WindSwept Narrows: #17 Pepper Ambrose

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WindSwept Narrows: #17 Pepper Ambrose Page 8

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Then why don’t we just close our eyes and relax? It’s a couple hours to Spokane,” Chase was grateful for the space in the back, his hands taking hers once he set the glass on the tray.

  She came to him without arguing, arms around his waist and head on his chest. He waited, listening to her breathing before he lifted the small journal she’d give him. He read for the next hour, jotting down questions while she slept. There had to be a semi-sane, logical reason the old man was haunting her. And he couldn’t for the life of him think of another word, other than haunting.

  A logical and top reason was common and simple. Money.

  The first incident had been when she was fifteen. She admits in her notes that she thought it was crazy. Why would he care who she was friends with? There was enough doubt in the words she wrote, he knew she’d begun to believe the things counselors and her father were telling her.

  He looked down at her, one hand up and slipping her glasses free, laying them behind him on the ledge. He leaned his head into the corner and stared, cold, and flat out angry. She stirred two hours later, mewing softly and stretching slightly before it finally registered where she was. Chase flipped the lid on the bottle and poured her some of the sweet, bubbling wine.

  “Pepper…can you talk about what’s in your journal?” Chase phrased the question cautiously. He’d find the answers another way if he had to, he didn’t want her hurt any more than she already was because of her father. His reputation, his behaviors through the years had almost cost her a job with the resort.

  Pepper sat up, lashes blinking and jaw set. She took her glass from the tray and drained it, eyes closed, she nodded.

  “Yes. What do you want to know?”

  Chase reached absently into a compartment in front of him and tapped a switch to record their talk.

  “How did you know your father caused these things?” He watched the bright blue eyes widen, blinking rapidly. He poured her more wine.

  “He told me!” She whispered in disbelief. “I was fifteen…we were just friends! I helped him with homework. We’d sit in the park and…and work on his calc. He hated it but needed it for…he wanted to be an engineer. Make space parts,” she laughed at the memory. “Said he was going to be the best engineer in space when the time came. Math was easy for me…I don’t know how he knew, Chase. He never showed any interest…nothing…in what I did…or where I went. I was left to the housekeeper. She gave me money for clothes and stuff.” She sipped the champagne and sighed.

  “His name was Jack…one night on his way home he was beat up,” she stared numbly past his shoulder to the outside passing the window as they drove. “He was in the hospital. The police came and talked to me, but I didn’t see anything…didn’t know anything. Then he called me into his office. He said he had plans for me. That I was to stay away from boys who wanted nothing more than to…to bed me and…and…” she felt heat strike her cheeks and upended the glass of wine. “And seed me to take my money and leave me on his doorstep. I told him he was wrong. We were just friends. That I was helping him with homework. He said…he said I wasn’t bright enough to help anyone and to not bother lying to him again. I left his office and sat in my room crying. It didn’t make sense. I don’t have any money! I mean, I had babysitting money…..and I did cashier work with a little shop but…I told Jack…I told him I was sorry. I was afraid to help him after that.”

  “More?” He lifted the bottle, only feeling a little guilty when she nodded immediately. “So each time you developed a friendship, he did something to make you back away?”

  “Just before graduation…I don’t know…maybe I thought it had been a fluke…some weird father thing…I worked on the yearbook committee and would stay late doing aligning and adjusting of photos and text. The boy working with me…his name was Ryder…a week before it was finished, he…he worked in the local hamburger place…someone robbed it…hurt him…god, it was awful…” Tears fell down her cheeks. “He was in the hospital and missed graduation.”

  “The same thing?”

  “The night before graduation…he called me to his office…cold, angry. I warned you, little girl. I told you keep away from those boys. You killed your mother by living, you want to kill those innocent boys, too?” Her voice caught in her throat, her hand shook until she put both of them on the glass of champagne. “I tried asking why…he told me the same thing…they’re only after your money. They don’t give a damn about you. Skinny little brainless weed…get out of my office and mind my orders.”

  “Pepper…breathe, baby…” Chase ground his teeth, his palm on her neck, gently massaging.

  “I went to my room and packed things…snuck them out the window and into my little car. I went to graduation the next day…got my hands on my diploma…got in my car and never went back,” she whispered, one palm up and sweeping over her cheek before she drained the glass, a long breath pushed between her lips. She leaned forward, a little wobbly. “I need a restroom, please.”

  Chase listened to the very carefully spoken words and tapped the intercom. “Rest stop, Greg. Please.”

  “I’ll find us one, sir.”

  “I stole money from him when I left,” she whispered, giggling slightly. “I snuck into his study that night when he’d gone to bed…he thought I didn’t know…but I knew…I opened his safe and took some. They were in bundles…I pulled some from each stack and locked things up nice and neat before going back to my room. I bet he was angry when he found out.”

  “I can see it bothers you,” he set her glass down and framed her face with his palms when she giggled. “Come on…rest stop…”

  “My glasses…oh, I don’t need them…..not going to read anything,” she said with a flip of her palm, sliding over the seat and taking his palm when he offered it. “You’re so sweet…so…gallant…” she tiptoed and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “You okay?” Greg took the opportunity to fill the fuel tank.

