A Dubious Position (A Colton Banyon Mystery Book 7)

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A Dubious Position (A Colton Banyon Mystery Book 7) Page 23

by Gerald J Kubicki

  Banyon now looked to Eric for support. He shrugged and said. “I’m good. I think both of these women would put their lives on the line for us, if needed. When I was a SEAL, we depended on that to survive. I trust them.”

  Banyon said nothing for several seconds as he contemplated what he had heard. Well at least I have made my point; he thought. He reached out for Mandy’s hand to pull her off the floor. She quickly grabbed it and he pulled her into his arms. He gave her a big hug. She, all but squealed with delight. “Now sit down and pay attention to the plan,” he said.

  “Yes, sir,” all three people on the couch responded sincerely.

  “We need to blow up the dolls and then dress them before we leave in the morning,” Banyon said first. He immediately regretted saying it.

  “Can I do the Heather doll?” Eric wise cracked.

  “I don’t mind blowing up a few male dolls,” Heather retorted with a smile and batted her eyes at him.

  “Can I have one too,” Mandy added.

  Banyon realized they were all joking to relieve some of the tension he had built. He said nothing, he let it go. “We will leave here at ten o’clock in the morning. We will need to divert the attention of the Mexican watchers outside while we load the SUV.”

  “I believe I can handle that,” Heather said.

  “We need to make sure they follow us though. It will take us over an hour to get to the takedown location. It has to look like we aren’t coming back to the house anytime soon. The watchers will call the hit team as they follow,” Banyon told them, “that’s the plan.”

  “Do we have back up? There are six of them, right?” Heather asked.

  “Well, actually, things have changed. The hit men leader, Carlos, has hired another ten locals to help. There will be sixteen shooters after us.”

  “That’s a lot,” Mandy said in a nervous voice.

  “Don’t worry. The FBI will follow the shooters into the park. There will be thirty SWAT team members. They will help box the hit men in.”

  “So, what is the rest of the plan?” Heather asked.

  “We will get to the location first, set the dolls up at a picnic table, the hit men will close in, and we will eliminate them. It’s that simple. The FBI men will prevent them from getting away, but we don’t want any prisoners. The entire hit squad needs to die in the park,” Banyon said with force. “Otherwise, we all will have to live looking over our shoulder forever. Their reputation is they never fail.”

  “Remind me how many people they have killed so I will feel better about shooting them?” Mandy inquired.

  “They have killed over one hundred innocent people. They are indiscriminate killers. They leave a lot of collateral damage. They need to die.”

  “What about other people in the park?” Heather asked.

  “The FBI will close the park tonight. No one will be able to enter. There won’t be anybody at the overnight facilities either. Tomorrow, only we and the killers will be allowed into the park. No chance of any civilians getting hurt.”

  “So what is the name of this park where we going tomorrow?” Mandy asked.

  “It’s called the ‘Valley of Fire’.”


  The meeting went on for another twenty minutes. Banyon assured them that they would have the high ground and ample cover. It was why he had chosen the park he told them. He spent ten minutes describing the park and why it was the best location. Soon, there were no more questions. Banyon then made his last announcement of the evening.

  “We are going to sleep in shifts of four hours, just in case something changes,” he told them. Eric and I will sleep first. We will relieve you two girls, at one o’clock. Are there any questions?” When no one answered, he told them he was going to bed. It was only nine o’clock in Las Vegas, but their bodies were still on central time.

  It took him only ten minutes to prepare for bed. It included a quick shower to cleanse the dirt of the day away. He laid out his clothes for the morning, climbed into bed nude, just like he did at home, and turned out the light. He was actually happy to be by himself. He soon drifted off to sleep. That lasted all of five minutes.

  He heard the bedroom door quietly open and close, but pretended to be asleep. He waited for the aggressive assault from Mandy, but it never came. He expected her to start at any minute, but it never happened. He was sure she was in the room and strained to hear a zipper opening or cloth scrapping against skin, but heard nothing. After a few minutes, he was sure something was wrong. He reached over and turned on the light. Mandy was nowhere to be seen.

