The Webster Grove Series

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The Webster Grove Series Page 11

by Puckett, Tracie

I slid it off my wrist and looked inside.


  “I'm honored to be part of your family, Cal,” I wiped a tear. “Thank you.”

  “Well,” he smirked. “I figured one way or another you'll end up a Rivera anyway, so the engraving seemed fitting.”

  “Well, you're taken,” I smiled. “So, I'm guessing you know of another Rivera that might be...gee, I don't know... perfect in every way?”

  He let out a laugh suitable for Santa Clause. “You Ghijk women have impeccable taste in men.”

  “Hear, hear!” I said, happily while taking a moment to look around the room. “Not that this isn't enough, but you mentioned there's another present?”

  “Oh, yes! Gran sent something over for you.” I followed him into the living room where he plucked a long, purple box off the couch and passed it to me. “She gave me strict orders to give this to you before tonight.” I started to open it. “Wait, this first.”

  He handed me a large, manila envelope. I reached inside and pulled out a stock sheet of paper; fully illustrated with a one-of-a-kind, hand drawn dress design by Adriana Holbrook. “Oh my God...”

  “Now the box,” Cal urged.

  I tore through the wrapping paper and lifted the lid. I was suddenly fighting to stop a stream of tears. “She did this for me?”

  An exact, physical replica of the hand drawn design was folded neatly inside; a forest green cocktail dress, complete with a red waist belt and color complimenting sequins.

  I, Abcdef Ghijk, owned my very own, irreplaceable, priceless piece of artwork by the most incredible fashion designer to ever walk the planet.

  “I guess you like it?”

  “Understatement of the century, Cal.”

  I pulled the dress from the box and held it to my body.

  “But the gift comes with one condition,” he continued.


  “You have to wear it tonight,” he said. “Gran and Pops are in town for the weekend. They're staying with Alex and they've decided to have a last minute Christmas party. Nothing too big, just family.”

  “And I'm invited?”

  “Steph... you're family.”

  Saturday December 24 5:30PM

  “Where are you?” I yelled, throwing pillows and blankets as I searched frantically.

  “Baby,” Mom came into the room. “We're already running late. Whatever you're looking for can wait until tomorrow.”

  “No, it can't,” I snapped. I tore through my book bag one last time, looking in every nook and cranny until there was nowhere left to look. “This can't be happening...”

  “What's going on?” Calvin stepped beside mom.

  “Baby lost something,” she threw her hands in the air. “What in God's name are you looking for and why can't it wait until after the party?”

  “Forget it,” I said. “It's gone.”

  I crossed my arms and pouted the whole way to the car. Childish, yes. But I couldn't believe the one thing I wanted to give Alex tonight had disappeared into thin air.

  “Look at you,” Adriana said as we walked through Alex's front door ten minutes later. “That dress is marvelous, sweetheart. Where in the world did you ever find such a thing?”

  “Thank you,” I said, sincerely. “I can't even begin to tell you how much this means to me.”

  “Only the best for the best,” she winked.

  “Oh,” I shook my head. “I kept meaning to thank you for the Thanksgiving basket you sent over last month. Every time I thought to mention it you were nowhere around.”

  She wrinkled her forehead. “Basket?”

  “The meal...”

  She continued to stare at me, puzzled. “I'm sorry, honey,” she said. “I didn't send anything on Thanksgiving. I was in New York for the holiday.”

  “Oh,” I said, feeling like a complete idiot for embarrassing myself in front of the only woman I'd ever idolized. “I guess I'm just a little mixed up.”

  “No problem,” she smiled, looking at the plate in my hands. “You brought cookies!”

  “Yup,” I smirked. “Completely, 100% homemade... by Calvin.”

  “You can take those to the table,” Adriana grinned, giving me a gentle tap on the butt.

  Gorgeous. Wit. Spunk. Class. Sass. Adriana Holbrook was a God-given angel. No wonder her grandchildren turned out the way they did.

  I moved past the decorated tree and into the kitchen where I found Alex standing over a tray of freshly baked gingerbread men.

  “Do all the Rivera boys know how to make their way around a kitchen?”

  He turned and smiled, unable to hide his wide-eyes as he stared at me from across the room.

  “Wow, Steph...”

  “You like it?” I twirled in a circle. “It's a genuine Holbrook.”

  “You''s...the dress...” He shook his head and bit his lower lip. “Beautiful.”

  I blushed as I freed my hands from the cookie plate. “What sparked the sudden interest for a Christmas party, Mr. Grinch?”

  “I figured I ought to get some use out of all these decorations.”

  “I like the way you think—”

  “Plus,” he added. “I put out one decoration of my own this year that I'm pretty anxious to show off.”

  “You did?” I looked around, praying to see mistletoe. “Where?”

  “You'll find it—”

  “I will?”

  “Soon enough.”

  I shrugged. “I'll take your word for it. In the meantime, anything I can—”

  “Steph, come in here, I have someone I'd like you to meet,” Calvin called from the living room.