  “Physically…more or less…mentally? She’s got a nutcase for a father and thinks the best way to fix it, is to walk away. Oh, yeah…I’m peachy…I just have to find the reason behind the behavior. What the hell does a man care what a thirty-three year old independent woman does in her life? When he hasn’t given a damn since she was born?”

  “Not much different than business…and I’ve seen you come at it the same way. Money. I read what you researched about him,” Greg shook his head. “His ministry flourishes but he’s filled with sheep that are probably as unstable as him.”

  “She ran when she was seventeen and has never been back.”

  “She was…shaky when she called me last night. Frightened.”

  “She kept a book…wrote down people he hurt because she was friends with them. A friend scanned her apartment…found three listening bugs…it’s how he knows what’s going on in her life, but why…” Chase leaned against the car, arms over his chest.

  “What is there besides money and insanity?”

  Chase looked at him thoughtfully. “He goes to a great deal of trouble to make certain she’s kept single and alone,” he said very carefully.

  “And that’ll end today.”

  “I think I’ll send him a marriage notification first thing in the morning,” Chase said, straightening up and barely getting his arms unfolded before she launched herself against him, her mouth capturing his without warning. Not that he minded.

  “And increase security,” Greg said when Chase untangled Pepper and got her into the car.

  Chase didn’t have to ask. He knew the mini-fridge in the car would be stocked and pulled a large bottle of water from inside. Mariah warned him to drink plenty to ward off the dehydration.

  Money and insanity.

  Chase turned the words over in his mind as he filled the glass for Pepper, talking to her about the project and the cruise lines that were being lured to the area. They made it through the last legs of the trip, stopping once more before Greg pulled the car before the elaborate hotel he
’d marked as their destination in Idaho.

  “Where are we going?” Pepper blinked a little owlishly when the car stopped.

  “A little fun stop,” he pulled some forms he’d filled out ahead of time. “Sign these…and we’ll go explore…I think you’ll find this a lot of fun.”

  She took the pen, staring out the window at the large replica of a fairy tale castle. She signed on the lines he pointed to.

  “Waivers…it’s a sort of fun house for adults. I thought it would be a great Sunday trip,” Chase stepped from inside and held his palm out. He knew she was walking a very fine line between drunk and sober and he needed her there for the moment. He’d deal with her anger when things were finally squared away.

  “A fun house?” She whispered, stepping away from him and taking in the large white and gold and blue stones and bricking towers that spiked into the sky. “It’s a castle!” She waited for him, accepting the wallet he held out to her. “Why do I need this?” But she tucked it into her pocket.

  “Identification,” he answered, taking the forms and handing them to the man that came out to greet them. Chase walked with him while Pepper stood very close to the large glass case, oohing and ahhing over the photos of the elaborately dressed couples. He had things all arranged when he took her palm and led her inside.

  “We can go in?”

  “You go with Nancy here…and pick out a princess dress…” He laughed at the look in her eyes. “I’ll meet you on the other side, Pepper…no questions…it’s a surprise.” He kissed her lightly when her head bobbed excitedly.

  “You two are going to make the most handsome couple…I have the camera person set up for the photographs…”

  Pepper knew the woman was walking and vaguely listened for a question, but she was lost in the elaborate and gorgeous dresses. Like something out of a princess movie, she thought, fingers touching fabric as she went around the large room filled with gowns of all colors and designs. Until her eyes fell on the very low cut, full skirted white dress. Pink icing flowers dotted the low line of the bodice and on the off shoulder bubble of sleeves.

  “This one…I want this one…” She said, swaying only a little as she followed the woman to the dressing room. She had no idea how all that skirt moved or fit into the room. She didn’t care.

  She was pretty.

  She was a princess, she turned and smiled at the portrait of herself.

  She stood staring, turning, twirling while the woman tucked her long blond hair into an ornate little tiara, letting the waves cascade down her back. She was laughing like a little girl when she slipped on the simple satin slippers and out into the wide, spacious courtyard.

  Lost in the image, she continue twirling, wanting to see it all over and over again. The woman took her to a large display case, her palm up and touching the cold glass.

  “Flowers? I can have flowers, too?”


  “I want those…the tiny upside down bells…they’re beautiful…” she stepped back, her hands up to take the seven inch round bundle of artfully arranged flowers with a place for her to hold them. She turned, bringing the flowers to her face and closing her eyes, inhaling deeply. “They’re wonderful…” Then she saw him and took off at a light run.

  All notions of breathing caught and stuck inside his throat.

  Pretty or even beautiful just didn’t cover the woman laughing and twirling before him. He’d chosen a simple navy jacket edged in gold and dark gold slacks. He knew the photographer was busy snapping pictures and they would create an album and mail it to them.

  “Pepper Ambrose…you look incredible. Just like a princess,” he took her hand and carried it to his lips. “Let’s look around.”

  “You look very princely, Chase…quite handsome…” She looped her arm in his, wishing she hadn’t had quite so much champagne as they walked around examining the large ballroom, the ornate curving stairs and scenes from various princess type movies in huge, wall sized landscapes that helped set the mood.

