A Dubious Position (A Colton Banyon Mystery Book 7)

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A Dubious Position (A Colton Banyon Mystery Book 7) Page 27

by Gerald J Kubicki

  “Who are you?” Lisa Lange asked in desperation. “Why have you made these accusations about me? I’m nothing but a humble teacher.”

  “My name is Colton Banyon,” he told her. “I know there are two other women in your cell. They both live here in Las Vegas.”

  “How can you know this?”

  “I have some abilities of my own,” he simply answered.

  “What do you really want?” The professor asked.

  “I want to find the book of The Vril and protect it for you.”

  Chapter Two

  It had all started for Colton Banyon two days earlier, when he was relaxing on his couch, in his sprawling ranch home in suburban South Barrington, Illinois. Loni, his lovely partner, live in companion and best friend, was curled up next to him with her head on his lap. They were watching television on an eighty inch flat screen Loni had bought for him to watch football. She was good to him in many ways.

  A news flash suddenly filled the screen. The talking head announced that there had been another shooting in Mexico. This time seventeen members of a drug cartel had been dispatched by the side of a rural road. The cartel members had been traveling on a country road near the American border when all three trucks suddenly blew up, burning the seven million dollars of drugs they carried. A few cartel members had made it out of the trucks, but were cut down by machine gun fire. A bloody note was found on the road. It read “Danta Lopez was here, be afraid, be very afraid”

  “Did you have anything to do with that?” Loni quickly asked as she lifted her head and stared at him with her dark Chinese almond-shaped eyes.

  “No,” Banyon replied. “I’ve been with you all day. I wonder why the President didn’t call me to help?” he added.

  “Better ask Wolf,” she said as she removed her toned athletic frame from the couch and stretched causing Banyon to take notice. She arched her back and undid the tie that held her long black hair in a ponytail. It cascaded down her back. She then went into a yoga position which reminded him of a ballerina. She kept one eye on him all the time.

  “I think I will,” he responded as he reached for her tiny body and pulled her onto his much bigger lap. “I’ll do it in a minute,” he added.

  Colton Banyon was well over sixty years old. Loni was around fifty, but looked twenty-five and acted like it too. She kept him captivated and constantly interested with her seemly innocent, yet insatiable sexual presences. The night shirt she was wearing, flew off, Loni style, which meant she paid no attention to where it was going. It landed on top of a lamp. Neither of them noticed. An hour later, Banyon finally addressed Wolf.

  “Are you there Wolf?” Banyon asked into the air.

  Wolf was actually Wolfgang Becker, but had lived most of his life as a man named Walter Pierce. When he learned he was dying several years ago, he arranged for a friend in India to cast a curse on him. The curse allowed Colton Banyon to talk to the now dead Wolf whenever he wanted to. Banyon had to ask a question, and could not ask about the future, but could otherwise talk normally, although no one else could hear the spirit, even in public. All Banyon had to do was ask a question.

  Colton Banyon didn’t consider himself as having special powers. He saw Wolf as his eye in the sky. Wolf was also his researcher and could find out anything in history, given enough time. All history was visible to Wolf, but he had to sift through it. Wolf had explained that all history left a timeline of energy. Wolf could track the timeline and follow the path to see the actual history. He could then report to Banyon his findings. They had solved many mysteries and recovered several ancient artifacts over the years. Banyon was at first frightened by and very concerned about the spirit, but soon understood Wolf was there to help him. Banyon was also there to help Wolf.

  Wolf hunted old Nazis and artifacts. His curse would end when the last old Nazi died. They had solved many Nazi mysteries together, while bringing down many old Nazis. Banyon and Loni had formed a detective agency as cover and had become wealthy along the way. The only other people who knew about Wolf were the Patel clan, whose grandfather had placed the curse, and the President of the United States. He often used Banyon’s ability to solve problems he could not solve himself.

  Danta Lopez was a creation of Colton Banyon. In Mexico, he was known as the new Zorro. But he was actually a team of Navy SEALS working with the Mexican government to rid the nation of the many drug cartels. Usually, Banyon was involved in any Danta Lopez operation, but this time he had been excluded. Banyon was included because Wolf could watch and inform Banyon of anything affecting their operation — in real time. The operations had to be done clandestinely and could leave no trace.

  “I’m here,” the spirit replied in a culture voice.

  “Why wasn’t I included in the recent cartel takedown in Mexico?” Banyon asked the spirit.

  “It was not sanctioned by the U.S. government. They’re as unaware as you are,” Wolf answered.

  “Then who did it?”

  “Another drug cartel took them out. They wanted the turf.”

  “Should I be concerned?”

  “No, your plan is actually working. The cartels are eliminating each other now. They all believe Danta Lopez is one of their competitors. They want to eliminate him before they themselves become a victim.” the spirit answered rather happily.

  “So, we are good then?”

  “Yes, on that subject. But I do need your help,” Wolf added.

  “What do you need? Is there another Nazi for me to take down?” Banyon and his group were always ready to bring down some evil swine.

  “I’m afraid it is more sinister than that.”

  “How could that be?”

  “There is a disturbance in the force which surrounds me.”

