What They Don't Know (Won't Hurt Them Trilogy #1)

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What They Don't Know (Won't Hurt Them Trilogy #1) Page 22

by O. Y. Flemming

  I nod. “Well, yes, if you think about it in that way. What about the other?” I question.

  “Just two years older than me.”

  “How old are you, Stone?”

  “Twenty-eight now, I was twenty-six when all this started.”

  “Okay, she was twenty-eight.” I make a mental note for his preference of women. “What happened there?”

  “Not quite sure, she was not stable. I think she may have been seeing someone else on the same terms, you know? All I know is that one day I received a call to come to the hospital. When I arrived, she was there. At the same time, I was told she had taken a fall down some stairs. The police interviewed me and informed me that she claimed she was pregnant.”

  “Was she?” I ask.

  “She told me she lost it at the time. However, it all turned out to be a lie. One of the nurse practitioners that helped my mom informed me that there was never a baby.”


  “I know. I'm not sure what she was trying to accomplish.”

  “Did you ever try to find out?”

  “Hell, no.” He gives me a disgusted look.

  “Okay, then,” I laugh.

  “B, I've learned while becoming an adult to leave well enough alone; and if it's not well enough, don't be its medicine.” He shrugs.

  “Wow,” I mouth. “So why a procuress now? What's changed?” I ask him.

  “Like I said, I need consistency. I need someone who will take my well-being into consideration. I will be your employee, but you will also work for me.” I eye him.

  “Not like that, B. You'll screen all your clients; you'll manage expenses and profits. That way I won't have to be concerned about year-end issues.”

  “So, you need an accountant?” I laugh.

  “Yeah, I guess,” he answers.

  “I know that placement is based on what the client wants. Do you have a preference, Stone? Is there anything out of the norm you don't like? What you would and wouldn't do.”

  “Yeah, I won't have sex the first night.” He stares at me with a smirk on his face.

  “Okay,” I say with a serious stare back at him.

  His lips curl up. “I'm joking, B. If that's what the woman wants, I'll oblige.”

  “So are you bi-sexual? Would you watch? Would you want to be watched?”

  “No, yes, yes.” He fires back his answers.

  “Ménage? With men? Women?”

  “Yes, yes, and yes.”

  Okay, Mr. Stone. I'm such a perv with the thoughts going through my head right now. “Any fetishes? Any deal-breakers?” I keep the questions coming.

  “I have fetishes, but those can wait. Deal-breakers are no pregnant women, no older ladies—you know, the wrinkly ones.”

  I laugh.

  “No one over the age of sixty at all. Absolutely no men, unless it's ménage. No one-on-ones.”

  I raise an eyebrow.

  He shakes his head. “No, none.”

  “Let's just say, if a man of your class, as handsome as you wants—”

  He cuts me off mid-sentence. “No.”

  “Listen,” I say. “Suppose he wants to watch you jerk off for a substantial amount of money...”

  Stone now raises his eyebrows at me. “I'd say you know somebody.” We both laugh.

  “It could happen,” I assure him.

  “Well, if it does, make sure I'm your man,” he says, lowering his voice and making direct eye contact.

  “You'll be the first.”

  “So, Ms. B. Why are you into this?”

  “Money, success, and power,” I say simply.

  “Can I ask you a personal question?”

  “Sure, Stone, go ahead, but be careful with what you ask.”

  “Note taken. Are you willing to reconsider testing your products before you put them on the market?” he says as he places a toothpick in his mouth. A hot burst comes over me.

  “Whew!” I say as I fan myself. I lean forward. “As handsome as you are, your personality spills over pure sex. I would very much like to test the merchandise.” I shake my head. “I just can't. I'll have far more to offer you than sex. I respect you and I hope you respect me. I need for the both of us to be mindful that this is a business deal. Besides, our arrangement will work better if no sex is involved.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “Yes, I'm sure; why do you ask?”

  “You’re not even a little curious about what I bring to the table?”