  “I guess I'm going now,” I turned out of the kitchen.

  “Steph,” Calvin said. “This is our grandfather, Emilio Rivera.” He turned to the tall, graying Hispanic man and patted him on the back. “Pops, this beautiful gal is Caroline's daughter, Abcdef.”

  “Well that's a name if I've ever heard one,” he said, skipping a handshake and embracing me in a large, incredibly comfortable bear hug.

  “Wow,” I said, with genuine honesty. “Gotta love those Rivera hugs!”

  “That's what we do best” Emilio said, pulling his wife closer. “Adriana, does this young lady remind you of anyone?”

  The couple smiled at me, in agreement about something ... but I had no idea what.

  “Um... who, if you don't mind my asking?”

  “Mia,” they said in unison.

  “Wow,” Calvin stepped back. “I never really... wow, she does, you're right.”

  “Your mother?” I asked Cal.

  “There's definitely a resemblance.”

  I closed my eyes, trying to ignore that three people had just confirmed that I bear a striking resemblance to the mother of the man I … something.

  Without another word, the couples walked away chatting, making themselves comfortable in front of the roaring fire.

  “Happy birthday, by the way,” I heard a heart-melting voice whisper in my ear. I turned to stand face to face... practically nose to nose with the sexiest high school teacher I'd ever seen. “Can I steal you away for a second? I have something for you.”

  I nodded, running my hands over my now goosebump covered arms. I checked to see if anyone in the group had noticed our closeness, but the happily coupled foursome was caught in merriment of laughter.

  Back in the kitchen, Alex walked to the counter and plucked a small box from a basket. As he extended his arm to hand me the gift, the door swung open.

  “Blake!” Alex looked past me and rushed to his brother. “Merry Christmas!”

  The man's eyes widened in response to Alex's gesture. “Hey, man,” he pat him on the back. “Yeah, you too.”

  “Steph, this my younger brother Blake,” he said. “Blake, this is Steph.”

  “Caroline's daughter?” I watched him run his eyes down my body. From my feet to my legs and all the way up my torso until he finally met my gaze. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” I said, slightly offended.

  “I heard you're celebrating a birthday?”

  “The big 1-8.”

  “Happy Birthday to me,” he said, rubbing his hands together as if he were going in for the kill.

  “Knock it off.” Alex slugged him in the arm.

  “I'm going to go... mingle with the family,” I said, hating to leave Alex behind but praying to get away from his incredibly creepy brother.

  I returned to the living room where Emilio was telling elaborate, goofy, and possibly exaggerated stories about each of the boys as they were growing up. By the sound of things, after their parents passed away, their grandparents ended up with sole custody of all three of them. With Adriana's global business expanding by leaps and bounds, I can't imagine she was around to help their grandfather with the upbringing.

  “Baby,” mom turned and whispered. “I could use a glass of water, if you wouldn't mind.”

  “Yeah,” I nodded. Because getting it yourself would just be too hard...

  I moved across the room and stopped just short of the kitchen

  “What's the deal with Steph?” Blake asked from the other side.

  I pressed my ear against the door, guiltily eavesdropping on the conversation from the other end.

  “She's an excellent student,” Alex said. “Straight A's. And as talented of a designer as Gran—”

  “I think I'm gonna ask her out.”

  “Whoa!” Alex said loudly. “She's Caroline's daughter, Blake.”

  “Yeah, so?”


  “Married into the family,” Blake said.

  “Besides, she'd laugh in your face at the very idea.”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “How do you figure?”

  “Because she's not even single, man,” Alex told his brother.

  “Yeah, but they just moved to town a few months ago. It can't be anything too serious—”

  “It's the real deal,” he said.

  “A kid from school?”



  “It's really none of our business, okay? Just let her be. And try to ease up a bit. You scared the poor girl to death.”

  After deciding the conversation had officially moved elsewhere, I pushed through the door.

  “Hey guys,” I said. “Come join the party. Your grandfather is in story mode.”

  “Wonderful,” Alex shook his head. “How much blackmail do you have on us?”

  “Not much on you guys, but Calvin should watch his back.”

  “He was always a daredevil,” Alex said.

  “I'd say,” wholeheartedly agreeing. “He is marrying my mom, after all.”

  “Did you need something, sweet cheeks?” Blake interjected.

  “Actually, yes. Caroline is requesting water.”

  “I'm on it,” Blake said, walking to the refrigerator and pulling a bottle from inside. “Find me later and we'll talk.” With a cheesy grin and failed attempt to wink, he walked out of the room.

  I stared at Alex and raised my eyebrows. “And he's the cop?”

  “Hard to believe, huh? It's like they'll give anyone a badge.”

  “I'd say...”

  “I'm sorry about him,” he said.

