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Earthers Page 8

by Rosh Senior

  "Select this option, purple is for video call and yellow is for the voice mail."

  "Dealers can follow our words. They are here .We need to find an empty place mentally very energetic, where you can talk, "Ibea took us out from the crowd and said.

  "I know where we are, only interrupts the picture for a while. They are around us. Estimates that they already knew what we do in the kingdom. The food seller is watching us since five minutes from his chair. He can complain to the Chief Minister on your childish! "

  "Hello Mr." Dwayne said the seller. "We are their relatives. Can I get the red fruits? This is how much? "

  The dealer was so strange. He brought his face closer to us. He gave two fruits for each of us, by his four hands.

  "No need money, just answer me, what was that?" He said. "It's not a game plan of the gods? I heard they want pure souls in less amount of money and we do not want that. They cannot force us to reduce prices. "

  "What, uncle? Are you kidding?"Dwayne said.

  "No, I speak of this image. But we have something else, was out of sight. Don’t think me a stupid. Tell me the fact, "he showed us his big yellow eyelids.

  "We are not with the gods. Actually, we are from the fifth star of Voxheal. Our technology only unique, "I said.

  Then he stopped and looked us for a while.

  "Oh, I thought you were secret agents," said Seller. "Please enjoy the kingdom. Hope you love the beauty. "

  He said no more, and focused on his sale.

  "Hey, can I pass for a trip to your star? My cousin lives there. She says that I took a child without cells and it is there for free. Do you know the delivery process?” a stranger said to us.

  Maybe he could hear us when he was in his chamber.

  "Oh, yes, you can do this. You can access our officers in connection. They will talk to you on the visa process and laws,” I said, looking at him.

  "She's Teressa, my cousin. She's here in R-day, "he showed us a photo on his computer.

  "I want my children to look like you. You are so pretty. I just need your DNA. So I can let this happen. "

  He was like a mad scientist. He explained his experiment at us, how can we build a child maker Hall in low cost and bring souls from animals’ ghost? He learned about this from his friend Nebula, they have partnership with major retailers.

  "No, thanks," I told him. "I donate blood. I want something for you good but if I go negative I will die. "

  "Please, sir, do not break my heart. I will help you to visit Osanik Sea. I have permission for this, "he said.

  "So sorry, wish I could do this, but you try to understand me, I am in pain. Let me go! "I said.

  We walked away from these market stalls.

  "They are eager to hear. They will spread the news everywhere now that they met foreigners. Chief Minister and King will know this they will send message to you, "Ibea said.

  "Where do you live?" Asked Janie.

  "I live in a public garden where street vendors and aliens from other planets spend their time. Remember again, you cannot sleep. There are some secret chambers. You can stay in them for 20 minutes. You will be in glass. Only you can see out, but no one can see what you are doing. Main guardians keep watching to the place. An error can punish you, be careful. "

  "We will overtake a town to be there. They will call for passports, as you are aliens. Don’t act, you will show your ID" Ibea advised us.

  "Do you mean our membership ID?" Said Lisa.

  "Not that idiot, they have set an additional number for you," Ibea said. "Do not worry; your machines will automatically display it."

  After all these things we came to a big station. You can take a flight from here to other cities.

  "Jasomine, scan your ID," Ibea said at the gate.

  My robot showed a wrong list to the guards. It hid our originality and made us safer.

  "Thank you, you can go in," a guard said.

  Ibea called a machine to us, as we were waiting for a traveling spaceship.

  "Need five tickets for Gerjy city, can you arrange it online?" She said and smiled.

  "Yes ma'am," replied machine and uploaded five copies of the tickets on information gadget of the ship. It took only a few seconds to give us the service.

  Here you do not need to earn money. You do get what is free, in the case of citizens and foreigners. I wish it well in our world. At least they should not be confused when they voted. They are motivated by their own mind.

  "I welcome you. Your ship is in field No.3" a female dealer said.