  I smile. “I can imagine what you bring to the table, and I’ve seen the way you walk. Don't forget how you pressed against my ass when you danced with me.” Stone sits back in the booth with his arms spread across the back of it.

  “You are right. I respect you. You're not someone just to fuck whenever you want. You, B, you are a keeper.”

  “And how would you know that, Stone?”

  “I watched you last night, the way you carry yourself. If I wasn't doing this”—he circles his finger in the air—“I'd want a relationship with a woman like you.”

  I laugh. “Well, Stone, let me share a secret. I don't do relationships,” I say as I scrunch my nose.


  I shrug. “I just don't... too messy. They complicate things.”

  “So your business colleagues are...”

  I look at Stone. “They're just that.”

  “Hmm,” he hums. “Can I ask you another question?”

  “Sure, just remember.”

  “Right,” he says. “What's your real name?”

  I shake my head. “It's best you don't know it.”

  “Wow,” he says. We are staring at each other. I feel like Stone is trying to read into my soul with his stare.

  I'm broken out of my stare when I hear a voice.

  “Fucking seriously, man.” Cruz and Bryant are standing at our booth. Bryant looks at me, then at Stone, and back to Cruz. His head looks like a pinball. Bryant walks away. He leaves Cruz standing there with his hands in his pockets. He's fumbling with something in them. He pulls keys from his pocket and separates a key from his key ring. He places it on the table. He says nothing but his stare at Stone is deadly, and at me, something else I don't recognize. Cruz walks away still silent. I peek out of the booth to see where they are being seated. Stone laughs.

  “Don't. Don't laugh,” I tell him.

  “So, you're telling me you're not involved with that guy?”

  “No, I'm not,” I whisper.

  “Then why are you whispering?”

  “Listen, I'll tell you this. The guy with the dirty blonde hair is my best friend for over ten years. They are business colleagues. I'm the financial analyst on their project.” The one who just left the table, he's...” I pause. “I'm not sure what he is.”

  Stone leans forward, to look out of the booth in the direction of Bryant and Cruz.

  “Well, right now he's pissed,” he laughs. “I'm pretty sure he just murdered me in his mind,” Stone comments. “So which one did you have something with?” he asks.

  “Well, neither really. My best friend and I were intimate, but it wasn't emotional until recently. I had to step away from it.”

  “So where does the business partner fit in?”

  I sigh. “Stone you are full questions.” I signal for the waitress. “He pretty much took over my life for the past few weeks. Maybe he thought there was something. There's nothing.” I inform Stone. The waitress comes to our table. “Can you prepare our check, please?”

  “Yes, I’ll be right back with it.”

  “So if you two weren't intimate, why the hell did he shoot me daggers?” I just stare at Stone. “Oh, wait, you never said you two weren't intimate. You do have a dirty side.”

  I hold up my index finger. “No, no, no... I do not.”

  He shakes his head. “Yeah, you've got a bad girl side. What other reason to pursue this type of business?”

  “Hey! I provide service and services.” We both laugh.

�B banged friends,” he laughs.

  “No, no, no.” I wave my finger again. “I didn't bang the angry guy and technically, they are not friends.”

  “Why won't you say either of their names?” Stone asks.

  “I won't expose them to this. This is my private business.”

  “So they know nothing about this,” he asks.

  I shake my head. “No, they don't,” I answer.

  “Okay, this won't leave this booth.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate that,” I say to Stone.

  “I understand the cold look now. He thinks you're on a date.”

  “Exactly, I'll deal with him later.”

  “So they won't know my name?” He shrugs. “I couldn’t care less if they do. I don't know their names. If that's the way you want it.”

  “Maybe later but they can’t find out about this business.”

  “So, if you didn't bang the angry one...” He pauses and laughs. “Maybe that's why he's angry.” I can see both indents in his cheeks fully. We both laugh again, and then I break the laugh.

  “He, um, has been overly pleasurable to me.”