  “What does that even mean?”

  “In the past, whenever there was a disturbance, someone new eventually joined the group up here. It has happened about twenty times since I have been here,” the spirit told Banyon. “We have become accustomed to the event.”

  “So, why is this time different?”

  “This time the new spirit will be a threat to you, Colton.”


  “The new spirit will be after the plans for the anti-gravity machine. Remember you were the last person to touch a working version.” Banyon and his friends had found an actual working model of the machine in a cave, in the Death Valley national park a few years ago. Wolf had made him destroy it.

  “But that is the future. You can’t tell me that, can you?”

  “I can see the new curse surrounds the anti-gravity device. Additional information is now blacked out to me. They will be after the plans.”

  “But there were no plans in the cave, don’t you remember?”

  “That is correct, but there is the original plan. The Nazis build their models from the plan which had been drawn by a medium in 1919. That plan still exists in a book. You must find the book before they do.”

  “So, tell me where the book is and I will get it. You can do that, right?” Banyon had found many artifacts using Wolf’s help.

  “It’s not that simple,” the spirit replied. “The curse has already been activated, but won’t take effect until the cursed person dies. It will be soon, by the way. However, none of us up here can see anything involving the new curse, the history is all blank. I am essentially blind on this one.”

  “Can’t you go back in history to see where the book was located, years ago?”

  “The medium that held the book also learned some curses and spells from the others. She eventually disappeared using a spell. She also put a curse on the book so the Nazis couldn’t find it. Only someone who knows the curses can find the book.”

  “But you know the plan exists, right?”

  “The history of the device has been published for some time. The power source has not. It is part of the plan. The power source will change everything. It is both a weapon and a blessing as the energy is limitless and cheap. It could be used to
build a utopia.”

  “Is that bad?”

  “In the hands of the wrong people, yes it is bad.

  “That seems like a dubious curse then,” Banyon replied.

  “But there may be a bigger problem,” the spirit hinted.

  “Uh, oh,” Banyon uttered. If Wolf said it was a problem, it was a big problem. “What do you mean?”

  “In addition, there will be a new person who will be able to talk to a spirit like me. That person is a member of the Effort. The person dying is also a member of the Effort. I’m afraid, there is trouble ahead.”

  “Oh, my god,” Banyon suddenly yelled. The Effort was the modern version of the Third Reich. They had infiltrated America, starting in the nineteen thirties, and intended to turn America into the new Third Reich. Banyon had fought them before.

  “Can you give me his name?” Banyon asked.

  “My ability to see the history around the subject ended as soon as the curse was placed, so, no, not until the curse is completed. I can’t see anything until the cursed person dies. But you must protect yourself Colton.”


  “The new spirit will quickly discover you have had a hand in the demise of several of the Effort plots and people. They will be able to see that you found the working model of the saucer. They will also find out about me and will surely come after you. You are in grave danger and you must act quickly.”

  “But where do I start?” Banyon felt the cold chill of fear gripping his heart. His fear included the safety of his friends as well.

  “First, you must have the Patel’s find a way to neutralize the curse. If we can hinder the spirit from communicating, we can stop the plot.”

  “Will the new spirit have the same rules? I mean, will the spirit need questions to respond, like you do?” Banyon quickly asked.

  “That is my understanding,” Wolf answered.

  “Do you know anyone who can give me a lead?”

  “There is one person. She is a direct descendant of the medium who drew the original plans for the anti-gravity machine. Her name was Maria Orsic.”

  “What is his name and where do I find him?”

  “He is actually a female and she is a medium too. Her name is Lisa Lange. She is a professor, of history, at UNLV in Las Vegas. She is a leading member of the current Vril Society. She is also in great danger. You must protect her as well.”

  “Do you think your plan will work? Can we stop their plans?”

  “We have a good chance. We will also attempt to block the new spirit from learning how to research history. This position, up here, does not come with a procedure manual. You have to learn from others up here. My friends and I will surround the new spirit and attempt to block him from learning. They will still be able to see recent history though and communicate with their conduit on the ground. I will know more when they get here.”

  Banyon quickly turned to the wide-eyed Loni. “Call the Patel’s. We need to have a meeting right now. Next book us on a flight to Las Vegas. Tell the Patel’s they need to go with us. Finally, get me everything you can find on the internet about the Vril Society, and especially anything you can find about a woman named Maria Orsic.”

  Loni, who did everything a top speed, fled the room. “I have to pack first. It will be fun to be at our condo.”

  About the Author

  Gerald J. Kubicki currently has additional sequels in the works. The books follow the continued adventures of Colton Banyon and his team of unique characters.

  Gerald started writing fiction novels after a long career as a successful businessman. He has traveled the world and is an avid history buff. His writings contain large amounts of actual historical events and real places woven into the plots.

  He currently resides in Las Vegas.

  You can find out more about this author by visiting his website:


  Kristopher Kubicki has joined his father in writing the Colton Banyon series.

  Kristopher has been writing articles for major magazines and trade publications since entering college. He currently owns a company that does research on the internet, but has collaborated with Gerald on several books.

  He currently resides in Chicago.

  You can find out more about this author by visiting his website:





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