Broken Ever After

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Broken Ever After Page 25

by Natalie Graham

  Next were the drawers from his units. I pulled them straight out and tipped them upside down to empty them. I got to the last drawer and tipped it up emptying it of t-shirts; I jumped when the bottom of the drawer fell out, horrified to realise it had a false bottom. From underneath the wood panel fell photographs of me as a child. I began crying as I looked through them, I didn’t remember them being taken.

  There were some of me as a happy six year old, my smile fading until I was eight and I never smiled any more. I flipped to the next photo. “Oh God! Oh no, oh no, oh no!” And the next. “No, please, no!” And the next one.

  In each one I wore less and less clothes until I was stood with my head down and my fingers locked in front of my naked body.

  “Look up, Ollie. Look at me. I want to see your pretty smile.”

  “NO!” I screamed, dropping the photos.

  “Liv? What’s up?” Jamie came out of the wardrobe to find me in a heap on the floor surrounded by photographs, along with old clothes and underwear.

  “Go down, you shouldn’t see this.” I tried to gather it all together but I dropped some.

  “What the hell is all of-” He picked up some of the photos. “Motherfucker!” Jamie shouted as he turned and kicked something. He grabbed a bag and took all the bits from me heading downstairs while swearing to a ghost. He headed through the kitchen, swiping something from the counter and stalked outside. He flipped open the barbecue and emptied the bag onto the grill, squeezed liquid over everything and set it all on fire.

  “I’m so sorry you had to find that, Angel.” He pulled me into a tight hug while I sobbed into his shirt.

  “I’m sorry you had to see it.” I sighed turning to face the flames, catching another glimpse of the child I used to be. I blinked and the image had turned to ash. I could only wish the same thing could happen to my memory. “Do you think there’s more?”

  “I fucking hope not. If he wasn’t already dead I’d kill him for that lot and especially for what he did to you”

  “He was afraid of heights… I know where his ashes are kept if you fancy throwing him off a cliff?” I laughed. It was a pretty good idea. I walked back inside to finish getting rid of stuff from his bedroom; the last room to sort through was mine. I called down to Jamie and he ran up the stairs straight away.


  “I err… I can’t… This was my room.” I gestured to the door. “He- This is where he…” This was the room he’d abuse me in. This was the room he killed himself in. I couldn’t go in alone. I reached out for Jamie’s hand which he gave to me, I gripped tightly and pushed the door open.

  “It’s changed. The walls aren’t pink.” I looked down. “And the carpet has gone. This is the only room that has changed” I realised it was a stupid thing to say as soon as the words left my tongue. “Never mind” I stepped inside and shivered, Jamie gripped my hand tightly as we walked. Everything being different helped slightly; it didn’t feel like the same room. I went to the wardrobe and saw all of my old clothes that I had left here along with toys and drawing things, my baby grand piano still stood in the corner. I put all of the clothes and toys in a pile ready for charity and everything else went into a rubbish bag.

  I got to the bottom of the wardrobe and found a shoebox with my name written on the top; I opened it and inside was an envelope which also had my name on it. “Do you think there is another envelope inside with my name on it?” I laughed as I pulled out a piece of paper. Written on it was ‘O-G-S-2-9-0-9-R-M’. “Do you think this is the safe code? No one could ever find it.” I ran down the stairs to the office that Robert used to use to work from home in. I moved the bookshelf along and found the steel door behind it, I put the code into the keypad and heard it beep and the light flash green. I opened the door and stepped inside.

  “Liv, I have a safe, it looks nothing like this! This is a freaking vault!”

  Inside were rare pieces of art that Robert kept safe, jewellery and watch boxes, important documents for Mason Ent., money in various currencies; as I walked through there were more pieces of art, photos of us which I picked up and smashed down on the floor. At the end of the vault was a small envelope with my name on it propped up on a shelf by itself, I picked it up and waved it at Jamie.

  “How many of these do you think there are?” I walked out with it and sat on the floor of the office to slowly open it. I saw it was a letter and took a deep breath before reading it.

