Unfaithful: An Unlocked Novella

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Unfaithful: An Unlocked Novella Page 4

by Suzuki Sinclair

  “Have you maybe been getting too much sun?” he asked. “You’re pretty red.”

  And just like that, he put his hand on my forehead.

  I nearly screamed I was so turned on. It was all I could do not to start writhing on the chair. I knew he’d taped himself fucking a girl just a few feet away. I knew he asked girls if they wanted his cum in their pussy. And I did want it. I really, really did. I wanted him to rip my clothes off right there and fuck the living daylights out of me.

  “Wow!” he said. “You’re burning up!”

  I smiled. I knew if he asked me to stand up, my knees were gonna give out. He left his hand there. I wanted to jump out of the chair and fasten my mouth on his. With those bulging biceps I knew he could have lifted me clean off the ground while I kissed him.

  “Just the sun, I guess,” I said, and swallowed. Hard. “I’ll stay inside for the rest of today.”

  “OK,” he said. He paused.

  “Hey, what were you doing in here?” he asked. My heart started hammering in my chest again. I’m the worst liar in the whole world.

  “Uh,” I stammered. “My, uh, my iPad ran out of charge, so I came in here to check my email while it was charging. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

  He cocked his head to the side.

  “Couldn’t you just check your email while it was charging?” he asked. “That’s what I do with mine.”

  I gave him a sickly smile.

  “Guess I didn’t think of that,” I said.

  He looked at me for a second longer. I could feel the heat rising up in my chest. Any second now it was going to pour up my neck and my face and even my tan wouldn’t be able to hide my blush. Then he smiled, that handsome, gorgeous, killer smile.

  “Just let me load up this USB and I’ll be out of your way.”

  Too late, I saw him reaching for a little black USB that was sticking out of the computer.

  “Just gotta swap this one out,” he said, with an apologetic grin. “Sorry, I promise I won’t read your email.”

  And that’s when he hit close on my browser tab. The video screen it had been hiding jumped up at us. It had frozen at the end of the movie—right on the money shot. The English girl had her head thrown back and Alex was grabbing her big tits. He was looking straight out of the screen at us.

  Alex—the real Alex—looked at the movie and then back at me. I couldn’t understand the look on his face. His eyebrows had shot up his forehead and he had the tiniest beginnings of what looked like a smirk on his face.

  “Oh, shit,” he said, shaking his head. “I always knew those were going to get me in trouble.”


  “Fuck!” I yelled, and I bolted from the room.

  I was weeping before my feet had even hit the marble tiles of the bathroom. I didn’t even know what I was planning to do. I just knew I felt dumber and smaller and more ashamed than I’d ever felt.

  “I’m so sorry!” I tried to call out over my shoulder, and my voice cracked halfway through the sentence. I sucked breath in and out, hoping against hope that I’d somehow wake up and be back in Mark’s bed, with all of this just some nightmare.

  My knees gave out and I had to slam my body back into the tiled wall of the ensuite. I slumped down the wall and my ass bumped the tiles.

  “Ow!” I shouted. White pain flared through my tailbone. I could feel the hot tears welling up behind my eyes and I scrubbed at them with the heels of my palms.

  There was a soft tapping at the door.

  “Hey, that was one hell of a sprint,” Alex’s voice came from the other side of the door. “Could I see it again? I think you might have a shot at the Olympics.”

  I laughed despite myself, but it got stuck somewhere behind my teeth and turned into a wretched little sound.

  “That’s not funny,” I said.

  “Shit, I’m serious,” he said. “The only thing I’ve seen move faster was a jackrabbit who got into my morning coffee once. Damn thing nearly bounced straight through the sound barrier.”

  This time I did laugh.

  “I’m really sorry,” I said. I let my head fall gently back onto the support of the wall behind me. “I’m a dick. But please don’t tell the Moores. They’ll think...”

  “Are you kidding me?” Alex laughed. His laugh was low and full of real amusement. “What am I going to say? ‘Hey guys, I like to make fuck movies in the guest house?’ Hey, if you don’t tell, I won’t tell.”

