Broken Ever After

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Broken Ever After Page 12

by Natalie Graham

  “You know where I am if you need me, Olivia.” He nodded and flicked his eyes to the rose in my hair. I gave him a small smile as he turned towards his door.

  “Mr Matthews?” He turned back with a pained expression. “Thank you.” I gave him another small smile before I turned to my door.

  “Ooo… That’s cute” Lily said as she lifted her hand to my rose in my hair.

  “Don’t touch” I snapped as I swatted her hand away. I noticed Jamie’s smirk before he closed his door and Lily closed ours.

  Of course I had to relay everything again to Lily, Violet and Megan, skipping over going up to Jamie’s room so he could kiss me for all his life was worth; I blushed remembering it though. Out in the corridor again, Lily patted Mr Matthews on the back. “Way to go Mr M! You should have kicked Luke in the b-”

  “Lily!” I warned her.

  “What? We all know he deserves a good kicking after how much of a prrr-” her eyes flashed up to Jamie as she was about to swear. “Never mind, but he deserves what he gets. I’m glad I don’t have to look at his face in class now.”

  “Are you alright?” Jamie stepped towards me and rubbed my shoulder. I looked up into his eyes, then flicked my gaze between his lips and back to his eyes trying to let him know I wanted to kiss him; and nodded.

  “I’m… Ok.” I sighed loud enough for him to hear as I looked at his lips again. They quirked up in a slight smile before he dragged his bottom lip between his teeth. Seeing that one motion made all of my insides heat up; knowing that he wanted me too. I had to hold myself still so that I didn’t leap into his arms and beg for him to take me up against the wall. I shook my head to clear the thoughts of him naked pushing into me, not caring who would see.

  “Liv, are we going to English or not?”

  I smiled up to Jamie. “I should get to class” I looked around to see the hallway clearing and Jamie’s next class making their way inside.

  “Yeah…” He flicked his eyes over to Lily. “Lily you can go on ahead, Liv I just need a sec.” Lily furrowed her eyebrows at me.

  “Sure… I’ll erm, just tell Mrs H you’re with another teacher.” She turned her back to Jamie and mouthed ‘so hot’ to me. I raised an eyebrow to her as she walked down the corridor. He watched her leave and stepped closer to me; a look of sorrow was etched on his beautiful face.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked. The look in his eyes pained me. He stepped towards me and I involuntarily stepped back. The furrow of his eyebrows depended as he watched me step away. “You can’t be too close to me Jamie, not here.” I whispered to him. He stepped closer to me again, a smile rising on his lips. “Jamie” I whispered his name as I looked nervously around the empty hallway. “You should get to class and so should I.”

  “The only thing I should be doing right now is kissing those lips of yours.” He looked down to my lips as his tongue ran between his own, moistening them. I swallowed hard as I felt my heart rate begin to increase. “There is a little strand of hair that’s escaped your ponytail and it’s killing me, it’s driving me crazy. I want to move it behind your ear and feel you shiver as my fingertips brush against your skin.” I swallowed hard and closed my eyes as I imagined it; a shiver rippled through my body. “You’re making it so bloody difficult for me to stay away from you here, when you go and do things like that. God, I wish it was still Saturday. I hate this.”

  I opened my eyes to look up at him. “I- I need to get to class.” Jamie shook his head as he looked down to the floor.

  “I just wanted to check that you were really ok.”

  “I’m fine, honestly.” I couldn’t tell him that I now had a burning desire to find a dark corner with him somewhere for a couple of hours. “I’ll see you in class.”

  “No, find me at lunch.” He smirked at me as I turned to walk away.

  In class Lily was waiting for me with a piece of paper filled with questions that I had to go through.

  1. What did Mr. M say?

  2. Do you still like him? (If yes, even though he has a gf?)

  3. Does he still think you’re cute?

  4. Has he mentioned it?

  1. He was checking I was ok.

  2. Yes and yes. I can still look!

  3 and 4. I honestly think it was a joke, he’s said nothing.

  ‘He likes you!’