  ‘To my dearest Ollie,

  I don’t know how old you will be when you read this letter, or if you will even read it at all, but I wanted to say from the very bottom of my heart how deeply and truly sorry I am for the hurt and upset that I caused you. I have no explanation for what I did other than being very lonely and depressed, but in any case, no excuse will ever be acceptable.

  I know that all of the things I have given you will bring no sense of how greatly I’m trying to apologise to you, but I hope that your life becomes full of everything you could ever want. Take everything I have given you, please. I know you will do fantastic things no matter what you choose to do with it. I know you will achieve greatness, you will be an amazing woman, I trust in you to take care of everything the way it should be.

  You were always such a spirited little girl before I took that all away and I am so sorry. I hope you can learn to become happy again and share the love deep inside you that I never deserved. I was greedy, foolishly thinking I could take it all for myself.

  I know you must think I am a coward for what I am about to do or what I will have done by the time you read this; but I did it to save you from me. I’m too sick to be near you, my little sweetheart.

  I never wanted to hurt you Ollie, I love you and I always will.

  Take care, my beautiful girl.

  Uncle Robbie x’

  I let the letter slip from my fingers and watched through tear blurred eyes as it drifted to the floor. I felt so confused, torn between hatred and longing, I despised him and missed him. Jamie came to sit me in his lap and read the letter for himself. I was starting to feel sorry for Jamie, since Friday how many emotional breakdowns has he had to deal with? I’m probably the most drama he’s ever had in a lifetime and it was only Tuesday.

  “Jamie, can we go? Maybe come back another day? You have been through more crap with me in the last few days than anyone deserves in a life time. Can we just go and be a normal couple for a few hours?”

  “Where would we be if we weren’t surrounded by drama? It brought us together.”


  On Wednesday afternoon I had to pop back to Uncle Austin’s office to give him the house keys back, I told him about the note I’d found in the safe. I left Jamie in the car and ran through the lobby remembering to stop at the desk. “Hey again, Uncle Frank”

  “Twice in two days? To what do we owe the pleasure?” He was stood with the big security guard like the day before. My eyes flicked to his, which were everywhere but on my face. Now that he wasn’t scowling at me I saw that he actually looked really cute. No, he was hot! I mentally shook myself. Jamie… Remember him?

  “I just needed to give some keys back to Uncle Aussie. Do I need to sign in?” I pursed my lips trying to hold in my smile. Frank shook his head and nodded the other guy over to the lift. The ride up was quiet. “You didn’t have to take me up, you know.” He did nothing but glance down at me and nod. The doors opened and I quickly walked out, turning to watch the doors close behind me, his eyes rising from my rear to meet my gaze. Just before the doors touched together I watched a smirk appear on his lips. I shook myself to go and speak to Austin’s assistant, Sheryl, throwing daggers in Sasha’s direction. “Hey is Austin free?”

  “Oh hey, Liv. He’s just having lunch, go straight in.”

  I knocked as I opened the door. “Onllllyyy meeee” I called as I stepped inside.

  “Hey Cutie, come on in.” I closed the door behind me, put the envelope of keys and codes on the desk and went and gave him a big hug. �
�What’s that for? I only saw you yesterday, you missed me that much?” Tears flooded to my eyes and I began sobbing, a wave of emotion hitting me. “Hey… What’s all this?” He pulled me down to sit on his lap and held me tightly. “What’s up with my baby?” I pulled the note out of my pocket and handed it to him. He read through it two or three times before muttering “Son of a bitch! Where did you find this?”

  “I found a code to the vault and it was in there.”

  “You just found a code to the vault?”

  “It was in my room, in the cupboard, in a box… in an envelope… it was like a freaking Russian Doll!” I gave a small laugh.

  “Well, at least he had the decency to turn himself in and keep himself away from you baby.”

  I shrugged. “I guess. He was right though. He was a coward. I wish he would have let me grow up to kick his arse! I took it out on his stuff well enough though,” Uncle Austin raised his eyebrows at me. “I err… kind of made a bit of a mess in the house so don’t send anyone to value it yet; we need a clean-up crew and an art specialist to look at some of the works he had.” I wiped the tears from my eyes. “Jamie said we should get a skip or something to dump the crap. We left it in a huge pile in the hall and all the stuff for charity is down in the car.”

