Black Lace [Internet Bonds Series Book 7]

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Black Lace [Internet Bonds Series Book 7] Page 14

by Christy Poff

  She gasped, her breathing erratic but she wouldn't complain. Reed gazed at her, his fingers tracing circles around her areolas. He tugged on the studs sending her already erect nipples further out. When she opened her mouth, his lips covered hers. His kiss brutally passionate, Chelsea begged for more.

  "I love you, Chelsea."

  "I love you, too, Reed,” she whispered. “My God, Reed, use me—please!"

  He kissed her again. While he tightened the ribbons over her clit, his free hand teased her pussy. She pressed herself down to both the ribbons and his hand, her body screaming for release.

  "Come, baby."

  "Reed!” she screamed as her body shook.

  "Are you ready for more?"

  "Anything,” she gasped, “as long as you're touching me. I'm yours."

  He bent to release her feet then unhooked her hands from above her. He carried her to a table on the opposite side of the room, told her to get on her knees then retied her hands behind her back. Reed then added ribbons to the armbands, putting enough pressure on them to push her breasts further out. He had her sit back, her ass on her feet then joined the bands on her upper legs and calves together.

  "Are you all right?” he asked.


  He slowly put her on her back and parted her legs.

  "You are amazing."

  "Thank you, Master."

  Reed stepped back and removed his clothes, another thing obviously driving his wife crazy and wanting more. He went to a small box and pulled out several small antique clips then placed them on her nipples and nether lips. Her gasp caused his cock to swell, begging for her.

  "Tell me what you want me to do."

  "Take me to wherever. I need your cock inside me and I want you any way I can get you."

  "Then I'm taking you several ways."

  He went to a drawer pulling out a vibrator and an anal plug. After inserting both and setting them on pulsate, he moved up her body, straddling her. He slid his cock between her captured breasts and squeezed.

  "Call to me, Mistress,” he commanded as he thrust his cock between them. Between every sensation attacking her body at once, Chelsea shook and screamed his name. Her hands clenched behind her, she did her best to push her body closer to him.

  His hot release burned her skin but she didn't notice. When he withdrew his cock, she begged him to allow her to lick him. By the time she had, he started fucking her mouth filling her again with heat while her pussy and ass shuddered from his toys. Slowly he turned to allow her to suck his cock while he teased her skin then her pussy.

  The moment her breasts touched his skin, he groaned. He drank the essence he knew as his wife right before he told her to come again.

  "Please, Reed, fuck me. I need you inside me,” she begged again. Her body fought itself and her need to hold him.

  Reed removed the vibrator leaving the anal plug pulsing inside her anus. He thrust his cock into her, Chelsea crying out. Slowly and very methodically, he drove into her before leaning over her. His hands on her shoulders pulled her body down to his balls refusing to allow her to move while he kissed her neck.

  "Reed,” she panted, the flames coursing through her.


  "Fuck me as hard as you can and without mercy. I want to feel your power and I want the punishment. I need to be used by my master."

  "Are you absolutely sure?"

  She looked at him with a very determined look in her beautiful blue eyes.

  "I want you to do it as hard as you can so I can experience the divine hurt of pain/pleasure. I've never asked this of anyone before. Reed, my slave, I command you."

  "Yes, ma'am,” he said, bowing his head. “Forgive me."


  "Hurting you if I do."

  "No need. I want this."

  Reed obeyed her, his raw instincts taking his wife as she wanted. When he'd satisfied his mistress’ command, he eased off her and released her from the bindings. After untying each ribbon, he massaged her limbs to make sure she could move. He helped her to stand then carried her to the bed his father had wisely put in his playroom.

  "Are you all right?” he asked. “I didn't hurt you, did I?"

  "I'm fine."

  "Thank God."

  "No, thank you, my masterful slave."

  "For what?"

  "If my math is right, we should be having a little one in nine months."


  "I think we conceived. Right now, I feel exactly like I did the night we conceived the first baby."

  Reed's hands framed her face, his gaze intent on his wife's beautiful features. Holding her in place with his body, he kissed her, his leg gently spreading hers apart. Her hand guided his swollen cock to her sensitive pussy and Reed drove it home, obeying her silent command.

  "Here's to making sure you are,” he told her.

  Chelsea grinned.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 10

  Months passed quietly—almost too quietly.

  Reed continued to receive phone calls from Lynne Sommersby, always stating the same thing—It's me or else. He had the number changed at Carrington House several times but each time, she found out the new one and started calling again. They kept a log of the calls, one that grew quickly.

  They had to be very careful with packages after the one delivered to the gallery months before turned out to be an explosive charge designed to injure or maim—a warning of more dangers to come. Because of this, Chelsea spoke to Jeanne and turned complete control of Chelsea's on Chestnut over to her. Chelsea remained as owner but Jeanne ran the day-to-day operations without the need for daily reports. They met once a month to touch base and went from there.

  Chelsea turned her attention to creating a nursery for their first child. Content to be Reed's wife, she enjoyed her pregnancy and everything that went with it. They took trips to New York to pick out the furnishings for the baby's room and some of the larger stuffed animals from FAO Schwarz.