  The tiles were cool under my feet. I took a deep breath, then another. They felt good.

  “I’m sorry,” I said again.

  “OK,” he said. I closed my eyes, focusing on his voice. “I’m going to open the door, because I’m sick of talking through this door. But the trade will be, you don’t have to say you’re sorry anymore. Deal?”

  I didn’t say a word.

  “If you don’t want me to open the door,” he said, “then say so before I’ve counted backwards from 3. And in 3...”

  I bit my lip.

  “2...” he said, and I could swear I heard the smile in his voice. I opened my mouth to speak, but no sound came out.

  “1,” he said, and the door opened.

  And there he was, standing in the doorway, looking down at me. He reached one hand down, and I took it. His grip was warm, and strong. And at the touch of his skin, I felt that tingle, from the day by the pool, striking all through my body once more.

  He pulled me to my feet, gently, and led me back through to the study. He lead me back to the chair, and I collapsed into it. He’d turned the computer screen off, thank God.

  “Mr. Locke!” I said. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to snoop but I was trying to check my email and my stupid iPad was dead and I didn’t think you’d mind if I used your computer and I just sorta accidentally—” I knew I was babbling but I couldn’t stop. “Please don’t tell anyone!”

  I reached out to grab him, because suddenly couldn’t bear the idea that he might freak out and never speak to me again and order me away—and somehow (I swear to God, I didn’t do it on purpose) I put my hand right on the front of his pants. For the longest time, all either one of us could was look at where my hand was, right on the crotch of his khakis. And everything went really, really quiet.

  It was like my hand belonged to someone else. I watched as the fingers gently started to stroke the front of Alex’s pants. The material was soft under my fingertips. Like, expensive soft. Under the cloth I could feel something beginning to stir. Alex made a little noise under his breath, almost like a sigh. I turned my hand to grip him between the legs and I started to squeeze, real gentle at first, and then a little harder as I felt him firm up. By the feel of it, there was a lot there to get hard.

  I knew what I was doing was wrong. I knew it in my bones. Foreboding swelled up in my stomach—there’d be a price to pay for this later. But a kind of fever was burning in me, a desperate, magnetic wanting that sank into my limbs. I felt like I was moving underwater. But at least I was moving towards Alex.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said again, looking up at him. My voice was thick. I knew my eyes must have looked real big and scared. I kept squeezing while I talked, almost like I was coaxing his dick into saluting. God, he was handsome. I scooted a bit closer to the edge of my chair. I could feel the outline of his growing cock under my hand now and I wrapped my hand around it, squeezing harder. He grunted and spread his legs.

  “I never meant to pry,” I said. “I’m not a sneak, I promise.”

  I reached up with my other hand and opened up my robe a little bit. His eyes went down to my black bra. I shrugged one shoulder out of the robe. I’ve got nice shoulders at least. Not too skinny, not too much muscle.

  “Lisa . . .” he said.

  Suddenly I was sick of everything. I was sick of working two jobs while all my friends got to hang out and have fun all the time. I was sick of my mom never giving me the time of day. I was sick of my boyfriend starting fights and acting like it was all
my fault and I was sick of feeling like we were always ready to break up. I sick of being the good girl. I wanted something wild, and fierce, and real.

  I wanted Alex.

  I batted my eyelashes at him. I didn’t know if it would actually work, but I’d heard about it in magazines. Cosmo said that guys liked it and you could do it to make them buy you a drink. I don’t know about that, but Alex’s cock suddenly jumped under my hands. I could feel myself start to get slick between the thighs. Desire flamed between my legs and reached out through my body. It was so sharp and strong that it was almost like a sweet pain building under my skin.

  “Yes, Mr. Locke?” I asked, as innocently as I could. I reached up and grabbed his zipper. He didn’t say a thing, just looked at me. My hand felt so empty without his dick in it. I pulled the zipper down. The sound was loud in the quiet study.

  “Yes, Mr. Locke?” I asked again. I could feel something inside me letting go, some last barrier falling away. “What were you going to say?”

