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Earthers Page 23

by Rosh Senior

  "We have no instruments to make this happen!" said Mr. D Johnson. "How can we go to our next days? We're not sure about it. "

  "We will speak to the Emperor Spyros about this matter. Citizens can invent this by their magic and technology, "I said.

  "Can you call Emperor Spyros on the VLT?" Uncle Gregory asked.

  "Need some times, they have made many restrictions on their Hovlefi satellite after the alien war," I said.

  "I think that they can send by their magic without the need of a machine for this trip. So, first we should explore information about the future, "a senior member said. "Ask someone for help is treatable in the robot universe, we still do not know anybody."

  "Can we not ask help from future armies?" I asked.

  "At the moment this is not good for us. We have to think for a while and also choose a second meeting with Hovlefi leaders, "Mr. D Johnson said.

  "She made a fact about better communication, good working Janie!"

  "Tighten it man, today we have to put the walls," said a Hovlefi citizen as one of my co-members was to help him at work.

  "It's funny, in fact, you obey their orders, and maybe I am not wrong?" Co-member Ronie asked and saw.

  "They are gods; we must follow what they say. They think of us and they are good, "Hovlefi said.

  "But they have not come to you when enemies killed your citizens!" said Ronie.

  "They want prayers from us. We have to satisfy them," Hovlefi said.

  "Yes, someday I, too," said Ronie.

  "You should do this forever. They created us. They bless us. Maybe you forget that we worship them, "Hovlefi said.

  "I did not mean you hate them if they avoid," said Ronie.

  We members did not hesitate to give our hands on their work. They watched the village after Alien Attack. They had been just tolerating the destruction. But they are magicians. They can rebuild what they have lost. This time they were built pseudo-wall around their territory. It was a security arrangement.

  "I've heard they all can come in a second here. It's out of my brain that they have become invisible in a moment. Because I know they have no power. They are repeatedly doing it "Max said.

  He taught me to capture weakness of the enemy magically. He told me that shooting to them doesn’t affect any more. So you should shoot the neck. It hurts true nervous system of these aliens.

  "Is Ho-Tyko in your world?" I asked. "Emperor Spyros could get them through his soul connection."

  "Yes, but we isolated. They are parasites, "Max said.

  "I know your soldiers are not serious about the planet. You should not be late in the war. You should stop these strange things from outer space before they enter your gravity! "I said as we made magic over a small house.

  "Do you know why I chose the area held every palace leader?" Asked Max and saw.

  "Why?" I asked him.

  "We are all soldiers. We make our own things without depending on others, "smiled Max.

  He finished the rebuilding process. I thought most of us are safe now, for a while and it was for their unbreakable wizard power.

  "Your Emperor is not how you work; I doubt that he is a selfish. He wants you die, "I said.

  Janie came to us quickly from their flying and landed on the open area with friction and fire.

  "What's going on guys?" She said and put out the fire around her.

  "Oh God, you could easily do this, you are now a magician my princess!" I said and smiled and lowered my head in a funny sense.

  "Thank you dear," Janie kissed my lips. "I learned this from his wife Emily. She taught it today when spend a little time with me. "

  "Where is my wife?" said Max. "She should be with you."

  "She's cooking for us. Not to worry friend, she is a brave woman. No one can harm her "Janie said, smiling. She seemed happy.

  "Did Mr. Umota and his co-Bosors learn the magic?" I said as we saw they appeared in the air, a few meters away from us.

  "It has become a meaning for us guy. This capacity needs during the war time," Gorilla chief said.

  "Now we will go to Emperor Spyros by flying!" Lisa made her appearance before us.

  She also learned the magic of a Hovlefi child.

  "I doubt my wife applied God Aqituc power to teach you?" Asked Max and saw Janie.

  "Who is he?" she shocked.

  "He is the god of civilization. He warned us that we only use his magic in the Battle of strangers. It could cause disorder," Max said.

  For 200 years, the god didn’t talk to Hovlefi people. He made his anger about an error of the warrior Dictios how he killed Angel Eksitok’s son.

  "Cannot even use this to teach someone?" I asked.

  "This is under restriction. We cannot do if you want, "Max said.

  "She was learning about God Zyiotik magic. I followed the rule. I remember our ancestors,” Emily said.

  She could catch our sound with her magic technique, heard from the kitchen.

  "I do not mind, please," Max said, looking at her. "I did not know it."

  "I respect my husband," Emily said, smiling. She disappeared from us to her cooking.

  The precious beams around them could bring another generation in a moment. They knew that the sky is always to protect them is harder wall of the planet from merciless guys. So they have to give up not even bothered only a few.

  "Did she mind?" said Janie.

  "No, you should catch her fate when she is close to all of us," Max said.

  Love what you feel in your heart. Heartless is a cursed notice to the friendship. Be a lover that makes you immortal thought others than our predecessors say.

  "Life now seems clear," Mr. Umota said as he with me and crew did the flying practice. "It shows that we were not losers at all."

  The next day, once again we had to meet Emperor Spyros and other ministers. We wanted to give the idea about a tour to future. We thought that it can make the work possible.

  "Your heart is clean. I can see your love for Mrs. Hemica, "I said, looking.