  ‘Not in the way you think! He was just looking out for me, as his student.’ I kept glancing up to the white board, trying to remain inconspicuous and get as many notes as I could while Lily kept nudging me with her replies.

  ‘He so does! Forget knights in shining armour, he’s like your knight in grey Armani!’

  ‘How exactly?’

  ‘Because he saved you from that creep! I wish someone would swoop in and save me.’

  ‘What do you need saving from? Is Scott too much to handle?’ Scott was quickly becoming my ‘go to’ I realised. I glanced over to where Lily was now furiously writing away about how amazing Scott was, no doubt and smiled to myself as I’d successfully got her to drop the whole Jamie thing.

  Unfortunately for Jamie I was kept behind in my music lesson during lunch to help a girl that was having problems mastering her chosen piano piece for her exam. I headed up to my registration class just as the second bell sounded, signalling that we were to be in place and ready; Jamie was stood outside of his classroom scowling at me, but couldn’t say anything with Miss Granger holding her door open, batting her fake lashes at me.

  I sneaked a glance at my phone which was sat in my bag to see six messages from Jamie, the first saying that he couldn’t wait ‘til I’d finished my lunch and that I was to head up to his room ASAP, in the second he was telling me how desperately he’d been wanting to kiss me all morning and how little he could concentrate on his work. The third and following three were varying degrees of franticness, wondering where I was, what was keeping me so long and why I wasn’t in my usual spot outside.

  I sighed as I shoved my phone into the bottom of my bag and stood to leave once we were dismissed to class. I walked out behind Lily and Violet so they could shield me from the view of Jamie’s door as we left; I briefly saw him through the gap between them and pushed all the dread of speaking to him later, to the bottom of my stomach as I smiled shyly up at him. His scowl softened and I turned down the hallway to head to the art studios, playing with the flower tucked into my pony tail. Before I knew I’d be out of his sight I turned to see him watching me walk away with a little smile tugging the corner of his lips.

  I was glad when we finally reached the end of the day so that I could be alone with Jamie again; I’d told Lily that I needed to talk to him about Lucas properly and what had happened that morning so she should go on ahead without me and I’d talk to her later. I stayed sat at my desk watching Jamie as he talked to one of my classmates about a piece of work they couldn’t figure out; his eyes kept flicking over to me as he tried to concentrate on the pages the girl was showing him and not on her chest that she was desperately trying to get him to notice.

  The previous Monday I’d been asleep on the desk in front of his while he taught in relative silence; oh how seven days could change everything that you thought you knew about a person. My lips parted with a quick inhale of breath as I remembered the day that followed; my detention day and the day when he finally kissed me after so long of dreaming about it.

  I shifted my gaze to the desk wistfully as I yearned to be pressed back up against it by him. Automatically my thumb traced the outline of my lips as I remembered the tingling feeling left behind for hours after his kisses and his trip to my bedroom. I had to hold my legs tightly together and suppress a moan in the back of my throat and disguise it with a cough as I remembered where I was and that I wasn’t alone with Jamie.

  I felt him watching me as I gazed at the table and shifted my focus on to him. “I think we’re done now Brooke, let me know tomorrow how you get on with those.” She went way overboard on her thanks, making sure to squeeze his shoulder letting
her hand linger down his bicep, her flirty giggles trilled through my ears and I raised an eyebrow as she left the room smirking at me. “Getting jealous over there?”

  “Of Brooke Delamarre?” I snorted my irritation, jealous of her? No, definitely not. Pissed off that she was running her well sharpened talons over what was mine, maybe.

  “You have some explaining to do, Miss Stevens.” His tone sent shivers of excitement my spine.

  “Oh? And why is that, Mr Matthews?” I shifted in my seat as my pulse quickened, he rose from his chair and headed towards the door with his keys in his hand. He locked the door and paused there for a second before turning back to me.

  “You said you’d come up at lunch and you never. I was worried about you; I even went looking for you and had to make a dick out of myself when I asked Lily if she knew where you were.”

