Star-Struck, Book 1

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Star-Struck, Book 1 Page 17

by Twyla Turner

  “I’m so sorry Sunny. I didn’t mean to get so carried away. It’s just that I haven’t seen you in a couple of days, you look so beautiful and the constant fear of my life being too much for you; kinda made me lose it. I can’t get enough of you and want to be as close to you as possible.” Sunny could hear the concern in his voice, and could only assume his face probably matched the emotion since she still hadn’t opened her eyes yet.

  Sunny just turned and curled up on her side, not able to even express, let alone comprehend what she was feeling. The sex had been intense, wonderful, but scary. Like he went all Christian Grey on my ass. Maybe we need a safeword.

  “I’ll just give you some time to recuperate. I left you something to drink on the table. I love you.” Gabe kissed her temple and left the cabana. I love you too.


  When Sunny felt like she was composed enough, she finally extricated herself from the bed of the cabana. She grabbed the glass of water that Gabe had left for her, and chugged it down. Then straightening her dress and smoothing down her hair, she walked out of the cabana and over to the bar. She ordered a beer from the bartender, and when she had her drink, she went in search of Gabe.

  She found him sitting on the couches with a couple of men in deep discussion.

  “I’ll send it over to you by courier tomorrow.” Gabe was saying to one of the men. Gabe looked up when she came to stand next to him. He stood and kissed her forehead, “Hey Sweet Girl, are you okay?” He said quietly, his voice nervous.

  “Yeah, I’m good. No worries.” She wrapped an arm around his waist and squeezed, letting him know that she wasn’t upset with him.

  He released the breath that he had been holding and his entire body relaxed. He had really been tearing himself up about what happened.

  “Okay good. Are you ready to go?” He smiled tentatively at her.

  “Yeah. I’m getting pretty tired.” Sunny said stifling a yawn that came out of nowhere.

  “Alright.” He chuckled.

  He quickly introduced her to the director and two producers that he had been sitting with, made their excuses, and then headed to the elevators.

  Back inside the limo, Gabe wasted no time pulling Sunny onto his lap. He nuzzled his face in her hair, breathing deeply.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You’re not mad at me?”

  “Gabe, sweetie. What am I gonna say? That I’m mad at you for giving me so many multiple orgasms that I nearly passed out? Yes, it was a little intense and scary, but stop beating yourself up about it. A girl should be so lucky.” Sunny cupped the side of his face, staring into his eyes lovingly.

  “So what you’re saying is, I’m the most amazing lover you’ve ever known?” Gabe joked, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Oh Lord. Well that goes without saying. You’re such a dork.” Sunny giggled and held him tight.

  “But I’m your dork.” He finally relaxed fully, now that he knew the crisis was averted.

  By the time they got to his house, Sunny had drifted off to sleep in his arms. Light kisses all over her face woke her up. She gave Gabe a sleepy smile.

  “We’re here, Sweet Girl.”

  “Alright…alright. I’m up.”

  They got out of the limo and Gabe guided her over to a huge privacy wall and gate. She could only see part of the roof of the house from outside. No wonder he lived here, the seclusion from the press was worth whatever the price was, as far as she was concerned. She had been dealing with it for only two weeks and she thought she was going insane.

  Gabe punched in a code on the keypad, and the gate started to swing open. Sunny gasped at the vision in front of her. The house appeared to blend perfectly with the mountain behind it. It had the feel of a Spanish villa; stucco, large stones, and a tiled roof. There was a sandstone path that wove its way through the grass to the front door. The lights along the path and from inside the house gave a soft, warm, and welcoming glow.

  “Some of the lighting is controlled by the security system. At night when I use the gate opener in one of my vehicles or I punch in the code, the lights on the path and a select few inside, turn on.” Gabe explained.

  “I can’t even explain how beautiful I think your home is. And I haven’t even seen the inside yet.” Sunny said with her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide with wonder.

  “I’m glad you like it. Come on, I’ll show you the inside.”