  Austin let go of me and stood me up so he could throw his rubbish in the bin; he walked to the front of his desk and leaned against it, patting the space beside him. I went and sat up beside him and he wrapped his arm around me.

  “Annnnnd breathe” He laughed. I took a deep cleansing breath. “Right, slow down. How do you feel?”

  “Better for ripping shit to shreds.” I sighed. “I found some photos… of me. I don’t remember them being taken. Some I was dressed in, but mostly not.” Uncle Austin stiffened beside me.

  “Oh he is so fucking lucky he is dead!” His hands formed fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

  “That’s what Jamie said. There were bits of clothes too, underwear and pyjamas. Jamie took it all out to the barbecue and burnt the lot.”

  “Good man. He really seems to care for you, you know. I like him a lot.”

  “Thanks. Me too. I really hope mum and dad will accept him.”

  “Wow, look at you blushing! My little girl is all grown up.” I shoved him away.

  “Shut up!”

  He tried to give me ‘the talk’ making sure that Jamie and I were being safe; when I assured him that we were I decided I needed to escape before he could embarrass me anymore. I ran towards the door and blew him a kiss as I opened it. “I love you! I’ll see you later” I slammed the door and ran to the lift eager to get back to Jamie. I didn’t intend to be so long with Aussie, he had this way of keeping me talking. I waited at the lift and looked around to glare at Sasha some more but she had gone from her desk. Gah… I was looking forward to mentally punching her in the gut. The lift pinged to signal its arrival.

  I reached the lobby and stopped by security again to say bye to Frank, but as I stepped outside I noticed Jamie wasn’t alone in the car. Sasha was with him, pawing all over him; she kept rubbing her hand up and down his arm like she did the day before. I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to decide how to react to it; Jamie looked kind of cross and- what the hell? I watched as he leant over her, her hands gripped in his hair. Then they were kissing. I felt sick. I slammed my back up against the wall. I didn’t know what to do. I ran back in before the first tears fell down my cheeks, my hand clasped desperately over my mouth so the sob that was threatening to break free, couldn’t. I kept my head down so I didn’t have to look at anyone and hammered the button to call the lift collapsing against the wall inside. I reached the top again and didn’t wait for the doors to open fully before running straight through to Austin’s office. I swung the door open scaring the hell out of him while he was on the phone.

  “I’ll have to call you back.” He slammed his phone down. “Olivia? What’s up? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!”

  “Jamie- he- was in- his car- with Sasha… kissing.” I said between sobs breaking from my chest. I was crying so hard I got the hiccups.

  “He was what?! The fucking piece of shit! I’ll have his fucking balls when I see him! I take back what I said five minutes ago.” He slammed his fist down on his knee and got up and began pacing back and forth. My phone was ringing away in my pocket, Jamie was calling. I pressed ignore and switched my phone to silent.

  “You’re making me feel dizzy can you just sit?”

  “I’m so angry Olivia!” The phone rang and he went to his desk to answer it.

  “Stevens. Oh he is? Thanks man, yeah. Well he can’t. He isn’t to step foot in this building again. Get a couple of the big guys and get him out. Thanks.” He slammed the phone back down.

  “Jamie in reception?” He nodded. “I don’t want to talk to him.” He picked up the phone again.

  “Frank, can you get Logan and Riley to meet us at the door in five please? I’m going to take Olivia home. Thanks.”

  “I can’t go home! He’ll look for me there and I don’t want to see him!”

  “You’re coming to stay with me remember? Might as well be now.” He shrugged at me.

  “Ok. Oh but my stuff; I’ve left a load of stuff at Jamie’s. I can’t get it now!”

  “I’ll sort it. Come on, let’s go.” He wrapped his arm around me and guided me out of the building. My eyes were still blurry from all the tears, I could hardly see to walk in a straight line, hiccups still rising in my chest as I tried to calm my breathing.

  “Olivia wait! It’s not what you think! I promise! Please… Just let me explain!”

