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Earthers Page 26

by Rosh Senior

  "Stupid, will I die soon? You do not have to be in tension. You are doing well and thus be a strong guy. Soldiers do not hesitate to smile when they go for the fight,” grandfather said.

  "Still, I'm a coward. I can do nothing against these machines,” I said.

  "At some point you must be a heartless guy. Then you will see courage of one's own soul that inspired to go further,” grandfather said. "Did you understand my child?"

  "I know," I said.

  "Thank you," said grandfather.

  I looked at the computer clock, appears on a wall. Then I saw the chamber is completely silent. They were all asleep next to some mechanical holders in TCH halls.

  "Only four hours left to rest," I said.

  "I will try to live for you," grandfather said.

  "Miss me never; if you are struggling to philosophical things they will distract your attention. Most times try to shoot enemies’ necks. It works as they are monsters and bad aliens."

  Slowly I closed my eyes to the connection.


  The final war

  Machines are gone and so their alien relationship

  Victory of justice: Result brought a new foundation

  Someone said the death of the father for the nation is worth a thousand times and make people feel proud of him. They read about him. They say about him. The history remembers him. What does he need more then? They find inspiration.

  This was 24th day of November, a chance for us to solve the freedom against machines. We had to go Hovlef with armies from the future world. Everyone was saying something. TCH members were singing songs about free will. They smiled. They promised to return. That was the love for humanity. This was a call for revolution. This was a call for earthers.

  "The day is very important for you as you will fight to enemies. You have done it many times before. Give blood and today I'm going to ask more for it. I know that you do not refuse me,” Ms. Robbie said. "Are you ready?"

  She was on the stage in front of the soldiers.

  "Yes ma'am," said all at once.

  "Well, you have the spirit. We go there now "Mrs. Robbie said, looking at them.

  They divided the armies in two groups. They went Hovlef and others made their trip to the past of the world where machines dominated the men. We had a quick trip from TCH halls. We were millions against monstrous Aliens. We accompanied strong and forceful technical warriors of the moon, ME-45 Diotis-62 and ME-46 Diotis-62. Later, their friends from Omegous galaxy joined to us on the way.

  "The machines are on the preparation mode," Mr. D Johnson said on the video call. "It's a good time to break their bond."

  "Will we attack first?" asked Mrs. Robbie. "Our soldiers are in invisible form. They will cross Earth's gravity zone according to your order. "

  "We will stop until their deactivation. The people are with us, "said Mr. D Johnson.

  Company treated to take away children and old men, women to secure places they built on too far planet of Yanius-61 Galaxy.

  "Why are we here then?" I said looking Emperor Spyros.

  "We are not going to surround at enemy. We are going to break their power house, "he said, letting his armies move towards these bad aliens of planet Ho-Tyko.

  We followed them back and TCH fighter jets came with us. Aliens did not know that we're going to shoot them. We flew under Hovlefi soldiers and master wizards. We were in an aggressive form.

  "I will use the magic over my weapons," a co-member said when he had similar speed of the fly with us.

  "They fear the weapons so much!" said Lisa.

  "Where is Dwayne?" Co-member asked, looking at her.

  "I'm close to you," Dwayne appeared between me and the member.

  "I'm glad you came to fight," I said and smiled.

  "How could I stop myself dude? Max leads me. This is his second participation, "Dwayne said.

  He was in the uniform of a warrior.

  "I have made the protector and magical sword," Max said, and showed us. "It can kill hundreds at a fire."

  He felt happy to be a part of the mission. He was with us, for his family.

  "Did your wife agree to leave?" I asked.

  "Yes, she does fly with us," Max said.

  I saw everywhere in the crowd to see her.

  "Where is she?" I asked, surprised.

  "She's inside me and helps me to fly. Actually, I have to save the energy for those dirty aliens and that's why she gives me the support,” Max said.

  "You have a nice idea!" I said.

  The house of enemies

  "Let's attack them!" Emperor Spyros called us. But when our armies were close to the gravity of the planet they hit on the enemies’ invisible shield and vanished.

  We suddenly controlled our magic. We had tried to make a limited distance from the hell zone. We built another protector around us who repelled their force. It was like magnetic energy.

  "Sir, we will have to blow up the whole planet in the space. Then robot leaders and their armies can be disabled in Diotsis world. They get power supply from here, "a Hovlefi leader said.

  "How will we do that? They have protection, "I said.

  My machine started to give me notice of the first world. I watched robot leaders and their forces and war on the Earth, Moon and Mars.

  "Robot-56 is of company-3071".

  "Yes, speak up," I said, looking at my monitor.