  Gabe unlocked and opened the door for Sunny. She walked into the most beautiful house she’d ever seen. It was all cream walls, cherry wood ceilings with I-beams, gray and tan stone details in the fireplaces and entryway, and reddish tan Spanish tile on the floor. The house itself was very ‘old world’, but his furnishings were more modern with ‘old world’ accents here and there. And everything was in warm earth tones.

  And the backyard was paradise. He had the trees and plant life balanced to flow with the plants of the mountain. A grassy section was on the side and curved around the house; a space to play yard games at barbeques or to set up a playhouse for kids. The stone details inside the house were found outside as well, some small and some large to create the pool that looked more like a pond with little waterfalls pouring into it. The recessed lighting produced a seductive yet calming oasis.

  For whatever reason she couldn’t place, Sunny’s eyes blurred with moisture, overwhelmed by emotions. If she looked deeper she knew that she’d find what she felt was peace. As if she had come home. But if she accepted this place as her home and things didn’t work out between them, she was afraid that she would never feel at home again…anywhere.

  “So what do you think? You haven’t said much during your tour.” Gabe asked concerned.

  “I have no words. That’s why I’ve been so quiet. It’s absolutely stunning…perfection.” She ended softly.

  “You have no idea how happy it makes me that you love it. Here, let’s go back inside. You go change into your pajamas, I’ll get you a beer and we can relax.”



  Sunny padded barefoot out of the bathroom that adjoined the master bedroom. Gabe groaned internally at what she was wearing. After what happened on the rooftop of the hotel, he had promised himself that he wouldn’t touch her again tonight, to give her space. And even though she was wearing some seductive blue silk and black lace baby doll nightie that only covered the tops of her beautiful thighs, he still wasn’t going to give in. Nope. No. I’m not gonna do it.

  “Come sit over here. I want to talk to you about something.” Gabe led her to the couch he had in front of the large bedroom windows overlooking the backyard. He figured it’d be a safer spot than the bed. Yeah, right. Like that matters. Couches are our thing.

  “Okay, so what did you want to talk about?” Sunny asked nervously as she took the glass of beer he gave her.

  Gabe inhaled deeply and then blew it out quickly. “Okay, don’t answer until you’ve given it some real thought… I want you to move in with me. Make this a home with me, not just a house.” He gestured around indicating the house.

  Sunny’s expressive eyes filled with hope and excitement, and then a second later the emotions were squashed down by a look of doubt.

  “I don’t know Gabe. It’s just so-“

  “Soon.” Gabe finished for her.

  “It’s just that my place is perfect for me and the rent is amazing. If things don’t work out between us, I’ll have no place to live. And more than likely won’t find something that cheap again.” Sunny tried to rationalize.

  “Sunny even if we didn’t work out, there is no way in hell that I’d just put you out on the street. I’ll take care of you no matter what. And I hate that you have to deal with the paparazzi all by yourself. Your building has no real security. I worry about you all the time.” Gabe pleaded his case.

  “I know.” Sunny looked down at her hands.

  “And that’s not all.” Sunny looked up at him. “I want you to quit your job too. To work on your screenplays. To have the
career you were meant to have.”

  “Gabe! I can’t be completely dependent on you! Quit my job…seriously?!” Sunny exclaimed.

  “But you won’t be dependent on me. You’ll have your work. Which I already have an interested party wanting to read one of your scripts. The director I introduced you to before we left the hotel. And Sunny, if you sell just one of your scripts to someone, you’ll make more money in that one sale than you would make in a whole year at your job!”

  “It’s just such a huge risk.” Sunny gulped down her beer and then started to fidget with the empty glass nervously.

  “Life is a risk. And you’re overthinking everything. Remember…stop thinking and feel! And when you’re ready, let me know what you decide. But you don’t have to do it now. Let’s just get some sleep.”

  He took Sunny’s empty glass and set it on the table. Then he led her to the giant king size bed, laid her down, crawled in behind her and pulled her close.

