Exposure Season 1 e-1

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Exposure Season 1 e-1 Page 14

by Tonya Muir

  "Ah, no." I hold it out to her. "You’re a big girl now. You know how to feed yourself. I’ve seen you do it."

  She takes the apple, then pushes off the wall to stand up. She stretches, reaching high above her head and twisting at the waist a little.


  "Yeah, I’ve got to admit, I’m not accustomed to sleeping on a hard floor. Besides, lugging the gear around has taken its toll on my back. I get an adjustment once a week, but I had to miss it to come here."

  "Lay down."

  She turns to me. "What?"

  "Lay down. On your stomach," I add. Just so she’s clear on my intentions. Actually, that doesn’t really make any difference, but … Jesus, Kelsey, get a grip on your hormones.

  She shakes her head a bit, as if able to read my thoughts, but does as I tell her.

  I move over her and straddle her lower back. I try not to concentrate on where our bodies are touching. Rubbing my hands together to warm them, I lean down to speak into her left ear. "Do you trust me?"


  "Okay, good. Lay your arms at your side, take a deep breath, and hold it."

  Again, she does as I ask. I position my hands alongside her spine. "Now, exhale." She does. I apply a slight pressure with an upward movement, and I hear and feel everything move back into place.

  "Ohhhh God, that felt good," she groans. She lifts her head and turns to look at me, her eyes conveying ultimate pleasure.

  God, she has bedroom eyes.

  "Where in the hell did you learn to do that?"

  "My grandfather had a bad back. He taught me." I get up and move back to the breakfast tray before I do anything I might regret.

  She rolls over onto her side, and props her head up in the palm of her hand. "Your grandfather?"

  "I spent a lot of time with my grandparents as a child. My folks were never really meant to be parents."

  "You’re an only child then?"

  "Yes, thank God. I’m glad they did that right."


  I shake my head. "Nothing. Never mind."

  "’Kay." She stands up and moves to the door, listening first, then she raps on it with her knuckles. "Hey!"

  I’m a bit surprised when she gets an answer. "Whaddya want?"

  "The lady needs use of the facilities and I wouldn’t mind the chance either." She looks over and gives me a little wink. I can’t help but smile.

  She steps back when the lock turns, followed by the knob. I get to my feet dusting my hands off as the door opens. Another gun wielding man looks in at us then waves the barrel of the gun at me. "You first."


  That was an honest to God growl I just heard from Harper.

  "We go together. You’re not separating us."

  "Lady, I got the fucking gun." He explains this slowly, as if she might be mentally impaired.

  "Only because I choose to let you keep it," she replies with the same tone. "You’re not separating us. We came in here together, we stay that way."

  I watch as he tightens the grip on his gun as he considers this turn of events. It’s clear he believes hostages are supposed to be easy to intimidate. Harper isn’t. I wonder if she’s serious about him only having the gun because she lets him keep it. For some reason I am inclined to believe her. She turns and offers me her hand, which I am more than willing to take.

  As my hand slides into hers, she gives it a little squeeze. "Come on, Little Roo."

  As we walk past him, Harper moves me in front of her and keeps her hands on my shoulders. She glances around, checking for her gear, I’m sure. I look over and am relieved that it’s still there.

  "Bathroom is right there." Our guard points to a door at our left.

  Harper opens the door and looks in. "Well, at least it’s indoors," she mumbles as she opens the door further. "You guys never heard that little saying about cleanliness and godliness?" She directs this comment to our captor, who scowls at her, but doesn’t reply. "You go first." She gives me a wink as she allows me to go in. I leave the door ajar just a little and I see her place her body right in front of it. From my vantage point I can see her standing there with her legs slightly apart and her arms crossed.

  "You stay right there, butch," she warns as she holds up a hand in challenge to our guard. "Let the lady have some privacy." She reaches back and pulls the door a little tighter, but still leaves it open just a bit.

  Now it’s Harper’s turn. Somehow I don’t think I’m going to be the imposing door sentry she was. Though I quickly realize I won’t have to worry about it; she refuses to close the door. She motions for me to turn around, which I am more than happy to do, more for my own peace of mind than to offer my partner privacy. Our guard stares, however.

