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Earthers Page 5

by Rosh Senior

  He was concerned for these terrible things that made enemies search.

  "Serious injury occured."

  "Yes, sir, monsters attacked our new warehouse this morning. They were of the most important category. They did not know we were always set for this war side, they woke up from the brown desert. We tried to fire them. And yet we have failed because they were a large group, "said another army guy.

  "How can they find you out?"

  "Mr. Richard, I want to hear no explanation, no excuse. I need a report on this failure on my desk in an hour. You could say we have no bullets in guns, we do not have bombs and we have no war helicopters; leave that, I know the situation better than you and in my opinion we have endless chemical weapons that can destroy them, "said senior.

  "Sir, can we not create an ocean in the state? It would be very simple for us and we can put our navy ships to burn these monsters! "

  "Mr. Richard, we did not prepare the dreaming process this way. We cannot collect information from citizens, if we put water in desert areas. Perhaps our expectations will remain in the dark forever. We cannot teach lesson to these robot leaders and their motorized evils. "

  "Take the new members for treatment," ordered senior. "We need to heal them in a week."

  Then he came to us with his officers. He is tall, with 6 ft 5’ 'height. He is fearless, in fact.

  "Hello friends," he shook hands and smiled. "Are you from the first batch?" Asked, when he turned his face to Mr. Richard.

  "Yes, sir, they recently leaved real world."

  He seemed to head of the desert forces. He came slowly to me. He saw my face as I stood in the front row.

  "JT-7621 Company-3071, representing the head W-2247 Company-3072,” a machine gave the information on our presence. It had a detail about me.

  "Nervous?" He asked. "My name is Williamson, you're my boy?"

  "Jasomine Tasan, sir," I said. My eyes cannot see him normally.

  "Do not worry; you will not be wound, if you really take your education. Always I see these types of members, and it has forced me to reject them. I give them opportunities, but evil is that they do not think themselves capable. Weak can be strong, they do not understand. Are you strong? "He asked me.

  "Yes, sir," I said generally.

  "Do not think so, because you now have to learn and you have to be strong. Then the force will use you in different regions of the country. "

  "You will speak to these innocent. Company will send you there, a village that is full of monster infected. You will spend your night for poor villagers. In severe cases, you will save their lives, "W-2247 said.

  "Can we dream after death?" Janie asked.

  "Only twice in the process, senior members will give you more chances after that. Confidential, you can do it. You are the best, okay? "W-2247 said.

  A strict rule of the company is that you do not need to name the members in full name; you will be using their ID. You will need to remember them. You will have to do call practice.

  "Mr. W-2247, what you think about the new members? Computers have choosen them for the tests," Dr. Angelica appeared by an automatic monitor in the air that we generated by the dream.

  "Where is Mr. Chairman? I mean, do you have the same question to him there? "He said, looking at the screen in front of him.

  "He has been watching this from the start. By the way, he also warned us. He said that trip to Hovlef needs to happen this year. You carry the bundles on your shoulders and make it sure that we can operate the mission and will do soon!"Said Dr. Angelica.

  "Have you the news? Robot leaders have questioned. They think a group is doing secret work against them. For this reason, they have been doing more and more torture to our people. On the last day they used small nuclear weapons in Newark. They burned thousands of homes. They murdered blameless children. " "And what are we here?" Mr. W-2247 said.

  "The thing is most important, my friend. If they are found us on the planet as members the company will be closed. We can never stop these destroyers! "Uncle Gregory came from the real world by dreaming process. He reached the main camp.

  "These are the lists of rebels in north and south America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia."

  He fingered a blank space in the air and another computer screen developed in just few seconds.

  "Robert Aticknson, he was only 20 years old and robot hanged him alive in public because he did lead a rebel in London. People were crying to his words for their right. Mechanical gangs shot them immediately. No one returned safely to their family, "he zoomed to the video in front of us.

  "We are nothing, believe me. They cannot leave us! "

  "They gather people for self-confidence. Every day they walk on the moon atmosphere, explore oil that is dissimilar to the mool. "

  "Why do robotic leaders think the moon is their choice and not a second or third planet?" I said looking. "If cannot they use solar power?"

  "75 years ago our predecessor did not look oil and minerals on the natural satellite. They thought it is a lifeless part of the world. They could not hide many pasts and later we earthers knew a whole generation of Aliens made in this moon their cemeteries. They did not survive. Today mool made from their body parts, "said Uncle Gregory.

  "I think the robots know better than us that a universal war will not let people live, and it will cause a painful death for us. They already have a plan. It is not to create battle, perhaps to break the earth in pieces that we are not alert,” a member said among us.

  "We will not care what the machines do; we will make our goals clear now. Then we will be able to stop them. We need to turn off destroyers’ energy system in the galaxy, by a double mechanical system of another world "Uncle Gregory said. "Did you begin their training?"

  He looked at senior members of the force.

  "We will make them warriors of the desert land. Tomorrow our helicopters will leave them in a less infected village of district-276, the first attempt; we have listed a series of sketches for the newcomers, "Mr W-2247 (Williamson) said.