  “Ohh... ahh, okay.” He wickedly smiles at me. “Fucking lucky bastard, he is,” Stone says shaking his head in disbelief. “Just for the record, so I don't make you uncomfortable, I'm warning you now, B, I will ask you every now and then hoping I'll get lucky.” I just shake my head and slide out of the booth.

  “Just for the record Stone, I'm going to say no... every now and then.” I wink at him. He smiles and drops his head.

  “Okay,” he sighs. The waitress comes back with our bill. I just glance at it before I notice Bryant a few booths over; Cruz's back is to me. I drop a bill with enough for an excellent tip in the portfolio.

  “Stone, let’s get out of here. I need you away from these two.”

  “B, I'm not worried about those clowns,” he laughs.

  “Neither am I, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.”

  He nods and we leave the Vodka bar in separate cars.

  * * *

  Stone texts me a few minutes later to let me know he made it home. I send one back while at a stop light to let him know I'll have something for him as early as this week. I have a few more strings to tie up.

  I'm home; it feels empty without my houseguest. A small part of me feels a bit lonely, but it has to be this way. I need to check the classified advertisement site for a few more prospects. I also need to contact Ford earlier than Monday. I text him and he hasn't answered me back yet. It's only been five minutes, but I've never admitted to being patient.

  “Let's search for Club Aqua.” I'm talking to myself. The very reason why I need a pet. I find the number on the web. “Let's see if Mr. Ford is working tonight.” Again, talking to myself. “Yep, I'm getting a turtle and I'm naming him Crush.”

  I call the number and it rings once before a younger sounding woman answers the phone.

  “Club Aqua, can I help you?” I can hear music in the background.

  “Hello, how are you?” I pause so she can respond properly.

  “Hi, I'm good. How can I help you?”

  “I'm wondering if Ford is working tonight.”

  “Umm, yeah, he's here. May I ask who's speaking?”

  “Yes, let him know this is B.”

  “All right, just a second,” she says.

  “Hello?” he says deep toned and questioningly.

  “Hi, Ford. This is B. I know I asked you to contact me tomorrow and I’ve been a pain. This couldn't wait.”

  “Okay, what can I help you with?”

  “First, I want to thank you for last night and for delivering my car this morning.”

  “No problem, you’re welcome.”

  “You are the type of man I need on my team, somewhat of a bodyguard. More of a right hand man. You follow?”

  “I follow,” he says into the phone.

  “Are you interested?”

  He pauses. “I could be.”

  “What would make you be fully interested? Well, let me ask you this, Ford, have you handled a firearm?”

  “Yes, I have to. I used to be a trainer for the Army National Guard... marksmanship,” he says. “But I think you already know that, B.” I did but I don’t let him know that.

  “No, you just look like you are a military man, so I had to ask. Listen, meet me at the gun range on Broadway... say 1:00 p.m. tomorrow.”

  “Are there any other questions?” he says.

  “Well, there are, but never mind,” I say.

  “Okay, B, see you there.”

  “Tomorrow it is.”

  I shower to relax my body. The assault my clit took from Cruz's tongue-lashing has me still a bit horny. The only way I can shake this feeling is to relieve myself. The water feels great on my body. I had double shower heads installed, one removable. I remove it from the stand. I place it right at my lower lips, the powerful force of the spray feels like little fingers rubbing away at my body.

  “Mmm,” I moan. It feels blissful, but I need more. I massage my breast just enough to arouse me. I slide my hand over my stomach down to the folds of my pussy. I part them slightly to expose the high-powered spray to my clit. It feels so damn good. I rub my clit just enough for ‘that’ feeling. That feeling right before I climax. That feeling like an itch, you know as long as you scratch, it feels great. I'm massaging myself to the point where I feel my orgasm building. I fall against the shower wall. The spray is bringing me to my melting point. “Mmm.” I can’t take it anymore. I circle my clit with my middle finger a few times and that does it. I'm so undone under the power of the spray I let out a muffle gasp while regaining my sated state. Not Bryant level, definitely not Cruz level, but it did what I needed.