  "I talked to her yesterday. She and the kids miss me. I told her that we will come back soon, sure after the last mission," Mr. Umota said.

  He sent a magical clone to his queen.

  "Sorry, for us, you suffer the pain. We have wrong for your generation, "I said.

  "Do not say like this man, we fight for the worlds. Gods gave us the service to protect. Humanity is your and our fundamental property, "Mr. Umota said.

  "Raise your speed friends; you will end these bad aliens!"Max advised us. "This is the first time a practical test."

  We started to fly fast, faster than the air. We had a great sound for friction. It was harmless and protectable.

  "I think we should go to them", a co-member said. He was behind me.

  "What are you talking about dude?" said Janie.

  "Why do we fight here, why not on the planet of enemies? We should kill them at their own homes. We know that they will continue the torture. When we do this, next to the Hovlefi country then it would be very less harmful for us. We can know their weakness, "co-member said.

  "His idea is okay. Perhaps the basis of these robot leaders is off that we cannot figure out. We already have proof it," another co-member said.

  He was from Brazil, company- 6924.

  "Enemies have been smarter than you people. They have changed the planet Ho -Tyko way in the space. They have made it invisible,” Max said.

  "Does that mean we cannot see?" I said.

  It seemed preplanned things from the Second World Hovlef to be displace. They wanted revenge.

  "Yes, we cannot give a fight against enemies until we do not break their technical performance," Max said.

  We end the flying practice for that day.

  "Who will do this then?" Janie said, looking at him.

  "Therefore, we will meet Emperor Spyros tomorrow, back to the matter to discuss," Max said.

  We were in a new magical home and his wife Emily and mother built this for
us. They designed this well with particles of protectors that they bring from the galaxy Basmotine- Fermica. Stars around these cemeteries were for their ancestors formed thousand years ago.

  The science camp of Hovlef

  "Before they moved their planet around the star Castosik it was at the north of our co-planet Ho-Efistikus "satellite-2105 said when tried to explain certain point about these baddy aliens.

  "Enemies chose a secret way to be here. Then they attacked us, "a Hovlefi leader said.

  "We will make them visible when they go for the disappearance and I think magic of God Silastiax can do this," the second Hovlefi leader said and saw.

  "I have doubts about the Silastiaxian magic. Most recently, it held the fire instead of cleaning to an explosion. They spread a mixture of bullets by their weapons. They earned these from machines, I think! "Mr. Gusmoni said.

  He is the head of the natural satellite Erica-45th.

  "Your calculation is not accepted here because you are not of a planet, sir. We can only give you the opportunity to participate in the war,” said Minister Zanderic.

  "Then why did you call me here? I did not come here if I had known that you still do not see us the same way, "said Mr. Gusmoni.

  "Excuse me, sir, now I feel that we cannot defeat these enemies. You do not support on your own. You will definitely enjoy your failure,” I said from my seat. "We need to unite for this. Please, do not make someone down. We all have desires. So we should respect them! "

  "Who will make understand the foolish leader? He is an enemy of the world, I say! "Mr. Gusmoni made his anger at the Minister Zanderic. He did not look to him for those words.

  "On the basis of the rule- 7605 of Hovlef, give the indication that Emperor Spyros will suspend the two leaders if he signed the letter as you try to disrupt the meeting. Final warning to you! "Robot appeared before them, separately.

  "I'm sorry if I hurt," Mr. Zanderic said.

  They were silent.

  "Mr. Jasomine Tasan you wanted to tell us about the future, you are going to explain that?" A Hovlefi leader said as he sat closer to Monarch.

  I reopened my VLT screen after a conversation with Uncle Gregory, that morning when we had a fly to get together.

  "My seniors said that the future of the earth, can give us a different kind of situation around. We should just have to trust that we will win. Through which we make a trip to next generations. We can call them for help. We can bring them here to save the second world and Diotis,” I said.

  They were confused about my idea. How can you see your tomorrows when the current come to an end, they thought so.

  "Are you sure that future has good things?" said Emperor Spyros.

  "Please be clear Sir, We take this as a timing circuit, past-present-future and past. We will take the help of futuristic armies. We will have a deal with them about the dilemma,” I said.

  He thought for a while.

  "But who will invent the machine which helps for the trip?" said Emperor Spyros.

  They only saw each other.

  "I will do so, sir. I am an engineer. I have read about the time-travel from a book, "a Hovlefi citizen said. The alien is from Star Tricos.

  "It is not enough to make difference my friend," said a leader.

  "I will take only five days for the invention. I will use my technology and inner magic to build the device, "he said. "You can believe me!"

  He brought some hardcover digital notes from the air by his magical abilities and gave them to monarch and leaders. He saw a strange Hovlefi, took us to the conspiracy mode.

  "What's your name?" asked Emperor Spyros.

  "My name is Avion-6," he said, bowing his long neck and turtle head in respect.

  "Give him all sorts of instruments, what he needs, and a quiet room" Emperor Spyros ordered his servers.

  "I need an Earther with me," he said.

