Betting on Bailey (Menage MfM Romance Novel) (Playing For Love Book 1)

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Betting on Bailey (Menage MfM Romance Novel) (Playing For Love Book 1) Page 19

by Crescent, Tara

  “Will you behave?”

  “Okay,” I whimper. “No comments about how I need to lose weight.”

  “And none about how you don’t fit in my world,” he prompts.

  “Fine. Please, Daniel…”

  The vibrations stop. “What were we talking about?” he asks smoothly, not missing a beat.

  “Family,” I reply weakly. I’m struggling to focus my thoughts, which are drifting about my head like tendrils of fog on a cloudy night. “You were saying something about how you and Sebastian were controlled by family expectations.” His words come back to me. “Was it really going to be the biggest mistake of Sebastian’s career? You must be pretty relieved he walked away then.”

  He lifts his shoulder in an elegant shrug. “I always trusted him to make the right decision.”

  “You did?”

  “Of course, Bailey. And I trust you the same way. You were uncomfortable the other day when we talked about expiration dates. Will you tell me why?”

  Sebastian walks up to us at that moment. I’m grateful for the distraction. I still haven’t told them that I’m going away in September. No matter how much we’d like to pretend otherwise, that’ll be the end of us.

  Then Daniel’s words register.

  I trust you.

  And I know what I have to do.

  “I have something to say.” I take a deep breath and look up at both of them. “I’ve been avoiding telling both of you, but in September, I have a six month research project in Patagonia. That’s why I was so reluctant to talk about long-term stuff the other day.”

  Sebastian looks puzzled. “I know you are going to Argentina. Why does it matter? Are you not allowed to fly home for an occasional weekend?”

  I gape at him. “How do you know about my trip?”

  Daniel clears his throat. “I told him,” he says. “I didn’t realize it was a secret. Your department chair mentioned it to me during one of the meetings we had to discuss the Hartman endowment.”

  Of course. “It’s your business to know things, right?” My tone comes out bitter.

  “Bailey,” Daniel mutters. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. Yes, it’s a long journey and we won’t be able to see each other as often as we are able to now. But surely you didn’t think that would mean the end of our relationship?” He grimaces. “You are looking at two fellow workaholics.” His fingers link in mine.

  “You’re okay? There’s no need to pick between Patagonia and you?”

  “Why on earth?” Daniel asks. “Wait. This was a concern in a previous relationship?”

  I nod. “In Siberia,” I confess. “I didn’t want to end things with Ivan, but he couldn’t contemplate the idea of a long-distance relationship, and he wouldn’t consider moving. It was very clear that my only option, if I wanted to stay with him, was to give up my career.”

  “We aren’t him.” Sebastian’s voice is steady. “I let my past go this week, Bailey. Can you do the same?”

  Juliette’s still glaring at us. Earlier this evening, in my apartment, I told Sebastian to be careful of her, but now, I’m the one not listening to my own words, because I’ve suddenly seen hope. This doesn’t have to end. I don’t have to choose between a relationship and my career. I can have both.

  A waiter carrying a tray of champagne passes by, and I flag him down. He sees Daniel standing next to me and immediately beelines toward us. “A toast?” I suggest, lifting my glass of champagne in the air. “To a future, rich with possibilities?”

  We drink to that, and Daniel waves the waiter away. “I’m more interested,” he whispers with a wicked gleam in his eyes, “in the very immediate future. Once Cyrus is done with his speech, shall we head out of here?”

  My pussy is slick with desire. “I thought you’d never ask.”


  You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

  Dr. Seuss


  I find Cyrus before I head out. He’s been avoiding me in the office, and he’s dragging his feet on keeping me updated on the Kansas City deal. “You didn’t return my call,” I tell him pointedly. “Where are we with Ryan Communications?”

  “I’m working on it,” he replies evasively. “If there’s any news, I’ll let you know.”