  “For one, I never said I would, two, Lily never said you were looking for me and three, I would have messaged you if I’d have known how long I was going to be, but then I lost track of time attempting to help Aubrey fucking Adderley! If only she’d listen to me! I swear, she’s picked the easiest piano piece on the planet for her exam and she can’t even get it right! Do you even know how many times I wanted to slam the lid down on her fingers” I was vaguely aware of Jamie behind my chair, pulling me backwards and coming around to stand in front of me. “The girl can’t play for shit! I wanted to cut off my own fingers just so I wouldn’t be able to help her. I lost count of the amount of times I was screaming alle-” My rant was cut off as Jamie roughly grabbed hold of my face and firmly pressed his lips to mine. He pulled back and looked at me.

  “Shut up.” My look of shock obviously humoured him as he laughed at me. He loosened his grip on my face to gently stroke his thumbs over my cheeks. “I’ve wanted to kiss you all day.” Jamie pressed his lips to mine once more, softly, before standing up straight again and planting his sexy behind on my desk. He opened his arms wide asking for me to stand up and go to him which I did. I buried my face into his shoulder inhaling his scent of fresh oranges as I wound my fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. “Oh I’ve missed this” He snaked his arms around my waist, his forearms settling in the dip in my back pulling me closer to him. I turned my face into his neck driven by the urge to feel his lips again and trailed small kisses up to his ear.

  “What about this?” I flicked my tongue over the soft lobe of his ear. “Did you miss this?” I whispered softly to him. The sigh that left his lips confirmed that he had and I smiled to myself as I continued to kiss my way across his jaw line and up to his soft, slightly parted lips. “Did you miss this too?” I whispered with my lips brushing against his.

  “Yes” He whispered into my mouth before I sealed his lips with mine. His tongue dipped into my mouth and swirled with mine. I was lost in his kiss, pulled into a world where only he and I existed; before I knew how it had happened I had his tie pulled open along with his shirt running my fingernails over his hard chest, I shivered as I felt the warmth of his chest against the cool bare skin of my stomach and breasts, a moan escaping my lips as I welcomed the heat spreading from him to me. Realisation hit me like a slap in the face.

  “Oh God! What are we doing?” I shrieked and quickly covered my chest, grabbing my bra and shirt from the floor. “Oh God, oh God, oh God!”

  “Liv?” He started to fasten his shirt as I pulled my bra back on.

  “You know we can’t do this Jamie!” How the fuck did I not realise we’d stripped each other half naked? His kisses were dangerous; Lord knows what would have happened if I hadn’t come to my senses. I couldn’t let him that close again until I’d finished my exams. I looked up at him as I fastened my shirt again, tucking it neatly back into my skirt; he looked dejected and it pulled at my heart to see his face like that after I’d turned him down again. “I’m sorry, just not yet and not here!” I positioned myself back in between his legs and wrapped my arms around his neck again. “You know why we have to wait, right?” He nodded softly as he rested his forehead against mine.

  “I know… It’s just… so fucking hard!” I gave him a smirk and bumped my pelvis to his. “You know what I mean.” I laughed and pressed my lips to his as he smiled. “I can’t wait two fucking weeks, Liv! I’d rather quit my job! I’ll write my letter of resignation right now!”

  “Shhh… No you won’t. I need to get home, will you take me?” I smiled up at him sweetly hoping he’d say yes.

  “If I get a goodnight kiss” He flashed me that sexy grin of his before standing to fetch his keys.


  On Wednesday morning I was up bright and early waiting for my delivery; presumptuous yes, but I’d gotten another box of rose petals, with a single stemmed rose and a note on Tuesday too, so I fully blamed Jamie for my high expectations of receiving gifts upon waking. They were a beautiful dark shade of pink and smelled just as wonderful as the red ones had.

  I sat on the bottom stair waiting for the door to knock for around ten minutes. At exactly seven fifteen I heard the garden gate open and leaped up to answer the door to the Mediterranean looking guy who’d brought me my packages the two previous mornings. “Good morning.” I beamed at him as he went to lift his fist to knock on the wood panelling of the door.