  "She got something you never seen before?" I ask as I cross my arms. He blushes and turns away, finding the wall more interesting.

  Very soon I hear the toilet flush and her zipping her jeans. She washes her hands in the grimy sink. Her mother taught her manners. I’m impressed. Our guard motions us back toward the room.

  Harper pauses as she points to a pile of blankets on a shelf. "I want a few of those." He acquiesces and she retrieves a couple.

  As he opens the door, I hesitate as my brain takes in the small room. Oh God!

  I feel a sweaty hand on my arm and I hear that growl again.

  "Get your fucking hand off her!"

  Before I’m sure what’s happening she has his wrist in her hand and is prying it away from my arm.

  I turn to see him stick the gun in her ribs. He says angrily, "Let go of me and get inside or I’ll pop you right now."

  "Touch her again and I’ll break your worthless neck," she hisses as she pushes his hand away. She makes a show of wiping her hand on her jeans.

  I take a deep breath and step back into our cell. Harper follows, but only after her stare down is ended by a poke in the ribs from the barrel of the gun. She moves inside but blocks the door with her body. "Tell your boss I want to see him too." After her last demand, she steps back and he closes the door.

  She turns to me with a smile. "You okay?"

  All I can do is nod.

  "You know, I just get you to come out of the closet and then I end up in one. Ironic, huh?"

  I look around and begin shaking as the walls begin closing in on me. I feel the sweat break out on my forehead as the tunnel vision starts. I can hear my breath becoming ragged.

  "Shit! Oh Christ, Kels, I’m sorry, I forgot."

  I hear her and I can feel a blanket going around my shoulders but my vision is blurring and I’m shaking uncontrollably.

  "Breathe, Kels. Come on, take long, deep breaths and relax. I got you!" I can feel her arms around me. "Come on, Kels, take a long, deep breath. Listen to the sound of my voice. Close your eyes and listen to the sound of my voice."

  * * *

  I finally have her calmed down. She’s resting with her head in my lap as I comb my fingers through her hair. This is a universal calmer for upset women, I’ve discovered. I first discovered it with my little niece, Caitlin, but I’ve tried on a variety of sized females. All respond very well.

  A glance down at Kelsey leads me to think she might be sleeping. I can’t really tell. She still shivers from time to time even though I have covered her with two of the blankets I procured from the nimrod outside the door.

  Then there is the occasional whimper she emits. You know sometimes fear, pain and pleasure all have sounds that are very much alike. Those sounds leaving my partner’s body make me not help but wonder what she sounds like in the throes of passion. One thing is for sure, if I ever want to find out, I have to get us out of here.

  "Harper?" she says, her voice quivering.

  "Yeah, Little Roo."

  "Can I tell you something?"

  "Sure you can."

  She rolls over and opens her eyes. A single tear slides down the side of her face as she looks at me. "I’m scared and I don’t want to die."

  I wonder what
this admission has cost her. "Don’t worry about anything, Kels. I’m not going to let anything happen. ‘Sides Chambers would have my ass if I let something happen to the Talent. Now, can I tell you something?"


  "I think for someone who’s claustrophobic you’re doing really well."

  "It helps having you here. Your voice is very soothing."

  I can’t help but laugh hard. My voice has been called a lot of things. Soothing ain’t one of them. Especially not with some of the things I’m rather fond of saying. "Well, you be sure to let me know if my voice, or any other part of me, can be of service."

  "Actually," she says as she sits up and runs a hand through her hair. "Hold me. Please?"

  It’s not really a question or a demand, more of an expectation. One we both don’t want to disappoint. I find myself opening my arms to her. She moves into them easily and snuggles in, laying her head on my shoulder. I can still feel the tension in her body as I enclose her in my arms. She is truly terrified. "I got you, Little Roo. Just relax."

  She nods, her chin brushing the cotton over my breast. I scratch the base of her neck instinctually. She looks up at me and our eyes truly meet for the first time.