  She works as a hostage in the ship organization.

  "Thank you," said Ibea and shook her hand. We went on the trip, then.


  Gergy Town

  Our own view on the dealers

  Their deals with gods: they never forget the fact

  F-Day, Earth-time 2: 55: 39 seconds

  The new area of dealer civilization fills in technology and science. They know that they are the lover of souls. By the way, they are addictive. They think we dare to steal natural things from aliens. We go there and yet they know nothing about us. Non-citizens cannot be here as we do not call them. They cannot arrest us. Also handover is of talc. We live freely in the universe. This is our home.

  People do not believe there is a third world. Do not turn their satellites and telescopes to see. They think we cannot spot them. We can never target them. It's funny that we can never find them. They will just catch our dreams.

  But if the gods deceive us, what will we do? They not wish this.

  We landed here. Then we four selected members went behind the clone. Ibea was technically wise and a brave dealer. She helped us to experience these villagers. Nobody does us doubt it was knowingly to give a smile to the aliens. She asked them about their health. She made friends with them. She said hello to young children.

  She asked us to observe the red and yellow sky of the planet. We saw a couple of spaceships. They were travelling one city to another. Some of them work for the government. They were to keep safe the kingdom. They were under police department.

  And on the other side we saw so many tallest towers, they help in communication. In the operation, there are machines.

  "This is like our Earth!" I said and smiled.

  "My friend, your differences can be found here if you did not go too deep. Dealers are cruel. They behave like monsters. They are with attitude from evils. I hope they do not get you as a human being. King will decide your luck. In most cases, he has murder who speaks against him, "Ibea said. "You do not dream of happiness in the galaxy."

  She warned us more about the planet’s rules and regulations and this was her fifth warning. We had not fretted for them.

  "What is his business?" Janie said, looking.

  "He only knows torture; his forces take away souls and the previous bodies during the kidnapping. In the end, it is a cry of crying to be a low-suffering plan, and it is a curse that you do not know."

  "You have to understand their reality," Ibea said. "Imagine to just their job."

  We arrived at the public garden. It was covered with a globe of glasses. We could hardly see to dealers and aliens what they were doing inside. Machine opened the door for us. They wanted to welcome from the start.

  "Where are the flowers and trees?" Lisa asked.

  "On the planet garden is a house where you stay, without hesitation and meet new guests from different corners of the world and galaxies," Ibea said.

  She moved towards a small chamber that we went there. It's like a train station, but the name is another signal.

  "Only two guys can go in, this is an opportunity here. Wait for others’ return, "she said.

  She chose me to herself for a call to company- 3071. You can understand my thoughts.

  "Thanks," I said.

  "As I said before no one can see us during the interview, although this is a glass," Ibea said.

  "Okay, we should go in," I said, looking at her. "We need to talk ab
out important things."

  She entered a six digit password on a computer screen to unlock the door as it was already locked.

  "It's fantastic, is it not?" Said Ibea. "Everything happens effortlessly."

  "If they think that we're going for sex?" I said and smiled.

  "Stupid, it's impossible. The dealers do not contain sexual organs, and I'm one of them. For you I am a clone, an artificial alien "Ibea said. "Do not try a second company to make on the planet."

  "Oh, I forgot, only the theme," I said. "I should never forget it!"

  The front door closed robotically when we came in.

  "Will I tell this to your girlfriend?" Said Ibea. "I know who is she? Janie?"

  "Mr. A-23, can I can get any response from company?" I asked after I concentrate.

  He was a robot in my body machine. He was handling the camera in my eyes, to the public that I mean for these senior members.

  "I have a direct message for you; it is online at this time. You see, "the robot came from my eyelids as radiation and plunged ahead. He showed a wide screen.

  "Hello member, how is your experience there?" Asked Dr. Angelica.

  "Hmm, that's good. How are you Dr? "I said, looking at her. It was a video call between us and them, by Uleca to Earth.