  No. I’m his boss. He might have been my mentor once, and I might have needed his guidance in the early days. But no more, and this shit isn’t going to cut it. “You’re out of time, Cyrus,” I tell him flatly. “I warned you about this. You had three weeks to get the Ryan Communications deal done, and I’ve seen nothing.” I exhale and paste a bland smile on my face as a group of people from Operations walks by. Once they are out of hearing range, I continue. “On Monday morning, I’m going to ask for your resignation.”

  “You can’t do that,” he blusters. “You think the board’s going to allow you to get rid of me?”

  “I have the votes I need.” My voice is confident. “You don’t think I’d threaten you if I can’t back it up, do you?” I shake my head. “You better hope that Wayne Ryan is willing to work the weekend, Cyrus. Because Monday morning, I want to see one of two pieces of paper on my desk. Either a deal waiting for me to sign, or your letter of resignation.”

  Not waiting for him to respond, I turn and walk away.

  I’ve made my move. It’s time for Cyrus to make his.

  * * *

  “What was that about?” Bailey asks in the car as we drive back to my place. “You were glaring at Cyrus.”

  “Was it that obvious?”

  She places her hand on my arm. “Not really,” she says. “I have the benefit of knowing how you feel about him.”

  “I don’t want to talk about Cyrus, not now. Right now…” I give her a meaning look, “I have other things on my mind. Spread your legs for me. Put one leg over my thigh, and the other over Sebastian’s.”

  She complies, blushing. “The driver?” she asks. “What if he sees us?”

  “The partition is up,” I point out. “He won’t be able to see anything.” I grin at her. “However, it isn’t soundproof, so keep your voice down.”

  She’s wearing her hair down tonight. It cascades in shiny, lustrous waves down her shoulders. I bend down and kiss a spot at the base of her neck that I know drives her insane. She shifts and presses the back of her hand against her mouth, stifling her moan.

  Sebastian’s hands are on her dress, hiking it up. “All evening,” he mutters, “I’ve been looking forward to unwrapping this parcel.” The fabric inches up and exposes her creamy thighs, and her legs fall open to reveal the softness between them. I gulp. Seeing that ivory white string of beads, nestled against the fiery red of her neatly trimmed pussy hair makes me instantly hard.

  It had been something of an impulse to ask her to the company gala, and I’m very glad I did. Keeping her a secret doesn’t sit well with me. If she needs me to be discreet about our threesome because of her career, then I’m happy to comply.

  However, had it not been for this Ryan Communications deal, I wouldn’t have felt the same need myself. If my dad were still alive, he would have loved Bailey. I’ve already told my mother about her. I’m not embarrassed about the unconventional nature of our relationship - I can’t live my life according to the expectations of other people.

  I’m glad she told us about her trip. Things feel different between the three of us now. Deeper and more meaningful.

  Sebastian pulls something out of his pocket with a grin on his face. I smile when I see what it is. A blindfold.

  Bailey’s eyes widen. “In the car?”

  “I think you’ll enjoy yourself more if you aren’t stressed about who might be watching,” he says smoothly.

  “You have such interesting theories, Sebastian.” Her voice has a trace of sarcasm in it, but there’s a healthy measure of lust as well. She’s an adventurer, our Bailey. She reminds me of a sky-diver, hesitating at the door of a plane before
jumping into mid-air.

  “So many protests,” I scold her. “When we all know you want this. Close your eyes.”

  She laughs. “I do want it,” she says. “The two of you have a bad habit of keying me up in public. I expect you to make up for it.”

  I move her hair out of the way and Sebastian fastens the blindfold. “Can you see anything?”

  She shakes her head. “No,” she says.

  “How does it feel?” I move my hand up her thigh, and watch her shiver. Sebastian cups her chin and kisses her, while I run my finger over the string of pearls. She whimpers. “Daniel,” she begs. “Don’t tease me.”

  “How do you know who it is?” I ask her.

  “The two of you kiss differently,” she confesses, her cheeks pink. “And you touch me differently. I can tell you apart.”

