From Now Until Infinity

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From Now Until Infinity Page 4

by Layne Harper

  Colin tries to interject but I cut him off. “However, I think that the article is most damaging toward Sasha herself. She’s a lover scorned, and I know that the majority of the people that read it will see through the accusations and ultimately pity her. She did herself no favors. The only part that I’d demand not be included is the part about Jenna. She doesn’t deserve to have to her past drug through the mud.”

  Then, I pause because a terrible thought enters my brain. Oh My God! Does Colin have a thing going on with Jenna? Still? Never stopped? Is she like a mistress? “I’m assuming that Jenna is just someone that you feel that you need to help out and there’s nothing else going on, right?” I try to keep my face neutral when I ask the question, but I can’t look at him in the face. My insides are a mess as I wait for his response.

  “Oh God! Yes, baby.” Colin says as he runs his fingers through his wet hair. He grabs my shoulders and turns me towards him and then he lifts my chin so we’re back to staring into each other’s eyes. “I paid for Jenna to go to college and get her nursing degree. I also bought her a house to live in. That’s it. Jenna means nothing to me more than a friend.” He confesses.

  “Good. Then call Aiden and Mark and tell them that’s the only thing that you demand to not have included in the article. Let it run. Your sponsors aren’t going to be too pleased, but like I said, you didn’t leave Sasha with four little girls and run off with the head nurse at your practice that was already six-months pregnant,” I reply raising my eyebrow at him.

  Colin picks me up and twirls me around kissing me like crazy. “God, I love you. You’re my fuckin’ rock star.”

  When he finally sets me back on my own two feet, he drops his towel showing me just how amazing he thinks that I am. Seriously, how can he constantly have a hard on?

  “I’ll call Mark and Aiden on speaker phone so we can discuss the notes.”

  While he walks into the other room to get his phone and put on clothes, I finish my makeup. I finally have a few minutes to think about the new situation that we once again find ourselves in.

  In all honesty, I hate that the article will run. I wish there was some way to make it go away. Even though what Sasha says about me isn’t true, I hate that people who don’t know me will think that I cheated with a man. I mean, I guess that Colin and I did cheat on Sasha, but it was thirty-six hours before he broke up with her/quit seeing her. Whatever. Who knows? This is miserable, but I guess in some ways I think that we deserve this as punishment. What a terrible thought to have.

  My mom will be so disappointed when she reads what Sasha has to say about me. I take a long look at myself in the mirror. Being with Colin means that this is the first of many inaccurate things that will be printed about us. Over the course of our relationship, we’ll be separating, having a baby, cheating with different people, and who knows, maybe become aliens from another planet. This’s part of the package that comes with being loved by Colin McKinney.

  Pleased with my final appearance, I join him at the suite’s dining room table to make the phone call. I’m glad that Colin has included me. If we’ve got a chance of having a successful relationship, I have to feel like I’m his equal and not some kept woman. I need to feel in control of my/our life. Hopefully, this’s Colin’s acknowledgement that I’m his partner.

  I sit down next to him at the table, and he dials both men putting them on a three way call with us. “Aiden, Mark, I’m just letting you know that Caroline’s on the call with us,” Colin begins.

  “Hi Charlie,” Aiden laughs. “Long time, no speak.”

  “Hi Aiden. How are you?”

  “Significantly better now that you seemed to have tamed the beast,” Aiden teases Colin.

  Colin’s whole body goes rigid next to me. It’s obvious that he doesn’t appreciate Aiden’s comment so I reach over and place my hand on his thigh. He puts his large hand on top of mine and squeezes it.

  “Look guys,” I say cutting to the chase, “I read the reporter’s notes and they’re pretty awful. However, I believe that the article will ultimately make Sasha look worse than it makes Colin or me look.”

  Mark interrupts me, “I couldn’t agree more, Charlie.”

  I continue, “My biggest issue is the mention of the girl that Colin supposedly got pregnant in high school. First of all, it’s not true. Second of all, there’s no need to bring her up or cause her any undo harm when Sasha is really just trying to hurt Colin and me.”

