Up in Flames

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Up in Flames Page 3

by Rosanna Leo

  "I can help you with that too. I like to keep busy."

  I just bet you do, she thought, trying not to succumb to a fit of vapors next to his insanely hot body.

  He came and stood close to her, offering his hand. “What do you say, Ms. Baker?"

  Slowly, she took his hand. It was calloused and rough, with old scars in places, but his touch was gentle. Her eyelids fluttered a little as she nervously looked up at the towering length of him. “You can call me Jules."

  His smile widened, showing straight, white teeth. “And you can call me Shane."

  He followed her while she gave him the grand tour of the main floor, acutely aware of a nagging, happy sensation in his gut. He didn't know why he should feel that way. Jules Baker was adorable and sexy, but was clearly a flustered nut. Each room they entered had her either sighing, moaning about work to be done, or on the verge of tears.

  But he liked her. He liked the sound of her voice, the shape of her ass, and the way her breasts strained against her shirt. He felt himself harden again looking at her from under his lashes.

  Oh yeah, he liked her a little too much already. It was bad enough she'd noticed. He'd seen her blanch when her eyes dipped down to his pants. She must think he was a freaking pervert. He couldn't help it. Something about this woman made him feel like a teenage boy watching cheerleader practice from under the bleachers.

  "This is the main living room,” she said, turning another corner.

  Shane watched as she stopped in her tracks. Saw her shoulders droop. She obviously hadn't been in this room yet. Obviously, because he'd arrived far too early, like a little, brace-toothed girl awaiting prom.

  He felt for Jules, although he didn't know why. She just looked so sad. This room looked sad. She just stared at it for a moment, as if she'd found herself in the wrong house. It was quiet and dark in the living room, with all the windows locked and covers on all the furniture. The room itself seemed to be pleading for air.

  He saw her bottom lip quiver. And then he felt the same strange, protective emotion he'd felt when shooing Kevin away from her.

  But before he could do anything about it, he witnessed her face undergo a startling transformation as she swallowed her feelings. All of a sudden, she was up and running about the living room. Jules was in a delightful fury as she embarked upon throwing open the shutters, cracking the windows, and gathering up the dust covers. Without saying a word, he joined her in her work. Within minutes, the noon-day light was shining in and the place didn't seem so much like a mausoleum anymore. Her mood improved instantly, and she turned a beaming smile upon him.

  "Feel better?” he asked.

  "Yes,” she said. “It's just ... memories. They're hitting me hard right now. I can't stop visualizing my dad walking down the stairs. And I can almost smell my mother's homemade lasagna. It's as if they might walk in at any moment.” She swallowed hard, as if trying to vanquish her emotions. “I must look like such a spazz."

  "Not at all,” he said, grinning, trying to hide his own unexpected concern. “So,” he said, trying to lighten the mood for her, “what kind of renos are you planning?"

  She looked around the room. “Whatever will help this place stop looking like the home of an old person. I don't even have to check to know the pipes are old, the fixtures are dated. My dad meant to have an electrician and roofers in ages ago, but never got around to it."

  Shane wanted to say something about her folks, but changed his mind. It was none of his business. He still wasn't even sure she wanted him there. Instead, he smiled at her in sympathy. She probably didn't want to talk about them, and she just needed room to breathe.

  The relieved look on her face told her he was right on the money.

  She looked around the room again and pointed at one of the walls. “Look at that. I never saw that crack there. And look how the paint is peeling.” She fingered a bubbled spot of paint which crumbled under her light touch. “It's like the house is feeling its age all of a sudden. I swear I never saw all these chips and dents when I was a kid. Marty at the hardware store is going to love me by the time I'm through. I can just see my ‘to do’ list."

  "It's okay, Jules,” Shane replied, oddly unwilling to give up on cheering her up. “Like I said, I know my way around a toolbox. Let me help you.” He grinned at her, and his grin widened when he saw the matching smile spreading to her face. “I have a feeling if anyone can do this, you can. You'll turn this place into the best B&B ever."