  Ah, what the hell. We may end up dead anyway, despite my assurances to Kelsey, so I may as well take the chance. I pull her close to me, molding our bodies together, noticing how her breasts fit under mine, how good she smells, how green her eyes are, and a thousand other small details. I duck my head closer to hers. Our lips barley brush against each other, as if it were almost an accident.

  It isn’t.

  Oh, they are as soft as I knew they would be. I must have more of them. I don’t feel her resisting in any way. As a matter of fact, she is moving closer to me, sliding her arms around my neck, tangling her fingers in my hair.

  The request is made and she opens up to me. Our kiss is long, deep and passionate. God, she tastes good. No wonder Elizabeth flies across the damn country to have more of her. I’d crawl.

  I hear her moan and I know that we have to stop before it’s too late. Before dipshit outside hears us and interrupts, perhaps violently. Hesitantly, very hesitantly, I pull back and the kiss ends.

  She simply looks at me for a long moment before she closes her eyes and puts her head back on my shoulder.

  Just after she does, the door opens. She tries to pull away, but I won’t let her. She simply feels too good against me. I look up to find Scamp staring down at us.

  "What in the hell!" he growls as he steps in.

  Well, that answers the question about how they feel about same sex relationships. Fuckin’ psycho religious wacko bastards. I say, in as calm a tone as I can manage, "She’s sick and she’s scared. She’s claustrophobic and this place is getting to her."

  "She’s what?"

  "She has a fear of small places, nimrod. It’s making her sick to be in here. Now if you don’t want more problems than you already have, you might want to find us better accommodations."

  "Pushy bitch, ain’t ya?"

  "Worse has been said about me, asshole."

  "What’s keeping me from killing you right now?"

  I watch as his hand tightens around his own gun. Kels never looks up but I hear a slight whimper and feel her shiver.

  "You know as well as I do that you’re using us as leverage. We’re hostages. You think you can get something for us. My guess is this whole little coup of yours is taking place under police observation. Your junior assholes went into town, stirred up more trouble, fled back here with cops on their tails, and you used the situation to your advantage. You’re now barely in control of the compound, supported by armed teenagers stupider than you, and – most likely – surrounded by the local police force. Your only hope of getting out of this with your head still attached to your worthless and unattractive body is using us as bargaining chips. If you have any clue at all, you’ve figured out that this woman here is worth a ‘Get out of jail free’ card for you. She’s gold. And without her, your ass is grass."

  We share a long, hate-filled stare. He knows I’m right. I know I’m right. As I feel Kelsey stop shivering, I know she knows I’m right.

  Finally, he barks, "Get the fuck up! Now!"

  I nudge Kels reluctantly and help her to her feet. I manage to keep the blanket around her as we get up. There’s no way in hell I’m letting go of her and Scamp can see that. He’s challenging me, and I’m challenging him right back. Don’t fuck with me, fella. I have tricks you can’t even imagine in that tiny, sick little mind of yours.

  He motions us out of the room with the barrel of the gun. We begin a slow walk down a small corridor which is fortunately lined with windows. I take a deep breath when I get a good look outside. I can see up the slight slope surrounding the compound. There, on the ridge, are cops of all kinds and the National Guard surrounding the place.

  Just fucking wonderful.

  Well, if the ATF doesn’t get involved, we might survive this.

  And, ooh, does it feel good to be proven correct. I’ve never been happier to see that many guns around me. Well, except for that one time in the Bayou, but that’s a completely different story.

  "Cops," I whisper to Kels who still has her head down and her eyes closed. "Lots of cops."

  I feel her clutch my shirt.

  "We’re okay, Little Roo. Just keep walking."

  We are finally put in another room. A much larger one with a window that has wire and bars over it. At least now we can see out and keep an eye on things. This room also has two cots. I take Kels over and lay her down. "Rest."

  "Don’t leave me."

  "I’m not going anywhere, Kels. Relax." I run my fingers through her hair then stand and turn to face Scamp who has arrived in the room quietly.

  "I want airtime," he says as he slings the gun over his shoulder.

  "Everyone wants airtime, buddy. We’re a nation of television-worshipping freaks. Why should you be any different?"