  Colin jumps in. “Let’s force them to leave the bit about Jenna out, and the rest of the lies can run as long as the reporter agrees to include a statement from Caroline and I denying Sasha’s accusations.”

  I flash Colin a look of confusion. This is the first that I’m hearing about a joint statement. He mutes Aiden and Mark who are now debating how the statement should read. “It’ll just be a blanket denial of the article or something like that.” He attempts to clarify.

  “But, Colin. We did technically cheat on Sasha.” I respond. Am I now a liar and a cheater?

  “We still have to issue a denial statement unless you just want to let it run without a comment from us.”

  I shake my head in confusion. “So we’re going to pretend to not be together?”

  Colin takes the phone off of mute and interrupts Mark and Aiden’s debate. “We’ll call you back in a second.” Then, he ends the phone call with such force that I’m momentarily scared that he’s going to break the glass on his iPhone.

  When Colin looks at me, I’m almost scared of him. Not like he’s going to hurt me, but more like he might put his fist through a wall. “I.WILL.NOT.PRETEND.THAT.I.DO.NOT.LOVE.YOU.” Each word is pronounced as if it’s the most important words ever spoken.

  I begin rubbing his thigh to calm him down. “That’s not what I meant. I’m just confused, I guess. How can we deny something that’s true? Soon enough a picture of us together will make its way online and everyone will know that we lied when we said that we weren’t together.”

  Colin runs his fingers through his hair, and lets out a sigh. “We aren’t denying that we’re together, we’re denying that we cheated on Sasha.”

  I’ve got to be missing something here. I stand up and walk to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water to allow me a few moments to think. I lean against the suite’s kitchenette counter and try to reason with Colin. “But we did cheat on Sasha. Don’t you see that?”

  Colin stands up and walks over to the windows that highlight him in a beautiful dusk New Orleans sky. He throws his hands up in frustration. “I fuckin’ give up, Charlie. Tell me what you want, and we’ll do it.”

  Tears begin to trickle down my cheeks, and my stomach is twisted in knots. This’s so difficult. What do I want? “I think that the denial statement should just be from you, and I should be left out of this. Colin, I’m a doctor not a celebrity. Say whatever that you want to say, but I don’t want to be on record lying. As a doctor my integrity is all that I’ve got.”

  We’re on opposite sides of the suite from each other. I want to run to him, hold him and make this all better. I know that I’ve let him down by asking him to leave me out of his denial statement, but I will not allow myself to be branded as a liar.

  Without replying to me, Colin walks over and picks up his phone putting Mark and Aiden on speaker again. He doesn’t bother with niceties when they answer. “The denial statement will just be from me.”

  Mark asks, “Then, are you denying that you’re in a relationship with Charlie?”

  Colin doesn’t answer. He looks at me with his green eyes that drill into my soul. I know that he’s not going to answer Mark’s question. Colin’s making me publically commit to us right here and right now. All the words that were said in Los Angeles were meaningless if I don’t answer this question correctly for Colin.

  I walk slowly over to where Colin’s standing, holding his phone. “Mark, Colin is not denying his involvement with me. He refuses to comment on when our relationship was rekindled.” My voice
is much steadier than how I feel. I’m a wreck. I haven’t seen this man for eight years. We’ve been back together for one week. Now, I have to go public. Here comes the “what ifs.” What if we’re moving too fast down a dead end street only to crash and burn? What if Colin isn’t the man that I used to know any longer? What if I’m pregnant?

  “Colin, is this what you want?” Mark asks.

  Colin looks into my eyes and responds with “absolutely,” and I know that his answer is more than just a response to Mark’s question. He’s also telling me that he wants me. I’ve confirmed for Colin just how serious I am about giving us another shot. Whatever nervousness or awkwardness that has existed between the two of us since we saw each other again at the restaurant have vanished with one beautiful word “absolutely.” “Absolutely” makes the “what ifs” recede to the back of my mind.

  “Okay. We’ll get a statement written up and email it you for your approval, Colin. Charlie, it was a pleasure talking to you again.” The word “pleasure” sounds like acid coming off of Mark’s tongue. I instantly go on high alert and Colin’s whole body goes rigid again next to me. I can tell that he’s about to lose his temper with his agent and attorney. I grab his hand and squeeze it.