  For a moment, she looked suspiciously at him. “You don't even know me. I could be a total screw up. For all you know, I've already driven ten B&B's into the ground."

  It was true. He didn't know anything about her. But something in the way she carried herself, in the bright honesty of her eyes, told him Jules Baker was a force of nature. A cyclone of womanly strength. And he very much worried he could get swept away by her. “I'm sure it'll all be just fine."

  With a sigh, she dropped onto the couch, and he dropped down next to her. As they sat, an enormous puff of dust billowed around them, making them cough. When the fog of dust settled, he looked down at his gas station brunette, and they both broke into a fit of laughter.

  A moment later, he realized he was staring into her eyes. They were the prettiest hazel color, filled with specks of green and gold. The spell broke when those eyes narrowed at him. He got the distinct sense she didn't want to like him but was finding it tricky not to.

  And for fuck's sake, if he wasn't feeling the same.

  "Welcome home, Captain Gaskill,” she said, offering him a shy smile. “I hope you're not allergic to dust."

  The power of her little, feminine smile made his groin swell again. Heaven help him.

  Shane had only been unpacking in his room for a few minutes when Jules let out a loud squeal. She was in the kitchen and had been busy wiping down cupboard shelves, but something had obviously alarmed her. He ran out of his room, expecting to see her up on a chair surrounded by mice, ready to come to her aid. But that wasn't what he saw. She was smiling, jumping up and down in front of the large kitchen window, the one with the great view of the front yard.

  He wanted to smile along with her, but when he saw her bouncing breasts, he seemed to lose all power over his muscles.

  "What's up?” he asked, trying to sound casual, but knowing he just sounded hoarse. His mouth had completely dried up at the sight of her boobs.

  She turned to him, apparently oblivious to his lack of saliva. “I'm sorry. You just got here and my sister Claire's family has arrived. I haven't seen them for a while.” She eyed him nervously. “If you want to hide, I understand, but I'm sure they'd like to meet you."

  "Sure,” he managed. “I met Claire at the town hall. She's nice."

  Jules started to jump again as she watched her sister's car plow down the gravel driveway. This time, Shane did laugh at her excitement.

  "Looks like you're not the only one who descended early on me today,” Jules joked as she ran to the door.

  Shane wanted to follow, but then held back, wanting to let her have her reunion. He watched from the kitchen window instead, smiling as Jules fluffed her short black hair and wiped dust off her front. Hands on hips, she awaited them on the porch as Claire's family jumped out of the car.

  He didn't know why, but the sweet domestic scene made his heart jump. Maybe it was seeing Jules happy. Whatever it was, he knew it probably wasn't good. He shouldn't care about her or her family. He was here for room and board ... and to forget.

  But as soon as he saw Jules with Claire's children, his heart warmed. It heated right through, a heat which refused to dissipate. He took a step back, still watching, and wondered what the hell was wrong with him.

  Jules waved her arms as her eldest niece, a little girl of five, raced to the porch. She greeted the little one with a teasing grin. “Ellie, must you always drop in unannounced? Where are your manners?"

  "Auntie Jules!"

  The shrieks were almost deafening but Jules m
anaged to scoop the girl up in her arms, ignoring her sudden earache. “You've grown so big! I hardly recognize you."

  "Yes. What musical instrument does a pickle play?"

  "Well, I don't know."

  "A piccolo."

  The little girl was off and running around the porch, and Jules felt her head spin with the instant change of topic. “Good grief, I'm already tired and you've all only just arrived. Now where are my babies?” She giggled as she watched two chubby toddler twins maneuver the porch steps, and smothered them in kisses as soon as she could get her hands on them. “Hi, Abby. Hi, Paige. You've probably forgotten me."

  Claire followed them up the steps, slightly out of breath from chasing her children, as usual. “Oh, don't worry. Ellie has been regaling them with stories of Auntie Jules."

  Jules rushed towards her with arms outstretched. Claire's husband Todd made it a group hug. Jules stood on her toes to plant a kiss on the tall man's cheek. “And how's Riverbend's busiest veterinarian?"