  No matter where they went, they both shared the same feelings—Lynne had to be following them. Reed hated what the woman had done to them. He hated constantly looking over his shoulder and knew the tension could not be doing Chelsea or the baby any good.

  Their intimate moments together remained erotic and overpowering. Locked in their playroom and safe from the outside world, they used their corner of paradise with black lace creating a seductive vision when draped over Reed's gorgeous mother-to-be. Of course, until she started to show, her black leather corset drove him insane as much as the lace.

  Once she started to show, Reed found new ways to restrain his mistress. Restraints and comfort—anything to make Chelsea hot and comfortable—a daunting task. He would cuff her to the frame then bind her breasts before binding her in such a way as to apply pressure to her clit while making sure her stomach remained free.

  He surprised her one night with gold chains he attached to her piercings. He would tug on them while fucking her pussy, her reaction perfect when she cried out. He would melt then obey any command she gave him.

  "We have to think of your condition,” he'd argue.

  "I'm fine, Reed. In fact, I think pregnancy makes me crave you more."

  "Then allow me to sate your hunger, Mistress."

  "Light me up, Hot Shot."

  "Yes, my Screensiren."

  Reed would do exactly what she ordered him to do and sometimes lost any control he may have had because he honestly could not refuse her anything.

  The worst times came when Reed worked night shift. They no longer used the Chestnut Street apartment because Chelsea moved out and Jeanne moved in. During his free time at Engine 11, he'd take a radio and scout the neighborhood looking for any homes for sale. One afternoon, he found one and immediately bought it, knowing it would be the perfect anniversary gift.

  He had contractors come in and do some of the jobs he couldn't—carpet laying, polishing and fixing the hardwood floors, painting—all thi
ngs he didn't have time to do on his own before he brought his wife to see it. He loved the fact she and the baby would be nearby when he bunked at the station.

  "What are you thinking about?” she asked him one day a few weeks before their wedding anniversary.

  "I constantly think about how lucky I am. I have you,” he answered, putting his hand on her stomach. “Our baby's on the way any day now and I have a job I love. Everything is good but I still know I'm in danger of losing it all at any moment—not so much from the job as..."

  Her hand went to his, both smiling. Their baby active, they couldn't ask for anything more. She gasped, pressing his hand against her side.

  "I think you'd better change the part about any day now. Try any moment,” she said. “Oh!” she gasped, her knees buckling. Reed caught her, going to the floor with her.


  "This baby's ready,” she told him. “Oh, my God, it's a strong one."

  "Can you make it to Jeff or do you want Roxborough's ER?"

  "Get me into Jeff. Judith wouldn't have it any other way."

  He helped her stand then walked with her outside to where he'd parked his Lincoln Town Car. After getting her settled, he slid behind the wheel and drove her to Jefferson Hospital. Once they arrived, a team situated her in a labor room and the wait began.

  * * * *

  Every once in a while, Lynne Sommersby would glance over the real estate transactions listed in the Philadelphia Inquirer. She found it a great way of keeping up with people she went to school with, dated at one time or another and stalked.

  Seeing Reed Carrington had bought one of the larger corner townhouses near South Street, Lynne decided it was time to step up her campaign against him. Waiting nine months or longer had given her the time to devise her plan of revenge. The real estate transaction brought the plan together.

  Donning a black wig and wearing jeans and an oversized sweatshirt, she went down to South Street, parked her rental car and started walking. She found the house Reed had bought and stared at it, thinking about what she'd like to do to him inside it. She walked around the block finding another townhouse on the corner. She liked that it had three entrances and, from what she could tell, it suited her plan perfectly.

  After paying for the property in cash and under an assumed name, Jocilynne Sommersby began to make a list of what she needed to get to do away with the competition and then concentrate on teaching Reed Carrington a lesson he'd never forget.

  * * * *

  "How much for the chair?"

  "Five thousand,” the antique shop owner stated flatly.

  "Sold. Can you deliver it to this address and put it in the basement?"

  "Sure,” the man said, puzzled.

  "I've just bought a house there and I have workmen fixing the hardwood floors. The entrance to the cellar will be open."

  "I see."

  Several days after buying her new toy, Jocilynne Sommersby started working on her shopping list. At the antique store she found a throne chair—one perfect to tie someone to for an extended period of time. When she left, she headed to her next stop.

  "What's a hot chickie like you doing here?” a strange man asked when she entered his shop.

  "I need to buy some explosives and understand you are the man to help me out."

  "What kind?"

  Lynne told him, then explained how she wanted them set up.

  "What's the job?"


  "You'll have the appropriate permits?"

  "Yes,” she lied.

  "Good, I don't want anything coming back on me."

  "It won't,” she swore, lying again. She knew each demolitions and explosives expert had a signature. When they investigated the explosion, the bomb squad would trace the parts back to him, leaving her in the clear. “Can you do it?"

  "Yes,” he answered.

  "Good. I need it by this date and you can deliver it to this address,” she said, handing him a piece of paper and five one hundred dollar bills.