  I reached my hand inside his pants and grabbed him through his white cotton Tommy Hilfiger underwear. His dick was hot in my hand, like it was burning from somewhere on the inside. I squeezed him again, feeling the give of his flesh. It was a good, solid feeling and I shuddered. Disbelief was running riot inside me. Somehow I didn’t even feel completely real anymore.

  I rubbed the tip, looking up at him the whole time. His underwear was wet and sticky where I had my thumb. I moved my thumb in a little circle and his dick jumped again.

  “Those videos . . .” he said.

  I’d never been with another guy but Mark before. I didn’t know what to do next. I didn’t know how to be sexy with a man like this. And then I thought—I should just act like Darci would. I should just say what she’d say, the way she’d say it. I should just do what she’d do, the way she’d do it.

  I dropped my voice to a purr.

  “The ones where you fucked that other girl called Lisa?”

  I scooted even closer to him, looking for the opening to his underwear.

  “I know you’re Mark’s girlfriend . . .”

  “Do you have any more of those movies?” I asked. “Because, Alex . . . they got my pussy really wet.”

  There it was. I stuck my hand in the front of his shorts and grabbed his dick. I felt the smooth, tender skin against my hand. He breathed out and I came down off the seat and knelt on the floor. I leaned forward and pulled his shirt out of his pants. His tummy was flat and sexy—he had a six pack. I leaned forward and gently kissed his toned abs. I kept stroking with my hand, feeling the sticky precum leaking out from the tip of his dick and coating my fingers. I explored under the head of his big, thick cock with my slick fingers.

  “I wish I’d known you had such a big dick before,” I said. I couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of my mouth, but there was no way I was going to stop.

  With my other hand I slipped my robe off my shoulders. “You could have put this big dick of yours inside me any way you wanted. You could have put it in my pussy. You could have put it in my mouth. I might have even let you put it up my ass. Would you like that, Alex? Would you like to put your big dick up my tight little ass?”

  He grinned. He was staring right in my eyes.

  “That’s just what the other Lisa asked,” he said. “She begged me to fuck her ass as deep and hard as I could. I was thinking about you the whole time, thinking about your ass opening up for my cock. I wanted you to feel me taking you up the ass, I wanted you to feel me coming up your ass.”

  I groaned and slid my hand down the front of my underwear. He saw and grinned again. He leaned in close. I kept stroking his hard cock.

  “Take your clothes off,” he said softly. “I want to see those tits of yours.” His voice had a deep, rich sound in it, a husky lust that made me tremble.

  I gave him my sexiest smile. But my knees wanted to shake. I could the tension in my stomach. What if I was doing this all wrong? A wave of embarrassed heat rolled through me as I wondered if I was making myself looking ridiculous.

  What would Darci do? I thought again.

  “You take them off,” I said. “I don’t want to let go of your dick.” I squeezed him again and he breathed out, a long, controlled exhale.

  He reached down around me and unhooked my bra. He did it with one hand—it always takes Mark both hands (and five minutes). Alex pulled the bra straps over my shoulders. With a little pout, I let go of his cock so he could take it off. The light gleamed off its slick tip.

  “Jesus, look at those,” he said. “I’ve got to kiss them.”

  I tried to play it sexy again and I got five seconds into saying “Not before you kiss me,” and then he had me on my back on the rough cream carpet of the study floor. It rasped against the soft skin of my lower back as his weight settled on me and a little burst of pain caught me. I’d have carpet burn there the next day.

  Alex took one of my pink nipples into his mouth. I bit my lip to keep from crying out and I raked my fingernails down his wide, taut back. A fire started throbbing in my pussy. My nipples were as hard as diamonds. He felt it too, and he growled in the back of his throat.

  “I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you,” he said. A pounding tension thundered through my whole body. All though me my blood was boiling with red lust for this man.

  “Yeah?” I gasped. “You gonna be a big man? You gonna show me your big dick before you stick it in me?”

  I felt his hand between my legs, tearing at my black underwear. My legs were flopping around so much he couldn’t get my panties off. I wanted to stay still but every time his hand came near me my butt clenched and my hips thrust upward all by themselves. I was bucking so hard I nearly took off. If he waited much longer I was gonna go into orbit.