  “Jamie… Please just go home.” Austin growled at him.

  “Olivia please, listen to me!” The big guy from reception was stood holding the car door open for me, his eyes never left mine the whole time. I felt like an idiot after crying and then looking at his perfect face. Then feeling even more like an idiot for noticing he was actually handsome while running to a car to get away from my lying boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend?

  He looked seriously angry and I didn’t know if it was at me for pulling him from his work or the way Jamie kept trying to get to me and having to be held back. I pulled my gaze away from his and jumped right in, desperate to get away from Jamie and his pleading. The big guy – Just ask someone his name already - was talking to Jamie outside of the car, it was pretty well soundproofed; I could only hear mumbles until he opened his door to get in.

  “…fucking kidding me? OLIVIA! Open the fucking door!” Jamie yelled.

  “Just go, Logan” Uncle Austin said. Logan, the driver, sped off around the corner and then the next.

  “Where are we going, Sir?”

  “Home to my apartment please, thank you Logan.” We sat in silence for five minutes before Uncle Austin spoke again. “Olivia, these fine gentlemen are Logan and Riley. They will be looking out for you from now on.” Riley looked around at me briefly and nodded; Logan waved a hand back to me in the rear-view mirror.

  “I don’t need baby sitters” I grumbled petulantly.

  “They are for your own safety, honey. Please don’t be difficult with this.” Uncle Austin said sounding just like my dad.

  “I don’t need them.” I spat out in a loud whisper.

  “Olivia. There was another note received last night, the security team and I believe it puts you in danger so can you just live with it for a while? Please? Just a little while?”

  “What kind of danger?” I panicked.

  “We have reason to believe you are being followed, we don’t know who by, but I’d rather know you are safe.” I shot up and looked out of the windows at the cars around me. I had a feeling a few days ago like I was being watched and put it down to being paranoid over all of the Lucas stuff. Oh god! It has to be him!

  “Is it Lucas?” A shiver ran through me and I hugged myself into Uncle Austin’s side.

  “No. This is way out of his league. He’s just a stupid little boy. This is
real, Liv.”

  I thought for a moment. If someone was really following me I’m going to have these guys hovering over me for… I couldn’t even think how long. Maybe that would be handy when we went to court in case Lucas tried something or even Jamie judging by the way he was minutes previously.

  I settled into Uncle Austin’s arm and closed my eyes for the last fifteen minutes of the journey.

  We got up to the apartment and Uncle Austin said he was going back to work after he and Logan had collected my things from Jamie, leaving me with Riley.

  “You know you don’t need to be here. I’m fine on my own, Riley.” I looked him up and down. Holy hotness! He was the same height as Austin, six foot four, he had hair the colour of toffee, a beautiful shade between blonde and brown, parted at the side and neatly styled over. He had the brightest blue eyes I’d ever seen, the shade of new denim; even my mum’s weren’t as blue and hers were like the ocean. The black suit he wore encased his body perfectly enhancing his muscular shape, the fastened button hinting at the tight slope from his broad shoulders to his nipped in waist.

  I could feel my pulse beating wildly in my veins. He looked too young to be a PPO. My eyes caught his and I felt naked as he stared back at me, his eyes narrowed, the corner of his mouth pulled up ever so slightly. Blinking he shook his head slightly and cleared his throat, interrupting my staring at him. I averted my eyes as a blush crept over my cheeks hoping that my hardened nipples weren’t showing through my top; I headed over to the fridge to grab a drink, needing something to take the dryness away from my mouth.

  “I know you are fine… on your own, but it’s my job to make sure you’re safe, Miss Stevens.” Oh god, his voice… It was the first time I’d ever heard him speak and holy shit… I couldn’t think. My brain actually refused to work as I stood in front of the open fridge door. I hoped to God that the shiver was from the cold attacking my skin and not him.

  He had a deep voice with a Scottish accent; I could listen to him talking all day, any word he said could sound sexual with that voice. Liquid heat pooled in my centre, I could feel it seep through my underwear. If I didn’t know any better I would swear my panties were falling to my ankles of their own accord as he spoke.


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