  "I'm fine. We see already in the hall. I have your first message. I want to thanks Ibea that she is with you now. In the beginning, we saw you were worried that you do not need. We will draw your movements. You should only try to contact us," Dr. Angelica said.

  "Sorry Dr, I have not tried it. I was stuck. I thought they will get back to you,” I said. "I could not do this."

  "It's okay member. You can do it in the new form; no one can recognize you easily! "Dr. Angelica said as she gave a little smile toward Ibea.

  "Hello love, it's nice to see you on this planet. You matched perfectly to live there. Hope you do not have these dealers' uncertainty.”

  "Thank you Dr, they think I'm one of them and your selected members are my guests from fifth star in the galaxy" Ibea said.

  "I agree that they ask on the human use of technology, but you do big to make them understand," said Dr. Angelica. "They cannot doubt us."

  "Hey, you see that market video? Your third guy is a mad I can say. You should reconsider his membership, I mean, you might be making his treatment very good," Ibea said.

  She talked about Dwayne.

  "No dear, he's good. I know that at first he has fun and he has to do something in a heavy time for you. Russians work hard if they want to win. He is the man who never takes a step back! “Said Dr. Angelica.

  Machine warned us to stay at the remaining time in the room, leaving only 5 minutes.

  "Come on the subject, we have restriction here," I said. "They cannot even let us in."

  She showed me some pictures of the planet Uleca. They are leaders of the ruling party.

  "They will you meet in the future. Actually, they do soul business with gods, where merchants gathered around the third world. I'm not saying that you will talk to them. I tell you it gets. You'll see to their works. Maybe you could meet these villagers, "said Dr. Angelica MT.

  "Are we going to take any action when we see targets are nearby?" I asked.

  "You have to wait for perfect timing. They should not trap you, "said Dr. Angelica.

  "What about the second world? Do these citizens of the galaxy come here? "I asked.

  "No, I do not know about them. I have no idea on this. You will notice when they do, "Dr. Angelica said.

  "How are we going to Matinica to save villagers? We are less of them. They call us cheaters and they can punish us as rebels, thieves and culprits. We do not have weapons too, "I said.

  "Ibea know where arms are."

  "If it is possible, we will send our military groups. We seniors have been planning on the mission; do not think we make fun of you! “Said Dr. Angelica.

  "It's okay Dr," I said.

  The short time passed away for us. The machinery of the planet asked us to be out of this chamber. We followed their law.

  "Something has happened friends. Maybe it's a celebration," Janie said when they made a live broadcast report on a wide screen to watch in the garden.

  "No, it's not what you think. They do auction for the sale of souls, perhaps great dealers packaged these natural products from the first world. This is for the public; Gods cannot be part of it. They are some souls I think, "Ibea said. "Even celebrities cannot take part of them."

  "How can you be sure that they are not souls of these villagers?" I said.

  "We should go for them now," Dwayne said.

  "You said right dude," said Lisa. "There is a flight for us."

  "Waste of visit, we do not need it. Gods buy only pure souls by dealers and today they sell to their own citizens, means that we are not to be confused,” Ibea said.

  "They are in Xemoic city, a popular place in the country."

  Auction started there. A chief among them opened the opportunity. Dealers sold these souls in some glass bottles. Clean spirits hung and identified as names. They were with bright view also.

  "Hello my friends, my dealers, the M-day is here, and that is for all of us. I know that you have lack something. You are curious. No more worries, we can make the distance from the tragedy. I want to let you know that the auction is not expensive or cheap. We brought these people from the moon, a natural satellite of the Earth. I think you are familiar with this planet. We always travel there, as they do a large population. We control their dreams for our jobs. They are unknown by us. "

  "So we want to begin the sale in their absence," he said from a lavish stage. According to him, many lives woke up there, very fast.

  "He is the Chief Minister of Xemoic" Ibea said.