  "I'm the only vet, remember? That's why I'm busy.” He reached behind him for a cooler. “We brought you some stuff, Jules. The girlies and I will set it up."

  "Hope you brought enough for my new boarder, Shane. He's inside!"

  Claire paled three shades.

  Jules turned to her, her finger pointing at her nose. “You. I have a bone to pick with you."

  Claire ignored her and ushered her family inside. “Well, you can pick it all you want another time. Right now, it's time to meet Shane!"

  As they walked indoors, Claire peered at Jules. “I like your hair. You chopped it off."

  She watched as Claire expelled a frustrated breath, blowing up dark bangs which needed a trim three months ago. “Isn't that what we spurned women do? Nah, it was just time for a change,” she replied, running a hand through her shorn locks. “In many ways."

  "You look good, Jules."

  "Thanks. I guess six month's leave of absence in Europe will do that. I'll have you know I have become a very sophisticated individual.” She paraded up and down the hallway like a runway model, swinging her hips back and forth in an exaggerated wiggle. “I am no longer the country bumpkin you once knew."

  "You were never a bumpkin. Now, are you planning on offering us some refreshments?"

  "Sure, if you can find some in this house. I haven't even shopped yet.” She put a hand to her cheek. “I think I have an unwrapped mint at the bottom of my purse. We can share that around."

  Claire threw an arm about her shoulders. “Come on, we've taken care of refreshments."

  They walked into the kitchen and found Todd and Shane already talking as if they were old buddies. The vet had already laid out a spread of donuts and potato chips and other goodies. Then Todd handed them all some beers from his cooler. They all clinked bottles and Claire raised an eyebrow at Jules.

  Jules scowled back. Her sister was a little too happy with her handiwork.

  Within fifteen minutes, Claire made sure she and Shane had a good handle on all the town gossip. But Jules was only half paying attention. She was too busy watching as Todd ran around filling sippy cups and wiping donut powder from three small faces.

  "I know,” Claire joked, “we're a growing concern, aren't we?"

  "You have a beautiful family, Claire,” said Shane.

  "Don't they?” asked Jules, drumming her fingers on her beer bottle. “I just don't know how you and Todd do it."

  "The trick,” Todd called out, “is not to let yourself get out-numbered like we are, eh, Claire?” He beamed at his wife as if to say he wouldn't have it any other way. She returned his grin and for a moment they seemed alone in the room as they gazed upon one another.

  Jules felt a pang of jealousy but dismissed it. She'd shared enough stolen glances with Kevin, and look at where it got her. Sure, it was nice to be wanted, but it wasn't worth the eventual heartache.

  Without knowing why, Jules looked up at Shane. He was already looking at her, his soft brown eyes burning in a way which made her thighs melt. Again, she wondered if it was smart having a man in the house, given her current state of mind. Especially a man whose every glance made her drool for sex.

  Yet there was something else in his expressive face as well. She couldn't put her finger on it, but he seemed as affected as she was by Claire and Todd's show of affection.

  Maybe he was lonely. Maybe he was looking for someone.

  Well, she decided, standing a little taller, that someone is not me.

  Claire saw the heated exchange of looks between her sister and Shane. Bold as brass, she asked, “Has Kevin tried to contact you yet?"

  Shane choked a little on his beer.

  Jules turned to Claire, suddenly ready to spit nails. “What does it matter?"

  "You know he will."

  "If he gets on your nerves,” Todd offered, “send him to me."

  "Thanks, Todd,” Jules replied quietly, and then looked over at Shane. With her eyes, she begged him not to say anything.

  Showing he knew how to take a hint, Shane thanked the others for the beer, and excused himself. He paused at the door, as if mighty curious to hear whatever she had to say about Kevin. But he mumbled something about having a lot of unpacking to do and wanting Jules to have time with her family.

  She breathed a sigh of relief, thankful he was decent enough to know this was not the forum for indulging his curiosity.