  “Mandy, are you in here?” he spoke softly.

  Suddenly, her head peeked over the end of the bed. “I’m here,” she said in a nervous voice.

  “Why are you in here?” he asked as his temperature began to rise. “You and Heather are supposed to be out in the living room protecting me.”

  “Er…Eric is out there with Heather. He decided to change the teams. I had no place else to go,” she said. “I tried to be quiet and not wake you.”

  “So, you’re sitting on the floor in my bedroom?”

  “I won’t make any noise. You go back to sleep, Colt. I’m okay,” she said sincerely.

  “Well, at least get off the floor and sit in the chair over there,” Banyon gestured with his arm.

  “No, I’m fine here really. Don’t worry about me,” she answered.

  “Get up off the floor now, Mandy,” he ordered. When she stood up he saw she was nude except for a pair of small cotton panties.

  “Why are you undressed?” Banyon roared and flapped his hands.

  With her head hung low she said. “Colt, it’s not what you think. Heather told me to take off the maids dress so they could dress the dolls. All my other clothes are in my travel bag right here at the foot of the bed. I tried to be quiet when I came into the room. I was waiting for you to start snoring again to open the zipper and get some clothes out.”

  After processing the information, Banyon asked. “Then you will sleep?”

  “Just let me put on a tee shirt and I’ll curl up on the chair, okay?” She pleaded.

  Banyon thought about it for a few seconds and then replied. “Okay, you can sleep on the bed. I want you fresh in the morning.”

  “You mean it?” she exclaimed, as she pulled a shirt over her head.

  “Yes, but you sleep on top of the covers,” he demanded. “And no talking either,” he added.

  “Deal,” she said as her tiny body jumped onto the bed, crawling up to him. She plopped her head down next to him and laid there quietly on her side. She didn’t dare move a muscle. Banyon decided to stay awake a little longer to make sure she complied. Soon, he realized she was shivering.

  “Are you cold?” He asked softly.

  “Just a little,” she replied in her little girl voice. “But don’t worry, I won’t wake you up or anything.” Banyon now felt sorry he had treated her so poorly.

  “Why don’t you get under the covers long enough to get warm,” he said.

  “Really?” she asked, but was already halfway under the covers before he finished his offer. Next the tee shirt went flying.

  “I thought you were cold?” Banyon said.

  “But now I have you to keep me warm.”

  Part Seven

  Valley of Fire

  Chapter Sixty-Four

  Colton Banyon awoke the next morning as the sun peeked over the windowsill and reached his eyes. He had fallen asleep on his back and was still on his back when he opened his eyes. He quickly realized Mandy was snuggled tight against him, with her arm across his chest. He turned to look at her, her eyes fluttered open.

  “Morning,” she muttered sweetly. She then rolled over and sprang from the bed before he could say anything. “I’m showering first,” she announced as she headed for the bathroom.

  They had gotten up when the alarm went off at one o’clock in the morning and threw on some clothes, then went to relieve Eric and Heather. During their stint on g
uard duty, they had talked and played cards. Mandy, of course, wanted to play strip poker, but Banyon reminded her they were in protection mode. She reluctantly backed down. At a little after four o’clock in the morning, Eric returned to the living room and relieved them. He said Heather would be along shortly so Banyon and Mandy returned to the bedroom for additional sleep. This time she didn’t wait to be invited into the bed.

  He threw on shorts and a shirt and then went to the living room. He found Eric asleep on the couch. Heather was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, he heard a noise on the patio. He turned and saw Heather in just a black, thong, bikini bottom, doing yoga and stretching. She didn’t have on her blond wig and looked completely different then yesterday. He marveled at her flexibility, strength, and her sexiness.

  “She has been doing that for over an hour,” Eric said sleepily. “I don’t know where she gets her energy.”