  I get out of the shower and I hear my phone making noise. I must have missed a call. I hurry to dry off and put on my night attire. I grab my phone from my bed, my huge-ass bed courtesy of Bryant and Cruz. There are a few texts from Bryant.

  (Bryant) Hey you.

  (Bryant) You must still be busy, hope you use protection haha...

  (Bryant) J'kg, call me when you’re free… seriously.

  I don't feel like talking to Bryant tonight, so I send him a quick text back.

  (Me) Hey you. Kinda tired...

  No, I erase that, he'll assume something perverted.

  (Me) Hey you, have to be in early, tty in the a.m.

  He sends one back.

  (Bryant) I understand but FYI, Cruz is pissed. Not sure what that guy meant to you but for our sake, I hope he only meant a little to you.

  I look up at my ceiling. God, I don't want to get into this. I know how to end this.

  (Me) It's nothing; you know I don't disclose any business of Mr. Wilke's

  (Bryant) Oh, I'm aware, but Mr. King isn't.

  (Bryant) He was quieter than normal, stared at the wall most of the night. I'm worried.

  Bryant's worried. Oh boy. I put my phone on the charger and hope to fall asleep. It takes a while, but I do.

  * * *

  Monday comes and goes. Lisa and I catch up on our weekend events. I finally spill the beans about Cruz and she spills the beans about her knowledge of Bryant and me. I am shocked that she was aware and didn't say anything. She says it was a dead giveaway when they kissed some months back. She states I was distant, jealous, and shady. Whatever that means.

  I meet Ford at the gun range. He’s impressed with my marksmanship. He also accepts my offer. It’s too good to turn down. I’ve exceeded his pay at the club. Of course, his time will be a bit more compromised. I will need him with my guys or me when we travel. He's a great choice, very observant. It helps that he's toned and easy on the eyes. I also apply for LLC license to make this legal. I have to remember to email both Stone and Ford offer letters just to make them officially employees of mine. I even set Frank up with an awesome modeling agency. He's still young; he just needs a little guidance.

  Mr. Wilke stops in to see how Cruz and Bryant are comin
g along. Since I really don't know many details, I feed him what I do know.

  “They are near closing, Mr. Wilke, so it's coming along fine.”

  “How's everything with you, love?”

  “Oh, a little of this, a little of that. I'm great, boss.”

  “So, I have a few things for you to do this week. I've emailed you the details.” He closes my door so this must be very private. “Morgan said he spoke with you briefly about a possible event.”

  “He did,” I say simply.

  “That's going to happen this week for sure, for two days.”

  “Oh,” I say, surprised.

  “Yes, so I'm counting on you for all we spoke about.”

  “Yes, sir, not a problem.”

  “Bria, in the next few weeks, you will encounter all the clients I have set aside for you. What you choose to do with them is totally up to you.”

  I nod knowing that I can't disclose any of this to anyone. It won't be hard because I rarely keep a circle of friends; and the friends I do have, I'm private with my endeavors. Cruz is be my biggest concern. If I choose to cut him off completely, I will only open a door I don't want to walk through. After the way he acted in the bar last night, I might not have anything to worry about. That situation may have rectified itself; but if I agree to his terms, he may eventually find out.

  That, I don't want to happen. Shit! This is going to be challenging.


  This week is epic. During the mornings, I make sure all Mr. Wilke's business dealings are in order. He offers to finance a multimillion-dollar company. It concerns me a bit, because now I have to be as discreet as possible with my business. I will need to hire a private investigator who specializes in just that, privacy. We will not have clients who are so high on the financial hierarchy speaking about our side businesses. Some of Mr. Wilke's clients think that because they are well off, they have nothing to lose. He keeps those clients in class by themselves. Holy hell, running a business is tedious.

  I pay a visit to Cruz's health club and I’m hit with a reality check. I ask to see him and am informed he’s out of town on business. He couldn't inform me of that? Come to think of it, he hasn't contacted me at all. I've been too busy to notice that he hasn't; I wonder if he's still upset with me.


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