  "Because I have a gun."

  "Hardly different. Shit, half the fucking high schoolers in the nation carry an illegal handgun."

  "I have a gun and I’ll use it on her." He flicks it toward Kelsey.

  "You’ll only have one try. And you better pop me first. Because, I swear to God, if you even think about hurting her, I’ll kill you."

  "I want airtime," he repeats.

  "Well, get my gear and we’ll see what we can work out in exchange."

  "Exchange? Exchange for what? I’m holding all the cards here."

  "Really? Can you run my camera?"

  He shuffles for a second then orders one of his flunkies to get my gear. "Exchange for what?"

  I jerk my thumb over my shoulder. "Let her go. I’ll stay and run the camera. She’s just a reporter. If all you want to do is run your mouth, you don’t need her."

  "We’ll talk about it," Scamp grumbles before pulling the door shut. As it closes, I hear him mumble something that really sounds like ‘feminist bitch’.

  I turn to Kels and grin. "Wonder how he’d feel if I called him a gun-toting, Nazi son of a bitch!" I lift my voice for the last five words.

  I watch as Kels sits up and takes a deep breath before she turns to me. "I’m not."

  "You’re not what?"

  "Leaving you in here by yourself."

  "Kels, let’s be rationale about this."

  "Don’t argue with me, Harper. I’m not leaving you and you can live with it. We have a story to tell here. And we’re going to tell it together."

  I shake my head a bit. She does manage to pull it together when the chips start falling. I do admire that quality. And her breasts. I like them too.

  She stands, crossing to the window. "The light and the larger room help. I’ll be okay."

  "Kelsey, don’t be difficult…"

  She spins around to look at me with a little smile on her face. "Hey, I’m the Talent here. Being difficult is in my contract." Her grin widens a little as she steps forward and runs her hand u
p the front of my denim shirt from my waist to shoulder, right along the seam of buttons. "Wouldn’t want me to do anything to jeopardize my contract, now would you?"

  In so many ways, on so many levels, Kels. You have no idea. "Uh, no," I manage to lie.

  "Didn’t think so," she pauses as she looks to me, "partner."

  I smile and nod. I believe, for the first time, she really means it when she calls me her partner. Now all we gotta do is work out that ‘not in a sexual sense’ detail.

  "Okay, partner," I clear my throat a little as I take her hand from my shoulder. God, her hands are soft. "I won’t ask you to do something you don’t want to do." Okay, now that is a bit of a stretch. I would, but it’d be in the bedroom and involve a blindfold and a feather. Besides, I think she’d like that anyhow.

  The door opens and two of Head Nimrod’s Junior Nimrods bring my gear in. Christ, boys, I haul all this shit myself. What’s the matter with you? I want to say it out loud, but that might actually entice them to fuck the gear up. And I don’t want to do that. Chambers will have my ass for Kelsey being held hostage as it is. If I come back with even a scratch on the equipment, he’ll piss himself for sure.

  As I’m going through my gear, several things occur to me. I’m going to need fresh batteries from the van, and by this request, Scamp is giving the police a direct line into the compound. As I kneel by my gear, Kels joins me.

  "Anything I can do?"

  Short of getting naked and letting me cover your body with mine? Instead, I say, "Yeah, dig all my batteries out of my pack, will you?" I slide the bag over as I give the Betacam a good going over.

  "Well, well, look at what I found." She is laughing at me as she holds up my secret stash of Twinkies.

  I snatch the package and toss it to the bed, grumbling good-naturedly. "Great for a quick energy rush," I explain. "Besides, I enjoy licking the cream out with my tongue."

  I knew that would get a groan. She doesn’t disappoint.

  I decide to have mercy on her and distract her. "Tell me the story here, Kels."

  She sits back on her heels, and considers my request. I watch as she silently runs through a few leads. Finally, she says, "How about this. ‘The public image of "cults" is one of mind-control, occasional violence and social irresponsibility. But that’s just one part of the story. We came to Omaha, Nebraska, to look at a different kind of cult, one that calls itself the Chosen Family.’ What do you think, Tabloid?


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