Days of Desire

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Days of Desire Page 9

by India T. Norfleet

  “I'm sorry; I forgot I have an appointment this morning to get new tires. I was about to call you but I got sidetracked at The Steamy Cup Cafe.”

  “How did you get sidetracked?”

  “OMG, does it matter?” Lauren released an exasperated sigh.

  “Yes, it matters because you’re one person who doesn't get diverted. That high-pitched response denotes you weren't just sidetracked, you were driven to distraction.”

  “So, who is this guy?”

  “Marie, I have no idea…”

  “Lauren, don't play with me!”

  “Fine! It was Darnell.”

  “Girl, stop lying. The same Darnell that has wanted you since our college days? The same Darnell that is now a big time real estate tycoon?”

  “One in the same.”

  “And he still has the hots for you?”

  “Darnell has the hots for every good looking woman that walks in front of his face.”

  “All he sees right now is you. Lauren please, you better grab that man up and simply enjoy the moment.”

  “It’s better when it’s a no-strings-attached fling anyway. That way you don’t have to worry about a broken heart.”

  “Thanks for the wisdom, but no thanks. I'm not up for being anybody's fuck buddy.”

  Even if it’s Darnell's sexy behind.

  “Lauren, I wish you would live a little love muffin.” She exhaled.

  “I still rent porn from the sex shop, I'm living enough. I'm living on the edge actually.”

  “You need some real mental help.” Marie laughed.

  “Whatever, anyway we'll go to the print shop next week.”

  “No we won't, you’re on your own. Ain't nobody got time to play with you.”

  “Please Marie, you know how much I value your opinion. You're my best friend.”

  “I’m so happy you know how important friendship is. Because it means the world to me, you’ll be my date to our college reunion tonight.”

  “Marieeee, please don't make me go to that reunion.” She whined.

  “You don't have to go but you do have to find another hairstylist and dog sitter for jazz. Good luck trying to get someone to watch a pit bull, especially the bad ass one that belongs to you.”

  “You would blackmail your best friend, your sister from another mother?”

  “Who me? Not at all. Hell yeah I would, especially after all the times you've done it to me. I told you payback is a bitch and what do you know, I was right.”

  “I won’t go down without a fight. In the meantime, I guess I better go find something to wear while I'm out.”

  “No need, I picked up your outfit, pumps, and accessories yesterday when I bought my dress. I know how you like to stall then change your mind about things at the last minute, which is why I took care of everything.”

  “Did you now?”

  “Sure did.”

  “Now all you have to do is be at my place at seven; and be on time Lauren.” She warned.

  “You are sooo lucky I love you like we came from the same womb.”

  “Yeah, yeah I have to go; see you in a few.”



  It was a little after nine thirty when Lauren in a black, fitted dress that was sheer at the top and buttoned around the neck and Marie in a sweetheart, dark purple, sleeveless, fitted dress arrived at the W Hotel just in time for dinner to be served.

  Displayed boldly and absolutely beautifully against the gold background of the elegant grand ballroom were the college colors, royal blue and white. Everything from the balloons and confetti to the centerpieces and chair covers was an implication of perfection as well as a remarkable eye for detail. While heading across the room to the check-in booth to retrieve their name tags, Lauren and Marie were frequently stopped as old friends and classmates greeted them along the way with hearty hugs and genuine smiles.

  With the fancy designed paper that now held their names in place, Marie went straight to the food line while Lauren found a spot on the dance floor. The reunion was in full swing now. The buffet style dinner was plentiful and piled high on handcrafted gold platters. The dance floor was packed, the DJ was bumping nineties hit one after the other. Everyone was enjoying themselves and reminiscing about the good times.

  “Have you seen your man yet?”

  “He’s not my man and no I haven’t seen Darnell.”

  “Don’t get your panties in a bunch. He’s coming.” Marie smirked.

  “Bite me Marie. I’m going to go say hi to Neffee and April then I’m going to go grab me a drink.”

  “Well, you go ahead. I’m going to go talk to Cedric's fine ass.” Marie informed Lauren.