  “A princess and her prince…and a fairy tale wedding…I think it’s a perfect fun activity,” Chase said casually, guiding her to the waiting justice of the peace.

  “Yes…perfect…we’ll have pictures…” she swayed slightly, clinging tightly to his arm. “Sorry…I think I had too much champagne…”

  “You’re just fine, Pepper…I’ll take care of you today, I promise,” Chase kissed her and nodded to the man in front of them. “We’re ready.”

  “It’s magical,” she breathed, listening and answering and unable to stop herself from gazing around her until she caught him staring at her.

  Quietly repeating the words that were said to her. She froze in place when he leaned over and kissed her, her knees shaking just a little when he took her hand and headed for the inside.

  They explored the high tower set up like sleeping beauty’s tower; the large ballroom with a replica Beauty and the Beast waltzing around the room.

  Another tower was set up with tiny mice and a dress on a stand being worked on. It was amazing, she thought as she changed into her own clothing, running out with the flowers in her hands.

  “I’m going to put them in the back window…they’ll make the car smell really nice,” she told him, stumbling a little and landing in his arms, peering up into a pair of brown eyes that smiled down at her. “Sorry…I already hit the restroom, so I’m good.”

  “How has your father contacted you, Pepper? In the past,” Chase waited until they were underway, filling both their glasses. The tinkling sound of them clicking together in the back of the car made her blink at him. To him…to his senses, his mind, his heart…she was beyond beautiful. She was his. “Since you don’t live there, I’m assuming you don’t get summoned to his office.” He cursed softly at the sudden panic that flared to life in her eyes. Her head shook rapidly back and forth.

  “No…oh, no…he calls…I don’t answer…he leaves a message,” she whispered, her voice shaking.

  “Where’s your phone?” He watched her gaze sweep to her pack. He took it, digging inside and surfacing with the new model smart phone. He opened it, grim faced at the single missed call. He forwarded the call to his own phone, erased it and closed it, handing it back to her. “I don’t suppose you’d lay down and close your eyes and not worry about him?”

  To his surprise, she drained the glass, tucked her legs onto the seat and laid her head on his thigh, curled facing the back of the seat. She slept with her arms crossed in front of her, palms on each shoulder cap.

  For a long time he just sat watching her, fingers brushing back the long hair from her face. He lowered the tray in front of him, pulled his lap top out and found the person he was searching for, sending a short, clipped email about the information he wanted. ASAP.

  Chapter Eleven

  It was dark when they reached the resort and Pepper offered no complaints when he bundled her into the hotel and into his suite. He watched clothing go in different directions before she climbed beneath the blankets he’d turned down for her. He knew she had several vendor conferences on Monday because she’d brought one of her suits and hung it in his closet.

  After a long hot shower, he dropped his glasses to the nightstand and slipped into the bed. He’d thought she was asleep. Then she turned against him, long hair brushing over his chest seconds before her mouth found his in the darkness, her palms stroking over his chest and onto his face.

  It took very little urging when she lay back, her fingers against his scalp and teasing, wrapping around his neck. She lifted one long leg, drawing her toes over his calf and higher.

  Chase lost himself in the feelings, the sensations that filled them both. The passion, the need and absolute sense of being when he watched her shudder, felt her wrapped around him and exploding with him was the most stark feeling of honesty he’d ever known in his life.

  Silly, a little sappy, but the best was when she snuggled next to him after he climbed in next to her, her lips brushi
ng his cheek before she settled down and fell to sleep with him.


  Chase sat before his laptop, half interested in the coffee in his hand, mostly interested in the reports he was reading from the companies submitting requests for the chance to bid on contracts he’d sent out into the world. Then the light tapping of heels on the darkly tiled hall caught his attention. He felt his jaw drop open, his stomach flip and his eyes widen. There was a wild difference from everyday Pepper versus the corporate Pepper.

  She carried the typical small pack in her fingers, a waist length suit jacket of midnight blue in the other. The side slit on the skirt went from just below her knees to mid-thigh, making it easier for her with the long legged strides she was accustomed to. She might have lost a little weight since the last time she wore it, but the male in him was caught on the sexy wiggle that crossed the room and dropped her pack to the floor by the door before she turned to face him.

  Pepper turned to greet him, one corner of her mouth tilting as she crossed to him, her hand up and pushing his chin up before leaning over and kissing him.

  “Good morning,” she left him gaping to find the juice he’d poured for her on the counter, her hip hitched on the high stool across from him. “I can’t find my glasses. I think I left them in the limo.”

  “Ahh…yeah…good morning…I’ll get with Greg and check later when I’m out.” Chase listened to words in his brain and briefly wondered about the fallout from saying them out loud. “For the life of me…I do not recall my executives looking like you.”

  “Maybe you just never paid much attention,” she suggested with a shrug. “This is my seriously serious, you’ve really ticked me off look,” she told him with a shark like grin.

  Chase continued to stare. The long blond hair was smooth and sleeked back into that taut bundle at the nape of her neck. The kicker was the high collared white blouse, edged in white beads around the throat and the yoke; long sleeves ended with the same kind of decoration on the cuffs.


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