  “Let’s hope she keeps it up,” Banyon quipped and headed into the kitchen. He got out some frozen orange juice and started to make juice for everyone.

  “Oh, she can keep it up alright,” Eric replied.

  Suddenly, changing the subject, Banyon asked Eric a question. “Did you speak to Pramilla last night?”

  “Yeah, wow! They found the treasure. I’m kind of jealous of those pretty little girls. I mean tramping off to the Black Sea, running around naked, sailing and bunking together. You do know about that don’t you?”

  “Loni told me,” he confessed.

  “Can you imagine? They are having a great time and doing whatever they want,” he complained.

  “And you’re not having a good time?” Banyon asked — his eyebrows were raised.

  “Touché,” Eric replied. “But I do miss them.”

  “Me too,” Banyon answered.

  The patio door opened and Heather stepped through without the slightest hint of modesty or embarrassment. “Colt,” she called out as she stood facing him. “I’ll be ready in ten minutes to distract the watchers. I just need to take a shower.” She then strutted out of the room knowing both men had their mouths open.

  “We can’t mention these women, or that we were in Las Vegas, to Loni or the Patel sisters,” Eric said. “They won’t understand.”

  “I quite agree,” Banyon said as he laughed. “Let’s tell them we got mixed up with some girls we met at a bar. It would be easier to believe then what actually is happening,” Banyon said.

  “Too true,” Eric agreed.

  The bedroom door now opened and Mandy sprinted out dressed in white jeans and a dark blue, loose-fitting, top. “You can use the bathroom now,” she announced as Banyon looked her over.

  “Mandy do you have a lighter top. You know something which is white or maybe a sand color?” Eric asked.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “We are going into the desert. A dark blue top will standout too much. We need to be as invisible as possible,” Banyon told her.

  She turned on her heel without giving him an argument, but huffed and stomped back into the bedroom like a teenager being told her dress was too short.

  “I’d better tell Heather before she makes a scene too,” Eric said as he left the couch and went toward the second bathroom.

  Banyon followed Mandy into the bedroom. “You know, I shouldn’t have let you sleep in the same bed. I feel really guilty about it now.”

  “Don’t feel guilty, Colt,” she said as she bent over and kept looking in her small suitcase. “You’re still a virgin with me.”

  “You understand it has to stay that way, don’t you?” Banyon asked.

  She quickly stood up and stared at him. Suddenly, she went and hugged him. There were tears in her eyes. “Just as long as you treat me like a person, I’m okay.”

  “Good, now put on a top quickly. We need to get started,” he replied. Without additional comment, he left the room. He knew his words hurt her, but didn’t know what else to say to her.

  When he returned, Heather was back in the kitchen, still dressed in her thong bikini bottom, but now she had a tiny top on. She had combed her long hair and added black high-heels. Dark sunglasses hid her eyes. He was pretty sure she would distract the watchers and told her so.

  Then Banyon went to a nearby cabinet and took out a pair of binoculars. He put them on the counter. He next called Rebecca and informed her they were going to distract the watchers so they could load the SUV.

  He had parked the SUV in the driveway the night before, but it was facing out. He had done it on purpose. There were four one-car garages, in a row, in the middle, of his building and his was the first one. He had a key for his neighbor’s garage, the next one over, and could access it from the inside hallway. The garage would be part of the distraction.

  Mandy soon entered the kitchen. “Take these binoculars and watch out the front window,” he told her. “When the watchers turn to follow Heather, let us know.” He then handed out earpieces to everyone for communications.

  “Yes, sir,” she said and saluted.

  “Heather, the watchers are on the right hand side and about half-way down the street,” Banyon told her.

  “I’ve already been out and did reconnaissance earlier this morning,” she replied. “No one noticed me. I’m going to head to the mail box. It’s across the street from their car. I’ll make sure their eyes are on me.”

  Banyon was shocked that she had been outside, but was pleased she had a plan. “It sounds good to me. Any questions?” There were none, so Banyon and Eric gathered up the now dressed dolls and headed out the door leading to the garage hallway. Heather followed, tapping her high heels on the tiled floor.

