Rainier, Heather - Her Gentle Giant: Remember to Dance [Divine Creek Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Rainier, Heather - Her Gentle Giant: Remember to Dance [Divine Creek Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 3

by Heather Rainier

  He lifted her thighs over his forearms and began to slowly stroke her pussy over and over. Eli’s chest, abs, and thighs were massive bunches of muscle rippling over her. He slid his hand to her slit and stroked her clit rhythmically with each thrust of his cock until her muscles contracted around him and her orgasm broke free. She took him with her as her pussy pulsed around his cock. Both of them moaned softly in ecstasy as he fit his hips tightly to hers, and he thrust deeply one last time then stilled, breathing deeply. In the aftermath, he held her to him and petted her until she thought she might purr.

  “Your sister and father are probably wondering what’s keeping us,” she murmured softly and writhed as his fingertips stroked over her spine in a light, tickling touch.

  “We hope they are wondering and that we haven’t removed all doubt.” He chuckled softly as he rose from the bed in all his naked Viking-Indian warrior glory.

  “I thought we did admirably. Sex that freaking good can’t be completely silent,” she said with a little snicker as she rose from the bed. “Come on, big boy. I need sustenance if I’m to plan a wedding.” Rachel watched with territorial pride as he strode naked into the bathroom to turn on the shower.

  Mine, mine, mine all mine.

  “I’ll bet Kelly and Grace already have it planned between the two of them. They probably even have your dress picked out and a date set,” he said, laughing.

  Climbing into the shower with him, she said, “I’m not much for planning big events like that. I may agree to show up and be their Barbie doll just so I get to marry you when the day comes.”

  They found out later that Elijah, Kelly, and Matthew had left the house early and were out visiting and running errands so their attempts at being quiet were for naught. Rachel and Eli met them at Taquería Gomez for breakfast. Kelly was ready and waiting with a notepad and wanted to know what elements were the most important to Rachel.

  Rachel held up her hands. “I get final say on my dress and your dresses. You know how much I want to dance and that I want to get married as soon as the budget and the arrangements can be worked out and a date set. Have at it.”

  At the word budget, the men joined the conversation, and Eli told Rachel, “Your father has been saving for your wedding for years. I didn’t want him to pay for it, but he said it was a point of fatherly pride. He said whatever you don’t spend can go toward a down payment on a house. He asked me how I’d feel if we had a daughter getting married, and I agreed with him. So the honeymoon is on me, angel.”

  “Great, then all we have to do is set a date. Where are you taking me, Eli?”

  “I haven’t decided yet. Is there some place you’ve always wanted to go?”

  “The Grand Canyon,” she replied easily. “I’ve always wanted to go and never have.”

  * * * *

  The coming days were fast, productive ones for Rachel. Mr. Grogan set it up for her so that she could work from home since she wasn’t cleared to drive yet. When she wasn’t working on his books, she was working on her novel. True to her word, she left the wedding plans up to the experts. She checked in with her dad occasionally about the budget, but he said the girls were doing fine and he had no complaints.

  Grace heard from Maudie about the dresses, and Kelly planned another trip down from Abilene for dress fittings. In a great leap of faith, she left Matthew for the afternoon with Eli, who promised to call if he had any problems. Rachel’s mom made the shopping trip with them to try on mother-of-the-bride dresses.

  Maudie seemed confident that Grace and Kelly would love their dresses and enthusiastically unwrapped the two gowns, both in a gorgeous, silky fabric in sapphire. It looked and felt sumptuous, and all three sang Maudie’s praises for her good instincts. Grace and Kelly tried the gowns on and sighed along with Rachel as they got a look at themselves in the mirror.

  “Jack, Ethan, and Adam are going to flip when they see me in this dress, and it’s perfect with the shoes!” Grace exclaimed. “What do you think, Rachel?” They turned so she could see them from all sides.

  “Wow. Um, Maudie? Is something like that available in white?” Rachel asked, looking at Maudie’s grinning countenance.

  “I thought you might ask me that question, so I checked. Yes, it is, and, yes, I have one that is similar in white for you to try on. It has a beautiful crystal beaded embellishment at the waist and neckline.” Grace and Kelly cheered and hopped up and down. “But I have three other gowns for you to try on as well.”

