The Desolate Mountains (The Divine Elements Book 2)

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The Desolate Mountains (The Divine Elements Book 2) Page 9

by Daman

  “Geez, Grandpa, I told you that I don’t like fighting. Violence is just not my thing. Can I leave?”

  A six year old Raizel complained, as he swiftly dodged the old man’s attack.

  “You rascal, you might not like violence, but will your enemies share the same sentiments?”

  The old man replied as he attempted to strike his palm against the little boy’s chest.

  “I’ll just crack a joke, and I’ll make friends with my enemies!”

  The cute dark-haired boy retorted with a childish grin on his face.



  “Do you not care about your life?”

  A sinister man stated in a chilling voice, as he slowly approached the twenty year old Raizel.

  “Let me see her one last time, and I promise to leave here peacefully.”

  Raizel calmly replied.

  “You might be a primordial beast, but you are still no match for me. Leave now, before it’s too late.”

  The sinister man warned in a threatening tone.

  Suddenly, a series of golden scales covered his body while bursts of blue lightning erupted all around him.

  “Let’s test that theory out, shall we?”

  Raizel viciously hissed as his eyes morphed into an azure blue.



  “Are you ready, Raizel?”

  An old man gently asked the eight year old boy standing in front of him.

  “I don’t want to do this…”

  The dark-haired boy answered as he nervously played with his fingers.

  “Don’t be afraid, boy, it does not hurt one bit. It is a part of you, just like your soul or the beating heart inside your body.”

  The elderly man said tenderly while petting the boy’s messy hair.

  “I heard Ezkael’s first shape-shift was very painful. I don’t like it when stuff hurts!”

  The dark-haired boy protested as he threw a fit.

  “Raziel… do you trust me?”

  The old man inquired as he firmly gazed into his grandson’s eyes.

  “I do.”

  The boy responded without hesitation.

  “Then, trust the beast within your body, as it will never betray you. Do not fight it. Do not fear it. Simply, accept it as a part of you. Do you understand, Raizel?”



  “…ron…. alron…. CALRON!”

  Ezkael shouted out, as he desperately nudged Calron.

  “Uhh, Teacher…”

  Hearing the groggy voice of his student, Ezkael let out a sigh of relief.

  “Did you find the memory?”

  Ezkael curiously inquired in a hopeful tone.

  “I think I know what to do right now.”

  Calron slowly stated as he gathered his thoughts.

  “Hurry up then! You do not have enough time!”

  Ezkael exclaimed.

  “Teacher, you knew him, right?”

  Calron suddenly asked as he faced the purple-eyed man.

  “Yes. He was the only friend I ever had, and for me, he was the closest thing to a brother. He was extremely lazy, and hated to put any effort into training, but even then, he was one of the strongest beasts within our entire realm!”

  Ezkael said softly as he gently gazed at Calron.

  “You both share the same kind heart, Calron. Even after everything that has happened to you, there is still that trace of gentleness within your heart. Your life has been full of tragedy and loss, but never forget the love taught to you by your parents. Keep their memory alive, and remember that you still have a bright future to look forward to.”

  Ezkael stated with deep emotion in his voice.


  “I have been waiting to tell this to you for a long time, Calron. Watching the rage swirling in your heart and the dark emotions tearing away at your soul, I feared that you would lose your true self to the darkness. But after seeing you interact with the baby beasts, I had started to hope again. Hope that you would be able to trust others once more… time is running out, kid, so you better leave now. We can always talk later.”

  Ezkael stated hurriedly with a slight smile on his face.

  “For some reason I feel like you will just pretend none of this ever happened when we see each other again.”

  Calron said in an amused tone, but his eyes conveyed the immense affection he felt for his Teacher.

  He never realized that the Voice had always been looking out after him, and worrying about his future. Knowing that there was still someone who unconditionally cared about him like family, Calron felt his heart be at peace after a very long time.

  “You know me too well.”

  Ezkael answered with a wink.

  “I will win this battle, Teacher!”

  Calron stated as a new confidence surged through him, and in the next moment, he suddenly vanished from the white room.

  “I know you will, kid, I know you will…”

  Ezkael quietly whispered into the empty room, as he turned around and left.

  After countless centuries, a genuine smile finally appeared on Ezkael’s face.

  Chapter 17 – The First Shape-Shift


  Surrounded by an endless abyss of darkness, Calron closed his eyes as he searched for the one who he was looking for.