  "Can’t you do alone?" said a Hovlefi Minister. “Royal workers will be with you at the start, and dinner. You can call them. "

  "I can do the work without eating and drinking. I just need a man who is of the earth, "Avion-6 said.


  "Mr. Jasomine is with you until the project," said Emperor Spyros.

  "My grandfather told me he was a famous scientist in his old age. His wife always abused him, because he was working on missiles. By the way, he did not want anyone hurt. He was looking for something of atoms and the universe loved him next to his wife Tara, "Avion-6 said. I was with him in the room that Emperor servant arranged.

  This was his fourth day on the planet Ho-Akmisika.

  "She should not abuse. She should be proud of him, "I said.

  "You sound like she was a beautiful woman; I mean, her name says so."

  "Tara was in love with a young man and secretly met him on a private space station," Avion said, looking at me a little as he worked on the trip project. "Will you please give me the instrument?"

  "Could her husband know about it?" I said, I leaved my chair to bring the mechanical tool from a wooden box and then lifted it.

  "Yes, he helped them to marry, later," Avion said.

  "I heard for the first time that a man help another man to marry his own wife, who constantly betrayed him. I could feel how much they hurt him,” I said.

  "As a Hovlefi citizen he was good. His books go to my favorite lists. He could not say much about the future. He was sure that we can prepare a trip to another world one day," Avion said.

  "And now it will happen."

  He smiled and took a little alcohol and relaxed as he observed the time travel machine to get it on foot, a step after step.

  "Sir, I have a question for you," I said.

  "What a question?" He asked me suddenly and saw.

  "This is about you!" I said.

  "Oh, I thought you will ask about my neighbors. I keep them jealous. They work in the library departments. "

  "And I think I'm just at the higher level," Avion said, laughing.

  I started the query from the same line that I wanted to know from him. It sounds strange.

  "Did you born on the 6th day after starting of New Year?" I asked. "So everyone is called Avion-6?"

  "My mother took me on star hufo where my father was living and this was his sixth invention. Therefore they call me this, "Avion said.

  "That's interesting, in fact," I said. "We humans can not be in a position, as you do. We are very common and simple. "

  "The easiest work in the world that a star or planet to build. We take it as our traditional job "Avion-6 said.

  "Consequently, I believed in you. I hope soon we will do the journey by your help on the efficiency project,” I said. "I think you could use mathematics and physics, it is?"

  "Inventors do this," Avion-6 said.

  Then he sent me to bring engineering and physics books from the town library. He gave me their names, Hovlefi magical science, time and speed technology and three new books.

  "The book is 1800 years old, take it carefully. You will return it in two weeks,” Librarian Mr. Risvo said. I came to him through my learning magic.

  "Sure, I will not ignore your words," I said and shook his hand.

  "I used to watch you as a fighter on the planet. You are a trustworthy man! "Mr. Risvo said, smiling.


  Travel to the future of 1st world

  The year of 3035

  The earth after robotic guides: Another beginning of human civilization

  8 days later

  "It leads to the earth's orbit and time. I built the machine. So it will take you to future, "Avion-6 said.

  He informed that at least two people to make a trip through this process. Then it can easily control system. It makes a link from Hovlef to Diotis world.

  "Jasomine, you must go TCH (the community for help) to speak on the subject. They think about the universe. We have made several formulas about futuristic networks to get them out. They have the latest technology and space armies, "Mr. D
Johnson said from head-office of the company-3071.

  "Are they robots?" I said and saw my VLT screen.

  "No, they are people," Mr. D Johnson said.

  He brought a picture to my wide digital monitor.

  "It means we made our victory against robot leaders and vulgar aliens!" I said and smiled.

  "Yes, my boy, but they are a part of this mission. Therefore, we were able to win, "said Mr. D Johnson.

  "TCH armies fought with us to these machines."

  "They are our children, is not it?" said Dwayne.

  "I agree they have written history books about us. They read us," Mr. D Johnson said.

  "Sorry member, your brain is a little error after scanning of robot p67. For the trip you are out of order, "Dr. Angelica MT said, looking Dwayne. "You are also, Janie."

  "I have to go with him!" said Janie. She turned against the decision.

  "Member, try to understand us. You can die there. You will have high blood pressure when you achieve in the future world!"Uncle Gregory said.

  Seniors selected Lisa and me for the mission; not any Hovlefi citizen, they refused to bring aliens to Earth.

  "I hope that other remaining co-members are not against the decision. Your role is important, "Mr. D Johnson said.

  "I will start the engine, and then it will automatically move in the direction of the speed of light,"Avion-6 said, taking his seat in the chamber to generate the machine, a few meters from the launch pad.

  "Be careful," Janie said, and hugged and kissed me.

  "We are coming back soon!" said Lisa.

  "Good luck," Dwayne said. "Bye."

  Everyone shook our hands as we moved toward the vehicle zone.

  Avion-6 reopened the time travel machine. We had sent an alien species days ago by the same technique successfully.

  "Members of the journey, your computer will tell all about the unknown facts about the future after you are gone. Our employees are on the line with you, "a senior member said as he watched us.

  "Sir, we will perform magical elements to set up the machine, "Avion-6 said. “It will provide sufficient power to the propulsion system.”


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