  Jules watched him go, biting her lip, and then turned to Claire. “Why did you bring Kevin up?” She didn't want to talk about her ex, and certainly didn't want to tell Claire about the morning's altercation with him and Shane. Claire would only jump to conclusions about Shane's behavior. Unwarranted conclusions.

  "You'll have to talk about him at some point. It's not healthy to keep all your anger bottled up."

  "I'm not bottling anything up. Besides, I've dealt with it. I couldn't care less if I never see Kevin again.” She gulped down her beer as if to rest her case, then stared into the bottle. “I can't talk about it, Claire. It's bad enough having my stupidity thrown in my face. This town is full of reminders."

  "You're not stupid.” Claire glared at her sister the same way their mother used to glare at them whenever they said anything derogatory about themselves.

  Jules ignored her. “Oh, right. I think Kevin slept with almost every woman here. They were probably all judging me, because they knew I was the one waiting for him at home. I still don't understand why he put me through that."

  "Because Kevin McGuinness,” Claire lowered her voice so the girls wouldn't hear her, “is a lousy shit. You're better off without him.” She popped some potato chips into her mouth, crunching them as if she were crunching Kevin's head. “That man has no soul. Jules, to think he cheated on you even right after mom and dad died."

  "Don't remind me.” Jules felt a headache coming on. “I must be the most gullible woman in the world. I was with him for two years, and he was cheating almost the whole time. How could I not have known?"

  "Thank goodness you always made him wear a condom,” said Claire, making her husband blush.

  Ellie poked her head into the little group. “What's a condom, mummy?"

  "Look, Ellie, your Barbie.” Todd handed the girl her toy and she ran off. With a grin, he turned back to them, shaking his head at their giggling. “Don't be hard on yourself, Jules. We all want to believe the best of the ones we love. You had no warnings. I still don't know how he managed to be so discreet. What bothers me is none of his buddies at the fire hall saw fit to warn you."

  Jules rolled her eyes. “Those damn firefighters and their precious brotherhood. When I think of how nice I was to his friends, you'd think one of them might have had the stones to tell me he was cheating. I used to wish I had a voodoo doll for each one of them."

  Claire giggled in agreement. “Well, he's out of your life now, so let's concentrate on the positive. Did you have any flings in Europe? Any sexy Italian lovers I should know about?"

  Shane chose that moment
to walk back into the room. They all turned to look at him, but he was staring at Jules. If it didn't seem so ridiculous, there was something about his tight expression which looked almost ... jealous. She quickly dismissed the ludicrous idea.

  "Sorry to interrupt,” he said quietly. “Jules, I was just wondering if I could use a couple of shelves in the linen closet in the back."

  "Of course,” she replied, a little too enthusiastically for her liking. “Whatever you need."

  "Don't mind us, Shane,” Claire said. “We're just talking romance. Is there anyone special in your life?"

  "Claire!” Todd's eyebrows shot up. “It's always about romance with you. That's what got us into this mess.” He pointed to Ellie, who was busy trying to push her finger as deep as possible up into her nose.

  Shane grinned. “No. I'm afraid I'm a confirmed bachelor."

  "Well,” Claire said, “you never know!"

  Jules stifled a groan. “Didn't you say you needed to be somewhere else today, Claire?"

  Still shaking his head and smiling, Todd herded the girls up and declared they needed to get going. Jules knew he was well acquainted with his wife's good intentions and busybody tactics.

  As Jules and Shane watched them leave, he grinned down at her as if he understood exactly how mortified she was. “I like Todd. And your sister is a good person. Don't be too hard on her."

  "My sister has a big mouth."

  As he left to go sort his things, Shane gave her another of those sweet, comforting looks which did anything but comfort her. They unsettled her. Especially when she saw his eyes travel down to her lips, and lower to her breasts. And then his look changed. Then it just became hungry.

  And it bothered Jules to realize she was feeling a little peckish herself.

  Gary Mitchell turned his bike onto the gravel path leading to the Baker farm, his toolbox rattling in the milk crate he'd affixed as a basket. He had a job now, a real job. One which didn't involve following his grandpa around for the rest of his life, warming up his tea.


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