  “Where are you?”

  Calron muttered as he spread his consciousness as far as he could.

  Slowly, a small ember of light flickered at the corner of his inner vision. Normally, It would be too miniscule to notice, but contrasted with the complete blackness of this space, the small light shone like a beacon.

  “Found you.”

  Calron flashed a grin, as he rushed towards the tiny light.


  The sudden ray of sunlight instantly blinded Calron.

  Squinting his eyes, he scanned the area that he had just entered. The place seemed vaguely familiar to Calron, but he could not recall where he had seen it before.

  *Chirp* *Chirp*

  A small baby bird abruptly landed in front of Calron, as it curiously tilted its head up to look at him.


  The golden bird inquired with a flap of its soft wings.

  “We finally meet… do you know who I am?”

  Calron asked as he crouched on the ground and brought his face closer to the small golden bird.


  The little bird nods its head sadly while turning around and preparing to leave.

  “Hey, wait! I don’t hate you.”

  Calron loudly exclaimed when he saw the dejected expression on the little bird’s face.

  “Chirp chirp?”

  The golden bird abruptly stopped moving, and glanced back at the human with hopeful eyes.

  “Sigh… it was wrong of me to reject my beast heritage when it’s just as much a part of me as my human heritage. I’m sorry for making you feel rejected… but I promise to trust you from here on out.”

  Calron said softly as he extended his arm towards the little golden bird.


  Staring at the outstretched arm of the human, the little bird’s azure eyes shone for a brief second, until it hopped forwards and touched its tiny wing against Calron’s hand.

  “Haha, are you ready to do this?”

  Calron asked with a wide smile on his face.


  The golden bird enthusiastically nodded its head, as its body began to brightly glow with a golden hue.

  “It’s time to finally embrace my beast heritage.”

  Calron whispered as the little bird exploded into golden spheres of lightning and charged into his chest!



  His soul felt refreshed, as if he had just been born again. His body felt new, almost foreign
and strange, but Calron had a feeling that this was how his true body was supposed to be like.

  He sensed something coursing through his veins. It was the bolt of lightning, and it was hot.

  However, it did not hurt him anymore.

  Slowly opening his eyes, Calron reveled in the feel of his new body. Clenching his hands… no, his claws, Calron slowly stood up from the ground.

  The bolt of lightning racing around inside of him finally came to a standstill, and gradually entered into his core.


  Suddenly, the exterior of Calron’s core began to crack open and traces of the golden essence poured out through the thin line of opening.

  Streams of the golden-azure liquid flooded into his muscles and bones, creating tiny bolts of lightning within his cells. Even his blood morphed into a golden-azure liquid as it pumped the essence throughout his body.


  Massive bolts of golden lightning darted across Calron’s scales as his body continued to absorb the essence.


  The whole ground underneath Calron exploded in a burst of smoke and dust and enveloped his entire body.

  Monstrous waves of golden essence wildly surged around Calron’s scaly body, as faint sounds of glass cracking could be heard in the background.

  Inside Calron’s body, the surface of his elemental core had completely shattered, revealing a much smaller and denser sphere.

  The new core was devoid of any essence at the moment, but Calron knew that even though this new core was much smaller than his first one, once he cultivated his essence again, his strength would soar by leaps and bounds.

  Calron really wanted to test out his newfound power of the Vajra stage, but he still had to conserve his strength if he wanted to complete his first shape-shifting.

  “Hey, little bird, are you ready?”

  Calron laughingly asked the golden bird within his consciousness.


  “Then, let’s fly!”

  Calron roared into the dark sky above, as he called out to the massive golden bird in the sky!


  The giant avian came piercing down through the sky as flashes of lightning danced around its wings.

  As it charged towards the boy, the golden bird slowly transformed into a thick golden arrow and was just seconds away from striking him.

  Calron’s eyes blazed with an excited intensity as the reflection of the golden arrow appeared within his eyes.


  The arrow penetrated straight through Calron’s chest and firmly lodged itself within his heart.

  “Trust the beast within your body, as it will never betray you. Do not fight it. Do not fear it. Simply, accept it as a part of you. Do you understand, Raizel?”

  *chichi* *chichi*

  Two large scales suddenly shot out from Calron’s back, and continued to expand as numerous smaller scales spread out to form a pair of colossal golden wings.