  “I don’t go by Charlie any longer. I’d appreciate if you guys call me Caroline,” I conclude. I don’t bother to comment on Mark’s slip up. I can see how Mark might not be having a party that Colin and I are back together. Our breakup was ugly and from the little that Colin has shared, he was in bad shape. As Colin’s football agent, I’m sure that Mark was not pleased that his paycheck was heartbroken over a girl.

  Aiden laughs. “Whatever you say Caroline. Y’all try to go enjoy the rest of your trip.” Leave it to Aiden to lighten the tension.

  That pretty much ends the phone call. Once Colin hangs up with the guys, I take his face into my hands, “This is one of many media storms that we’re going to have to weather together. Aiden’s right. We need to enjoy the rest of the trip together because we know once the article hits the Internet, our privacy is over.”

  Colin finally starts relaxing as I see the tension leaving his jaw and the lines around his eyes begin to relax.

  “We’ve got two fun nights in New Orleans to spend together. I don’t want to let this ruin our fun. It’s over. We can’t do anything about it so let’s go act like the crazy in love teenagers that we are,” I compel him.

  Finally, that seems to have snapped him out of the terrible mood he’s been in since we arrived in New Orleans. He leans down and begins to kiss me with desperate passion. His kiss is so sensual. It telegraphs his need for me. When his hands start traveling under my dress, I pull back and breathlessly reply, “If we do this, we’re going to miss our dinner reservation.”

  “Fuck dinner,” Colin replies as he scoops me up and carries me into the bedroom. He doesn’t let me argue with him, and frankly, I don’t want to.

  He gently places me on the bed without breaking our kiss. His hands travel under my dress making their way to my waiting, needy breasts. When his hands begin to knead them through my bra, I agree with Colin, “Fuck dinner.”

  He stops kissing me and looks into my eyes with such awe that it makes my heart clench. “I’m so fucking in love with you.”

  His words capture me and he has me. All of me. I push him off me on to his back. I sit on his hips and lean down attempting to put all of my feelings into the best, most passionate kiss ever. Our tongues find their perfect rhythm as if we haven’t been separated for a week or the past eight years for that matter. He groans in agreement. My “what ifs” evaporate into thin air.

  Colin’s hands start on my back, but quickly make their way to my behind. He massages my cheeks while he mummers, “I love that you’ve got an ass again.”

  I feel the bulge in his pants and rub myself through my panties on his erection. Yes. I definitely agree with Colin. Fuck dinner. Who needs food when you’ve got the most beautiful man in the world laying underneath you looking at you with such lustful, heavy eyes that they alone can make you melt.

  “Baby, I need to be inside of you,” he moans. “Take off that dress of yours and come crawl on my dick. It’s been too fucking long since I’ve been inside of you.”

  His words send a flood of warmth to my lower stomach. I break our kiss, and I quickly remove my dress and panties. I unbutton his pants discovering that he’s going commando. His erection’s ready and waiting for me, and only me. He’s mine and not the world’s, and I love it.

  “Where’re the condoms?” I ask while I begin to slide my hand up and down his long, gorgeous penis.

  He sighs and rolls his eyes showing me his discontent. I ignore him and wait for his answer. “There’s one in my wallet,” he sighs.

  I scramble off the bed and grab his wallet which is sitting on the bedside table. I find a condom and rip the package open with my teeth. I carefully roll it on him and climb back on top of his hips.

  “Sit up, Colin,” I instruct. “I want to be able to kiss you while we make love.”

  Just my words make his eyes roll back in his head. “That’s the sexist thing that I’ve ever heard, baby,” he moans.

  His back’s against the headboard of the bed. I quickly remove his shirt and my bra so we are both completely naked. I reach behind me, grab his erection, and slowly lower myself on to it until I’ve completely taken him.

  I lean forward and capture his mouth while I begin my slow, passionate dance with him inside of me. His arms squeeze me tightly to him, both of us lost in the moment. We aren’t thinking about bitter ex-girlfriends or media attention. It’s just Colin and I doing what we do best, showing each other how much we love each other.

