Seduced and Swapped: A Hotwife Fantasy

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Seduced and Swapped: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  What was going on here? He usually wasn’t a shrinking violet like that. Far from it. And why was Melanie just sitting there watching my wife ogle her husband openly like that and not saying anything?

  There was something I was missing here. Something that smacked of my wife having a little bit of fun. Usually I didn’t mind my wife having a little bit of fun, but it got a little annoying when her fun came at my expense and she hadn’t told me what was going on.

  Again, what was going on?

  “Well that outfit looks absolutely gorgeous on you Mel,” Carrie said.


  I figured that might be it, but before she went back to her steak Melanie turned her attention to me. She fixed me with those beautiful eyes and it was like she was boring a path straight to my soul, straight to my cock, with the way she was staring at me. That was one of the most intense, lust-fueled gazes that I’d seen ever since the first time Carrie and I got back together.


  I glanced over to Tyler again. He was glancing at my wife and then over to his wife, but mostly he seemed more interested in what was going on with his plate. If I saw my wife giving a guy the eyes like that and I didn’t have the arrangement that I had in place with Carrie then I’d definitely be wondering what the hell was going on with all the significant looks that were passing across the table if I were Tyler.

  Hell, I did have an “understanding” with my wife and I still felt like I was being left in the dark.

  The rest of dinner proceeded mostly in silence which was weird. Sure Tyler and I never really had all that much to talk about, the separation of generations was just too much for us to have any sort of common ground since neither one of us were into the same sports, but the girls were usually chattering up a storm. Usually I could count on Melanie to try and draw me into the conversation as well which had me wondering knowing what I thought I knew now, but everyone was concentrating on their food.

  There was a tension at the table. I felt like I could reach out and touch it. It seemed that everyone was preoccupied with their own thoughts. More than anything it felt like a dinner we had with other couples right before we started playing with that other couple.

  Of course there was still a part of me that didn’t think that could truly be possible. A part of me that was saying that was just wishful thinking on my part no matter what Carrie told me about Melanie having a crush on me.

  And yet as I looked over at my wife’s petite coworker, so young and so hot, I couldn’t help but wonder what the night had on offer. I couldn’t help but wonder what she would look like if she was pulling that top up while she stood in front of me and…

  No. I wasn’t going to think that way. I wasn’t going to allow myself to get carried away. More than anything I wasn’t going to let wishful thinking get in the way of reality. If I started doing that sort of thing then there was a good chance I’d do something stupid like try to make a move on the girl, and that would be really awkward if it turned out that this whole thing was just something Carrie made up to get me going before we had an intense lovemaking session all to ourselves later after our guests had left.

  She’d done that before. It was always hot, but it also always left me feeling more than a little confused that night. Then again I suppose that was the nature of that tactic’s appeal.

  Finally everyone was done and I sat back. I looked over to a pie we’d set out for dessert, but from the way everyone was acting it didn’t seem that was in the cards.

  “Time to get cleaned up!” Carrie said. “Honey, could you help me with something in the laundry room?”

  I cocked an eyebrow and almost said something. Help her with something in the laundry room? Why the hell would I need to help her with something in the laundry room if we were getting ready to clean up in the kitchen? The only thing the laundry room had was laundry cleaning stuff, and getting there meant going through the garage which…

  Oh. And suddenly it made sense. That and the way she was giving me a significant glance. So I stood, tried to adjust myself so it wasn’t obvious just how aroused I was in the moment which earned me a subtle grin from my wife, and followed her. I concentrated on the way her ass looked in that skintight dress and wondered if Tyler was concentrating on the same thing.

  I didn’t even wait until we were in the laundry room. No, as soon as we made it to the garage I grabbed my wife, wheeled her around, and pulled her against me. Her eyes went wide and her grin went even wider as she felt my cock pressing against her stomach.

  “Oh my honey. Is that for me, or is that for Melanie?”

  “What’s going on here tonight?” I asked. “What did you and Melanie plan?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Carrie said, doing her best to sound as innocent as possible which wasn’t very innocent given that I knew the way she worked. Her hand snaked down and then she was dancing her fingers up and down the length of my cock. “Just keep an open mind tonight baby.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  A cocked eyebrow. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  And then she was gone. Back into the house. Back to where our guests were waiting for us. The only question was were our guests in on what my wife was planning, or was this just another fantasy that she was spinning out to get me good and hot and bothered by the time we were ready to hop into bed together at the end of the night?

  I suppose either way it didn’t matter. Either way there was a hell of a good time in the offing tonight.

  I really hoped I was going to have that hell of a good time corrupting the newlywed married girl who’d been brought into our house by my temptress of a wife though. I sighed and made my way back into the house and to whatever was waiting for me in there.

  3: Cleaning Up

  Back at the sink, only this time I was doing dishes rather than getting some vegetables ready for the dinner that had already come and gone. I was actually glad to have something to do. Something to pull my mind away from everything that had happened over dinner. Something to pull my mind away from the weird way my wife was acting and what that could possibly mean.

