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Earthers Page 15

by Rosh Senior

  "The Time Machine of Iowandian generation 52 miles away from home. This is actually of Carolus generation. They did steal the tool from the palace of the gods, "female robot said. She showed us the machine as a drawing.

  "I got it. That means Time Machine is in the capital," Aiesha said, looking at me.

  "Yes ma'am, just below the Parliament. It is in underground house. Thousands of robots guard it. Usually people cannot go there, "female robot said. "Gather reports before you assume the risk."

  "How did you know?” asked Aiesha. "I'm sure that workers never use. It sounds impossible, in the case of personal robots."

  "My satellite program could find this out, ma'am," female robot said. "I am for all of you."

  "Will you give us an idea how we can go there?" I asked her.

  "Sorry sir, it is up to you. You can ask it to your leaders. They can help you, thank you for the call,” said female robot and walked away from my VLT screen.

  They said time machine temporarily invisible. If someone could stop its energy system, then it may be to watch and you can make them sick. You can damage the monster power in a moment. You can stop their torture and hostility.

  "What should be our next step?" Aiesha wondered. "Recognize also that citizens are with President."

  "I cannot find a solution. I feel like it makes me blind. Darkness lives around me, "I said, worried me.

  "I wish we had a connection to your seniors, this time, to ask," Aiesha said. "I think we need to send a message to them."

  I called my communicator Mr. D Johnson and Mr. Umota at a time to contact us. My VLT screen was just great to go. It provided a green signal when they became visible.

  "Oh wow, it's another miracle!" Said Aiesha.

  "The whole system is a miracle!" I said, looking at her.

  "Hello Member, how do you do?" Mr. D Johnson appeared on my monitor. "Co-selected members informed us of your arrival."

  "Zujic city is a kind of nightmare. You need permission to breathe on your own. This is so strict. They could ask confuse questions, "I said.

  I went on to explain the situation, as their attitude was to make me an unsuspecting man.

  "I know them before. They never allow us to visit around the city,” Mr. Umota said on the side panel of my screen.

  The operators brought him online via media to a co-member of company. He was in the training section of maxmot city.

  "I'm the guy who visited for the first time," I said.

  "No, we have sent there our old members, and all of them are now in prison. They are dying in hell, "Mr. D Johnson said.

  "Why did they come here?" I asked.

  "We had sent them for Time Machine. They had elected just like you after special training in company-3071, our mistake is that we did not put things to meet Bosors firstly. They were unknown about reality, "Mr. D Johnson said, and looked at me.

  "Do you think they are not dead now?" I asked.

  "I do not think so. Iowandians are cruel. They may no longer live," Mr. D Johnson said.

  "Have you tried to look for them?" I asked.

  "Yes, we have often done and eventually we bothered," said Mr. D Johnson.

  "Did you get the time machine on site?" Mr. Umota asked.

  "Yes, but problem is that we find no way to go there. Thousands of robot guards watch the matter very carefully,” I said. "They have weapons."

  "We should prepare for war without end!" Said Mr. Umota.

  That was not easy at all. Iowandians were modern at that time, billions of years ago. They could defeat all. They dared even aliens attack.

  "Can we win?" I said and saw.

  "Avoid the doubt, we have power and we rely on our soldiers. For us, the planet is important than our own lives. Monsters slowly destroy the earth, "said Mr. Umota when he was connecting us by my co-member, the VLT, from Maxmot city.

  I acquired the conversation with my other remaining members.

  "Janie, are you ready?" I asked her. She came there.

  "Yes, I'm ready!" She said on her online presence.

  "And what about co- selected members?" I said.

  "They want to do something big. They are always aggressive as much bad news increase this time of the current world. They can no longer wait, "Janie said. "It has been an inspiration for them."

  "Yes, we are ready my friend, "said Yeimir on the box of the VLT screen.

  "What did they say?" I asked.

  "They will bring defense forces for us," Yeimir said.