  Chapter 15

  Sunny woke up the next morning wrapped in a ‘man’ cocoon. Gabe’s arms tightly encircled her and his legs were tangled with hers. She lay still not wanting to wake him, while she thought about all that he’d said the night before. Was she ready to jump?

  She felt his arms tighten even more around her, and then she detected a very distinct erection between the cheeks of her backside. She just smiled and rubbed her ass against his thick shaft, offering herself up to him. She knew that he had restrained himself last night after the wild rooftop sex, and she wanted to let him know that it was okay to proceed.

  Taking her queue that all was well, he lifted her leg back over his hip. He slowly slid the head of his cock up and down her wet cleft, and then glided himself in from behind. She gasped, arched her back and pushed harder against him.

  “Yes, Gabe. I say yes.” Sunny said breathlessly as he thrust into her again.

  “What?” He panted.

  “Yes, I’ll move in with you.”

  He suddenly flipped her over onto her back. And stared into her eyes, searching to make sure she wasn’t messing with him.

  “Really? You mean it?” He said trying not get too excited.

  “Yes, really.” Sunny rolled her hips up to him to try and get back the connection. But he wasn’t biting.

  “When?” He looked so hopeful, her heart warmed.

  “Soon. I just have to get things settled and give my notices at work and the apartment. Now stop stalling and fuck me already!” Sunny growled in frustration.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Gabe plunged into her depths and they both cried out. As Gabe brought them both to a shattering climax, Sunny felt like everything was right with the world…she was home.


  That feeling of rightness lasted all of two seconds. In the days following the premiere and her debut, Sunny virtually became a hermit. Introducing her to the media only caused their interest in her to peak, not wane.

  She was constantly hounded, and the amount of paparazzi had doubled. And someone, (she had a sinking suspicion was one of her co-workers/ex-friends), leaked her real name to the media. And even her cell number. So now, even her phone was ringing off the hook. She couldn’t find any peace from the chaos. The press called with more invasive questions that she didn’t answer and offers of money to be interviewed by them first, which she turned down. I need to change my fucking number.

  Sunny gave up on all media outlets too. She stopped watching television and refused to go online. She had tried going on Facebook only through her cell app, but even gave up on that when all her friends starting asking questions about her relationship with Gabe.

  She had enlisted Alyssa to be her eyes and ears of the media. Alyssa reported back to her on if she was perceived well at the premiere and if there were any other new and/or false rumors buzzing around. Alyssa filtered out the really negative comments that Sunny didn’t want to hear.

  Alyssa had said that there were some insults here and there, but mostly from haters that liked to leave mean comments on entertainment articles and videos. Sunny knew that was the norm nowadays. People felt that because they were behind a computer screen and not face to face, that it offered them some form of anonymity. Not realizing that they were the cause of permanent pain for many that they insulted. So she had no plans to read that crap, trying to filter out the good from the bad.

  Alyssa had told her that though there was some bad, there was a lot more good. Apparently after the videos of them at the premiere were aired, most people loved them as a couple. They said that they were genuine and cute together. And there were a lot of girls that were impressed and inspired by Sunny, to be themselves, and maybe they too would find their own Gabriel Wolf.

  That was the best part for Sunny, knowing that she was inspiring girls. But all she wanted was her privacy back and to enjoy her life and relationship. She even used some of her sick days to avoid going in to work, to get some peace. Hell I’m quitting anyway.

  Sunny’s phone rang, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Alyssa’s assigned song.

  “Yellow.” She answered

  “Get your butt up here and keep me company! I’m bored. You might not wanna leave the building, but there’s no paparazzo up here. So you have no excuse.” Alyssa sniffed into the phone self-righteously.

  “I’ll be up in just a sec.”

  “Hmm…that was easier than I thought it would be.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I need the distraction. See you in a minute.”

  Sunny stayed in her pajamas, grabbed her phone and went upstairs for some girl time. She knocked on Alyssa’s door, which opened immediately. She walked in and shut the door as Alyssa skipped over to her couch.