  In a few minutes, the sting started.


  “Are you ready, Mandy?” Banyon spoke into his earpiece.

  “Ready,” she replied. Heather pressed the door opener to his neighbor’s garage door and it rolled up allowing her to strut out onto the driveway. She paused and stretched luxuriously to get their attention.

  “They see her,” Mandy whispered into the earpiece.

  Heather casually strolled toward the mailbox looking like she didn’t have a care in the world. The watchers stayed riveted on her. “How am I doing,” she whispered.

  “They’re hooked,” Mandy said.

  When she got to the mailbox, she dropped the mailbox key as if by accident. She pretended to have trouble picking up the key and dropped it several more times.

  “Go,” Mandy whispered.

  Banyon and Eric exited the garage carrying the dolls as they ran. Eric pressed the button to open up the rear door of the SUV. They had the dolls spread out in the back and the SUV door closing in twenty seconds.

  Back in the garage, out of sight, Banyon said. “Mission accomplished.”

  Heather immediately turned from the mail box, walked quickly back to the garage, and closed the door. The first phase of Banyon’s plan was complete without a hitch. They returned to Banyon’s place and began to pack. Heather went and changed into a buff colored jump suit and donned her blond wig.

  Banyon found Mandy in the kitchen, rifling through Banyon’s freezer. “I’m hungry. We need to eat something before we go,” she said with her head in the freezer. Suddenly, she squealed. “I’ve found a coffee cake. I love coffee cake.” So does Loni, Banyon thought.

  “Leave it,” Banyon ordered. “Loni will notice. We’ll stop at someplace along the highway and get food.” He then opened his phone and called his cleaning service. He told them to come and completely clean the house. He didn’t want any scent of Mandy in his house, or especially, in his bed.

  “Let’s make sure to not leave anything behind,” Eric quickly told the girls. They rushed off to make a last sweep.

  They brought their luggage into his garage and opened the door. They made sure the watchers saw they were loading their luggage and would not return to the condominium. Then they piled into the Escalade. Banyon had them roll down the dark windows of the SUV to make sure the watchers could identify them as they


  Twenty minutes later Banyon told Eric to take the exit ramp and hit the fast food place that was just off the highway. While the others went inside to grab some take out, Banyon addressed Wolf.

  “Wolf, is there anything new to report?”

  “I think that Mr. Carlos is in for a bad day,” he replied.

  “Where is he now?”

  “He is in a suite at the Stratosphere hotel, but has only had about an hour of sleep. He is not going to be in a good mood when he gets the phone call from Miguel, telling him they have to go now,” Wolf laughed.

  “Will they have all the men that we expect?”

  “Yes, and he has the vehicles too. Colt, please do remember to bring water. It will be over ninety degrees in the valley, you will lose water fast.”

  “Will Carlos bring water?”

  “He doesn’t have time to think about it.”

  Banyon immediately went into the restaurant and bought three bottles of water for each person. They returned to the SUV with their food and were back on I-15 in just a few minutes. The watchers were right behind them. Mandy said that one of them was on a phone.

  Banyon quickly called Rebecca and told her he expected the hit team to be on the move very shortly. He asked if everything was prepared at the Valley of Fire. She said it was and she would have two FBI men, dressed as rangers, to let them in. All the tourists had been evacuated. He said they would be there in less than an hour. She thanked him for the update and hung up.

  “So tell me more about this Valley of Fire?” Heather asked from the front seat.

  “Well, the first thing I’ll tell you is it is a fine place for killing someone.”

  Chapter Sixty-Five

  “Get your lazy asses up,” screamed Carlos as he threw the phone down on the bed. He had just gotten off the phone with Miguel, The news wasn’t good. His five men were asleep in various places around the suite. They had stayed up with Carlos almost all night while he had lost fifty thousand dollars at the blackjack tables. They were all still drunk.


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