  "Have bad news for you; Mr. Gregory is no longer alive. Robot leader Mr. Fe 7810 killed him in South Africa. "

  I was so sad to hear after the robot. The tragic incident only won my weakness in an instant, filled my heart in mourning, when he came to my mind.

  "What do you think mate?" A co-member said.

  "Nothing," I said.

  "I cannot handle my ship. The magnetic force is trying to catch me! " said a TCH fighter. He shot globes of fire from his arms.

  I threw my first magic ball towards the baddy alien shield. It made a huge explosion. Still, it could have no effect.

  “Once again," Emperor Spyros ordered to attack enemies magically and technically at a time. Now these dirty foreigners came out from their soil zone to space as they got information about the war.

  It was heavy as before.

  "Member, ask Mrs. Robbie to apply nuclear weapon to destroy the wall. In addition, we don’t have second choice!" Mr. D Johnson said on a video call. I could see him as a shooter in air zone of earth. A strong and destructive battle was going on among companies’ fighters and robot armies.

  "Sorry sir, mechanical weapons not against the sign!"I said.

  "Do not forget, still inform her," Mr. D Johnson said loudly as some weapons made tremendous sound and he was on the contact.

  "My Lord, we can spread God Nugositis wizard particles to destroy the planet. It's strong to be able to break things in pieces, "Max came to Emperor Spyros and said.

  He did not note that it can harm the entire universe. It can bring darkness and it may take billions of years to complete and build galaxies further, which is too long for a new society.

  "It is not possible to citizens. We will lose stars in space!" Said Emperor Spyros.

  "If we surround the planet and then we use the magic I think it will work for us. I have read many facts about the ability in books. Experience Hovlefi wizards can easily do this, "Max said.

  "You have another bad news from the Earth Sir, machine burned to Newark city, before they went away to space. They are now off to a natural satellite of Mars, "my robot said.

  "What they want to do it?" I asked as I struggled to a group of aliens.

  "It seems they will use the satellite as a weapon against challengers," said the robot.

  "Apologize me sir, I think we should not be late to the thinking. They will destroy us!" said Max.

  We did not have a great opportunity to break through the enemy blockade to their planet. Enemies had disabled us to enter their gravity.

  Guess he agreed. Emperor Spyros sent his chief m
agicians in all directions of Ho-Tyko. They began to throw God Nugositis magic bullets to the bad aliens, who then distributed to its severity, destroying the entire enemy planet.

  We got out from the explosion as enemies exploded.

  "Sir, machines are disabled!" My robot said. In the end he had given me good news.

  "Is it okay there?" I asked.

  "Yes, you've done it," my robot said.

  "No, we did it," I said, was simply relaxed.

  We are watching the death of cruelty and injustice in the space. We had won. We reached the truth. Perhaps well wishers greeted us this way.

  One month later

  World of Diotis: Usual planet earth

  "Mr. Jassomine, thank you for your work for humanity. The next generation will be remembered. They have the freedom in the world against robot leaders and their armies. We are proud of you!" Mr. James honored me with the national Achievement Award. He was Prime Minister of Canada as a person. The citizens elected him. They celebrated to God made creatures.

  "I also feel proud of you, sir," I said and shook his hand.

  We brought republic in the world. We brought revolution. We knew all want peace and therefore we should live as united. We should not think that we can do things that are poor. Injustice is nothing if we humans are strongly against affairs.

  Then government decided to stop production of machinery. We investigated whether they are still force. We have rules for mool. We welcomed back citizens of moons.

  "Today I feel happy that my family is with me. They are free without robots. My kids want love from me. They do not want me to bring another Android to my house. Thousand years ago we did not have TV and cinema, we did not need them. We can accept dream as media for entertainment. I will say stage drama is perfect! "Said a man and hugged his daughter.

  "I love you dad."

  "I love you too dear," said man.

  "For me, my mother is all. Machine wanted I help them in the war, but I did not make appeal to them. I realized that we made them, they do not have us. They have no right to ask me what I want. I was interested to die and that is not for these evils. This is for my people, "said a woman in front of the camera.

  "I've been on the ground, where they shot me. Thank God, as he helped me through an important person of the kind. He will be in my memory. I love him, "another woman said, smiling. She showed her happiness.

  "Do you know his name?" Asked TV anchor.

  "I just know that he is a soldier, and he made a part to save the world," said woman.

  A so sweet relationship

  "Baby, you're now pregnant," I said and took her in my arms.

  "Can our child know what we did in the past?” said Janie.

  "We will tell our story, which is true," I said.

  "Who is to say?" Janie said, looking at my face.

  "Most of the time, I'm going to do, and you can enjoy this if you want," I said, kissing her deeply.





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