  "Try to understand, the situation will not call war. You should have patients. They have the ability to create explosion in your areas. They have nuclear powers that can destroy the entire planet. They do not care what happens to the environment! "Aiesha said, was serious.

  "What do we do then? Will we see the death of our citizens? Maybe you do not know they have planned against us,” Yeimir said. "If they do not believe that we are their brothers then, as we keep them out of the mess-free?"

  "They have kidnapped our people already, last night."

  We shocked the report. Iowandians did this for meat to serve their guests and they will get the thing from these innocent Tukzamosi people.

  "My armies will reach to the state today," Mr. Umota said. "They are on the way."

  "We need at least a day. We will send a message to you after watching the atmosphere and then you can proceed. What do you say? "I asked.

  "Okay," said Mr. Duroder.

  The temporary boundary around Aiesha home declined. The system went back to their connecting office. I closed the VLT and told the seniors to go offline. They have to wait for my next call.

  We opened the door. We saw the city looks like a horror zone.


  The punishment by Mr. President: Their celebration is death of enemies

  They serve flesh and blood: Arrival of guests

  We visited among Iowandians. We followed where they went. We moved towards the capital. They said blood is their power. They did not feel enough of it. So Mr. Xenon is going to announce something great today to the citizens. They were thirsty for blood. They were at any cost to acquire the business. They did not die from the lack of blood. Openly they began frequenting. The government allowed them to work on it.

  "What happened here?" I asked when I was with Aiesha. She helped me to see the city just well. She refused to call my seniors at the time. We stepped into the crowd. We saw Iowandians such as alcoholic behavior. They were always crazy, and their children.

  "They are addicted to blood. They are here for this and today, this evening Mr. President is hard to do it with them," Aiesha said.

  Crowd rapidly increased with the end of the day. They all gathered at the main tower of the city. Robot guards had set up a stage for Mr. Xenon’s arrival with his special guests. We went close to it. Now they brought these kidnapped Tukxamosi people to the feast. They hang the victims in the tower as naked.

  "Oh my God, what they will do with the innocents?" I asked and was nervous.

  "The monsters drink victims’ blood in attendance of the president. Mr. Xenon and his guards will shoot them after final speech, "Aiesha said, looking at me. "We are the audience here."

  Iowandian citizens came to the place with cups in their hands. I could see kidnapped Tukzamosi people were trembling in fear. They were calling for help. No one was there to hear it.

  "Shut up idiot!" A robot guard said to a victim, as he watched him around.

  "You are a coward. Gods never forgive you,” he said, when he was unable to speak clearly.

  "Yes I am. Remember, I'll kill you first, then the woman. Do you know who is she? Your wife," Robot guard said, taking the man's face by his irony hand.

  "No, you cannot do this," said the victim when he was bleeding.

  "Yes, I will do it!" said robot guard.

  I could not calm down after watching this. I tried to contact my seniors.

  "What are you doing Jasomine? You will get into the crowd. You cannot
escape from them if they know that you are not a citizen of the city! "Aiesha said, holding me to open my VLT.

  "Will we enjoy their murder next to do something?" I asked aloud. "We deliberately do wrong. We should not allow the monsters to make the mistake. "

  "We cannot do anything, they are millions in number, and we are only two. They will kill us! "Said Aiesha.

  She was afraid to be brave under these murderer citizens. You cannot say that they also look like humans, but their behavior made them generic and not significant on the planet. It took them sometime extra power, and they wanted to extract it from the sources of the gods.

  "I do not care if they kill or sent me to their prison. I need to call for the war,” I said. "They will destroy all kinds of good things on the planet; we should save the helpless people."

  Mr. Xenon came there in a helicopter. His robot guards protected him. He and his guests took their sitting on the stage after getting a great welcoming from the evils.

  Then he came to a microphone and began his speech.

  "Good evening my friends," Mr. Xenon began his speech for citizens. A lot of them came at a time.

