Deadly Reunion (The Taci Andrews Deadly Series)

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Deadly Reunion (The Taci Andrews Deadly Series) Page 8

by Manemann, Amy

  Maybe she struck a chord with this one or maybe it was the hangover talking, but Annie was actually making some semblance of sense. Then again, she did marry Bob. “So let me get this straight. Parsons magically falls back into my life and I’m just supposed to jump on the testosterone band wagon and let him have at me so to speak. Does that about sum it up or did I miss something?”

  “Taci you know that’s not what I meant,” Annie said defensively.

  “Maybe not but it’s the way it sounds. Trust me kiddo, I don’t plan on taking a look back on my life and worrying about the things I should have or could have done. I fully plan on taking full advantage of every opportunity that comes my way. I just need to take things in perspective. Now I really need to get going, I have to take a run over to the office and go through some of Richard’s files. That man was a pack rat and I’m having a bitch of a time finding anything in there,” I said in annoyance. Somehow through the conversation I’d managed to finish dressing and pull a brush through my tangled wet hair. I was tempted to blow it dry and add a touch of make up but it seemed like a wasted effort. Besides, would it really do much for the green still tingeing my complexion?

  Annie sighed in defeat.

  “So how’s the McAllister case coming along? I heard you visited Jason’s office yesterday afternoon and riled him all up,” she asked softly, going with the flow of subject changes. That was the one thing I loved about Annie; she always let you know when she was worried about you but she was never one to dwell on a problem when you weren’t ready to talk about it.

  “Jeez, doesn’t anyone have anything better to do in this town than to sit around and gossip? Jason was riled up but it wasn’t because of me. To tell you the truth, I think it had something to do with the meeting after mine. That’s what I’m going to Owens office to find out,” I replied, tugging on my sketcher’s and tying the laces with a jerk.

  “Well whatever, good luck with Owens office. Let me know if you need any help digging through files. I’m free until this evening when Mom drops the trio off. Um, Taci? You know I really didn’t mean anything by what I said…” Annie said, her voice trailing off.

  I sighed, rubbing a hand over my face. I knew Annie well enough to know she would never knowingly hurt anyone, I just took it the wrong way. I had myself so hyped over everything with Richard that I needed to chill out and unwind. Maybe tonight’s date would do the trick. Then again, I was going out with Parsons. It could also be my undoing.

  “I know hon, don’t worry about it. I’ll call you later,” I promised before disconnecting, tossing the phone on the bed. Giving one last look in the mirror I grimaced at the complexion staring back at me. Ready or not time to get a move on. I needed to get on the ball with this case before someone from the Review landed an actual story. Gathering what little courage I had I strode purposely from the room.


  An hour later I was sitting behind Richard’s desk, a grande cup of Starbuck’s mocha cradled in my hands. The mess surrounding me was enough to make me cringe; instead I took another soothing sip of mocha while mulling over my options. Ok, option #1: I could forgo the unpleasant task of sifting through this mess by going home, soaking in a bubble bath and taking a long nap. Option #2: I could make an actual attempt to get some work done before a vein popped on Bryce’s head. On a normal basis Bryce was usually pretty lenient about the length of research time done on a story. Unfortunately for me Richard had already used a weeks worth of that time before his disappearance, which meant I was going to have to be in scramble mode to recoup for lost time. Not such a big deal; I usually worked better when in scramble mode. It was just more of a headache considering I had no clue as to where he left off.

  Giving a sigh I set the cup of coffee aside and pressed the on button to Richard’s computer. I wasn’t having much luck sorting through massive paper piles, surely the man had to put some sort of notes on his computer. The computer screen blinked on, going through the motions of loading the software. A frown crossed my lips when it stopped at a password page. Dang, since when were the Time’s computers password protected? It must have been something Richard added in. I’d have to remember that when I got back to my own office but for now I’d have to call on my computer hacking skills.