  I could see her out of the corner of my eye. She was digging through a closet over near the front door facing away from me trying to find a game. Tyler was over there “helping her out,” though I’m sure he was more interested in being near here and getting a closer look at her in that dress than he was in finding a board game for the evening.

  I wondered what she would select. I knew we had a poker set in there and that would open up all sorts of interesting if totally cliched possibilities. When it came to trying to seduce another couple, trying to get them to cross that line from forsaking all others to fucking all others in the room, poker seemed like a clumsy tool.

  Still, it was a clumsy tool that worked far more often than it didn’t. I think it was something about what people already thought about the game. It was like Truth or Dare. There was something about it that lent itself to sexy times because everybody knew the game was just one person going bust away from turning into a game of strip poker.

  At least that’s what society and porn would have you believe.

  Damn it. It was these sorts of thoughts that made me glad I was over here washing dishes where I was safely facing a cabinet and didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing my hard on. I was going to have a hell of a time figuring out a way to make it from the sink over to the card table Carrie had already set up in the middle of the living room for whatever game they decided on.

  From the way they were crashing around over there it seemed like that choice was still very much up in the air. Good. That would give me plenty of time to stand over here and think about the dishes instead of thinking about how incredibly hot Melanie’s tight ass had looked when she finally stood up from the table and gave me a good view. It was unfair for a woman’s ass to look that good.

  Well, it was unfair for an ass to look that delicious on a woman who wasn’t my wife
. Carrie could give her a run for her money, but I couldn’t deny the profound effect that petite hottie was having on me as the night wore on.

  And here I was doing it again. I was supposed to be concentrating on the decidedly not-sexy dishes and instead all I could think about was Melanie. She filled my mind. Thoughts of what it would be like to reach up and untie that halter top. To see it fall down around her stomach revealing her tits or maybe her bra, though from the way her nipples had been straining out while she sat at the table I was pretty sure she wasn’t wearing any sort of bra tonight. It would have to be a strapless number if she did have one.

  I sighed. It seemed like no matter how hard I tried I wasn’t going to get thoughts of Melanie out of my head. Again I wondered if this was something that was actually real or if I was just projecting the tension in my own head, in my own cock, onto everyone else at our little intimate dinner party.

  Hands. Hands around my waist. I very nearly jumped out of my skin. I thought Carrie was still over on the other side of the bar that blocked the bottom half of the kitchen from the view of the living room.

  Those delicate hands moved around my front just like she had earlier in the evening. They moved down and then they were trailing up and down the length of my cock which definitely wasn’t helping my ability to get my hard on to go down.

  That must’ve been Melanie I saw over in the living room looking for a game, though why Carrie would have one of our guests rummaging through one of our closets looking for a game to play was beyond me. I glanced over.

  I froze. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. If anything my cock started to throb even harder than it had been.

  Carrie was definitely over there. She was bent over leaning into the back of the closet and giving Tyler one hell of a view. A hell of a view that he was taking full advantage of as he stood there with his hands on his hips staring down at my wife’s ass which was almost exposed as her dress rode up. Yeah, he was certainly enjoying himself.

  If that was Carrie over there digging through the closet trying to find a game that meant there wasn’t a chance that it was Carrie standing behind me, pressing her body against me, wrapping her arms around me and running her hand down to her cock.

  I felt a moment of panic, oddly enough. Melanie was behind me. Carrie and Tyler were over there on the other side of the divider from the kitchen to the living room. All it would take was for one of them to turn around and see what was happening and the evening had the potential to go to a very interesting and dangerous place.

  Sure Carrie probably wouldn’t mind. She’d probably enjoy the hell out of catching me with her coworker running her hands up and down my cock, but I didn’t know how Tyler would react. What would he think of his pretty petite wife coming up behind me and acting on a crush that seemed more and more real with each passing moment?

  One thing was for sure. I definitely had my answer. Carrie definitely wasn’t bullshitting me when she said Melanie had a crush on me. A woman didn’t touch a man like that if she wasn’t interested.

  “They might see you,” I hissed.

  “Would that be so bad?”

  I shivered. Her breath was so hut as it caressed my ear. That shiver quickly turned to a shudder that was more intense than any case of the shudders I’d gotten in years. There was something about this scenario that felt like more of a turn on than any of the other times we’d been on the cusp of having one hell of a fun night of playing with another couple.

  I wasn’t sure if that was because of how hot Melanie was, because of the sense of innocence that she gave off, because I knew that she was a girl who’d waited for marriage thanks to my wife’s digging which meant in turn that if we did have a little fun I would be only the second man to be with her, or if it was a little bit of all of the above.

  Probably a little bit of all of the above.

  “Would your husband appreciate that?” I asked.

  “You might be surprised. Besides, does he really have a leg to stand on with the way he’s appreciating Carrie right now?”