  "You all know why we are here today. We won the victory against the gods. We need more now. Whom we strive to rule the world? "He said aloud. "We will do it."

  "Yes!" The sound came quickly from this Iowandians and played on for a while. They cheered to hear about the most important leader’s speech.

  "Let's celebrate the victory against enemies!" Mr. Xenon called his citizens.

  He asked his workers for a gun. First, he shot an abducted Tukzamosi man and then his guards continued the massive murder.

  "Let us celebrate the feast against objections!"

  He spread the blood of these kidnappers to Iowandians, through a pipe. Everyone raised their cups to get the blood.

  Then he began to sing like a rock star on the stage. The sky over Zujic city was dark. Black cloud covered it to rain.

  "We will not leave. They will not be saved. Hell is here, we brought it for you," Mr. Xenon was constantly singing as his guards disseminated blood over the brutal civil. They threw the meat of these dead Tukzamosi people. They thought it was the purity for them to win the immense civilization in the world.

  Now Mr. Xenon held his song. He came to his people. He shook their hands and kissed them.

  "Seriously, believe us; we could get you people, up your hands!" Some robot guards surrounded us suddenly. They could know that we are out of the town. They held us at this time.

  "You make mistakes, we are Iowandians!" I said. "We just wanted to drink the blood, believe me."

  "No, you will never do this," a robot guard said, looking at my eyes immediately to see my childish fear.

  They also hung us with these dead people.

  "We were able to get our real enemies!" said Mr. Xenon aloud.

  They did not want us to meet them one day. They made changes in their attitude.

  "They are both from Maxmot city. They work as spy here. My robot could recognize. By the way we are now safe, "Mr. Xenon said, had undressed in front of his citizens.

  "Tell me, what kind of punishment you need?" The leader wondered.

  "Kill them my Lord!" said an Iowandian among others. “We cannot tolerate.”

  "Give us their blood and flesh. We are hungry! "They all tried to say their own opinion.

  "We will donate them to evils. They are our guests for the day," Mr. Xenon said, and shot my left leg while I was hanging down from the tower.

  I agree that humanity, but eventually Monster inside a man tries his dark power to make the world lightless. The soul becomes negative to avoid positive thoughts.

  "My fellow citizens cheer, do not let the party escape," saw Mr. Xenon at those Iowandians and smiled.

  "They are rebels of our time."

  Iowandians were getting more and more merciless for their President’s call. He showed us on a live TV screen.

  "What is your last wish? We can do this fill, "said Mr. Xenon.

  I could not say a word to speak the monster, as I was bleeding profusely.

  "We want your death, will you venture now?" said Aiesha.

  The President looked at his citizens.

  "My friends, our enemies think that they can digest us, and you will clearly surprise that they were planning to record our time machine," said Mr. Xenon and struck firmly to Aiesha.

  "My Lord, the citizens want to know how we recognized them?" A robot leader said to the President, and lowered his head.

  I was concerned for the earth. I could not go ahead in my plans. I thought I will not be able to end the war. I need a second life for the mission. It seemed destruction will cross me without knowing something happens large, secretly and they were on the way.

  Then guards brought a machine to Mr. Xenon at this time.

  "The machine could get their ideas and plans directly from their brain. We say it monster device, "he said.

  "It can be scaled, what we think. When the guy entered our areas, the machine gave us a signal that there is a stranger already. He wants to harm us and it proved that he really wants to ruin us; the Iowandian girl too. "

  "Our intelligent people were suggesting me on this matter. I was waiting for the right time to come up! "

  "You're a gay!" said Aiesha to him.

  "You are wrong. I can as you provide children better," Mr. Xenon said, kissing her lips deep, with a combined message. She was crying, she could not hide sigh to them when she was completely naked.

  "In my kingdom only I am the king. Even gods respect me. They are afraid to talk to me. I cannot tolerate those who say you are a beggar. You are a bad leader. No I'm not. I am the great in this world, "Mr. Xenon said.