  "Okay, let them relax today," Uncle Gregory said.

  "You will stay in the dream system. The acquisition by you is not acceptable until your arrival from this village. Company machines will watch your original body in the real world. "

  "They will scan your blood circulation and power production process with our doctors. The operators will help. "

  He showed a chart of medicine specialists.

  "Any question?"

  "No, sir," we answered at once.

  "Thank you!" Uncle Gregory said, and temporary screen disappeared from us then that they built.

  Company invented capsules were to keep us quiet in the real world where the dreaming system was running our souls on an important project of civilization. You wrestled here, I know. You were suffering the pain of these robot leaders, I know. But you do not know that we were fighting for the sovereignty of the generation.

  Later you wanted to remember. We were not prepared for how these things were strange to you.

  Village Matinica- district 276

  We moved on these helicopters and the conversation was by a senior member.

  "The world has carbon atoms that are quite toxic to these monsters. They cannot tolerate the chemical in their bodies as they quickly wrecks. We take inhale oxygen, they never do. They hide in the form of small shape and later they will attack in large face to face.”

  “In just 20 seconds you'll have to shoot them, around their neck. You will detonate their heads and legs. "

  "And if you lack of bullets and bombs sure to click the red switch, on the laser gun. It helps you in just 10 minutes to store carbon from the air, "Mr. W-2247 said.

  He began training from the course of the gun shoot. It was not easy as military camps guns.

  "The uniform specially made for the force. It is able to recognize and tell about these unhygienic places. "

  "It will inform you of these monsters ability and on their attack the use
of weapons. In case of death or crash it will help the company to discover you. It's like a close friend for you members. It will rise again and again by your dreaming. It never expires. That is why we have called it immortal of wars! "He smiled.

  They leaved us at a small village. We 54 members in the group had to recognize our position against these monsters. If they see you, shoot without any condition, our seniors advised us. We must protect the villagers, as they can provide information about Carolus generation.

  "Shoot!" Mr. W-2247 said.

  I was listening to him on my phone. I suddenly changed my position and killed the monster. He watched the fight in our main hall when we captured the video by our cameras, attached to helmets.

  "That was a big monster, JT-7621 & in your presence he made you confuse. He broke the concentration as you were looking for others. An easy way is to identify them that you feel a headache when they get closer to you. At all costs, you will treat yourself. Then you can run them. "

  "I can get Sir!" I said.

  I moved to the village street. I joined my colleagues surrounding a seriously affected building.

  And I still feel sad for the moment that for me eight members disqualified on this operation. Important monsters attacked us from different corners. They killed and injured my co-members. We could not success and the company returned bearing the defeat. I think they test us. We lost the hope.

  I was not happy at all that from the training section, I highlighted the weakness. I had been warned by Mr. W-2247. He confided in me that I can be a winner for this world in the future.

  "Good luck guy."

  He patted my back on the last words.

  "Next week we will go again, with your serious practice" he saw other members in the training hall.

  "And Mr. DP-2234 Company-3076, you did a wonderful job. Wish I had your type of shooters. I think you are an expert. You have the ability to lead the members completely, keeping them.”

  "Thank you, sir," the junior member replied, shaking his hand with a smile.

  Direction of gods: a miracle came to me

  "They are looking for your souls in the galaxy. They are concerned about Carolus generation. They know these gorillas. They know last days were good and an error happened on earth during the dinosaur age. "

  "Are you God?" I asked.

  My dream was born. This directed me something.

  "Monsters have a bad attitude. They have kidnapped the people you need. They are not now in the village. You will explore these wise people, "he said.

  I was looking him clear. I saw another universe, a galaxy that is very diverse and the planet where people do not live. He told me to go there.

  "Do you feel the stars around the planet? This is your house that we built in our early years. But we thought a green earth is better for you. We thought you will be safe here, and we had to do a job for your ancestors in the big world. "

  "Sir, are they in the State of our dreams looking for system?" I said. "We still have got no proof."

  “Monsters didn’t hijack them. Find to these villagers in Voxheal galaxy, "he said.

  Now I could hardly see his shape. Slowly, he walked away from me.

  "How can I get them? I have not seen the people before,” I said.

  "Everything will be fine if you meet these aliens. They show you a way to the next step, "he said.

  "They are the citizens of the planet Uleca, in the limit."

  "Are you a crazy? What are you talking about? We have been in the dream for many years, and yet we did not hear the galaxy Voxheal. How can we rely on the meeting of God with you?"Mr. W-2247 said.

  "The way we all members are here like a shadow. Our real bodies are in these capsules. We use our brain to gather information. We, these people and planet AP-Euleka are artificial. "

  I was alone with him to discuss the matter, in the secret chamber of the desert force.

  "You have to believe, sir. I saw that galaxy and planets in my dream. I could hear his voice. I think he's waiting for me. Why did he choose me instead of you? He is trying to make me understand. He was directing me to find a solution,” I said, looking at him.