  Her hand moved up and then her fingers were moving at the edge of my jeans. I held my breath and concentrated on the bubbly water flowing into the sink as those fingers moved down inside my jeans. As they moved down inside my boxers. As I felt the hot flesh of her fingers coming into contact with the equally hot throbbing heat of my cock. Her hand wrapped around and then she was moving her hand up and down in a subtle jerking motion that had the very real potential to have me blowing my load all over my pants and her pretty little hand.


  “Are you really worried about my husband catching us?” she asked.

  “Maybe a little?” I said. I wasn’t exactly worried about him trying to kick my ass. In the sense that if he did try to kick my ass I didn’t think he had a chance despite how in shape he was. I spent my time at the gym as well. Still, even if I thought I had a good chance at winning a fight that didn’t mean I wanted to get into one in the first place.

  “I don’t know. He wouldn’t really have a reason to get mad considering the way he’s staring at your wife’s ass, would he?”

  I suppose Melanie had a fair point with that. I glanced over to where Tyler and Carrie were still looking for a boardgame or something, but it was obvious that was just a pretense for Carrie to show off her ass and for Tyler to stare while she was giving off a free show. It was hard to tell from this angle, but as I watched them it almost seemed as though he was leaning in close enough that he might be pressing against her.

  That coupled with the feel of Melanie running her hands over my cock was combining to create one hell of an overwhelming sensation for me. Watching my wife potentially getting dry humped while she leaned into our closet while I was standing maybe twenty feet away with Tyler’s innocent and until-recently virginal bride running her hand along my cock.

  Talk about an experience I was going to be remembering for a long time to come!

  “Of course if you’re really that worried about my husband seeing something maybe I should hide?”

  “What are you…”

  Not that I got a chance to finish the thought. I was still watching Tyler moving in close to my wife and wondering if it was just a trick of the angle or if what I thought was happening was actually happening when Melanie gave me one hell of a surprise by getting down on her knees in front of me and working at my zipper!

  I figured that zipper was loud enough that they would be able to hear it all the way on the other side of the house even with the sound of the sink to drown it out. I figured Carrie and Tyler would look over here and see what Melanie was doing and all hell would break loose. Whether all hell meant everything breaking into a fight or an orgy was anyone’s guess, but I figured something would happen.

  Only nothing. They were so preoccupied with one another that they weren’t paying attention anything going on over here on my side of the house. And now Melanie was completely hidden from their view by the island separating the kitchen from the living room.

  Melanie’s intentions couldn’t be any clearer. I should’ve been more turned on than anything else, but as she got down on her knees and really started working on the front of my pants with intention the only thing I felt was panic. Overriding panic that threatened to overwhelm me.

  Melanie running her hands all over my cock was one thing. It was transgressive even if it wasn’t anything I hadn’t done before. The problem was I was pretty sure it definitely wasn’t anything Tyler or Melanie had done before, and her fishing my cock out and leaning forward so that those sweet, innocent, pouty lips were pressing against the head of my cock was another thing entirely!

  It was a good thing I still had my hands on the sink. If I didn’t have something to keep my balance then there was a good chance I would’ve collapsed to the floor at the feeling of her soft wet lips pressing against the head of my cock.

  This was so wrong. This was so different than other occasions when we’d had a little fun with other couples. In
those other situations it was always other married couples who were about our age. It was couples who’d done this sort of thing before.

  We’d always been in a situation where we were with other experienced couples. Well, except for the first time we tried it when Carrie was in much the same situation that Melanie was in now.

  Yeah, knowing that this pretty young thing was fresh out of college, knowing she was pretty inexperienced except for what she’d done with Tyler if what Carrie told me was to be believed, well let’s just say that was fueling my fantasy in a huge way. It was making her lips on my cock feel a hell of a lot more naughty than it would’ve otherwise.

  I’d gotten plenty of blowjobs before in my life, but a blowjob from a girl who was waiting for marriage who presumably hadn’t given too many blowjobs in her life? Well that was a completely different level of orgasmic fantasy entirely!

  Yeah, it seemed Carrie was absolutely right about her hot young coworker having a crush on me. I just prayed I could keep things under control long enough to keep from doing something that might alert Tyler that his pretty young wife was on her knees in front of me about to suck me off!

  4: Caught in the Act

  It was all I could do to hold onto consciousness as her mouth moved down my shaft. As with all blowjobs it had its own signature that was different from any other blowjob I’d ever enjoyed while at the same time having that familiar “blowjob feel” that I loved so much.

  Warmth, wetness, suction all mixing together causing me to cross my eyes and go wild with lust!

  Melanie kept moving down until she was about halfway down my cock and then she stopped. I looked across the house to make sure Carrie and Tyler were still preoccupied. Yeah, it was pretty damn obvious from the way he was pressing against my wife that something was going on there. Something I definitely wouldn’t approve of if we had a traditionally monogamous relationship.


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