  Twenty minutes later I pushed myself away from the desk, cussing softly. Ok, Owens was really starting to put a cramp in my style. First the messy office, then the password protected computer….what next? He shows up on my doorstep trussed up like a turkey? Grabbing the cup of coffee I chugged a swallow, glaring wholeheartedly at the grey box still staring at me.

  “You think you’re so damn smart,” I said, sticking my tongue out at the screen.

  “Do you always talk to computers or is it a secret pastime?” Gavyn’s amused voice drawled from the doorway. I jumped, nearly dropping the cup of coffee in my hand.

  “I wasn’t…I mean I didn’t…Wh..what are you doing here? It’s Saturday, Bryce shouldn’t have you on the weekend shift already,” I stammered, blushing furiously. I really needed to do something about my big mouth problem. Like staple it shut.

  Gavyn grinned. “I volunteered to come in today, had a few things I wanted to work on. Thanks for the dance last night, by the way.”

  I blushed again. Damn. I really hated it when I did that. “Sorry about that. I’m not sure what got into me last night, I normally don’t act like that.” The fact that I just said that with a straight face should count for something, right? I somehow didn’t think God was looking favorably on me. Probably should start going to church more.

  Gavyn shrugged, his face unreadable. “Not a problem, we all need to let loose once in awhile. So should I ask why you were cussing at the computer screen or am I missing something obvious here?”

  I sighed in defeat, glaring back at the offensive screen once again. “I’m not having much luck digging through this mess Owens calls an office so I was hoping to scan through his computer database and see if he’d dropped any notes to his hard drive. Problem is, his computer is password protected and I’m not computer savvy enough to hack into his system. So, got any bright ideas?”

  Gavyn sauntered over to the desk, leaning down next to me to stare at the computer. The scent of his aftershave filled my nostrils and I inhaled deeply, drawing in the heady scent. Reaching down his fingers did a fast flying tempo across the keyboard before pushing enter and in the blink of an eye I was staring at the desktop home page.

  “Holy hell, how’d you do that?” I asked amazed, turning to stare up at him in awe.

  Gavyn grinned, leaning away from me to sit down on the edge of the desk. Folding his arms across his chest he gave a nonchalant shrug. “Skills I picked up here and there, no big deal. Anything else I can do for you?”

  Lord you have no idea I thought with a sigh.

  “I’m good, thanks. I guess I owe you one,” I replied out loud.

  Gavyn pushed himself away from the desk and sauntered easily towards the door, pausing to glance back at me.

  “I’ll let you know when you can pay up,” he said with a smile before leaving the room.

  Good lord I thought, fanning my suddenly flaming face. Why was it that when I wanted a man in my life there were none to be found but when I didn’t need the headache they were readily available? Focus Taci, focus I reminded myself, turning my attention to the newly hacked into computer. There was work to do and it was getting late. Somehow I needed to get through Owens system, get some notes and research down, get home for a nap and take a long hot bubble bath before Tony picked me up at 6:00. Sounded good in theory; now if I can just pull it off…

  Finding the files on the McAllister case wasn’t as hard a feat as hacking into the system. Pulling up Microsoft Word I looked under the C drive, clicking on the name McAllister. Guess Owens thought he was safe enough with just the password protection and didn’t feel the need to code his files. Bad luck for him, good luck for me. Reading through the documents I chewed on my lower lip thoug
htfully. There were several mentions of the project development company listed throughout the file along with references indicating a connection between Jason and the company itself. Not something unusual as I’d already concluded Jason probably was doing the legal work for the company. Closing the file I opened the next, frowning at the file of legal wording on the screen.

  Carefully I read through the paperwork, trying to make some sense out of the mix of words on the legal document in front of me. Since I didn’t go to law school I wasn’t exactly a pro when it came to legal documentations and their wording. I am, however, a pro at muddling through things so I guess we’d have to stick with that for now. From what I could tell it was a contract of sale for several properties, all within the allotted areas where the new development project was being built. What I couldn’t understand was why Richard was so interested in these particular bills of sale and what they had to do with the McAllister case.