  "And where is the king?" I said. "I cannot see him on the monitor, where did he go?"

  "King Helon does not reach a public ceremony. He speaks only to gods of the universe. Ministers give reports on what happened in the kingdom Nausak," Ibea said him.

  "More than 100k guards to protect him during his appearance. Special soldiers from the galaxy and others keep him safe on his journey to other planets. No one can touch him without his permission. You can say he's the anti-hero of Uleca. "

  "Oh, I see," I said, turning my eyes on live TV.

  Name- Nolan Knoll

  Age- 24 years old

  He's dead for a car accident in Australia, Earth.

  Professionalization -office work.

  "First prize is 40k, up your hands who want to buy his soul?" He said looking the dealers in the crowd.

  "40k from me, name Atimisia Derian," a dealer said aloud.

  "46K, name-Res Ming," another male dealer increased the auction price.

  "100k, name-Hiotec Woldi."

  "100k one, 100k two, 100k three", chief Seller had a final count for the soul. No one then rose for him. This had just begun, but not last.

  "Nolan Knoll is now sold and he is part of Hiotec Woldi, congratulations guy."

  His friends wanted him a happy life when he was about to win his family for the first time. Now he will choose a laboratory for examination and additional work.

  “Mr. Woldi what you want to say on your successful purchase of the soul?" camera turned on him, think it is a mechanical reporting.

  "I'm glad I can make a child this time. He is from the first world, and I know they are really great people. So I put him on costs, "he said.

  "Will you give him a new name?" Robot reporter asked.

  "Henry," he said, smiling. "It's perfect for him."

  "Thank you Mr. Woldi, that's a nice name.”

  "Did you see how the dealers are crazy for souls? They can do anything to have a child. They also sell their land for the production. They do not want a childless family at all,” Ibea said. "They show what their ability is."

  "Yes, if they know that we are here and try to save these souls, what I think they can do with us. It is indeed scary,” I said.

nbsp; "They will destroy your planet!" Ibea said, looking at me.

  "How can they do that? We are in front of them! "Lisa said.

  "They have already arranged weapons for your world, hell in just one minute. They think you enemies. They're not dumb."

  "And you are wrong; they are the most, as it develops. You see their spaceships. They visit to your world that your managers and people still do not know, "Ibea said.

  "But we know that they do," Janie said.

  "What can you do then? Robot guides are your opponents. They will believe that you are not. You are on a path of war and try to stop them. They may start the fight tomorrow. They are like natural power. They do not like. They do not ask for help. They decide your death. You cry, nothing more that you can be able to do,” Ibea said.

  We couldn’t respond. We did not have an additional method for these robot leaders. Every day, they did not shy away from our people. We could not attack directly. We felt like their violent servers. We only had to explain emotion, our own thoughts. Today they killed my son, yesterday they beheaded her father; that was the sad thing we complained of screams and tears.

  "Where we will explore these villagers now?" Said Janie.

  "Dealers have made them hidden somewhere that is not open to the public. They may reveal this very soon, "Ibea said.

  "Will we always go on the planet?”Said Lisa. “We need this to end, friends.”

  "No, we are on the move, to M-Day" Ibea said.

  "Can we stay together in a room?" I asked.

  "Yes, if we steal a capable ship" Ibea said.

  "No way, we will have to do the wrong. We are planning on mission. Someone will be hurt, someone's going to die, but before this we will save these pure souls. "

  "I do not worry my life if I die during work, I'll be satisfied," said Dwayne and smiled.

  "It seems that you have a hard heart!" Said Ibea. "Are you a heartless person?"

  "Not at all, I love others more than my own," Dwayne saw her.

  "Selected members, you have only three days to complete the job by the time on earth. Then we can go for Carolus generation, "Mr. D Johnson told by an audio message.

  "We have to capture the entire planet; we saw their streets and cities. We were looking for these villagers and we finally were able to experience it. "


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