  Even the scales on Calron’s body started to slowly vibrate as they twisted and rotated, allowing them to perfectly fit his physical form.

  Raising his head, Calron let out a savage shriek as his face distorted into that of a bird, while his mouth slowly morphed into a sharp beak.


  Calron’s cry echoed out within the rumbling sound of thunder.

  No longer appearing human, the current Calron greatly resembled the golden bird from earlier.


  With a flap of his golden metallic wings, Calron attempted his first flight in air.

  He hovered for a few seconds, but soon toppled to the ground.

  Hahaha, that was so thrilling! One more time!

  Calron thought in excitement as he clumsily flapped his wings again.

  I think I could get used to this…

  Calron let out another bird cry, as his azure blue eyes flashed with lightning.


  *pant* *pant*

  “That was exhausting… Hahaha… I can’t believe I just flew!”

  Calron panted as he tried to get his words out.

  Adrenaline was still running through his veins, and his heart continued to pound against his chest.

  With his chest rising and falling with each breath and sweat dripping from all over his naked body, a silly grin remained plastered on Calron’s face. He did not even care that his one piece of loincloth was destroyed during his first shape-shift.

  If it was not for his stamina and strength running out, then Calron would have continued to fly as the golden beast.

  It was not truly flying, as Calron could not rise more than a few feet above the ground, but to him, this was the best feeling he had ever experienced.

  “I really am a beast…”

  Calron whispered with a happy smile as he stared at the dark thunderclouds above him.


  Unknown to Calron, a large figure was approaching closer and closer to his destination.

  The massive red bear continued to charge towards the human, while his fangs glowed a bright orange color and bursts of small flames erupted around them.

  It was not aware of the changes that had occurred to the human while it was travelling down the cliff.

  The Bear Chief was only a few yards away when he noticed the human casually lying on the ground as he heavily panted.

  “You are a danger to us all, human. I cannot let you continue living.”

  The red bear solemnly promised as it raised its head and let out a rumbling roar.

  Chapter 18 – Conflict

  Hearing the loud roar of a beast, Calron immediately sprung back onto the ground in a low crouched position.


  Calron dumbly stared at himself as he realized that his reflexes were abnormally fast, almost instantaneous.

  “Interesting… ”

  Calron mused, and wondered what other changes his beast side brought to his body.


  With an ear-splitting roar, the massive red bear charged towards the human as the orange flames around its fangs transformed into a dark molten lava.

  *thud* *thud*

  Noticing the large red bear rushing towards him, Calron’s eyes suddenly grew serious and he began to release his essence.


  Calron cursed when it occurred to him that his new core was completely empty of any essence.

  “I guess I will get to experience the strength of a Vajra stage body sooner than I thought.”

  Calron muttered quietly as he slowly stood up straight, and keenly awaited for the red bear to approach him.

  Just as the massive bear was two yards away from him, it abruptly stopped and glared intensely at Calron.

  “The bird seems to have disappeared… that makes it easier to deal with the human.”

  Chief quietly muttered as he noticed that besides the naked human in front of it, the large illusion of the golden bird from earlier had completely vanished.

  The dread within the bear’s heart slowly faded away when it realized that it would not have to go against that unearthly being.

  “I wouldn’t underestimate me that much if I were you.”

  Calron stated with an amused grin.

  He did not know whether it was because of his acceptance of his beast heritage, or flying for the first time, or simply talking face to face with his Teacher, but Calron felt a new confidence surging through him.

  “What!? You can understand me?”

  The red bear asked in an astonished tone while its eyes widened in surprise.

  “Yes, I can understand your grunts and growls. Now, why are you trying to attack me? I don’t recall ever offending you.”

  Calron inquired as he continued to remain alert against the bear’s movements.

  “You are a human, isn’t that reason enough?”

  Chief growled, as he opened wide his maw and shot out a ball of molten lava at Calron

  “That’s kind of cool…”

  Calron admired the ball of molten lava as he prepared to dodge it.


  Suddenly small bolts of golden lightning bounced around his legs just as Calron was about to move.


  In a blink, Calron was several feet away from his original location.

  “The essence… it’s in my muscles!”

  Calron realized when he felt the lightning coursing through his legs. Although he was not as fast as when using the Blood Mist Step, he was definitely faster than without using his abilities.


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