  “Wow, Olivia, you’re eager this morning! Expecting a delivery or something?” He gave me a small laugh as I took my box from him and inspected the label. He looked over his paper work. “I’ve grabbed the wrong form, I’ll be right back” I nodded and placed my box in the hall while I waited for him. He jogged back to my door. “Got it” He smiled at me. “Can you just sign there and put your phone number at the bottom please?” I looked down at the sheet and signed, confused about why or where I needed to put my phone number.

  “There isn’t a bit that asks for my number.” I looked up at him confused.

  “No, there isn’t. I asked for it though.” He gave me a gorgeous lopsided grin as he looked up at me from beneath a fan of dark lashes and I could see the blush creep over his cheeks. Oh God… He’s asking for my number while delivering presents from my boyfriend?

  “Do you see who sends me these boxes?” He nodded. “He’s my boyfriend.”

  “I kind of figured that when he told me he had a series of parcels to be delivered to his girlfriend.”

  “And you’re asking for my number anyway?” I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

  “Can’t blame a guy for trying, right?” He smirked at me.

  “I’m… not sure that’s a good idea, I don’t even know your name.”

  “Alexandros Zaneakis.” He declared proudly. “But you can just call me Alex.” He nodded and smiled at me.

  I smiled back at him. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, Alex.” I waved and closed the door, laughing as I grabbed my box from the hall floor and ran to the kitchen with it. Wednesday’s box was filled with a yellow rose and petals.

  My routine that week had become that I would accept my parcel, smile over the beautiful words, call Jamie and finish getting ready, tucking my flower into my hair so he would see me wearing it around school; Thursday and Friday were no different. My roses on Thursday were pale pink, Jamie wrote that they reminded him of my cheeks and how they blush when he catches my eye, or as he made me come for him. I didn’t call him after receiving those as I was far too embarrassed.

  My roses on Friday morning were peach coloured; Jamie wrote that they reminded him of my ‘peachy bum’ which made me laugh as I sashayed away from him at the end of the day swaying my hips knowing that he was watching me as I left with Lily, Megan and Violet to stay at Violet’s house for the weekend.

  We were having a study weekend mingled with shopping for our prom dresses; I’d told Jamie that I’d call him or message him as often as I could without attracting too much attention. During the week we’d spent hours on the phone in the evenings so I couldn’t stand not talking to him. I was finally asked in the mid-evening who I was messaging all the time and told the girls about
Alex, the super cute, delivery guy who I’d learned was twenty-three from Greece; I’d missed out the part where he was delivering flowers from Jamie and instead told them that my mum had developed an online shopping obsession and he was delivering her shopping.

  On Saturday morning we headed over to the West End. Lisa, Violet’s mum, had insisted on coming with us; she said we’d have the best chance of finding all of our complete outfits in one day if we went there.

  First to find her dress was Megan and I hated her for it as I knew she’d spend the rest of the day sulking as we tried to find ours. She chose a beautiful pale pink, backless satin gown that crossed over her chest leaving her cleavage exposed. I had to repel the ugly sound that wanted to escape from my throat as she boasted about how well it suited her.

  Lisa chose a Greek restaurant for us to try for lunch that she said she’d been in a couple of years ago. We were in the middle of deciding which shop to try next when a voice with accented English startled me from behind.

  “I heard there was a group of pretty girls in today but if I knew you were out here I’d have come out sooner.” All of the girls were looking over my shoulder with their mouths open, including Lisa. I turned to see dark brown eyes assessing me from under a messy mop of raven black hair. He had on a black, short-sleeved t-shirt with the restaurant name ‘Zane’s’ written in white cursive writing over the front; tribal looking tattoos spread down from under his sleeves over his golden skin.

  “Alex… umm… hi, what are you doing here?” I looked at his t-shirt again and realised what a dumb question it was.

  “In a Greek restaurant? I should be asking what you’re doing here. Stalking me?” he laughed. “This is my Uncle’s place; I help out at the weekends sometimes.”


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