  "Yes, Miss..."

  "Franklin,” she said, pointing to the money. She left the shop mentally checking this off her list. She went to the house next, making sure the upstairs had been completed as she wanted. She planned to enjoy some time in the house while she hosted her guest in the basement.

  She made a quick phone call to make sure the security system would be installed as specified with cameras in the basement, on the outside at all entrances and several other places with the feed going to a monitor in her bedroom. It would be, she'd been told and she checked off another item as her plan continued to come together.

  "By the time I'm done, they'll never know what hit them."

  * * * *

  For a first delivery, Chelsea went extremely fast. Judith Hamlin walked into the delivery room a few minutes before she gave birth to Candace Renée Carrington. Reed stayed with her, giving her what she needed to stay calm.

  "Thank you for being here,” she whispered.

  "Wouldn't have missed it for the world."

  Once Candace had been checked by the pediatrician, Reed handed her to Chelsea, kissing them both. He watched Candace take to her mother's nipple and nurse, their bond forming.

  "I feel a little left out."

  "Don't tell me you're jealous?"

  "Maybe a little,” he admitted. “I mean we have been exclusive."

  "Slave, what do I have to do? Flog you?” she asked once they'd been left alone for a few moments.

  "Yes, Mistress, you do."

  "I look forward to it,” she said, before kissing him. “There's no need to doubt my love for you or our relationship."

  "I dread what might happen."

  "Don't,” she said, stopping him. “You will not think about that woman, much less utter her name while our daughter is only moments old."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "I love you, Reed."

  "I love you, too—both of you,” he said.

  She gazed at him watching his hand gently brush over his newborn daughter's soft hair. It amazed her how quickly Candace had melted her strong father, a man who battled the unknown on a daily basis.

  "Mrs. Carrington, we need to take your little one to the nursery so we can get you cleaned up and settled."

  The nurse took Candace, carefully carrying her out of the delivery room to the natal unit a few doors down the corridor. They watched her leave then Reed looked at his wife.

  "You're beautiful, Chels."

  "I must look like a fright."

  "Never,” he assured her. “Right now, I want to lie beside you and hold you tight against me."

  "Sounds like heaven."

  Unable to hold back, Reed's lips covered hers, their tongues dancing. He placed his hand on her breast, feeling the dampness.

  "My God, you're driving me crazy."

  "Good,” she said. “It means when I'm allowed to, I can command you to do anything I want and you'll do it without question."

  "I do now."

  "Make sure you don't forget it."

  "I definitely won't, Mistress."

  * * * *

  "Hey, everyone, Reed's a father,” Dan Wheldon announced. “Chelsea gave birth to a little girl."

  The crew cheered, happy for their captain and his family.

  "How are they?"

  "Mom and daughter are doing fine, no word on our fearless leader yet,” Dan answered, the crew laughing.

  "Okay, guys,” Larry Fisher started, “five bucks minimum, no limit—the more, the better the gift."

  By the time he collected their donations, he had seventy-five dollars and had yet to hit the other shifts.

  "I'll contribute,” a strange voice chimed in.

  "What the hell are you doing here?” Wheldon asked, the others quietly slipping away.

  "I was walking by and heard the commotion. Good news travels fast."

  "Your money's no good here. They don't need the trouble that comes with it."

  "I seem to remember..."r />
  Grabbing her by the arm, Dan escorted her into the office then closed the door.

  "Haven't you done enough? You've made their lives hell."

  "Good, I owe him for what he did."

  "He did nothing but leave you before you did the same to him."

  "I haven't begun to pay him back for it either."

  "I think you've done more than enough,” Dan stated. “Stop it now and leave them be."

  "Why? So he can have a happy little life with a total social outcast? No way."

  "Listen, lady, that social outcast as you call her has more class in her little fingernail than you ever will in your entire despicable body."

  "That's good, coming from the likes of you,” she snapped back.

  "I suggest you leave and don't come back,” Wheldon warned. “Oh, and stay the hell out of their lives."

  "You go to hell,” Jocilynne Sommersby hissed, seconds before she stormed out of the firehouse.

  Dan immediately called Nicholson wanting the visit documented in the file. Then he called Reed.

  * * * *

  Jocilynne Sommersby stomped out of Engine 11's engine room after Dan Wheldon threw her out. Once on the sidewalk, she cursed more after breaking the heel of her expensive designer shoe on the uneven pavement.

  "Who the hell does he think he is, treating me like that?” she muttered under her breath. She could not believe Dan Wheldon, a damned fireman, had thrown her out of a damned firehouse. Her mind raced while she limped back to her latest acquisition.

  Once inside, she iced her ankle—a bit swollen from her shoe failure. Furious over the events of the last hour, she fumed while making several decisions—one being Dan Wheldon would get his due once she took care of Reed and Chelsea. No one embarrasses me like that!

  Quickly, she changed shoes after her ankle felt better then left to go home. On her way, she decided what the perfect baby gift would be then thought against sending anything. The best thing she could do would be following her original plan. No matter what heinous things she did in her life to others to get what she wanted, she still had certain standards to live up to.


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