  The only possible conclusion that came to mind was maybe Jason was responsible for the purchasing contracts. To be honest it all looked like bunch of fancy worded jibberish to me, which could only mean one thing; a field trip to the property. What the heck, it couldn’t hurt to take a look at the properties, maybe even take a trip over to the development site and talk with the contractor I’d seen at Jason’s office.

  Moving the mouse across the screen I clicked print before leaning back in the chair to await the copy. The whirling of the printer soon kicked on and within seconds a printed copy of the contracts were folded up and stuffed into the side pocket of my purse. Glancing at my watch I gave a small grimace; 11:30, which meant I had roughly five hours to get to the properties, visit the development site, get home, take a bubble bath and get ready for my date. I already assumed a quick nap was out of the question; guess there was no sleep for the weary.

  Gavyn stuck his head into Richard’s office after a quick rap on the doorframe. “Got a minute, or are you still cussing out the computer?”

  I shook my head, gathering my things from the desk as I stood. “Actually the cussing has ceased for now, to be continued. Right now I’m on my way out the door. Why, did you need something?”

  Gavyn paused as if contemplating the enormity of such a question. My stomach did a funny flip. “Nothing that can’t wait. Call me later.”

  Turning he disappeared back to where he’d come, leaving me to wonder when my life had gotten so complicated. Get a grip girl, he’s just a guy. Albeit a good looking one but just a guy, nonetheless. Willing myself onward I left Richard’s office.

  The development site was on the opposite end of town, the tall columns of the new resort could be seen from miles away. It was just another reminder that with the addition of Rosehill Resorts and Casino, Riverdale was becoming even more of a metropolis. Don’t get me wrong, I knew change was a good thing when it came to adding more jobs to the community. I just wasn’t sure if adding a casino was going to be necessarily a good change.

  The ringing of my cell phone drew my attention and I snapped it open. “Andrews.”

  “How did the shower treat you?” Tony’s voice purred in my ear; my heart skipped a beat.

  “Much better than your torture run this morning. Did you need something or were you trying to get out of going tonight?” I replied, hoping I didn’t sound as breathless as I suddenly felt.

  “Oh no Andrews, there’s no way I’m letting you off the hook tonight after a hot shower was promised. Where are you by the way? Reese said you were at work but your office is suspiciously empty at the moment,” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes, turning on my blinker to head down a dusty construction road. “I am working, I just don’t happen to be in my office. Why, what’s up?”

  It should have annoyed me that he was checking up on me but I couldn’t stop the warmth that spread to my never regions. Maybe Annie was right, that his feelings did go deeper than mere aggravation. Then again, this was the man who’d spent most of my high school years pissing me off. Better not give him the benefit of the doubt just yet.

  “Oh nothing much, just wanted to chat about a certain answering machine tape your brother happened to find on the kitchen counter. Since when do you get creepy phone calls left on your answering machine that you A, don’t tell me about and B, don’t take to the police?” he replied tensely. Crap, the tape!

  Maneuvering the car into a parking spot I grabbed up my purse, dumping the contents onto the passenger seat. The tape was gone and I did a mental recollection of where I’d found my purse this morning before leaving the house. It must have been dumped over when Tony brought me home last night but I didn’t notice the items had been carelessly tossed back into the purse before leaving earlier.

  Guess there was only one thing to do in a situation like this; play dumb. “Tape? What tape? I’m going to have to….call you….back….connection is….really bad….out here…”

  Flipping my phone shut I tossed it into the cup holder. Well I thought grimly, that went pretty well. The phone rang again and Tony’s number popped up on caller id. I didn’t answer it and it went to voicemail, of which I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to be a nice one. Heaving a sigh I gathered my phone and the items of my purse, tossing them back into place before exiting the car.

  What’s done was done. I couldn’t take back my childishness if I wanted to, which at the moment I didn’t. Since when did Parsons feel the need to involve himself in my life? And what business was it to him if I got creepy messages on my answering machine? All right, that might be pushing it a bit too far as I was pretty creeped out by the whole thing myself but it was the principal of it. Or something like that.