  Grace and Kelly were like giddy little school girls. Rachel smiled, relaxed, and watched them have fun. She’d dreaded this excursion a little, but it had turned out to be a lot less stressful than she thought it would be. Maudie was so easygoing and only let her try on things that specifically fit her requirements.

  Rachel said, “Maudie, these are great, but I want to try on that white one that’s similar to Grace and Kelly’s.”

  Maudie grinned. “I saved the best for last. Let me help you, sweetie. Have a seat ladies, and prepare to be amazed,” she said in a sing-song voice. She ushered Rachel into the big dressing room. Rachel squealed happily once the dress was on and she got a look at herself in the mirror.

  “What?” Grace called out.

  Kelly sounded impatient. “What?”

  Grace asked, “Is it that good?”

  “Get out here, Rachel!” Kelly called in a bossy tone.

  Her mom sobbed melodramatically and said, “My baby!”

  Rachel and Maudie snickered together but stayed in the dressing room, building the suspense. “You are truly lovely.” Maudie’s little chin wobbled a bit. “You look like a princess.”

  Kelly hollered. “Either you come out or we’re coming in, Rachel!”

  Grace laughed and said, “We’re dying out here, Rachel! Kelly, stop being so bossy. She’ll only make us wait longer.”

  “My baby!”

  Kelly called, “The suspense is killing us!”

  Rachel stepped through the dressing room door and made her way with stately elegance to the raised pedestal and smiled at them.

  Kelly and Grace screamed in unison. “Aaah!”

  “My baby!”

  Then they were silent, in awe as Rachel twirled for them.

  Grace smiled. “I know just what you need to go with that perfectly gorgeous dress.”

  Kelly turned to her conspiratorially, and said, “What?”

  “My baby!”

  Grace had a mischievous twinkle in her bright blue eyes. “She needs sheer white lace-edged stockings, garters, a white silk G-string, and the wickedest looking silk corset we can find!” They all cackled.

  “Well, Grace,” Maudie began, “I have basic white foundation garments here, but you know where you might want to look for great plus-size bridal lingerie? Hips and—”

  “Curves.com!” Rachel and Grace cheered together.

  “You’ve heard of it?”

  “Like you read about!” Kelly snickered.

  “You know what would be fun?” Grace asked Rachel and Kelly. At their questioning looks, she added, “A lingerie shower! You can never, ever have enough lingerie! You need things for the honeymoon, and every woman should have everyday lingerie, not just underwear and bras,” Grace said cheerily.

  “Grace, you are a hoot. Fine, plan me a lingerie shower.” Rachel laughed, feeling her cheeks heat up when Maudie efficiently wrote down all her measurements and sizes for Grace on a card.

  “Goody!” Grace squealed as she placed the information inside her pocketbook.

  “She’s like a force of nature!” Kelly laughed good-naturedly.

  “She’s more like her sister all the time,” Rachel quipped with a smirk.

  “You say the sweetest things, Rachel!” Grace laughed.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Rachel found Eli on the covered back deck upon their return after dropping her mother off at home. Matthew was in his bouncy seat, chewing on his fist and listening to Uncle Eli play his guitar and sing for him. Rache
l was surprised by that. She didn’t know he knew how to play the guitar, or sing, for that matter. He seemed a little embarrassed to get caught at it, so she didn’t ask him to play more while the others were there.

  She bent down and gave him a kiss over the guitar. Speaking so the others couldn’t hear and blocking their view, she gasped seductively and said, “Oh! Would you look at that? You can see right down my shirt.”

  He grinned handsomely and pressed his face to her cleavage for a second before kissing her there. She sure loved that smile.

  “Did you have fun?” he asked as he laid his guitar aside. “Have any luck with the dresses?”

  “Did we ever! Maudie is amazing! We accomplished everything we set out to do today,” Grace replied as she cooed to Matthew in Kelly’s arms.

  “So that means you found your dresses?” he asked.