  “I just cracked open a bottle of wine, care to join me?” Alyssa held up the bottle with a raised eyebrow.

  “I thought you’d never ask.” Sunny took the full wine glass Alyssa poured for her.

  They spent the evening talking about Alyssa and Brandon’s relationship, which had turned into full-blown couple status while Sunny had been developing her own thing with Gabe.

  Sunny was flipping through a fashion magazine while Alyssa went online to check for anymore Gabe & Sunny news. Thank God they haven’t combined our names like Bradgelina!

  “You know Alyssa, if all this craziness continues; I think I’ll hire you as my PR person.” Sunny said jokingly.

  “FUCK! Uh…Sunny?” Alyssa shouted the first word, and then whispered the last apprehensively.

  “Oh God…what now?” Sunny asked hesitantly.

  “Uh…well they’re saying that they have an audio sex tape of Gabe…and the girl on it isn’t you.” She said with a cringe on her face.

  “Is there a link to play it?”


  “Play it.” Sunny said her heart in her throat.

  Alyssa clicked on the link uncertainly. Then she clicked play on the audio, and the apartment was instantly filled with the sounds of passionate love-making. They both listened for a minute and when Sunny started smiling, Alyssa’s mouth dropped open in disbelief.

  “How could you be smiling?”

  “That’s not another woman that’s me! I don’t like that this got out, but the fact that the rumor isn’t true makes me happy.” Sunny said relieved.

  “How do you know it’s you?” Alyssa asked skeptically, still not ready to believe.

  “First of all, how can you believe the full of shit media and not your best friend? And second, I know it’s me because that’s what I sound like when I’m having sex with Gabe. They just edited out when he yelled out my name. That was the day when we kind of got carried away in his trailer.” Sunny flushed at the memory.

  “Oooh…so this is what everyone heard that day?! DAMN!!! You guys are smokin hot together! Alyssa fanned herself.

  “Shut up.” Sunny threw a pillow at her friend. “The question is, why would anyone want to lie about who the girl is on the tape? Or better yet, who would even fucking record us!?” Su
nny wondered out loud.

  “Who knows. Someone is just jealous and wants to ruin your relationship. And I’m sorry I doubted you. I just don’t want Mr. Movie Star to hurt you.”

  “Trust me I don’t want that either. But he really seems to love me. He may be famous and a multi-millionaire, but he’s had a hard life. And we just kind of click. We’ll see where it goes.”


  Later, when Sunny was back in her apartment, Beyoncé’s Crazy in Love, her new assigned ringtone for Gabe started playing.

  “Hey, babe.” She smiled into the phone.

  “Hey, Sweet Girl.” His deep voice melting her on the spot.

  “So we have a new rumor going around.” Sunny said shaking her head, even though he couldn’t see it.

  “Oh God, what now?” Gabe groaned.

  “Well, someone has released our audio sex tape of that day in your trailer. But…they’re trying to say it’s not me, that it’s another woman.” Sunny explained.

  “Did you listen to it? You don’t believe it do you?” Gabe panicked.

  “Yes, I listened to it. And no, I don’t believe them. But that’s mainly because I know that it was me. I know what I sound like when I’m with you. They tried to edit out you yelling my name, but there’s no doubt it’s me.” Sunny soothed.

  “Good! Cause you have to know that I haven’t been with another woman since I met you?”

  “I know Gabe, I trust you.”

  “Come out for lunch tomorrow, please? I haven’t seen you for three days! And that’s all the time I am willing to allow.” Gabe grumbled into the phone. Sunny could see his pouting face.

  “Hmm…I don’t know if I want to come to the set though. I’m not really in the mood to socialize.”

  “We can go wherever you want, baby. Just so long as I can see you. You should be moved in by now, you know!”

  “Right! And how exactly am I going to move, when I can’t even get out of my doorway because of all the paparazzi piled in front!” Sunny did some grumbling of her own.


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