  Directing my attention back to the present I gazed out across the empty lot’s I’d ended up at. Frowning I dug the printed contracts out of my side pocket, sure I must have read the address wrong. Glancing at the paperwork I sighed, looking up again to view the lot’s in question. Why was Owens so interested in the sale of a few empty lots? From what I could see they weren’t anything that special, just lot’s full of field grass in every direction. The only thing it had going for it was when Rosehill was up and running it would have a pretty nice view.

  Turning on my heel I surveyed the Rosehill construction site from afar. The properties I stood on were off the highway, far enough away from Rosehill and the busy traffic that noise wouldn’t be a problem. In fact, the longer I stood there the more I realized if someone were going to build anything, these spots would be the perfect place for it. Not only did it have immediate access to the highway it was noise free plus had a pretty nice view depending on how you located a building.

  Something hovered in the back recesses of my mind but it was gone before I could pinpoint what it was. Frowning I chewed my lower lip, the nagging question that I’d been asking myself for the past twenty minutes running through my mind; why was Richard interested in these properties? Tucking the paperwork back into my purse I trudged slowly to my car, giving my surroundings one last look around. Guess I’d seen all I could here, time to move on to bigger and better things. Or see if I could get kicked off the construction site; that could be a good time too. Climbing in my car I turned it around and headed down the hill to Rosehill.

  Things were in full swing at the site with large machinery moving piles of dirt back and forth across the highway. I waited my turn in a line of cars for what seemed like an eternity before I could make the left turn into the construction zone. Large signs warning of trespassing loomed up at me, reminding me that I was in no man’s land, or rather no woman’s land. Better stick to the basics and seek out the main trailer first I thought, cranking the wheel hard right to head towards the Fox River Construction Company trailer. I remembered their name from the article in the paper when it’d first come out about the new construction. Guess we’d start with them.

  Easing to a stop in front of the trailer, I gathered my purse and left the car. Climbing the steps to the trailer door I raised my hand to knock, only to halt at the angry argument I hear
d through the door. The voices were hushed but even I could pick out the angry tones. A funny feeling in my stomach told me this was probably not a good time however the thought flew from my brain when the trailer door flew open and a man came barreling out. Jumping to the side to allow him to pass my gaze met his and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up at the piercing look in his cold grey eyes. Swallowing I turned back towards the open doorway and to the man standing inside it.

  “Hi, I’m Taci Andrews with the Riverdale Times. I was wondering if I might have a moment of your time,” I said with a beaming smile, holding out my hand. He was the man from Jason’s waiting room, I recognized him instantly. I could tell he recognized me too but he quickly hid his surprise behind a tentative smile.

  “A pleasure to meet you Miss Andrews, Tom Kincaid. Please, do come in. To what do I owe this unexpected visit?” he asked politely, motioning for me to come inside. The door shut with a resounding bang and I jumped, nervously eyeing the man behind me.

  “Tricky door, it must get stuck a lot,” I said casually, masking my nervousness. I tried to make it a general rule never to allow myself to fall into a position of vulnerability; looks like I need a refresher course on my rule book.

  Tom shrugged, giving an apologetic smile. “These construction trailers aren’t of the best quality so yes, it does tend to get stuck from time to time. Would you care for a cup of coffee? Tea perhaps?”

  I shook my head. “No thanks, that won’t be necessary. Actually I came here seeking your advice on something. See, I have a friend who’s interested in purchasing some property close to here but he’s kind of new to property values and such. I was wondering if you could fill me in on some pointers so he doesn’t get suckered.”

  Giving a smile Tom motioned for me to take a seat on the small couch gracing the room. “To my knowledge there isn’t any more property close to Rosehill that’ll be going up on the market for quite some time, and I’m afraid when it does the property values will be through the roof. Does your friend have a certain price range he’d like to stay in?”


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