  Jesus, I thought, is this what real sex is like?

  “Hurry up,” I breathed. I could hear the desperate edge underneath my words. “Hurry up. I can’t wait. I can’t wait for your dick.”

  He grabbed me between my legs and I moaned at his grip. He squeezed, and it was strong, but gentle. I threw my head back and let out a groan so deep and loud it must have frightened the shit out of the dog two rooms over.

  “You’re gonna get it,” he said. “But you’ll get it when I’m ready to give it to you.”

  I should have tried to play harder to get, or like I was more in charge of the situation. Darci would have. Lucy would have. But I was fucking dripping wet for him, and he knew it. He could feel it soaking through the wet cloth of my panties, he could hear the way my hoarse breathing was catching in my tight throat. He could see the armies of goosebumps breaking out on my tanned skin and the way the blood was rushing into my chest. He rubbed me there, between my thighs, through my panties.

  “Please,” I said, panting. “Please hurry.”

  He grabbed my underwear. It bunched up and then he pulled it down my legs. It was like my nerves were on fire; like flames were running down my spine. I felt every agonizing inch of the elastic dragging down my ass, my thighs, my calves. When the air hit my wet cunt I nearly sobbed with relief at finally being bare. I wanted to spread myself open to receive him. The air was thick, like it was charged with electricity. The yearning for him sank into me; every part of me cried out for his touch, like a thirsty desert plain with a thundercloud building overhead, ready to burst down in torrents of rain.

  He ripped his shirt off, his shoes and socks, and unbuckled his wide belt. He stepped out of his pants and pulled down his underwear. His cock sprang out and I nearly did a double take. It must have been two inches longer than Mark’s, and Mark was a well-hung boy. But Alex’s dick was big, and it was beautiful. It pulsed up and up. He could have fucked himself in the belly button if he’d wanted. I drank the sight in, looking at the tiny tracing of veins in the head, the deep purple color of it. It was the most wonderful thing I’d ever seen, and I wanted it inside me.

  Alex pushed me back down and lay on top of me. I ran my hands over his big, firm sh
oulders, his tight, strong biceps. I could feel the hard tendons moving in his back.

  “Stick it in me,” I said. “Please. Don’t you want to? I’m so wet for you, Alex.”

  He didn’t say anything, but I could feel the tip of his cock teasing against my lips. It was so close to me. My pussy must have been sending off waves of wet heat. I writhed beneath him, trying to rub the head of his dick with my wetness so he’d lose his mind and just shaft me. I felt a desperate emptiness in my pussy. I wanted him inside me.

  Instead he kissed me, hard. My mouth opened easily and let his tongue inside. His kiss was warm and strong. His mouth tasted like strong, sweet coffee. I sucked on his tongue, feeling his lips on mine. My insides melted. There was a furnace inside my chest. I’d never felt anything like it. I’d never needed anyone like I needed Alex Locke.

  From somewhere the thought of Mark swam across my mind and I shoved it down savagely. I’d deal with that later.

  “You want it?” Alex demanded, breathing heavily.

  “Yeah,” I whined. I was losing control. And he was taking it from me.

  “You want my dick in you?”

  “Oh please, Alex. You’ve gotta give me that dick. You can do anything you want, just let me feel it. Fuck me like you fucked your English girl. Give it to me hard.”

  Suddenly his hands were cupping my ass cheeks. He gripped me so hard it hurt.

  Nervousness crowded out my lust for a second. What if he was too big? What if he hurt me, or if he couldn’t fit in? I almost told him to slow down for a second.

  And with one burning thrust, his dick was buried inside me.

  I screamed at the feeling. I didn’t care who heard. I was impaled on Alex Locke’s dick, and it filled my cunt completely.

  “Holy shit!” I gasped. I’d never had a dick so big in me before. He moved back and then buried himself again, pulling so hard the muscles of his arms bulged. He pulled me against him so tight that I felt him slide an extra inch deeper into me.

  “You’ve got such a tight pussy, Lisa,” he managed to get out as he started to thrust properly. “Jesus, I’ve never had such a tight pussy.”


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