  “Really?” Sebastian sounds intrigued, and the two of us exchange looks. “Let’s test this theory out.”

  “Test it out on my clitoris.” Her hands move toward her pussy. “Else I’m going to have to take care of myself right now.”

  Oh, the idea of watching Bailey masturbating is very tempting, but that’s just too much sass from her. “Hands above your head,” I order. “You don’t need to take care of yourself when the two of us are here, honey. We’ve got you.”

  Sebastian’s fingers tug at the beads, moving them aside so he can rub a thumb over her clitoris. “Fuck,” she groans. “Sebastian.”

  Okay, that’s two out of two. I feel a silly smile break out on my face at the idea of her being able to recognize my touch.

  We test her, the two of us, and sure enough, she’s right. She knows who we are, every single time. She’s also biting her lips back to keep from crying out, and her nails dig into her palms. “Damn it, I need to come,” she pleads, and Sebastian relents. His fingers push into her pussy, and his thumb strums at her clitoris. I kiss her and I feel her moan into my mouth as she climaxes.

  It’s Saturday night, and traffic is heavy. We take advantage, making Bailey orgasm two more times, till she finally pushes our hands away. “No more,” she begs. “I’m too sensitive.” She removes the blindfold and rests her head on Sebastian’s shoulder, reaching out to link her fingers in mine. “I had a really good time tonight. Thanks for inviting me.”

  She’s sleepy and sated, and as I hold her hand, a rush of affection floods through me. Despite my confrontation with Cyrus, I agree with her. I had a really good time tonight as well.


  Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.

  Sun Tzu, The Art of War


  On Saturday, I’d dared Cyrus to make his move.

  On Monday, he answers.

  I check my messages when I wake up and there’s one from Sally in Corporate Affairs, who manages my media presence for me. “CALL ME ASAP,” the subject says, and there’s an attachment.

  My heart starts beating faster. Sally isn’t prone to outbursts of drama. I get out of bed and move to my laptop, while I dial her number on my phone. My computer’s being slow, so it isn’t till she answers that I’m able to open the attachment.

  Then I see the headline in one of the tabloids, and I stop breathing.

  ‘New York billionaire in secret three-way tryst!’ it screams, but that’s not what causes fear to clutch at me.

  It’s the picture underneath, one of Bailey, Sebastian and I. Her hair obstructs her face but I would know her anywhere. She’s in her bra and panties, bent over a pool table, and I’m standing behind her, cupping her ass. Sebastian’s in the picture as well. He’s shirtless, and he’s about to make a shot.

  I remember the evening well. It was two weeks ago, and Bailey had been teasing Sebastian about being distracted by her cleavage. If I play against either of you in my bra and panties, she had laughed, I’ll win. So we bet on it and Sebastian had promptly lost the game, much to Bailey’s delight.

  The photo has been taken in my apartment.

  In the background of my mind, I give silent thanks that her face is hidden. This isn’t about her - she’s an innocent victim in a battle between Cyrus and me.

  My mind is working at light-speed. Someone’s been inside my apartment to plant a camera in the game room. Cyrus is involved somehow, I’m sure of it. After all, he’s the only one who has something to gain if my personal life is in the news.

  “Daniel,” Sally says on the line. “You’ve seen the picture.”

  “I have.”

  She gulps. “There’s more. Sophie will be calling you as soon as she gets in, but your board has convened an emergency meeting for tomorrow. They are going to question your fitness to lead the company.”

  Sally is well-connected to the gossip mills. “Tomorrow morning? That soon?”

  “Mr. Strauss is going to cut short his vacation in Florida and fly back this evening,” she says. “We pay for his car service.”

  “Thank you, Sally. Any recommendations to manage this?”

  She clears her throat. “Don’t come into the office - there’s a horde of paparazzi at the door. Stay out of sight until the board meeting.”

  I nod. Her advice is sensible, and I’m going to take it, but not until I get some answers. Because that photo was taken in my apartment, and if there was a camera in the game room, there is much more than one photo of the three of us. The pool table has been a prop in many games, and not all of them involve a cue ball.