  Now the Iowandians raised a slogan for him.

  "Mr. President gives us the happiness of heaven. Great Leader deserves worship. My Lord, we love you from the cores of our hearts," they cried repeatedly those words.

  "Thank you, Thank you my friends. I love you too, "said Mr. Xenon. He gave them flying kisses. He hugged them.

  In a state of fools ashes are some precious metals. Water is poison and an uneducated person is a best example. Black oil is white milk. Scorpions are rice and wheat. This is hypocritical.

  Those Iowandians were addicted ever for blood. They were too rough. They forgot that injustice cannot stand alone when the truth comes quickly to obey without speed of light.

  I opened my eyes barely. I saw Aiesha’s face. She no longer spoke to me. They killed her.

  "The girl is gone. He is still a bright abyss! "Mr. Xenon said, looking at me.

  I was so sorry that I could not save her. Her soul made to endive.

  "Can we cut him to pieces?" asked a robot.

  "Excuse me, dear machine, you will be Spark," said Mr. Xenon. "Flesh and blood is only for living things, not for you."

  "Sir, I speak of my wife dinner. She is a life,” robot said.

  "What?" Said Mr. Xenon as shocking and laughed with his citizens. "It's a joke, in fact."

  The robot showed him the call records on a phone as his wife was making several online chat and reports.

  "She called me right now. Here's the proof, "robot said.

  "What does your wife looking for? Is she fat? "Asked Mr. Xenon.

  "I think she is," robot said.

  "Why are you waiting for my order?" Said Mr. Xenon and looked at the gadget.

  The robot shot me a round. He had hurt me instead of killing. He looked at my blood in a bottle and packaged it.

  "Thank you, my God. My wife to be happy for the gift of celebration," said robot and he went to his position.

  "Hey machine, tell your wife that I love her!" Mr. Xenon called him and said.

  I just needed to send an alarm about the problem to Maxmot city. They did enough as the hope for us.

  And for this reason I could not save Aiesha. I did not know what to tell about the incident to snake couple. I felt so sad that my responsibility for the mis
sion and their care did not get a perfect plan. It's my fault.

  Suddenly I heard a noise. This was the amount of the dinosaurs. Yes, Mr. Duroder, Mr. Umota and the new king of Tukzamosi people Mr. Yeimir attacked Zujic city with their armies. They crossed these monsters. They fought to the evil forces through their brave hearts. Iowandians also attacked us from their tanks, helicopters and weapons.

  My co-members supported the giant dinosaurs against these bad people. They tried to press the Iowadians on their own ground. Guerrilla soldiers too made a joint fight to monster citizens. Snake couple Iebo and Naifa saved me from the cruel president and his robot guards.

  "He's bleeding seriously!" Naifa said as she took away to me. For the first time, I knew that the snake couple can fly. They were to explode all about Iowandians along the way.

  "I watch him, go for Aiesha."

  Yet they were not aware of her death. I was afraid to tell the tragic on that moment. But I ventured a little.

  "I'm so sorry. I could not save your daughter," I said.

  The thing she could interrupt for a while. They knew that Aiesha did not make a mistake. She helped me. She did what mankind was before the acquisition. She was a good spirit among millions of monsters.

  And today the story is they will remember for the kindness to the world and its people.

  I was to keep it tight. She did not say then. She flew away quickly.

  "I understand what you're thinking. I'm really sorry about that, "I said.

  "It's okay," Naifa said. "I feel sad for her gone. We cannot make her return. But she will be forever in our hearts. "

  "Where are we going now?" I asked after a few minutes of her fly.

  "Parliament house, you know this place," Naifa said.

  "Robotic guards watch the city. They have high security alert! "I said.

  "We will do something," said Naifa.

  Iebo came with my co-members and some Bosor soldiers this location. I had given them a map of the area.

  "Jasomine, go in."

  "We are fighting to the monsters," Naifa said.

  "Yes," I said and went out of force during the war begin.


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