there, "Mr. RM-801 said.

  "People will not support us sir. They will not want we do wrong! "Mr. Tc-70 said.

  "Do not worry, we will make do or die situation for them. We will not leave them alive. So it would be a medium to give us success, "Mr. RM-801 said.

  "My company will approve the project sir. I need a week now, "Mr. Tc-70 said, shaking robotic mechanical hand of the leader.

  We could not know why machines made war for us.

  They did not give us the real reason that they will leave the planet forever. They hid what we wanted to know. Secretly, they had bizarre things against humanity.

  Pentagon Army Base, United States

  "Mr. Corey, are we really going to serve us in their struggle?" Dr. McLean said, taking his coffee off, from a black color of wooden table.

  He was silent. He seemed annoyed.

  "It's getting cold," he said.

  The old and has retired military person at a time simply ignored his words.

  "I'm not talking about coffee brother," said Dr. McLean. "I ask you something, you will please answer me?"

  "Let the damn things remain in their office. I'm not with these idiots, "Mr. Corey said, and made some bad feelings among his co-army officer.


  "Not for our humanity, but the machines think us players from their stupid video games. They want to treat us with these remote controls, "Dr. McLean said.

  "We must do this because they feed us. They give us contents, "Mr. Corey replied, looking.

  "Not everything, okay?" Said Dr.McLean. "Do you want to die for Mr. Mc-39 and Ro-5092? They ordered us and we cannot disagree.”

  “They come from India, as well as some rich Asian countries.”

  "Do not cry, my friend; you will not have to fight with our enemies.”

  "Our debt until our last breath, we thought, people of other nations are our main competitors because the bloody robots teach that they can go to another galaxy, if we do not."

  "Years ago we did not even visit any planet. This is not lucky for us. "

  Mr. Corey continued the conversation for a while. They both went to the wine house, near the camp of special force. Mr. McLean said that seniors have brought limitation for new soldiers to drink. Maybe later they will not get their favorite beer when they see lack of necessitate.

  We heard Mc-39 and Ro-5092 are the robots that killed many cities. They give their own voices in the boxes of election in history to win. It is 10 years past now. Create, killing is not one thing. Machines never create our lives. They do not make our food. They know only the ability to disappear planets where humans try to save the life. Can we be heartless? Gods did not send us here that we will be solid statue. Meaning making opportunities and it is an inspiration for the human race. They say that we all have secrets. Not everyone can say that.

  You need courage to face these truths. They must be supported by us. We cannot promote gadgets as they are destructive forces against the culture.

  Days of revolution, 16th January

  "They say it's not enough," he said.

  He made the young man understand that unite for humanity can help people and they can come out from the survival zone. Obviously, they will say that we are going to down stage. The last generation of humanity will not remember what happened. They are strict. They think robots have upper cast and we should obey.

  "It means that they are preparing for a massive murder," said David and his normal eyes not even surprised.

  When we had robots we were proud that they will like us. They will correct our mistakes. But our knowledge made an opposite situation. They were different.

  They wrote a mechanical representation for us. It soon seemed to be surrounded by invisible walls.

  "Yes, one other explosion over the country is falling," he said, looking at him to watch by thick smog in the white cloudy sky after the black line.

  "What do you mean?" Asked David.

  "The machines are used all over the world. They will definitely destroy us," he said.

  He was harassed. He thought that he could no longer breathe. He prayed not to reborn until the machines are in the world. Right now, someone just called. A girl raised her finger on a moving missile. It came from the Indian Ocean and a Navy ship, the robot armies.

  "Oh no!" He just said that. He went with his friend and some other people there.

  They could not live. The mechanical terror followed the next city when the men tried to save themselves. Everything destroyed in a few minutes, the cars that were running on the high way and the flights that landed recently, including their passengers.

  After 7 hrs of the attack

  The state news of California

  "Millions murdered there and no one lived. What the wreckers actually want? "The reporter said.

  "If I'm not wrong, I will say that our genetic materials they did not develop. Listen to me people; they are from our hard work and the knowledge that we were applying a decade ago."

  "This is a clear message for the universe they do not need anything from us. They even do not need treasures of foreigners. "

  "I'm afraid to tell you that they need our fresh death. They are happy to see our naked bodies. "

  "Shit, they dared to rape our girls. We do not include a rule for safety? Justice is forbidden for us, only the machines can enjoy this. I cannot understand why they hate us so much, that's disgusting! "

  "You cannot find me today and my soul will tell you that oh my human civilization, fear that they are under the helm. The killing of these destructors will help us to give our next generation courageous name."

  "Go and kill them before they do."

  "I am ashamed. We are guilty because we have chosen these robots for the nation. I cannot thank you."

  I was sitting with him in the same bed. I kept the video. Stephen looked steadily at me. I felt like he got shock.

  "What?" I asked him when I wore the remote control in hand.

  "Why have you stopped the report? It's not about your ex girlfriend Lida and you know it very well, she will not be returned to you. So let me watch the news, "he said. “Try your luck for another girl."

  He was still looking like a wonder guy. He mumbled something.
  "Listen to me, my friend," I said.

  "What?" Stephen needed to crack the language. He behaved like a psychological person.

  He irritated me. He reminded me of my old love. I was in the stress of the breakup. Then I thought that girls are heartless. They hurt boys. They play with our feelings.

  "Listen to me, my friend; you were my classmate. You steal my lover; I have not of other men. "

  "Please tell Lida not to show to her face again and again. I'm very excited man. I do not want you to come for her. By the way, why am I doing this? It would be better if I killed you, "I said.

  "Okay, do what you want. You may not know that enemies come to the place soon! "Said Stephen, looking at me.

  "They are everywhere. Are you not the one among them? You stupid will be married to my ex and then I'll be alone, is it not in your top plans?" I said.

  It hurts you twice if your best friend cheating. Idiot, he had been waiting for a chance. Eventually, he wanted that I could push it behind. You just feel safe, although he will not be an open-minded man to leave. I thought he is so adorable for me. He proved me wrong.

  "Your misunderstanding is a big mistake that you cannot hide. Believe me, I did not want her, she did to me. She proposed me first, "Stephen said.

  He got out of my house and made me a saddest man by a marriage invitation card. They say war; love cannot exist for years when seasons change, the two different things. All right, I thought, I have to leave by it. I can find a girl who certainly not ugly as Lida, Sweet, not rude like Stephen and his mother.

  Guess the next chapter was crucial for me. They gave me a role, representing the world against machines who never liked us. They were made to kill human things.

  I am an ordinary person. Dreams are no longer cheap, I was afraid for them. They created struggles for life. They made test different for us.

  But I wanted to try. I have not tired of these strange mechanical things. We should just accept to avoid their laws.


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