  I may be on top of Colin, and I might be the one that’s riding him, but I know that without a doubt he’s just letting me win this time. He enjoys me taking charge and making love to him, but he’ll never let me ultimately have my way with him. He’s too competitive – even in the bedroom.

  The pressure’s building and I know that I can’t continue this pace much longer. I need relief. I break our kiss as I continue my dance on his erection and breathe, “I’m going to come.”

  He reaches up and tucks the long strands of my hair behind my ears. “It’s okay, baby. Let me hear how good it feels.”

  I arch my back putting my hands on his thighs. His strong fingers pinch my very taunt nipples. I scream out, “Colin… Colin… stop.” It’s too much. He lets go of one nipple and flicks my clit. I feel like I’m going to explode as he sends me over the edge. I erupt in a release that’s so powerful that I collapse on top of him.

  I lie there for what feels like an eternity. Colin continually strokes my back as I gently return to earth. He rolls me off of him not breaking our contact.

  “Did that feel good, baby?” he asks so sweetly.

  I smile back lazily at him, “Perfection.”

  He starts gently moving again inside of me. “You feel so good, and it’s been so long. I’m not going to last long.”

  “It’s okay, just use me to make yourself come.” Apparently that’s the permission that he needs because he begins a delicious assault on my body.

  “All I’ve thought about since I put you on the plane to Houston was being inside of you again. I’ve thought about your gorgeous breasts that fit perfectly in my hands.” He squeezes my breasts showing me just how perfectly he can hold them as he slides in and out of me.

  “I’ve thought about your perfect fucking mouth and how much I like to fuck it with my tongue and my dick. Most of all, Charlie, I’ve thought about you. Holding you. Kissing your neck. Touching your gorgeous skin. Your fucking skin makes me hard.”

  He stops talking for a second, and I watch him get lost in his own rhythm of riding me. He throws his head back and his face and eyes contort into an almost painful expression as he finds his own release. When he’s finished, he rolls us on to our sides not breaking contact with our bodies.

  “You’re the most amazing woma
n in the world, Doctor Collins,” he says brushing my hair out of my face.

  I give him a shy smile, “I love you.”

  We hold each other enjoying the contented silence between us before I quietly speak. “Thank you for sharing the reporter’s notes with me. I’m happy that you let us handle this crisis together.”

  He begins to say something, but I put my finger over his lips silencing him. “I want to be included in the good and the bad because that’s what a real relationship’s about.”

  Colin starts moving his semi erect penis inside me and says jokingly, “the good” while he reaches down and pinches my nipple hard and gives me a devil smile “the bad.”

  I know that’s his way of ending our conversation on the subject, and I’m okay with it.

  “Well, Mr. McKinney, you’ve caused me to work up some kind of appetite,” I tease him. “Now, take me to dinner.”

  “Your wish is my command,” he replies while athletically leaping out of bed.

  * * *

  I rolled my eyes when Colin insisted on taking a town car to the restaurant. It’s only about a half mile walk from our hotel, but I was soon very thankful when I realized that my heels weren’t made for walking on the uneven, broken sidewalks of the French Quarter.

  Colin holds the door open for me as we walk into the restaurant. He places his hand on my back and guides me toward the hostess stand. The hostess is dressed all in black and is maybe twenty-years-old. Her blue eyes immediately flash in recognition. She gives Colin a flirty smile and smoldering eyes. The look she gives me is not near as friendly.

  “We had reservations for eight o’clock. Colin McKinney.” Then in his awe shucks voice, he says, “We got a bit delayed.”

  “It’s alright, Mr. McKinney,” she coos. “We held your table.”

  Of course you did. We’re an hour late, but he’s Colin.Fucking.McKinney.

  We follow her cute, perky, swishing behind as she shows us to our table. God bless Colin. He keeps his chin up and doesn’t seem to notice her best ASSet. When we arrive at our table, Colin pulls the chair out for me and pushes me into the table once I’m seated. Then, he takes his own seat.


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