  “Okay, I’ll meet up with you in a bit.”

  Lauren went over to the bar and asked the bartender to make her a lemon drop while she chatted with her old classmates. After her third lemon drop, Lauren decided a change of scenery was in order. Hence, she went down to the first floor of the ballroom and out into the grand garden. She found an empty white bench behind a group of tall shrubs and a small pond then took a seat.

  “Here I was thinking my luck must've run out with your departure from the Coffee Shop earlier.” Darnell confessed as he approached Lauren with the same sexy grin on his face he possessed in college. “The night is still young...”

  “Oh, it’s like that?”

  “Yep, it sure is.” She grinned.

  “Damn, can you cut a brother some slack?”

  “Why would I want to do that?”

  “Because I'm really a good guy and want the opportunity to prove it.”

  “Who were you showing you were a really good guy before you ran into me?”

  “No one, I'm not seeing anyone at the moment.”


  “Seriously, I'm not.”

  “In that case, come show me just how good a guy you are.” Lauren dared him as she downed the last of her drink.

  “Excuse me; I don't think I heard…”

  “You heard me just fine.” Lauren sat her glass down beside her, hiked her dress up a bit, and began rubbing her thick thighs.

  “Lauren don't play with me; I'm a grown ass man.” He warned her then gulped down his Scotch in two swigs.

  “Who’s playing?” Lauren spread her legs, slipped a finger inside her pussy, and moaned just as two women were walking by.

  “Seriously, Lauren…”

  “Seriously Darnell, does it really look like I'm playing with you?” Lauren countered as she slid her wet fingers out of her creamy opening and sucked them dry.

  Darnell threw his empty glass behind him and closed the lengthy distance between them in no time at all. He pulled Lauren into the softest most intense and unhurried kiss of her life. When their lips met and Darnell's tongue slipped inside, exploring Lauren's lemon-flavored mouth, she was so blown away that her knees began to buckle.

  “Whoa baby, don't pass out on me just yet.” Darnell laughed while holding Lauren steady.

  “Damn. I take it you like that, huh?”

  “I did very much.”

  “Then you're going to love this.”

  Darnell pulled Lauren around the garden wall to a small opening and met her with hurried kisses. Picking her up, he ground his manhood into her increasing wetness.

  “Fuck, I have wanted you for so long.” Darnell declared between showering her lips and neck with kisses.

  “Same here but after all this time, is all you want to do is kiss me? Not that it doesn't feel amazing but…”

  Darnell ripped Lauren’s panties, undid his pants, and slid between her slick heated folds so fast she temporarily lost her breath.

  “Ohhhhhh shit, Darnell?”

  “Yes baby?”

  “I-I just came. Oh my god, I am so embarrassed.”

  “That's why you’re so fucking wet?”

  “Yes, oh my god this has never happened to me before.”

  “There’s no reason to be embarrassed. I'm happy
I can make you cum on contact, especially if it feels like this.”

  “You are literally dripping wet. I wanted to take my time and really get to know both sets of your lips...intimately. But you just had to open that smart ass mouth of yours.” Darnell laughed.

  “Screw you Darnell.” Lauren breathed heavily.

  “Be patient sweetie you'll get your turn. Right now, I'm running the show.” Darnell whispered as he slowly pulled his dick out to the tip then slid back inside Lauren's slick wetness again. She arched into his initial thrust. Just like that, they adapted a slow grind that was driving them both crazy with desire for the ultimate gratification.

  “Darnell, damn you feel so good inside me.” Lauren bit down on her lip and moaned to keep from screaming.

  “Shit, you feel good too!” Darnell replied as he gripped Lauren's ass cheeks tighter then sucked a pebbled nipple into his mouth as his slow glides turned to hungry thrusts.

  “Harder Darnell, fuck me harder baby please.” Lauren whimpered.

  “Damn, baby hold on. I'm just trying to enjoy the moment. I can’t believe this is happening; you feel so fucking good. I don't want it to end.” Darnell managed between grunts and intense bursts of pleasure.