  “You should have seen Rachel, Eli. She is going to be a vision!” Kelly said triumphantly. “This is going to be the best wedding ever,” she said softly to the baby as she nuzzled him.

  “I just changed him, sis. Matthew was really good for me. We even took a little nap together.”

  Rachel smiled at him tenderly when an image of her gentle giant napping with the tiny little baby on his chest popped into her mind.

  “Thank you, Eli. You’re the best.” Kelly hugged him around the waist.

  “No problem, sis. We did great. You all want to go eat? I have to go in at eight tonight, but I can take you to O’Reilley’s for supper and still be there in plenty of time. Jack and Adam said they could meet us up there at six o’clock, Grace. Ethan’s already up at the club. Sound okay?”

  Grace nodded. “That sounds great.”

  “We have plenty of time if you want to rest for a little while,” he said as he held the back door open for them so they could go inside.

  He slipped into the bedroom to put the guitar away in the closet. Rachel followed him in and kissed him thoroughly.

  “I didn’t know you could play the guitar.”

  He smiled self-consciously and simply said, “Yep.”

  “You have a beautiful singing voice, too.”

  “Oh, you heard that, huh? My croaking?”

  She rubbed her hands across his chest, enjoying the feel of his hard, warm muscles. “Don’t say that. I think you have a beautiful singing voice.”

  “Thank you, angel. That means a lot. Matthew seemed to enjoy it.”

  Kelly came down the hallway. “Hey, if we’re gonna go soon, I’d better nurse this boy. I’m about ready to explode here.”

  “Yeah,” Eli said dryly, “thanks for sharing, sis,”

  “Hey, at least I’m not flopping it out right in front of you, big bro,” Kelly quipped, sticking her tongue out.

  “Thank you for that mental image—”

  “Burned into your brain. Yeah, I know, smartass.” She laughed and carried the baby into the other bedroom.

  * * * *

  Eli noticed something was on Rachel’s mind as he drove her and baby Matthew to the restaurant, arriving as Jack and Adam pulled up in Adam’s truck. Grace and Kelly pulled in beside them.

  “Eli, you know what I need to do?” Rachel asked.

  “What’s that, angel?”

  “I’m cleared to drive after next week when my cast comes off. I need to shop for another vehicle.”

  “We can look tomorrow, if you want. What do you think you want this time?”

  “I remember what it felt to look that deer straight in the eye the second before I hit him. I think I want a truck this time.”

  “I don’t blame you. Are you coming up to the club later?” he asked as he parked on the other side of Adam’s truck.

  “That depends on Kelly and Matthew. I’d like to come up, though. I want to sit with you up at the front. I’ve missed doing that.”

  “Me, too, but I’ll understand if Kelly wants to stay up late talking.” He unlatched the harness on the baby’s car seat and carefully lifted his infant nephew out of it. “Oh, your dad called with info on the hog hunt at the end of the month.”

  “Are you looking forward to going hunting?”

  “Yeah, I haven’t been in several years. I’m also looking forward to meeting your old boyfriend.” Eli tucked the tiny baby under his chin and tickled her ribs as he put his arm around her waist. Matthew squeaked, snuggled closer, and fell back asleep.

  “I wouldn’t exactly call him my old boyfriend. Remember, they were all a little in awe of my dad and didn’t want to piss him off. Mitchell is just an old classmate who I dated a few times.”

  “Well, I love hunting, and I like your dad, but I never would have been able to keep my hands off of you if I’d dated you in high school.”

  “Yeah, Daddy definitely would have met you at the door with his hunting knife and shotgun. You have trouble written all over you,” she snickered. “But I admit I might have tried sneaking out my bedroom window to see you, if he hadn’t let me date you.”

  Eli looked shocked. “Did you sneak out of your bedroom window to date boys?”

  “Never. None of them ever motivated me enough to get the guts to try it. The one mistake I made in dating was after I was already on my own when I was nineteen.”

  “Your parents let you move out at nineteen?” He was surprised Peter had allowed her to move out that young.

  She nodded her head, grinning. “Eighteen, actually. I worked evenings at Cheaver’s Western Store during my junior and senior year, so when I graduated, I already had three thousand dollars in the bank and a steady job, plus I did ad sales for the Divine Courier. I went to college online and got my degree in accounting while I worked. When I wasn’t working, I was studying, so I didn’t have many opportunities to get into mischief.”