  "You put me in a confuse matter," said Mr. W- 2247 "Maybe head and chairman will do something for you. They have to trust first. "

  "Can you not tell them?" I asked.

  "They may think I'm teasing. Actually face to face discussion is good, "Mr. W-2247 said. "I wish I could do this, but your report is so bad, sorry."

  It communicates with the conductive members. He clicked a finger in the air.

  "Appeal to the Chairman of the company-3071 and associates Mr. D Johnson, and Head of the members Mr. Gregory," machine built a computer screen in front of us.

  "Starting the upload of queries and responses", a blue beam scanned our brain.

  Now we did not say, the machine required to collect what we discussed a few minutes ago, he sent these messages to the two older members before their reappearance in the dream process.

  "Oh, it's the thing!" Mr. D Johnson said, and his image was developed as electromagnetic pollution. He knew me.

  "But I doubt; if the monsters murdered these wise people as we can gather information? We have no such program that will bring you to this galaxy. We are not aware yet that the planet is alive. We do not know its situation and environmental problems. You can fall into pieces. It can be a hook for the Company, including waste of time, "Uncle Gregory said.

  "We will think about it. Now we have to decide an important point, and this is quite a new thing for us. "

  "Wait, I invite to Dr. Angelica. She can suggest us about these extraterrestrial biological things, "said Mr. D Johnson.

  She connected to the call via an electric projector as the chairman came to online.

  "Doctor, can we see his last night dream? I think this is a futuristic solution for our Carolus generation assignment. At least we can try to make this possible,” said Mr. D Johnson. "Should we invest in this matter?"

  "Sir, we have gone to these 6,000 years old ancestors, but we do not have the success. Our members are still in their prisons. We could make no sense to them. Our precursors have us rather than their children. We have lost several lives on our third mission."

  "The question is what the gorillas and developed men of Zujic and Maxmot city want? They are always enemies from day to day. To win that Ho- ship safely we need selected members of gods. "

  "And when he says the truth then the time came for us. This is a chance that we can be their friends, "said Dr. Angelica. "We should not leave the hope."

  She checked my dream. She repeated it to show the two older members, once again.

  "Can we build the program; I mean can we send the man to planet Uleca by a system in our computer?" Uncle Gregory said and he watched my last night vision.

  "Before we do that, we must free these ways to dream city. We can bring back to these innocents in the late death, "said Dr. Angelica. "Souls never speak without a body. It is impossible to connect them. You always need a medium. "

  "Machine Lana, speak us about the situation?" Mr. D Johnson called her.

  The female robot came to watch, on respect for the chairman of the company.

  "Hello sir, what can I help you? About stars, planets, satellites or foreigners? "She said, looking.

  "Tell me about Voxheal and Uleca" Mr. D, Johnson said.

  "Galaxy no-5 is Voxheal, in the third world. It does a billion stars and planets as the world Diotis included. It has energy, fuel, foods and yes, they produce these things by ghosts. They extort human dreams. They make people weak. Finally they are nightmares for everyone. They sell your souls on their conditions. Their generation deliver happens this way. "

  "They sell spirits?" I said, shocked.

  "They have a reason to do that, member. Gods made them angry and guilty, "Lana said.

  "What is about Uleca?" Mr. W -2247 asked.

  The robot showed a map of the galaxy when it was new for us to hear.
br />   "It is the fourth planet of the Galaxy Voxheal where most of sellers live. They convert human souls to others by latest technologies. They steal even souls in your dreams, which it happened to members. They cheat in a variety of forms when they were in this universe. They form confuse between you and them. "

  "Why do they convert the souls?" Said Dr. Angelica. "We have to put a security system for dreaming now to stop their entry."

  "They are less in the third world because they are not blessed by the gods for playback. You have children by gender. So they take advantage of human souls, to produce their own generation "machine Lana said. "Yes, they do not look like you. You have to identify them from different form."

  "They said that they are in our universe as well, but in other profiles. We just have to see! "Mr. D Johnson said.

  "Excuse me, sir, they could know you. That's why they got away so fast. You have to create an additional system of dreaming to be there, with these foreigners. You need courage to pick up members for the trip. Up to four people can be a part of this task, enough techniques will hurt your scientific formulas, “said machine Lana.

  The robot has increased awareness and helped us in understanding.

  "They can fill viruses in your computers if you not agree and they feel someone has been gradually capturing them."

  "This is the boss of these aliens known as great Aqura. He sees status of gods of the Worlds ", the female robot put a picture in front of us on her movable screens.

  "Now you have something good."

  "So who will stop ways of monsters?" Said Dr. Angelica and looked chairman.

  "This guy is going to do. He is perfect for travel, "Mr. D Johnson said, and gave a green signal to me.

  Everyone agreed about his decision, this was not one thing. Still, he thought souls do not get us without bodies. To connect them you will put machines over their heads. They will make parts of your way. They will tell you about the future. They will tell about the risk of work.

  "Sir, you will have to bring these men to your computers. Therefore, you should really need them. You will have to destroy these monsters on a specific action plan. They can fill stupidity in your hope if you do not, "said machine Lana.


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