  “No problem,” I pursed my lips. “I don't have to worry. After all, I heard through the grapevine I'm in a pretty serious relationship-”

  “You heard that?” I nodded. “Again, I'm sorry. I didn't know what to tell him. He's relentless when it comes to single women. I didn't want him breathing down your back all night—”

  “It's okay,” I shook my head. “You didn't really lie to him, so don't feel bad.”

  His body shifted and he stood a little taller. “Wait... what?”

  “I'm not in a relationship,” I said, taking a step toward him. “But my heart already belongs to someone. As far as I'm concerned, that means I'm as good as taken.”

  He took in a large breath and closed his eyes.

  “Steph,” he said. “We may not get much time alone this evening. I'd like to give you your gift now before it gets any later.”

  Chapter Eight

  Saturday December 24 8:00PM

  “Your gift comes in two parts,” he said. “The first is in this box. The second requires us to step outside for a moment.” He walked across the kitchen and pulled his coat off the hook next to the back door. “What are you waiting for?”

  “I thought the second gift was outside.”

  “If you want either of them,” he said, placing the coat around my shoulders. “You'll follow me.”

  With a wink he turned, and I followed. We stepped out onto a small, wooden deck that overlooked a snow-covered yard.

  “Cold,” I shivered.

  “We won’t be long,” he promised, placing the small box in my hand. “Open it.”

  I pulled the lid off the top and stared inside at a piece of folded, pink, flowered paper.

  “Is this-”

  “Yes,” his eyes lit up.

  “I looked everywhere for this today,” I said. “How did you--”

  “I had Calvin sneak it out of your bag this morning.”


  “Don't be upset with Cal, I put him in an awkward position and I probably shouldn't have.”

  “I was only mad when I couldn't find it,” I said. “I wanted to give it to you... which makes me wonder, why are you giving it to me?'

  “Unfold it.”

  I pulled the paper from the box. Tears filled my eyes as I read:

  A heavy heart can’t bear the weight

  Coincidence or destined fate

  I do not want to hesitate…

  Do you?


  I have a dream to keep you near

  And losing you is all I fear

  So tell me that you will be here...

  Will you?


  A pulse can’t rest when on the rise

  Sparked by the longing in your eyes

  I feel there’s more than is implied…

  Do you?


  If things aren't always as they seem

  And you can dare to dream a dream

  Consider us a future team...

  Will you?


  I know they say that love is blind

  An intervention of divine

  Now I believe the stars aligned…

  Do you?


  Our love would be a surefire crime

  But I will wait the given time

  If you would say that you’d be mine…

  Will you?


  I know I shouldn’t wonder such

  But something tells me in your touch

  You want to make the two an us…

  Do you?


  Committing is a risk to take

  To run would be a huge mistake

  So say that you'll be my keepsake...

  Will you?


  I know for sure that this love

  A love that I'm unworthy of

  But I believe we'll rise above...

  Do you?


  You asked if I believed in fate

  I'm sorry that my answers late

  I never meant to make you wait

  Forgive me?


  “What this means,” he said, using his thumbs to wipe tears from my cheek. “Is irrelevant until you graduate. I'm crazy about you, kiddo. But my job means the world to me. So, if you're willing to wait—”

  “Try and stop me,” I grinned. I shivered as a large gust of wind brought snow dusting down from the rooftop. I didn't want to ruin the moment and tell him how cold I was; though I knew he could see it in my eyes.

  “One last thing,” he whispered. “Then you can sit by the fire for the rest of the night.”


  “My decoration,” he nodded at the frame above the backdoor.

  “Mistletoe,” I smirked.

  “Had to bring it outside,” he nodded. “You can understand.”

  “But I thought we had to wait-”

  “Think of it as... something to look forward to.”

  His hands found my cheeks as he gently pressed his lips to mine.

  I kissed Alexander Rivera for what felt like an incredible eternity. Finally apart, noses still brushing, I closed my eyes and smiled.

  “Merry Christmas, Steph,” he whispered, running his fingers through my hair.

  Merry Christmas, indeed.

  Secrets to Keep

  “Secrets to Keep” is a fast-paced contemporary chick lit novella for teenage/young adult audiences; the third in a five-part series.

  Secrets, secrets, are no fun! And with each day that passes in Webster Grove, eighteen-year-old Steph is learning that lesson the hard way. Between dodging stares, kisses, and mixed signals from the man of her dreams, Steph has more on her plate than she can handle. With wedding plans officially underway for the Rivera/Ghijk wedding, Steph is working overtime to lose weight and finally fit into a tiny bridesmaid gown. And if all that's not enough, she's pulled into a lie that forces her to start holding up appearances with a new (fake) boyfriend. With her three best friends at her side, and one beautiful man in her heart, Steph has to decide if 'happily ever after' is worth the wait...


  Saturday December 24

  I should have been freezing.

  Christmas was on the horizon; only four hours away to be exact, and the temperature had hit fifteen degrees with a negative wind chill. The snow had picked up, adding to the three inches that had accumulated earlier in the day. Icicles were frozen in place. The smoke from the chimney disappeared into the dark, winter sky.


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