  “I’ll bet your parents worried about you a lot.”

  “They did, but they raised me to be independent and taught me to manage my money well. Plus, I’ve been lucky in my friendships. Selling ads, I felt like I knew everyone in town. I enjoyed that job, but the office environment at the paper was not to my liking. Too many catty women in each other’s business. I prefer the laidback atmosphere at Grogan Home Theatre much more. Plus, I’m working in the profession I chose as their bookkeeper.”

  “You are something, Rachel. I’m learning all kinds of new things about you.”

  “Hope you’re not easily bored.” She laughed as they joined the others in O’Reilley’s courtyard.

  Dinner was a festive occasion. Jack introduced Eli to several friends who came to greet them, and Matthew got passed around the whole time until they all had a chance to hold him and play with him. Grace especially enjoyed holding the baby, and Rachel noticed Adam and Jack’s soft smiles when they watched her cooing to him. Grace glowed with happiness, and Rachel wondered if they were planning on having kids any time soon. The food was excellent as always, and Grace and her men thanked Eli graciously when he picked up the tab.

  Eli drove Kelly, Matthew, and Rachel back to the duplex and went on to work. Kelly and Rachel composed wording for the wedding invitations and e-mailed it to Grace for her input. At Kelly’s enthusiastic urging, Rachel got herself dolled up, and Kelly drove her to the club.

  “Grace and I have monopolized your time this weekend. I don’t mind at all. Matthew’s already had his bath, so I’ll put him down when I get back to the house, and then I think I’ll watch a movie.”

  “You sure you’ll be all right by yourself?”

  “I’m positive. I’ve meant to ask you how your novel is coming along.”

  “Oh! It’s awesome! With all the downtime I had while I was at my parents, I accomplished a lot. When it’s finished, I’ll let you read it. That probably won’t be for another few weeks, depending on how much time I get with it.”

  “Is it romantic?”

  “Very, and erotic, too. You may blush a time or two or three. Heck, you may even need a cold shower.”

  “Ah!” Kelly laughed delightedly. “So you’re writing from experienc
e?” She laughed out loud when Rachel’s mouth fell open and her face went red-hot.

  “Oh, my gosh! You did hear us that first weekend!”

  “It’s all right. You didn’t know the walls were that thin. And don’t worry. I haven’t heard you at all since then. I assumed you must have figured it out on your own.”

  “Yeah, the hard way,” Rachel replied and moved on. “So…yeah, my novel is basically smut.”

  “Oooh! Goody! So I get to read it when you’re done?”

  “Of course. You and Grace both get an autographed copy.”

  “I’ll cherish it always. Grace tells me she’s writing also. I can say I knew you before you were famous!”

  “Whatever,” Rachel said skeptically.

  “Hey! It could happen. Here we are. Have fun in there, and I’ll see you in the morning. Dance one or two for me.”

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Grace took a deep breath and began hooking the hidden closure on the side seam of the corset. She made sure the ribbons were in two neat bows at the back and tucked the ends out of the way. Bending over, she adjusted her cleavage to the best advantage, her nipples almost peeking out of the top but still visible through the sheer black lace. Peeking over her shoulder in the mirror, she sighed happily and adjusted the strings on the G-string panty. She hooked the garters to the ribbon loops at the bottom edge off the corset and attached them to the sheer black stockings she was already wearing.

  With her foundation garments all on, she slipped into the brilliant sapphire-colored dress. She was happy and pleased to see the corset gave her silhouette even more definition, pushing up her breasts and enhancing her cleavage. After zipping up the back, she put on the bridal jewelry Ethan had purchased for her. The platinum and diamonds were a beautiful touch in combination with the blue of her dress.

  Winding her long, wavy blonde hair into a soft twist, Grace pinned it up with her jeweled hair clip. She touched up her makeup with a little powder, freshened her eyeliner and lipstick, then slipped into the new silver strappy sandals they’d found earlier that day and paused to take another look. Perfect.


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