  This photo obstructs Bailey’s face. The others won’t. Worse, there could be video. This is serious.

  My next call is to Stone Bradley, who runs a private investigation firm that I’ve used in the past. He picks up on the first ring. “Stone, this is Daniel Hartman,” I say. “Sorry to wake you so early.”

  “I was up,” he says. “And I saw the tabloids. You want to find out who took that photo?”

  “Yes. And I need the answer by tomorrow morning.”

  “I’ll do what I can.” His voice is calm. “We can discuss my fee when I deliver results. Who would have motive to do this?”

  “My money’s on my Uncle Cyrus. I threatened to fire him on Saturday night.”

  “Okay, that’s a place to start. I’m assuming the game room is in your place? I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  * * *

  I hesitate before making my next call. I need to talk to Bailey and Sebastian. I was the person that was paranoid about publicity, and ironically, I’m the person who has broken their trust. Now, they are caught up in my battle with Cyrus, and I hate that I’ve put them in the middle of this.

  Bailey doesn’t have tenure. If her name gets revealed, her job is at risk. Sure, I could wave my magic wand and the university wouldn’t fire her because a hundred and fifty million dollars is a lot of money, but she’d still be the subject of scrutiny and whispered gossip among her colleagues.

  And though Sebastian has posed bare-chested for his book cover, he prefers to avoid the spotlight, letting his food do the talking for him. Still, a scandal like this is probably good for Sebastian. In his business, the only bad publicity is when a restaurant fails a health inspection.

  Bailey. I need to call Bailey first. She has more to lose.

  Before I can dial, the phone rings in my hand. I pick it up before my brain registers the caller. It’s my Uncle Cyrus. It takes effort to keep my voice calm and collected, but against all odds, I succeed. “How can I help you, Cyrus?”

  “I saw the tabloids,” he says, his voice dripping with false sympathy. “I thought I told you to keep things quiet, Danny.”

  My mother calls me Danny when she’s either feeling very fond of me, or very exasperated with me. Cyrus does not get to call me that.

  “The board’s convened an emergency meeting,” he continues. “I thought you should know.”

  I don’t tell him Sally’s already informed me. I just wait for him to proceed, to tell me why he’s really calling me. His next words reveal his true intent. “This might be the time,
Danny, to think about what’s best for the company. If I were you, I’d resign.”

  “Would you?” My tone is cool.

  “I would indeed,” comes the too-quick reply. “This isn’t just about you. Think about the employees of Hartman. When the stock price plummets, that’s their future that you are playing dice with.”

  Please. Wall Street gives a fuck about only one thing. Earnings. They wouldn’t give a shit if I were caught fucking a goat in the middle of Penn Station, as long as Hartman hit or exceeded their quarterly earnings target. The corporate world is not America’s morality police.

  No - this is just Cyrus, trying to play on my love for the company that my dad gave his life for. This is Cyrus wanting my job.

  Then he plays his trump card, and all the fight leaves me. “And think about the girl. Bailey Moore, right? How would it look for a professor without tenure to be photographed in such a compromising position? The university trustees will be exceedingly displeased.”

  “How do you know who she is?” My voice is very quiet.

  He clears his throat. “She was at the company party on Saturday, wasn’t she?” I can hear the lie in his voice. “Someone introduced us.”

  How far will Cyrus go? I think I’ve just received my answer. He’ll ruin Bailey’s life, without hesitation, in order to become the CEO of Hartman.

  If he was responsible for the camera, and I’m certain he is, he has photos and videos of Bailey.

  I was going to fight, and I would have won. It would have been ugly, but I would have prevailed. But I can’t do it without destroying Bailey’s life.

  The world is a cruel and unfair place. People will give Sebastian and me a free pass. Boys will be boys, and all that. Bailey, however, will be branded a slut and worse. I can’t let that happen. I care far too much about her.


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