  “Baby, I'm close to cumming. I need you to fuck me harder; harder please.” Lauren pleaded as she flung her pussy onto Darnell’s dick so hard, his balls slapped her ass cheeks. Darnell met Lauren's speed then surpassed her as his slow grind switched to full-fledge pounding into her hot pussy. He slammed into her wetness so fast and furiously that his knees nearly buckled. She felt so good. “Oh shit, I'm cumming!” Lauren stifled another scream as best she could.

  “Cum baby, cum on my dick right now Lauren.” Darnell growled.

  “Ohhhhhh fuckkkkk me!” Lauren shouted as her eyes rolled backward and shooting stars shot off behind her eyelids.

  “Oh shit, Lauren you keep getting wetter.”

  “Got damn, I'm about to cum.” Darnell ejected semen deep within her pussy walls.

  “Woman, I think I'm in love.” Darnell said as he held onto the wall behind them, attempting to catch his breath. On the contrary, his dick had a mind of its own. It was standing at attention for another round.

  “Darnell, you’re reading my mind; I definitely want to go again.”

  “Me too but not here. Let’s go back to my place so I can do this right.” Darnell suggested as he kissed her lips. “Let's go.” Lauren agreed.

  One Birthday I’ll Never Forget

  Rolling over in her king sized bed, Whitley lay grinning from ear-to-ear while staring up at her ceiling fan. “Ahhhhh!” She stretched and squealed in delight.

  Pulling her silk sheets and handmade love letter quilt from her petite frame, she jumped up, dancing and rapping her way all the way to the bathroom.

  Go shawty, it's yo birthday; we gon’ party like it's yo birthday.

  We gon sip Bacardi like it’s yo birthday.

  And you know we don't give a fuck it’s not yo birthday.

  After singing the chorus to the rapper 50 Cent's 2003 hit “In Da Club” once more, she turned on the shower, removed her silk nightie then stepped under the heavily flowing stream. Today was her 33rd birthday and she couldn't contain her excitement. Fourteen hours from now, Whitley would be skipping out of the doors of Lovers First Magazine where she’s the Executive Editor and meeting up with her older twin sisters, Wendy and Winter, who flew in from their hometown of Savannah, Georgia earlier this week to celebrate with her.

  Although she and her sisters are six years apart and she currently resides in Chicago, they’re extremely close. They each make it their duty to attend birthdays and ensure that holidays are extra special. Wiping away as much of the steam from the linen closet mirror with her hand, she dried her body and let the plush red towel drop to the floor. She studied her body for what appeared to be the hundredth time in the past week, contemplating where she would get her tattoo. Ultimately, she determined the artistic image should be displayed on her thigh before rubbing her body down with oil and dressing for work. As soon as she dressed in a three piece, deep red, thigh high, power suit and matching pumps, her alarm on her cell went off. It was alerting her to the fact that if she wanted her everything bagel with hazelnut cream cheese and green tea, she had to leave the house right now. Tossing her phone in her purse, Whitley swiped up her keys and pea coat and hastily made her way to her Yukon Denali. Whitley couldn’t stop smiling, she was on cloud nine and couldn't wait to get her very first tattoo and go to dinner then dancing with her sisters.

  “Hello?” Whitley chimed as she backed out of her driveway and made a mad dash toward the highway. “Happy Birthday baby girl!” Wendy and Winter shouted into her Bluetooth. “Thank you! I love y'all so much!”

  “We love you too. Have you decided on what we're going to do tonight?” Wendy asked.

  “Of course I did. First, we’re going to Bahama Breeze then to the Reggae Bar. But before we do all that, we're stopping at Ink Nation so I can get my very first tattoo.”

  “Damn, you ain't playing.” Winter joked.

  “I know right, Winter. We've never had such a detailed itinerary before.”

  “Hey what can I say, it's time to start enjoying life. Anyway loves, I have to run, work is calling. I'll see you guys tonight.”

  “Okay, baby girl bye. Enjoy your day.”

  “Thank you, I will.” Whitley clicked off the connection, pulled up to The Bagel Barn, grabbed her usual and was back in her truck. Six minutes later, she was pulling into the underground parking garage at Lovers First Magazine's main office. As soon as she stepped off the elevator onto the 15th floor, she was greeted by her assistant, Earline and briefed on today's tasks, appointments, and meetings.

  “Good morning Earline. How are you on this beautiful morning?”

  “Awesome boss, thanks for asking and you? Happy Birthday!” Earline acknowledged as she relieved her of her briefcase, coat, and purse and walked a few paces in front of her to open her office door then prepared to take notes.

  “Thank you and I'm doing great.” Her flawless, brown skin glistened in the sunrays as she smiled. Give me the rundown for today and make certain not to schedule me for anything after 2:15.” She stated as she took her seat behind her desk.

  “Okay, you have a meeting today at noon with Mr. William Bardell to discuss your column, several conference calls, and a final overview of all the articles going into this issue. The magazine is scheduled to hit newsstands in two weeks.”

  “Alright, send Will a reminder about our meeting. Brief me ten minutes before all conference calls and get in contact with the contributing writer I'm still waiting on. Then send my new column upstairs to be uploaded.”

  “I'm on it.”

  “Earline, please get thank you cards for all of the gifts and cards all over my office.” She glanced around, smiling as she noticed flowers, wrapped presents, gift bags, and cards carefully placed throughout her office.

  “Please warn me before the crew comes in to sing happy birthday.”

  “Sure thing.” Earline smiled and was gone.


  By the end of the workday, Whitley could feel every single second she'd put in. Although she was exhausted, she couldn't wait to run out of her office in the next 30 minutes and groom for her evening. She was finishing up the day’s duties and shutting down her computer when there was a knock on her door.

  “Come in.”

  She had permitted Earline go home early today as it was her daughter's birthday as well. It was times like this she wished she knew who was on the other side of the door, just in case she didn't want to be bothered.

  “Oh good, I caught you before you left. My apologies for having to postpone our meeting earlier.” Cassandra’s boss said when he walked into her office and closed the door behind him. His beautiful kilowatt smile, maroon complexion, towering height, and bulging muscles temporally rendered her speechless.

  It really should be a sin to be that da
mn hot!

  “No worries but you barely caught me, I'm headed out in 15 minutes. What can I do for you Will?”

  “Somehow, all of our files have just been deleted. Although practically everything is backed up, we lost a few pieces that we're going to have to replace with something else. Therefore, I need you to add three fillers, five extra articles, and all the stories and articles that were originally set to go in this edition.”

  “Okay, I'm on it. You’ll have everything on your desk my 9 a.m. tomorrow morning.”

  “Oh no, that's not acceptable. I leave for London tomorrow afternoon; it has to be done tonight. Hopefully, we'll only be here until eight and not midnight like we were when this happened five years ago.”

  “Bardell, I'm sorry but I can't stay tonight. I have family in from out-of-town and other events scheduled for tonight that can't be postponed or canceled.”

  “I'm sorry Whitley. Of all days, I hate to have to do this to you on your birthday but you know the routine. When you accepted the job, you knew this came with the territory.”

  “With all due respect sir, I’m exceptional at what I do, as you well know. I’ve slept in this office many nights doing not only whatever was required of me but things that weren’t. Based on that, I'm asking you to please allow me to get you everything by morning?”

  “I'm sorry Whitley but this subject is not up for debate. You have to stay tonight, until this thing is resolved. If you need me, I’ll be in my office.” Will spoke with finality, closing the door behind him.

  Whitley leaned against her desk, contemplating her next move. She was fuming. As many times as I’ve went above and beyond for this company and covered Will’s ass after he entrusted other people to do my work and they failed. Oh hell naw, I won’t simply lay down and take this shit. He got me fucked up and on my damn birthday.

  Running to the elevator, Whitley took it two floors up, walked briskly to the end of the hallway, made a left then knocked on the Spanish cedar door.

  “Come in.”

  Whitley whispered a quick prayer of calmness then opened the door.


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